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Every Small Business And Entrepreneur Needs The Media

Business owners are always looking for ways to stand out from their competitors. Bruce Serbin, owner of Serbin Media, shares why you should be prominent in the media.

College Grads Can Make The Best Businessmen

A lot of business professionals make the mistake of looking at the college crowd and viewing them as young kids who do not have enough knowledge or experience to make it in the real world just yet. Kevin Kaiser of Startup Biz Blog says that's the wrong way of looking at them.

7 Necessary Components For Your New Business Plan

The business plan is an essential first step as you begin to consider opening your own business, argues Lyndsey Freeman.

Four Apps For SMBs For A Less Stressful 2013

In case you are thinking about New Year’s resolutions, here some new tech solutions for SMBs recommended by Xenia von Wedel, VP at SocialRadius that would definitely help to make 2013 more efficient, time saving and altogether less stressful.

Top Things To Consider When Buying New Technology

With the rapid rate of development in new technology there is no surprise that this is the fastest growing sector of the market. Whether it is the latest smartphone, or a digital camera that also makes toast, pretty much everybody has enjoyed the guilty pleasure of indulging in a new gadget of some kind, shape, or description. Here are some tips when looking to buy the newest technology.

Raising Funds For A Traditional F&B Or Retail Startup

Over the past two weeks I've received at least five emails asking for startup advice, three of which were retail F&B startups that needed to raise funds. Here are some ways they can do so.

Are You Building A Business That’s ‘80 Miles Wide and An Inch Deep’?

It never ceases to amaze Lonnie Sciambi, the Entrepreneur's Yoda, how many small business owners think that having multiple sources of revenue, often across multiple market types is a good business model. Here's what he thinks of the lack of focus.

Your Path To Greatness

Success is defined in different ways by different people, but more and more it has become synonymous with money and status. But Ben Newman, author of "Own YOUR Success:", says there's another way.

Knowing When It’s Time To Sell Your Startup

When is the best time to sell your company? Christopher Wallace, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Amsterdam Printing, offers a few case studies from similar startups that can provide valuable insight to the entrepreneur.

How To Be Successful By Turning Away Customers

Just being a better version of a competitor isn't enough. Instead, a company must differentiate. According to freelance marketer and co-founder of Tortuga Backpacks, Fred Perrotta, you must turn away some customers.

The End Of Marketing As We Know It

A number of signs point to an inconvenient truth for many businesses: Traditional marketing is on its way out. In place of this broken model, America’s most innovative companies are implementing new, more authentic techniques based on peer influence and community building. Bill Lee explains how you can join them.

Can You Really Overhaul A Nation’s Customer Service Culture?

Can an entire nation transform its culture into one that’s good for citizens, visitors, and businesses? Yes, says Ron Kaufman. The paths of Singapore and now Mauritius prove the power of uplifting service — and these nations stand as harbingers of hope for companies seeking to compete in a tough global marketplace.

Why Business Leaders Need A Vegas-Mindset To Successfully Grow

For many top-level business leaders, business growth is a gamble they aren’t sure how to approach. Professors Ed Hess and Jeanne Liedtka provide insight on how to think differently about this essential aspect of running a business.

Using CD/DVDs To Improve Your Business

Is the CD or DVD dead? No, argues Adrian F. Wilson, who says CDs can still be used by small business owners to help improve their business. He shares how.

Why More And More Internet Companies Are Failing And How To Prevent This

In the past, a lot of Internet businesses failed because they lacked a serious business plan. Here are five reasons why more and more internet companies are failing, and how this can be prevented.

[Infographic] Young Professionals And Risky Tech Behavior

The problem with a lack of care when using tech devices is that it can lead us to a world of Internet hurt. Here's an infographic that shows what kind of risky tech behavior many of us are prone to, as compared to those from other countries.

Why The Future Of US High-Tech Is Bright

Despite the recent market jitters - Facebook, Zynga and Groupon have lost between 33% and 52% of their market value in recent months - Enrico Moretti, author of "The New Geography of Jobs", believes the long-term prospects for the US innovation industry, of which the technology sector is an integral part, remain bright.

Three Advertising Techniques With The Power Of Change

The sheer number of marketing techniques available to the modern company can be overwhelming. Here are three methods with proven results.

12 Compelling Reasons Your Teen Should Work

Building experience, self-reliance, and important skills are among some of the best benefits many teens see from part-time work, and they're among the best reasons for teens to get an after-school job.

Cloud-Based Data Storage: A Potentially Powerful Alternative

Server-based data storage is becoming a popular alternative to even top-of-the-line data storage devices because it does away with the physical storage medium altogether.

Improving Conversions Through Gamification: sneakpeeq

While much of gamification is hype - Gartner says that gamification is still early in its hype cycle - there are specific examples of how gamification has helped drive success for some technology startups.

Why Twitter’s API Changes Screws Startups – And Twitter

Some developers of Twitter powered applications are faced with impending doom with Twitter's new API changes. Ben Thomson, developer of Twythm, is not sure how or even if they can stay in business.

7 Historical Business Figures Who Shunned Higher Education

Not a lot has been said about business figures from history that left school behind for a better life. Here are some of the biggest names in business history who all decided they could do better without school.

Backseat Leader: Ten Creative Ways To Lead Change When Someone Else Is Running The...

Being an advocate for change, regardless of where you fall in the organizational chart, can put you in the position of being a team leader — and someone who has great career potential, say Christina Tangora Schlachter and Terry Hildebrandt, authors of "Leading Business Change For Dummies".

Why Digital Resumes Are The Way Of The Future

Not only does the cloud make it easier to connect with employers, it may render traditional resumes completely obsolete, says Jeff Spears.

Creating Company Culture Without Going Back For An MBA

Julianna Davies delineates what it takes to create an effective and productive company culture and how none of them require an MBA.

9 Big Businesses That Began In College

Each of the nine businesses listed below began in college, and in some cases, with no initial profit motive in mind.

Four Ways To Boost Innovation

Walter Lim looks at a short video from Harvard Business Review by Innosight Asia-Pacific managing director Scott Anthony that gives four ways your company can ingrain positive practices that help to spur tomorrow's inventions and breakthroughs.

11 Brilliant Businesswomen Who Were Way Ahead Of Their Time

Here are 11 amazing businesswomen who made a living, and in some cases a fortune, through their own ideas and business ventures in times when women were afforded little power, voice, or independence of their own.

Making Work Pay: Should You Hire Contractors Or Employees?

To replace higher-cost employees who have departed for one reason or another, it has become common practice to hire independent contractors on a per-project or fixed-term basis. The employer-contractor relationship confers a number of benefits on both parties, but it presents some risks as well.