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What To Do When Bank Loans Aren’t An Option

When those situations involve the need for cash, financial institutions can be distant allies indeed. But with personal asset lending, says Paul Aitken, CEO and founder of Borro, strong net worth individuals now have an avenue beyond banks, one that is fast, convenient and responsible.

Learn And Adapt – Keys To Startup Success?

"If there was one factor where (Mark) Zuckerberg truly differentiated himself from other entrepreneurs it was probably his ability to learn and adapt.”

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Google+

Google+ is more than just a “wannabe” social media outlet, and can give you much more clout than you might imagine. WebpageFX's Alicia Lawrence explains.

Top Five US Cities With Pleasant Environments To Live And Work In

These US cities range in convenience from the number of available full time jobs to relaxing scenery, tax-free shopping, and coin-free parking. Here's a glimpse at the nation's best cities to live and work in:

10 Ways To Win In 2014: An Entrepreneurs’ Guide To A Successful Startup

Melissa Thompson, CEO of TalkSession offers 10 tips for the entrepreneur (or entrepreneur-to-be) to run a successful startup.

Seven Rules For Making The Sound Of Silence Work In Your Favor

Communication consultant Geoffrey Tumlin explains why the best thing to say can sometimes be nothing at all and how you can use this tool to your advantage.

There’s No Such Thing As A $100 Start-Up

One of the latest fads in the entrepreneurial world is that anyone can start a business with just $100 in their pocket. But author of “8 Unbreakable Rules For Business Start-Up Success“ Sean Castrina says there is a reason that sounds too good to be true. Because it is. He outlines the real cost of starting a business.

3 Reasons High Schools Should Teach Entrepreneurship

It’s time for high schools to catch up to the needs of their students and make entrepreneurship part of the curriculum. Entrepreneurial consultant and speaker Wheeler del Torro explains why.

‘Tis The Season . . . To Decide

January is the perfect month to begin thinking about your business because your successes, failures, and frustrations of the past year (or years) are still fresh in your mind, and you're more likely to be guided by reality, says Bill McBean, author of "The Facts of Business Life: What Every Successful Business Owner Knows that You Don’t".

A 2014 Social Media Forecast

The past year saw some radical developments in social media – witness the rise of Vine and Snapchat – and 2014 looks to promise more of the same. Jessica Oaks highlights some social media predictions for the coming one.

Breaking The VC Business Model For Next-Gen Investors

Dan Soha, of San Francisco's Five Mill Ventures muses on his ideas for creating cash-flowing startups.

The Real Reason Resolutions Fizzle (And How To Change That In 2014)

If you’re one of the 92 percent of Americans whose New Year’s resolutions fail, you might assume you have a willpower deficiency. Not true, says Brian Moran. The real problem is that a year is just too much time — switch to 12 weeks and you might finally reach your goal.

The Santa Solution To Finding And Keeping Good Employees

Behind every great entrepreneur proudly stands a support group of men and women who shared in the vision and the work, who contributed their mite to the effort that brought top results and accolades all around. Just ask Santa Claus, saysJeffrey Kadlic, co-founder & managing partner of Evolution Capital Partners.

3 Inefficient Operations To Clean Up In Preparation For A 2014 Boom

Being a startup doesn’t mean you can avoid planning ahead, and taking time to prepare for 2014 will help your startup avoid some serious growing pains. CEO of NSR Tim Edwards highlights some of the most common inefficiencies to eliminate before they become major problems.

Ethical Brand Development From The Ground Up

The most effective brands are those that have made explicit statements of ethical guidelines they follow. By setting out your business on a path of ethical behavior, you’ll not only earn recognition and esteem, but also a brand that can grow and thrive virtuously.

From Loyalty Programs To Fan Clubs, A Paradigm Shift

Traditional loyalty programs are expensive, heavy, and ripe for disruption. Social media can help blow away existing paradigms and replace them with simple, inexpensive “Fan Clubs”, says Aneace Haddad, CEO & founder of Taggo.

The New Bottom-Up Economic Revolution

Today, while most of the money remains in the hands of the richest 1% of Americans, technology has unleashed the capabilities of ordinary Americans to take matters into their own hands, crafting their own livelihoods – creating, in effect, a Bottom Up economic revolution, argues Bill Clerico, CEO and co-founder of WePay.

Talented Women: Please Do Not Quit.

Sramana Mitra, founder of One Million by One Million, has a word of advice to all talented women: Do not quit. Become an entrepreneur. Do not risk losing your sense-of-self.

How To Find Good People

Here's a compilation of top tips learnt over the years to recruit the best people by Sean Blanks, marketing director of

The Power Of Trust In Business

Leadership relies on persuasion and persuasion relies on trust. August Turak, author of "Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks: One CEO's Quest for Meaning and Authenticity", shares how his experiences with the Trappist monks of Mepkin Abbey gleaned some valuable lessons on how to get and maintain trust:

Eight Ways To Keep Work From Spilling Into Your Season Of (So-Called) Joy

The holidays are stressful enough; the last thing you need to add to the mix is unfinished work. Brian Moran provides some unique, pre-holiday break planning advice to help you get it all done before you take off.

A Keyne Way To Coach Employees And Improve Performance

The distinction between progress meetings and all other meetings is simple and elegant and makes all the difference in changing the context of the meeting. Bruce Hodes, author of "Front Line Heroes", explains more.

Risk Avoiders Are Opportunity Missers: 10 Excuses Business Owners Make

Nobody likes the uncertainty and stress of going out on a limb and (let’s be honest) putting your business at risk. But making the safest bet rarely leads to success. Tom Panaggio shares 10 excuses that keep you in your comfort zone — and missing great opportunities.

5 Core Values For The Workplace

The trouble with workplace values is that the list grows easily and can cause many employees to lose their focus. Robert L. Dilenschneider, author of "A Briefing for Leaders: Communication As the Ultimate Exercise of Power" suggests how to prioritize.

Achieving User Engagement With A Website

Jared Whitehead looks at how you can draw your user into your website and make them never want to leave.

Overcoming The Kiddo Factor

Being the youngest person in the room means she has to go above and beyond to earn the respect of her more senior colleagues and overcome the “kiddo” factor, says Dana Kaye of Kaye Publicity.

5 Reasons Why An Entrepreneur’s Network Is The Ultimate Asset

Nurture your network; maintain your relationships. It is the innate power of a good founder’s network that will turn napkins into products and products into successful businesses, argues Melissa Thompson, CEO of TalkSession.

Keeping A Struggling Business Afloat

Times may be bad, but your business can get through it. Stacey Thompson shares a number of ways how some entrepreneurs have stemmed the tide and led their companies out of a difficult spot.

Eleven Ways To Create Real Employee Engagement From Ground Up

Without a doubt, “engaged” employees are more productive, more creative, more loyal, and have a proven positive impact on the bottom line. But according to Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey, no initiative can create them if you’re getting the big things wrong.

The Good Ol’ Boy Decline: 8 Tips To Help Women Take Over The C-Suite

Consider this: a 2011 Harvard Business Review study found that adding more women to a group increased the collective intelligence of that group. Adding more men? No increase in intelligence. Vickie Milazzo, author of "Wicked Success Is Inside Every Woman", says it’s time for women to rescue the traditionally male-dominated business world from itself.