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Are Your Questions Sabotaging Your Relationships?

Most people don’t put much thought into the questions they ask — a mistake that can cause relationships to deteriorate and misunderstandings to abound. Geoffrey Tumlin shares seven tips to help you become a better questioner — and as a result, build better, more productive relationships at work and at home.

5 Rules For Becoming An Intellectual Maverick

Life requires more than a whisper of wisdom. Whether we want to improve our relationships, spiritual development, emotional well-being, health or monetary ambitions, we so often find that we’re our own greatest enemies, says venture capitalist Julian Pencilliah and author of the new book, "The Jetstream of Success".

Are You Losing Money By Staying Too Niche?

Niche businesses almost always originate from an identifiable need in the marketplace. But for every one that works, there are many more niche ventures that never quite get off the ground, says Joshua Conran, senior partner at Deksia.

BUZZ Doesn’t Equal BUY: Three Factors To Look For When Seeking Stocks With...

Recently, buzz-worthy stocks like Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix have dipped significantly. Rich Karlgaard explains why these dips are happening and what they mean for investors.

5 Free Platforms Entrepreneurs Should Be Using To Manage And Streamline Their Business

Scott Hirsch, founder and CEO of Appsbar reccommends five free platforms that anyone can use to streamline processes, gain customers, and ultimately grow their business.

How The Most Innovative Companies Create Wonder And Inspire Consumers

Innovation is at the heart of any awe-inspiring product, and a standardized process for innovation is essential to keep ideas moving, says James Monsees, CEO and Co-Founder of Ploom.

Usage Of Jargon: When To Avoid It

Jargon is powerful stuff – making language both more efficient and less accessible, and you have to know how to use it effectively, says Stacey Cole, human translation evangelist for One Hour Translation.

Don’t Be A Donald (Sterling, That Is) – 5 Lessons For CEOs And Business...

Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, makes headlines today for his racist remarks captured on audio and published on TMZ over the weekend. Brian Fielkow, author of "Driving to Perfection" looks at what CEOs and business leaders can learn the Donald Sterling debacle.

Why Small Teams Win: Eight Reasons To Stick To The “Two-Pizza” Rule

Say goodbye to the overcrowded conference table. Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard explains why 8-to-12-person teams lead to the highest productivity.

Smart Like VanDerveer: Four Lessons Leaders Can Learn From The Coach Of Stanford’s Women’s...

As the Stanford Cardinal heads into the Final Four, Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard says business leaders should take notice. He says the team’s coach has a fascinating career arc — one that sheds light on what “smart” leadership really means.

14 Things Your Employees Are Dying To Hear From You

Todd Patkin shares 14 phrases that will help you connect with your employees so that you can boost their morale and motivation this spring.

Stop Fighting What You Don’t Love And Outsource The Nonessential

Trusting others with tasks that aren’t central to your business can help you grow your business without growing your payroll, says Sean Broihier is the founder and CEO of Fine Art America and

4 Old School Marketing Metrics Not To Use

For years click-throughs have been the most important metric for marketers, but the intense attention paid to clicks has also slowly revealed some of its biggest problems as a measurement of audience attention. Robb Begg, CMO at Introhive, discusses this and other old school marketing metrics that get in the way of marketing in the new era.

Don’t Follow The Buzzwords For Small Business Technology

While there is a strong temptation for micro businesses, small businesses and start-ups to be distracted by the latest technology fads, business owners should be very wary because information on new technology also comprises hype from vendors trying to sell products.

The Business Owner’s Personal Journey – Following Your Intuition To Improve Your Business

David Wimer, author of "Insight: Business Advice in an Age of Complexity", believes that without fact finding and intuition, it is difficult to find solutions to complex business problems. He offers a few of his methods for drawing upon the power of intuition.

Seven Tips to Help You Finish Your Work Faster (So You Can Enjoy Your...

As the evenings continue to get warmer and longer, the last way you want to spend them is hunched over your desk, working on your never-ending to-do list. Andy Core shares seven tactics to help you change the way you approach your day, so that you can get out of the office earlier.

6 Texas-Style Business Lessons That Every Entrepreneur Can Take To The Bank

When it comes to business in Texas, you don’t mess about. Here are 6 unmistakably Texas-style business lessons – unwritten codes of behavior that everyone notices and no one forgets – to stand the test of time.

Collecting Business Cards Isn’t Enough: Seven Ways To Supernetwork Your Way To Success

In most careers there are 20-25 relationships that truly matter, says Andrew Sobel. Knowing how to segment these contacts out from the others makes all the difference. He explains how to recognize and cultivate your “critical few” — and how to handle the rest.

How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?

Emotional intelligence is becoming a buzzword in the corporate world. In fact, more managers are starting to value emotional intelligence over IQ, says Molly Reynolds, Director of Business Development for LUCID Public Relations.

Seven Tips To Successfully Crowdsource Video Projects

These days, with the near-prerequisite to include digital, social and mobile components to B2B marketing campaigns, it’s more important than ever to produce high-quality video content to deliver your message in a memorable way. Nick Pahade, CEO of Poptent offers seven tips that can help you pull off your crowdsourced video projects without a hitch.

Want A Better Startup? Hire Diverse Interns.

Bringing on a diverse fleet of interns into your startup can change a stationary workforce with varying experiences, learning styles, and success stories, argues Nathan Parcells, co-founder and CMO of InternMatch.

Need To Know: Answers To The Questions That Every First-Time App Developer Asks

Scott Hirsch, founder and CEO of Appsbar shares with the first-time app developer a few helpful tips below that come as a result of his own experience in what was once an uncharted territory.

Building A Successful Event Planning Business

Glenn Orloff, CEO of Metropolitan Shuttle offers some tips for hanging your shingle as an event planner, and building and maintaining a successful event planning business.

The Rise Of Tablet Shopping And What Online Retailers Need To Know About It

Retailers who are not optimizing for tablet shopping are missing opportunities and will continue to do so until they make the tablet experience a priority, says Shaylee Rogers, marketing coordinator for Show. See. Sold..

The Ten Things Inventors Should Never Do

Patricia Nolan-Brown, author of "Idea to Invention: What You Need to Know to Cash In on Your Inspiration" and inventor of the original rear-facing car seat mirror, offers advice on the top ten traps that many inventors fall into that they should avoid.

When The Mobile Evolution Turns To Revolution

The democratization of app building has created a new paradigm, says Scott Hirsch, founder and CEO of Appsbar.

Home Workers Are Happy Workers: How Your Business Can Benefit From This Growing Trend

One aspect of modern business methods that is seemingly constantly up for debate is whether home workers are as productive as their office-based colleagues. Tim Browns sees if this growing trend can help your business to prosper with this flexible approach to employment.

Why Wilmington, Delaware Is The Best Place To Start Your New Business

Savvy new business owners should seriously consider Wilmington, Delaware as a prime start up location, argues

Five Tactics To Help You Snatch Record Profits From The Jaws Of Defeat

If your business’s first quarter numbers aren’t looking good, you may be tempted to throw in the towel. But Suzanne Evans says there’s still time to turn this ship around. Here, she shares five tactics that just might salvage your bottom line.

Bottoms Up Everyone: A New Economic Revolution Is Upon Us

The Bottom-Up Economic Revolution is a massive shift in the way we think about commerce, one that is made possible thanks to platform businesses — the online marketplaces, small business cloud-based companies and crowdfunding sites out there, says Bill Clerico, CEO of WePay.