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Get Started With The Metaverse: Best Practices To Create Such An App

By mastering the metaverse trends of today, you can communicatw your brand’s ideas and products to your intended audiences.
employee training

Does Social Learning Benefit People Of All Socioeconomic Backgrounds?

Businesses that want to maximize their talent development efforts will find social learning to be the only tool capable of unleashing an organization’s full potential.

7 Drivers Of Startup Community Activity

Chris Heivly shares the seven basic cornerstone drivers of activity with respect to startup communities and entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Do Constraints Cripple Your Team… Or Ignite Their Creativity?

When we approach boundaries and limitations with the right mindset, we unlock a wellspring of creative power. Gary Harpst offers some tips to create a constraints-busting culture.

Leveraging Second-Hand Equipment For Capital Efficiency, Savings, And Sustainability

The modern second-hand market can increase capital efficiency, help companies achieve profitability faster, and grow their business more efficiently.

Stop Building Large Departments: The Advantages Of Smaller Teams

Build small teams. A smaller team has a common purpose and level of intimacy that often leads them to come in early or stay late to get the job done.

Four Companies That Cast Off Their Constraints And Innovated Like Crazy

Gary Harpst looks at four companies that famously vaulted over limitations to create something completely new.

The Benefits Of Writing And Publishing Your Own Thought Leadership Book

Writing and publishing a thought leadership book can be a powerful tool for establishing yourself as an expert in your industry, thereby increasing your visibility and credibility.

Focus On People Over Tasks To Give Your New Role A Flying Start

Whether you’re promoted to a new role or just hired at a new company, It’s essential that you initially focus on people over tasks, says Liesbeth van der Linden.

The 3 + 1 Essential Success Skills Every Business Leader Should Master

Alex Brueckmann shares some of the critical skills and insights that every young entrepreneur needs to develop to create a thriving business and build a life filled with happiness.

Unique Obstacles LGBTQ+ Business Owners Face And How To Overcome Them

LGBTQ+ business owners face two key obstacles in building and maintaining a successful company: access and representation.
young woman in office

Is The Four-Day Work Week Here To Stay In The US?

Remote work, hybrid work, the right to disconnect, unlimited paid time off, and now, the modified 4-day workweek, are here to stay.

The Importance Of Giving Back To The Community

Leaders who believe in giving back to the community stand to build better businesses, stronger communities, and more meaningful legacies.

Why Believing In Your Own Vision Is Paramount To Success

If you’re looking to found your own business and make it successful, your own vision has to be paramount, says Mike Fata.

3 Tips For Learning To Trust Yourself & Unlocking Your Greatest Potential

Trust is an essential ingredient for happiness and a vehicle for expansion and growth. Ingrid Christensen shares three things that helped her develop trust.

Workday Microstressors Wearing You Down? Here’s How To Defuse Them

It’s not the big catastrophes that wear us down; it’s the combined impact of lots of smaller stressful events. Michael Frisina says these microstressors trap us in lower brain thinking where fear and anxiety reign. Here’s how to defuse them before they ruin our day.
older man talking

Stop Interrupting People

Interrupting women is the norm in the business world, and it’s a disgrace. A tremendous amount of value is lost when people are constantly interrupted.

Why You Need To Develop Your Non-Technical Skills In Your Working Life

Make time for building relationships with others and working on your non-technical skills in your career. You will reap the rewards – both in terms of navigating your professional life more easily and progressing your career.

Innovating For Common Good

Innovation solves the issues society faces at each level, meeting demands of our physical safety, human collaboration, and social, cultural, and economic change.

What You Need To Know About The Short-Form Video Trend In 2023

Short-form videos are here to stay. They are an excellent way to communicate a message in a concise and engaging manner.

In Business, Treat Yourself And Others Well

It is too common to find leaders forgetting about their own wellbeing, says Thane Lawrie. CEOs need to take care of themselves as well.

Beyond “Us And Them”: A New Approach To Inclusion

While so many inclusion programs focus on fervent advocacy for single groups, inclusion should come from a “humanity” standpoint, says Amri B. Johnson.

Bulletproof Your Goals Through Gamification

Struggling to stay motivated and accomplish your goals? Gamification can make achieving your goals more engaging, rewarding, and fun.

4 Streaming Trends For Brands To Watch In 2023

As we approach 2023, advertisers will be exposed to even more opportunities to reach their target audiences via streaming television.

The Power Of The Network

Don’t be afraid of turning on the power of your network. After all, you miss all the shots you don’t take. But keep in mind, it is important to reach out to the right network.

We’re All Playing A Game. The First Step Is Making The Rules.

The most successful entrepreneurs are those who make moves that bring them closer to what they want — and those priorities are based on who they are rather than others’ idea of success.

3 Reasons To Pick A Specialty As A Realtor

It can be challenging to choose your niche in real estate. But targeting a narrow niche can help realtors gain a competitive edge over others.

Identifying What You Want To Change

Identifying what to change and trying new behaviors is the crux of growing as a communicator, argues Michelle Gladieux.

The Critical Shift In Corporate Gifting

The past decade has brought on a major change with corporate gifting, how companies perceive gifts, and the types of gifts their employees, vendors and clients enjoy.

4 Questions To Consider Before Investing In A Passive Income Opportunity

Litan Yahav shares the four questions you need to consider before investing in a passive income opportunity.