Thinking Aloud
How To Be A Truly Ludicrous Startup Leader
An entrepreneur who leads with the four I’s - inspiration, innovation, insulation and integration - can unleash his or her organization’s creativity and reap the rewards., shares Paresh Shah, founder and CEO of Glimpulse.
“Joinership” Is The New Leadership
There’s another component more important than strong leadership — an element that rarely gets the spotlight, because it’s all about not stepping into the spotlight, says Nick Goode, Global Commercial Director of Sage One. He talks about “joinership”.
5 Tips For Marketing Your Store For Small Business Saturday
Now in its sixth year, Small Business Saturday, the holiday shopping day that falls between seasonal icons Black Friday and Cyber-Monday, is finally coming into its own. Nicole Larrauri, President of The EGC Group shares 5 tips for making the most of the Small Business Saturday, the day consumers are focused on supporting Main Street outlets like yours.
How IE’s Market Readiness Grant Helps Singapore Businesses Expand Overseas
For Singapore businesses wanting to grow, overseas expansion can be a necessity considering the small size and population of the country. The government recognizes this and provides funding to businesses big and small through the Market Readiness Grant (MRA) administered by IE Singapore. Azhar Katib of WebSell Solutions Ptd Ltd shares details of the grant.
How Community Involvement Can Help Your Startup
There are plenty of ways for startups to give back to the community and many of those ways don’t require a lot of capital, says David Adams, founder of HomeSuite.
The Authentic Introvert Entrepreneur
How do introverts maintain authenticity in the face of calls to conform to an extrovert expectation, especially as entrepreneurs? Beth L. Buelow, author of "The Introvert Entrepreneur" looks at the six best practice habits of this particular type of person.
Top 5 Tips To Keep Your Office Safe During Your Holiday Getaway
the holidays are also the time of year when thieves kick their activities into high gear, looking for unguarded homes and businesses to burglarize, cautions Herman Yau, co-founder and CEO at Tend.
The World’s Central Banks And Their Respective Economies Are Junkies
And their heroin? Monetary stimulus, argues author of “Money & The Human Condition“ Douglas Obey.
The Top 5 Holiday Scams To Warn Your Employees About
This holiday season could be the most wonderful time of year for cyber criminals, according to digital identity company ThreatMetrix. Stu Sjouwerman, founder and CEO of KnowBe4 recommends that business owners warn everyone in their organizations that cyber criminals are going into overdrive this time of year.
6 Tips For Starting A Business With Your Spouse
Starting a business with your spouse can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you have as a couple. Cenaca Cyprian, co-founder of Instant Christ™, shares a few things you should take into consideration if you are planning to start a business with your spouse.
Closed Door – Open Calendar And The Dreaded “Quick Question”
Small business owners are the absolute best at being approachable and attentive to their employees. But, oh how quickly things go awry when visitors treat your availability like a doormat, says Dave Crenshaw, author of "The Myth of Multitasking: How "Doing It All" Gets Nothing Done".
The 20/20/20 Rule: A Road Map To Marketplace Success
When you think about new marketplaces in the tech industry, you must consider how they affect the three key stakeholders in the equation: the consumer, the seller, and the marketplace itself, says TX Zhuo, managing partner at Karlin Ventures. He shares his 20/20/20 rule.
Luxury Brands Can Cash In With Gamification
Increasingly, businesses are starting to adopt gamification for marketing and brand awareness initiatives – not merely for purposes of production output or efficiency.
Outsourcing Technology Alleviates Payroll Burden For Startups
There are few things more integral to your credibility as a company than your ability to pay people in a timely and accurate fashion, and then make the proper deductions and tax payments. So how do you get payroll started in the beginning? Andy Roe, General Manager of SurePayroll, Inc. shares.
Open Enrollment Advice: What To Think About When Selecting Health Insurance
Open enrollment is now in full swing until the end of January – which is the time when insurance carriers are required to accept all applicants. Shaun Young, founder & CEO of Ardina, shares some tips to help every American better understand how to select the right healthcare plan that meets their needs.
3 BYOD Risks And Solutions For SMBs
Although an attractive business model, BYOD can also introduce huge risks for employers. Brian Sutter, Director of Marketing, Wasp Barcode Technologies shares 3 biggest BYOD risks and (affordable) solutions for small businesses.
Why You Should Run Your City Like A Startup
City officials aren’t the only leaders that can benefit from an entrepreneurial approach, says Below are three reasons we run our city like a startup, and how your business can be successful doing the same
Momentum Ventures: Three Reasons Your Teams Need To Be In House
Momentum Ventures CEO Matt Keezer shares three reasons why he thinks teams working on multiple projects work better under one roof.
6 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Stay-At-Home Dads
The number of stay-at-home dads in the U.S. has surged to roughly 2 million, a 90 percent increase since 1989, according to a recent study by the Pew Research Center. Entrepreneurs should take a page out of the stay-at-home dad handbook and apply these six invaluable lessons for growing a budding business, says Gerry Hays, DinnerCall founder and CEO.
Passwords Are Here To Stay
Passwords have been the first line of defense for cyber security since the earliest days of the Internet, but predictions that new technologies will make passwords obsolete have been around almost as long. Bill Carey, Vice President of Marketing & Business Development at Siber Systems Inc. ponders the future of the password.
[Infographic] 27 Striking Facts Most People Don’t Know About Startups
Did you know, for example, that there are some 4.8 million startups in the United States alone? Or that Indonesia has twice the number of startups compared to Italy? Here's an infographic that takes a look at some of the interesting numbers surrounding the startup world.
6 TED Talks All Entrepreneurs Should Tune In To
Fabiola Stein, Sage’s Global Head of Marketing for Sage One shares a list of my favorite TED Talks for you to add to your personal 2015 “lesson plan”.
3 Social Media Marketing Musts for Introverts
If you’re an introvert and want to promote yourself or a product, all you need is an Internet connection and a plan. Kim Staflund, founder and publisher of Polished Publishing Group (PPG) and the author of "Successful Selling Tips for Introverted Authors", shares how.
Considering Employee Safety In Startup Mode
Employee safety is a significant part of daily business operations. This is true for small non-manufacturing businesses to large scale production and manufacturing, says Lewis Robinson.
Basic Accounting And Legal Aspects That Every Business Owner Should Know
by Cristian Rennella, founder of Mejor Trato
As the title suggests, we are talking about basic knowledge that we should keep in mind from the very...
Do You Want An MBA For The Right Reasons?
In the tumultuous and intimidating world of entrepreneurship, the prospect of an MBA can be a divisive thing. Ben Williams, CTO at Reelio Labs says you need to ask yourself these six vital questions before enrolling.
5 Simple Ways To Spruce Up Your Home Office
Jennifer Tuohy offers five quick and easy tips for decorating your workspace and making it a more colorful and inspirational place to be.
Self-Promotion Done Right: 6 Ways To Show Your Value At Work Without Bragging
In today’s intensely competitive, hyper-social work world, self-promotion is no longer just a professional responsibility. It’s a career survival skill, argues Rick Gillis, author of "PROMOTE!: It's Who Knows What You Know That Makes a Career".
Cheap Ways Validate Your App Idea And Get Early Users
Understanding your users and the problems they face is an essential element of building a successful product. Depending on what you're trying to learn, Mark McDonald, co-founder and co-CEO of Appster suggests some possible ways to reach out.
Three Megatrends That Will Affect Everybody’s Business
Professor Dominique V. Turpin, president of IMD looks at three of many future megatrends that will not necessarily determine what will happen, but will most likely have a big impact on everybody’s business in the coming years to decades.