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5 Ways To Reduce Stress And Boost Immune System While Social Distancing

As COVID-19 continues to spread and we make lifestyle adjustments in response - such as social distancing - the challenge is to maintain your mental and physical health in light of mounting stress. These strategies will help.

Can Your Business Thrive Despite Economic Challenges Like Coronavirus?

Before the appearance of the coronavirus it was easy to believe that the cash will just keep on flowing. Paul Sparrow say you need to relook at your business and see how it can weather the storm.

Machine Learning Is Your Secret Weapon For Customer Acquisition

Machine learning is the AI focal point for your customer relationship management (CRM) tool and can be the key to boosting your customer acquisition, says Chad Ruff, Chief Technology Officer at Swiftpage.

How to Successfully Pitch Your Self-Help Book

Marketing a self-help book on a topic beyond health and wellness can be tricky. Julia Ivy, PhD, author of "Crafting Your Edge for Today's Job Market" shares how you can do it.

Best Tips For Working Virtually – Setting Up Your Business To Work From Home

As more and more look to work from home given the present state of things, it’s important to know some ways to implement it. Diana Ennen shares some tips on how you can stay productive while working from home.

Culture Makes The Difference

if products don’t make the difference, and great people are everywhere, then what separates one organization from another? Kevin Hancock says the answer is culture.

Are You A Necessity Entrepreneur? Ask These 7 Questions

Necessity Entrepreneurs are uniquely equipped to build exceptional businesses and inspire meaningful change in their industries, says Troy Underwood. Here's how to know you're one.

[Interview] Thomas Kane, Chicago Executive, Managing Director at Merrill Private Wealth Management

As a supporter of a number of local causes, Thomas Kane helps advocate and raise money for organizations around Chicago. He shares why one’s contributions really do matter.

4 Ways To Transform Your Side Gig Into Your Main Show

Shravan Parsi, CEO and founder of American Ventures, shares a few tips for those who long to shake loose from their current careers and venture into their passions, such as their side gigs.

Henry Ford’s $5 Day – A Decision That Changed The World

One decision can change everything. Here are the top lessons Robert L. Dilenschneider took from Henry Ford’s $5 Day decision that can apply to all of us.

The Fallacy Of Move Fast And Break Things

Ever since Mark Zuckerberg uttered the phrase “move fast and break things,” it has become the motto of many development teams. Dawn Parzych of LaunchDarkly says that may not always work.

Top 5 Esports Trends Entrepreneurs Should Keep An Eye On In 2020

Esports needs entrepreneurs, and now is the perfect time to get started, says Kevin Manship, co-founder of Gamer One. He shares a few trends happening in esports you should take note of.

7 Actionable Tips From Successful Co-Working Companies And Experts

Graham Beck offers some tips to build a co-working company that out-smarts the competition and provides the perfect solution for a diverse community of members that are more likely to settle into the space you’ve taken great care to create for them.

5 Ways Keeping A Journal Has Made Me A Better Entrepreneur

It's been 10 years since Paul Mayne has committed to keeping a daily journal. He shares 5 ways journaling has helped him and reasons you might want to try it.

3 Ways To Get Back Up When Your Career Knocks You Down

From the small business CEO who’s struggling mightily to the dedicated and long-valued employee who’s suddenly shown the door, valleys can be very hard to pull themselves out of.

The 5 Components Of Resting Hard

If you’re looking for ways to optimize your performance and enjoy life, you will gain a lot from building rest into your routine, shares Katy Kvalvik.

Your Company Can Either Lead Sustainability Efforts Or Get Out Of The Way

You can become a sustainability leader. You can follow others as they inevitability innovate ahead of you. Or you can be left in the dust, says Dan Lauer.

How Shaving My Head Changed My Business Approach

Entrepreneurship is all about making tough calls, yet no other choice seemed nearly as difficult as the decision to shave his head, says Chris Clifford.

Seven Simple Changes You Can Make To Start Influencing Others On A Higher Level

Karen McGregor believes that a true influencer is a natural connector, engager, and leader — someone who creates good outcomes for themselves and others.

Unique Requirements Of Leadership Today

What is needed to build a purposeful and profitable organization is a deeper understanding of human motivations and emotions and the ability to connect with employees at a visceral level, individually and collectively, says Sudhir Chadalavada.

10 Ways To Identify Opportunists, Time Wasters, & Bullshitters

There are some people you meet who are just a waste of your time. Among those are opportunists, time wasters, and bullshitters - Jack Colton, founder of shares 10 ways to spot them.

Curation Through Connection: Why Marketers Should Look Beyond Just Data

The availability and use of data still isn't quite as well-understood it could be in the world of modern marketing, says Eric Nalbone of Drum.

3 Real-Life Practices That Will Change Your Business — And Your Life

The time for conscious leadership is now. Be the you that shines your light on the darkness we’re experiencing, says Michael Bianco-Splann, author of "Conscious Leadership".

3 Resolutions To Be More Productive And Do Your Best Work In 2020

Charlie Gilkey, author of "Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done" shares three resolutions to develop into simple, specific practices that can help you achieve a whole new, more satisfied and successful you.

What’s Old Is New: The Secret Of Innovation

How do you get a creative idea? This question matters more and more in the modern world, as things change fast and you adapt to new problems or see new opportunities.

The Future of Work Is Not That Far Away

There is a ton of buzz surrounding the “Future of Work”, but the future is far closer than you might think. Cory Treffiletti, Global Head of Marketing, at Cisco shares his thoughts on the future of work.

Successful People Are Often Square Pegs In Round Holes, Fuelled By Self Doubt

Jack Colton, founder of says the most successful people amongst us are oftentimes also the most conflicted, unpredictable and seem to habitually struggle with an almost debilitating battle with their own self-esteem.

5 Questions To Ask Your Employer About Family-Building Benefits This Open Enrollment Season

Now is the time to educate yourself on the family-building benefits that will be available to you in 2020, says Peter Nieves, Chief Commercial Officer at WINFertility.

Losing Isn’t The Worst Thing: A Lesson In Purpose 

Losing not only part of life, but it’s also a very healthy part of life, one that’s vital to individuals and teams who strive to be the best version of themselves. Jason Caldwell explains.

The 5 Character Traits Of Extraordinary People 

Darren J. Gold, author of "Master Your Code: The Art, Wisdom, and Science of Leading an Extraordinary Life" says exceptional people typically possess five character traits. He shares what they are.