Thinking Aloud

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Do You Have The Mercedes Benz Syndrome?

Don’t have the “Mercedes Benz syndrome”, warns Ruth King, author of "Profit or Wealth?: Simple Rules for Sustainable Business Growth". Good cash management and savings will help prevent cash emergencies.

Taxes Are Good, Actually

Taxes suck, but they aren’t bad, any more than chemotherapy is bad because it sucks. They are how our community takes care of itself, says Eric Yaverbaum, CEO of Ericho Communications.

Manage Emotions To Manage The Unknown – 5 Steps To Stay Calm And Focused...

When the world around us seems to be going crazy, we may become distracted by feelings of fear, worry or dread. Joey Klein, author of "The Inner Matrix", outlines four steps to help you reset your internal state.

How Democratizing AI Will Impact The Future Of Businesses

The integration of artificial intelligence into our daily lives is an amazing thing to look forward to, argues Roland Polzin, co-founder and CMO of Wing AI.

Business Travel Decline Due To COVID And Environmental Concerns

The coronavirus has triggered a global change for corporate travel. Considering the pandemic, the environmental concerns and the shift to remote meetings, it’s not difficult to see that the future of business travel does not look bright.

How Technology Is Shaping The Future Of Lending In Australia

The future of lending is changing. With different technology-based ways to borrow and invest, people are turning their backs on traditional loan providers. 

The Quest For Ethics: 5 Ethical Practices For Businesses To Live By

Ethics or profits? It’s not a question at all as businesses are supposed to adhere to ethical practices.

How To Turn Difficult Times Into A Period Of Growth

A crisis always offers opportunity for growth and meaning. Career development and impact coach Katie Sandler offers tips on how to grow from difficult times.

Can You Make Money Online? How To Avoid “Scams” And Find True Success

Ian Pribyl, Founder of and author of "From Nothing" shares three pointers that will significantly reduce the odds that you get taken advantage of while trying to build your online business.

Mind Priming To Project Confidence, Boost Your Sense Of Self, And Overcome Gender Bias

Positive mind priming works because the way you “speak” to yourself internally affects the way you see yourself; the way you see yourself affects the way you act; and the way you act affects the impression others form of you.

How SMBs Are Going Fully Digital With No-Code Tools

No-code tools can help you go digital and reach your goals with the skills and budget you already have, whether you're starting or growing a business, insists Artem Ptashnik, CEO at Chatfuel.

In This Sink-Or-Swim Business Environment, Now Is Not The Time For Your Creative Teams...

Creative ideas are great, but only if we remember why we’re marketing something. Unfortunately, too many companies allow the creative tail to wag the dog, says Lonny Kocina.

The Struggles Of Small Business Don’t Bode Well For The Overall Economy

Small business owners hit hard by this latest recession must find ways to weather the storm. Andi Gray, president of Strategy Leaders shares a few suggestions for how they can do that.

These Seven Employee Behaviors May Well Predict Your Company’s Odds Of Survival

Too many companies keep their people trapped in the “old way” of working. If yours is one of them, you might not be around much longer. Ed Hess reveals seven key behaviors that are mission-critical for organizational success in the Digital Age — and a few red flags that show you might be in trouble.

Stepping Into The New Normal For FedEx

Global events have left no aspect of society and business untouched, and ‘new normal’ or ‘next normal’ has become – well, the norm, for all of us. Kawal Preet explains what the new normal means for FedEx.

GPT-3:  An AI That Makes Cars, Not Wrenches And What It Means For The...

Rudy DeFelice, CEO of Keesal Propulsion Labs shares a few reasons why some AI-based tools have struggled in the legal profession and how GPT-3 might be different.

Can Your Company Afford The Cost Of Not Having A Clear, Connected, And Inspiring...

When organizations lack a clear, connected, and inspiring cause, the impacts go far beyond failing short of revenue and profit potential, insists Dan Bruder, author of "The Blendification System".

Still Working From Home? Try These 4 Burnout Busters

Burnout isn’t just about work. For many of us, our jobs might be the place of sanity, and it’s home life that drains us. Eileen McDargh shares four burnout busters for working from home.

Diversity At The Top; A Pathway To Having Healthy Organizational Diversity

If you are experiencing tension and issues that involve gender, race and ethnicity, a place to look is how diverse is your leadership team, says Bruce Hodes, author of “Front Line Heroes“.

Building Your Company’s Next Five Years

Building an infrastructure for the current work-from-home, virtual office reality can be a challenge for many companies. Eric Schurke, VP Operations at VoiceNation shares his thoughts on how to adapt for a long-term strategy no matter what the next five years may bring.

Using A Podcast To Build Your Business

The podcast is a communication medium that’s grown exponentially in recent years, and more and more businesses are using podcasts to reach their audiences. Felicia Broccolo outlines some ways you can effectively use a podcast to build your business.

Four Tips For People Who Struggle To Unplug, Take Breaks, Recharge, Or Decompress At...

At the end of the work day, it’s important to decompress before stepping back into your home life. Robert Glazer shares 4 tips so you’ll end the workday happier, more accomplished, and less worn down.

Artificial Intelligence: The Secret Ingredient To Improving Patient Care

When deployed properly, artificial intelligence (AI) can offer significant aid to healthcare providers and patients. Patrick Howie, Founder and CEO of MediFind, shares how.

How Smart Assistants Went From Pocket Devices To Managing Offices

With the combination of top-notch artificial intelligence and human understanding, the decision is not between a technology investment or a full-time hire anymore —  it can be a mixture of both, says Roland Polzin, Co-founder of Wing AI.

The Challenges Female Business Owners Face

Female business owners face challenges their male counterparts do not even think about. But Hailey Brooke McFadden says these challenges only make women stronger leaders prepared for any type of hardship.

5 Trends To Watch In The Insurance Industry

Mark Williams, CEO of Brokers International shares on five of the biggest trends he's seen lately in the insurance industry and how they’re impacting insurance companies, financial professionals and consumers.

Do These 8 Things To Build A Successful Diverse Team

There are numerous benefits of having a diverse team, but not everyone knows how to build a team of experts. Hank Frecon shares his experience with his company Source Digital.

Worlds Apart, But On The Same Page

Remote employees need ongoing feedback related to goals and outcomes that are part of their evaluations. Now more than ever, it’s important for managers to provide that support.

COVID-19 – Accelerating The Destruction Of Corporate Arrogance

Modern capitalism inherently makes it harder for companies to adapt to technological changes the larger they get. And COVID-19 has exponentially accelerated the way things were going, points out Jospeh Heller, CEO & Founder of The/Studio Technologies.

How Gold Investment Saved My Small Business

For a small business looking to preserve capital, it makes sense to be as diversified as possible. Business owners should also consider whether a holding in gold is appropriate for your business.