3 Ways To Brand Your Startup Using Social Media
Start-up companies have much work to do to make meaningful social network connections. Read on to discover how to foster these bonds and brand your business online.
When Not To Grow Your Business
The pursuit of growth is no longer just a strategy; it seems necessary to most founders. Our lust for growth, however, comes at a cost. Here are some guidelines from Steve Musick, CEO of Destiny Capital for maximizing growth and sustainability without sacrificing your business in the process.
How Startups Can Benefit From Cloud Accounting
Sam Michaels, founder and managing editor of Cloud Accounting Today gives a few reasons why your startup should utilize cloud accounting software.
How To Be More Persuasive On Your Website
Social persuasion isn’t new, but making social persuasion a part of the very way a website is designed is a more recent idea. Kurt Smith suggests ways to make your website more persuasive.
Legal Issues Behind Running A Small Business
To make sure you don’t encounter any nasty surprises, here are the common legal issues behind running a small business you should be familiar with.
5 Core Values For The Workplace
There are many fine values, such as courtesy, confidence, ingenuity, thrift, and so on. Robert L. Dilenschneider, author of "A Briefing for Leaders: Communication As the Ultimate Exercise of Power" suggests five practical values that have foremost importance.
How SMBs And Startups Can Utilize The Cloud To Increase Their Bottom Line
Cloud computing offers many compelling advantages that can be game-changers. Mitch Wainer of DigitalOcean shares why.
5 Ways To Ensure Your Employees Never Miss Another Deadline
Here are a few simple ways to set your employees up for success, and give yourself more time to be a boss, and not a micromanager.
Five Ways For A Startup To Secure And Keep A Big Client
For a startup, sustained revenue is of paramount importance: a paucity of sales in one month could lead to bankruptcy the next. Scott Tarlow, CEO of Success Systems offers some advice for small business owners to catch – and keep – their first “big fish.”
A Very Keyne Way To Set Goals
Bruce Hodes, author of "Front Line Heroes" shares a goal setting process is powerful, useful and will also support you in having a productive and performance oriented organization.
How To Deal With Idea Killers Who Sabotage Your Company’s Best Thinking
Group brainstorming is a collaborative idea generation process that (theoretically) gets great results. Yet it takes only a couple of bad seeds to turn these sessions into unpleasant and unproductive nightmares. Mitchell Rigie and Keith Harmeyer, coauthors of 'SmartStorming', identify the most common offenders and pinpoint effective ways to handle them.
Eight Accounting Tips For The Aspiring Entrepreneur
Behind every successful entrepreneur is an excellent accountant - a natural number cruncher carrying a passion for payroll. Mark James of UK-based accounting firm Crunch offers eight accounting tips to help aspiring entrepreneurs.
Why You Should Background Check Your Business Partner
If you don’t perform a background check on your potential partner before doing business with him, you’re setting yourself up to get duped, argues Kenneth Coats, founder of eKnowID.
Team Up Right: Three Tips To Pick The Perfect Partner
By working together, businesses can build upon their individual strengths and brands to maximize their efforts and create a completely new experience for all of their customers, argues Whitney Keyes, author of "Propel: Five Ways to Amp Up Your Marketing and Accelerate Business".
Mobile Site: One Of Your Company’s Biggest Assets
Mobile devices are quickly becoming people’s preferred choice for web browsing, getting directions, sending emails, updating Facebook pages, checking Twitter feeds, and, most importantly, shopping. Barry Sloane, President and CEO of Newtek Business Services offers some thoughts on enhancing your mobile platform.
9 Ways To Give Effective Feedback
Founder & CEO of 15Five David Hassell offers 9 steps to effective employee feedback you’ll have a motivated and focused workforce; and you and your employees will benefit from working in an open and more communicative environment.
Back To Basics: Document Management Best Practices
Finding effective solutions for managing business data is one of the biggest obstacles businesses encounter in reducing costs, improving service, increasing productivity, and meeting regulatory requirements. Here are some tips from Matt Peterson, President and CEO of eFileCabinet.
Five Tools for Getting Along With Difficult Colleagues
Difficult co-workers add to your workplace stress and the happiness you experience in your work. Robert V. Taylor, author of "A New Way to Be Human" offers five tools for replacing negative energy and conflict in the workplace with life-enhancing energy and productive relationships.
Do You Put Clients Last? Ten Ways You May Be Failing Your Customers
Joseph Callaway points out ten ways well-meaning business owners may be selling their customers short — and shares the deceptively simple solution to erasing these habits once and for all.
3 Tips For National Advertising On A Small Business Budget
Looking to advertise on national TV? Here are 3 tips from Brian Cristiano, CEO of BOLD Worldwide.
Seven Key Steps To Achieving Maximum Brand Loyalty
To create a compelling brand, you have to capture more than just the market share, you capture the total mindshare – that is, minds, hearts, soul and the hence the unimpeachable trust of your customers, explains Libby Gill, author of "Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow: The Art and Science of Building Brands"
Are Summer Fridays Working For Your Business?
Summertime brings with it dreams of vacations and summer hour policies have become increasingly popular in recent years. Barry Sloane, President and CEO of Newtek Business Services, recommends several ways for a business to determine if such a policy is worth it.
[Infographic] That (Annoying PR) Thing You Do
Mynewsdesk and boutique PR firm PRecious Communications' Brands and Media Engagement Survey Report 2013 reveals some of the preferences and pet peeves of reporters and bloggers across Southeast Asia.
Hiring A Key Executive – Tips For The Hands-On CEO
The new hire process, particularly at the executive level, is a significant decision. Ali Behnam, co-founder of Riviera Partners, says there are there are some key factors that need to be taken into consideration for CEOs facilitating a successful search.
Six Pitfalls To Avoid When Launching Your Startup’s Website
Amy Johnson, community coordinator for A Small Orange, highlights some of the pitfalls startups should avoid when launching their websites.
Pinterest Is For Small Businesses, Too
Pinterest should be an accessible channel for everyone - not only brands who can invest millions in building up their presence. Danny Maloney, CEO and co-founder of PinLeague, offers 8 critical tips for small businesses on Pinterest.
How To Reject A Job Candidate The Right Way
Need to say, “No thanks?” to an aspiring job candidate you know will not fit your organization? Barry Sloane, President and CEO of Newtek Business Services, offers some tips on doing so humanely and with respect.
5 Ways The Superman Entrepreneur Isn’t A Team Player
Your Superman Complex may be turning off the very people you most rely on, says Prasad Kaipa, CEO Advisor and Coach of Kaipa Group, and coauthor "From Smart to Wise: Acting and Leading with Wisdom".
5 Traits To Look For When Promoting A Millennial
For millennials in management positions, it’s more about collaboration than command and control, shares Courtney Templin, Chief Operating Officer at JB Training Solutions and co-author of "Manager 3.0: A Millennial's Guide to Rewriting the Rules of Management".
4 Tips For Marketing… To Your Employees
You spend a lot of time and effort marketing to your customers and prospects: do you spend any on marketing to your own employees? If not, it's time you change that, advises Nilesh Bhojani, co-founder of Markitty.