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How Secure Are Your Documents?

While paper documents and locked filing cabinets used to be the mainstream way, now holding out against digitization not only makes you an anachronism, it could be putting your private information at unnecessary risk, points out Jesse Wood, CEO of eFileCabinet.

7 Easy Ways for Small Businesses To Increase Their Revenue

Brian Sutter, Director of Marketing, Wasp Barcode Technologies shares a number of ways your small business can look at to increase revenue.

Five Secrets A 25-Year Headhunter Wants You To Know

As a long-time headhunter, Jeff Hyman has been on the front lines helping companies to find & attract the best people to move their businesses forward. He shares five things he's learned that will help your company win the war for talent.

Top 3 Ways To Make A Good Impression At Work

Here are three things you can do to show that you are the best employee for the job to guarantee a great work relationship with your peers and superiors.

Outsourcing vs Automation: Is There A Difference?

While in the past, outsourcing has meant relinquishing a certain degree of control, today's outsourcing — the kind found alongside automation — adds control, says Ralph Perdomo, research analyst at Nvoicepay.

3 Qualities Of Effective Leadership In The Modern Workplace

The workforce today is not interested in being dictated to, giving absolute loyalty and working their way up to the top. If you are a savvy business leader, you will recognize this and use it to your advantage says Gary Douglas, author of "How To Become Money".

Making Remote Work, Work: Conversations Are The Key

For many small businesses, telecommuting can seem like either the perfect situation or more of a burden than it’s worth. Stacey Engle, executive vice president at Fierce Conversations shares some tips for those looking to offer telecommuting options to their employees.

Logistics: A Game-Changer For The Evolving Global e-Commerce Market

The global e-commerce market is exploding and is estimated to increase to $4.5 trillion in 2021. There are some powerful businesses that barely existed a decade ago that act as testaments to the extraordinary opportunities ahead of us, says Dr. Karen Reddington, President of FedEx Express, South Pacific.

Recruit Your Boss To Help Build Your Career

Is your boss taking time to help you nurture your professional dreams? If the answer is no, that can change. And you can be the person who makes it happen. Lisa Prior, author of "Take Charge of Your VIEW: Career Advice You Won't Get From Your Boss" shares how.

A 5-Step Plan To Assessing Your Business’s Sellability

Ryan Gould, Vice President of Strategy and Marketing Services at Elevation Marketing shares an easy five-step plan to evaluate just how sellable and valuable your business is, along with practical tips to ensure that your company is up to the mark when it comes pitching time.

5 Ways To Make Your Business Travel Stress Free

Basil Elotol, founder and CEO of Triphop, is an avid traveler who has traveled all around the globe and he's put together 5 ways a business traveler can make travel stress free.

Key Tips For Bridging the Generational Divide In The Workplace

Transforming from an entrenched and unworkable generational disconnect into a dynamic organization able to face 21st century challenges collaboratively requires key actions, says Kelly Riggs and Robby Riggs, co-authors of "Counter Mentor Leadership: How to Unlock the Potential of the 4-Generation Workplace".

How To Hire (And Fire) The Right People: Turn Your Startup Into the Efficient...

Hiring a great new employee isn’t just about reading resumes and throwing out the bad ones. It starts with attracting the right people, says Cyril Moukarzel, CEO and Co-Founder of LifeDNA.

5 Cs Of Servant Leadership

Leadership is not about telling people what to do. A true leader is one who knows how to serve, insists Vijay Eswaran, author of "Two Minutes from the Abyss: 11 Pillars of Life Management"

Why You Should Encourage Customer Reviews (And How To Do It)

Encouraging reviews offers a chance to grow your following and foment your brand identity while addressing individual complaints, says Megan Headley, Research Director at TrustRadius.

Six Companies That Were Targeted In 2017: Seven Lessons We Can Learn From Their...

If your company is not fast, creative, and adaptable, you may well be the next victim of an activist investor. Strategy consultant Amanda Setili explores what happened to some big names during the past year — and offers advice to help the rest of us avoid similar upheavals.

How A New Boss Can Be A Fresh Start

A change in leadership can feel disruptive to your life at work. But, is upheaval a bad thing? Disruption is a powerful force that can be harnessed for good, insists Cheryl Hyatt, partner at Hyatt-Fennell.

How To Manage Business Expenses Effectively

Tracking your business expenses is absolutely critical to managing a healthy cash flow. Anand Srinivasan, founder of shares a few ideas about better expense management.

Starting The New Year On The Right Foot

With the end of the year comes the busy holiday season, tax filing, and potential tax audits. Is your business prepared for tax season? Are your documents stored for simple, quick access in case of an audit? If not, Jesse Wood, CEO of eFileCabinet shares why you may need a document management solution to start off the new year.

Holistic Well-Being Is Integral To Leadership Success

It is particularly important for leaders to maintain their holistic health because a team is neither inspired nor motivated by leaders who are depleted, depressed, or disconnected, points out Tarra Mitchell, author of "The Yoga of Leadership".

4 Ways Leaders Can Help Their Company’s Culture Thrive

Some employees just aren’t into their jobs. But with the right approach, business leaders can improve their corporate culture and motivate employees to perform at their highest capacity, says Kerry Alison Wekelo, managing director of human resources and operations for Actualize Consulting and author of "Culture Infusion".

5 Reasons Why Javascript Frameworks Are Popular Among Tech Startups

In today’s digital era, learning JavaScript is almost necessary if someone wishes to get into web development and proficiency, insists Saurabh Hooda, co-founder of

Ready Or Not, New Partnership Audit Rules Are Coming

On Jan. 1, 2018, partnerships and LLCs will become subject to an entirely new and unfamiliar set of partnership audit rules enacted into law by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. Phil Karter from Chamberlain Hrdlicka (Philadelphia) explains why all partnerships and LLCs – even the simplest ones – will have to deal with these new rules to varying degrees of complexity.

Three Ways Customer Success Builds Extreme Engagement With Your Brand 

Membership Economy expert Robbie Kellman Baxter says the emerging field of Customer Success (not to be confused with the unrelated field of Customer Service) is a powerful way to engage customers in your product or service and maximize their lifetime value.

Top 40 Tax Deductions To Consider

Helen Johnson, Tax Manager at Sensiba San Filippo, shares their list of the top 40 tax deductions to consider this tax season.

Three Things You’ll Need In Order To Start A Charity

Wanting to start a charitable organization is an honorable pursuit. But you need to make sure you know what you’re doing - co-owner and Chief Strategy Officer at BlueCotton, Brad Wayland shares where to start.

What Is Talent Acquisition?

Talent acquisition is becoming an increasingly vital skill for HR personnel to have. In tech, jobs like software architect, mobile developer and QA engineer have significant talent shortfalls, and knowing how to identify quality candidates who can fill these positions and excel in them is necessary for HR staff.

Why You Shouldn’t Bother Growing Your Facebook Page

Growing your Facebook page is not worth the effort - the rewards just aren’t high enough. There are much better ways to grow your business, says Johnny Whitfield, co-founder of Electric Growth.

How To Build Trust With Potential Clients

Trust binds communities together, enabling them to do together what they cannot do as individuals. It is also a critical prerequisite to selling consulting and professional services successfully, insists Tom McMakin, author of "How Clients Buy".

3 IT Bottlenecks You Can Start Tackling Today

Process bottlenecks can result in stressed employees, wasted time, unhappy clients or customers, and lost revenue due to low-quality outputs, says Chris Byers, CEO of Formstack.He looks at three bottlenecks that can be tackled through automation.