Start Being More Efficient Now With Enterprise Architecture
Using an excessive number of different applications - and therefore, information flows - leads to unnecessary direct costs for the application and inefficiency.
Five Companies That Are Truly Living Their Brand
Lindsay Pedersen spotlights five companies that infuse brand promise in delightful and inspiring ways, from the breakroom to the boardroom, and everywhere in between.
The Partnership Dilemma: Six Factors Every Consultant Should Consider Before Tying The Knot
After a certain amount of success, most consultants flirt with the idea of partnership. Elaine Biech shares the advantages, disadvantages, and everything else you should consider before teaming up with someone else.
Six Ways A Strong Brand Makes Your Company Money
If you haven't given much thought to your company's brand, you'd better. A strong, well-defined, well-articulated brand increases your profitability in many ways. Here are six of them.
Outsourcing Your PowerPoint Work? Consider This…
If you're looking to outsource your PowerPoint work, Lyndon Nicholson, founder and lead consultant at F5 Presentations has some tips.
Customer Tracking Made Easy With The Intelligent Crowd Counting AI Models
Crowd Counting AI model is a budding technology with a plethora of use cases in core domains. Retail, event, pharma, media, hospitality and many other industries can fruitfully benefit from its business applications, explains Naveen Gattu, COO and co-founder of Gramener.
How Introverted Entrepreneurs Can Build A Strong Personal Brand
To build your personal brand, focus on demonstrating your expertise and telling people what you’re about. Manish Dudharejia, President and Founder of E2M Solutions Inc shares more.
The Importance Of Managing Your Brand Reputation From The First Day
Brand reputation is an integral part of any great marketing strategy, and it’s something that should play a key role in all marketing decisions. Binh An Nguyen, Founder & CEO of Market Ease Business Promotions shares his thoughts.
Be Shareable
Virality is a good thing, but it is increasingly harder to attain and even more uncontrollable when captured. Shareability, on the other hand, grants predictability and value and allows your message to grow exponentially, Tim Staples and Josh Young, say the co-authors of "Break Through the Noise: The Nine Rules to Capture Global Attention".
Ask the Experts: Three Questions About Retail Cash Flow And Inventory
Allison Lilly of Kabbage, Inc. asked the experts, including experienced consultants and successful business owners, about three common inventory and cash-flow concerns that arise in the retail sector.
Change Or Die!
Change-savvy, adaptive organizations are successful, because they know how to deal with the not-so-smooth sailing of change. Adriano Pianesi, author of “Teachable Moments of Leadership” shares some lessons that can help leaders understand the work of change better.
The Seven Layers Of Brand And How They Fuel Your Business
To make smart decisions around shaping and communicating your brand strategy, it's important to understand all the aspects. Lindsay Pedersen, author of "Forging An Ironclad Brand: A Leader’s Guide" shares the seven layers of bran.
Six Degrees Of Competition: The Future Might Surprise You
Do you really know who your competitors are? Kris Oestergaard points out that your competitors may not just be those who have direct substitutional products, but also the ones who indirectly affect usage of your offerings today and who might have a massive impact on your value offerings in the near future.
Nine Companies That Got Brand Right
In a world full of noise and endless options, it's tough to earn customer loyalty. Lindsay Pedersen says the answer is to forge a strong brand strategy and let it drive every move you make.
MCAlert Founder And Former Captain At PBSO Jay Hart On How To Make Meetings...
Here are 10 best practices that MCAlert founder and Former Captain Jay Hart advises for making meetings more productive.
Coping With A Burned Out Boss
Burnout is all too real in our modern workplace. When the symptoms become undeniable in your boss, you and others on her team will inevitably experience the backlash. Be prepared to take up the slack, says Vicky Oliver, author of "Bad Bosses, Crazy Coworkers & Other Office Idiots".
Can Consultants Ever Find Balance? Seven Ways To Start Moving In The Right Direction
Being a consultant can consume your life if you let it. There is no such thing as perfect work/life balance, but this advice from Elaine Biech will help you work toward the goal while building a career you love.
Ask Yourself 3 Questions To Help Find A Financial Advisor You Can Trust
Most people say they don’t completely trust that their advisor is always acting in their best interests. Chris Hobart, CEO and founder of Hobart Financial Group says these 3 questions can help you find about the person you rely on to handle your finances.
Your Biggest Marketing Mistake In 2019 Will Likely Be Your Marketing Plan
Lonny Kocina, CEO of Media Relations Agency and author of "The CEO’s Guide to Marketing" shares some practical steps for improving your sales by improving your marketing processes.
Creating A Safe Environment For Failure
Servant leadership is a set of behaviors and practices that turn the traditional "power leadership" model upside down; instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader actually exists to serve the people, explains Art Barter, author of "The Art of Servant Leadership II".
How The Right Suit Accessories Can Help Men Succeed In Business
From leading a team meeting to pitching to a new client or even just going about your day to day office tasks, the right suit and accessories can help you triumph in your business life.
How To Spot A Flaw In Your Project Plans And Propositions
Whether it’s a fatal flaw in the proposal stage, or a project management error, there is definitely a way for you to improve your entire process. Aaron Beashel, Head of Marketing at Qwilr shares some tips.
Why Company Culture Is Vital for Every Remote Company
Having helped countless remote web developers find trustworthy companies to collaborate with, the folks at Soshace noticed a curious trend: remote companies with great company culture perform better.
How To Transform Workplace Culture
how do you build a great corporate culture? Very intentionally, and it starts with the top leadership then engages leaders throughout the organization, says Anita Sanchez, Ph.D., author of “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times”.
Techniques For A Successful Job Search
Finding a job can be a challenging process. How do you show a prospective employer what you’re worth and secure the job? Here are four useful techniques to use in your next job search.
Why You Should Cancel Your Staff Meetings
Meetings are an inevitable part of many jobs. There’s only one problem: most of them are disruptive and unnecessary. Henry Goldbeck, President of Goldbeck Recruiting Inc. shares why he's scrapped his company's weekly meeting altogether.
This One Attribute Will Mold You Into A Stronger Leader
When it comes to successfully leading a team, one attribute in particular is crucial: boldness. Loriana Sekarski, founder and president of BONSAI shares some of the top traits you need to lead boldly.
Don’t Go Anywhere Without A Business Card For These 4 Reasons
Whether it’s one of many tech meetups across the U.S., a colleague’s dinner party, or simply bumping into an old school friend in the street, business cards are the perfect first step to establish communication and let you be incredibly suave while doing so.
Top 5 Lessons Learned From Tax Season 2018
Steve Moskowitz of San Francisco-based tax law firm of Moskowitz LLP shares top lessons from this past tax season, offering guidance for the year ahead.
5 Things To Consider Before Starting A Mobile App-Based Startup
To grow your user base and stand out from your rivals, following these steps from Colin Simpson, project manager at BlueKite Apps could potentially build you a successful mobile-based startup business.