Right-Size Your Office For Collaboration And Productivity
Right-size an office to develop an environment that continually inspires productivity and business growth. Look for opportunities to build a workspace that realizes that potential, says Leonard Callejo of Cisco Webex.
7 Tips To Keep Your Business Afloat During COVID-19
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has already hit small businesses hard. Athan Slotkin, The Shadow CEO offers seven best pieces of advice for anyone running their own business right now.
Seven Highly Effective Ways To Lead A Virtual Workforce
The future of work - virtual meetings on Zoom, etc - is here. Martin Lanik shares a few of the things you should keep in mind when leading virtual teams.
Vital Tips For Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs During Covid-19
Wayne Titus, author of "The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Well-Being" shares five essential tips to help small businesses cover the essentials to navigate COVID-19 and set you on a course for what comes next.
Solving Software Quality Challenges During The Global Pandemic
Whether your company outsources QA or keeps an in-house team, it is critically important to regularly examine and optimize the steps of your software QA strategy.
What Is Social Proof and Why Is It So Important?
We look at what is social proof, why is it so important, and how can you harness its power in your own sales and marketing campaigns.
Overcoming Unconscious Bias In The Workplace
If a leader and employee want more effective relationships, want to learn and grow every day and draw on the strength of effective teams, then tools and training for undoing unconscious bias are valuable assets to the business.
What Does It Really Mean To Be A Spiritual Leader In Business?
Being a spiritual leader in business is a bit different from being a great yogi or classic spiritual leader, says Hilary Jane Grosskopf, author of "Awake Leadership" and "Awake Ethics".
Do The Work In The Meeting: How To Establish A Meeting Culture In Your...
Effective meetings save money and time – both vital resources for any startup. To that end Douglas Ferguson, founder of Voltage Control and author of "Beyond The Prototype" argues you should do the real work in the meeting.
The 5 Biggest Crisis-Related Mistakes Your Business Is Probably Making
No company or person is immune to a crisis – don’t be caught in a panic or scramble. Prepare now and prepare well. Shannon Tucker, Vice President of Media Relations at SSPR shares how.
5 Questions We Asked Ourselves Before Rebranding Our Business
Rohan Thambrahalli, the Founder and President at UpstartWorks shares the four questions they asked themselves before rebranding their business last year.
WOW Your Anxious Employees By Showing Them You Care (Here Are Nine Ways To...
Deb Boelkes says it's crucial for leaders to actively show pandemic-weary employees that they care — and create a WOW experience in the process.
Nine Sneaky Ways To Unseat An Incumbent Competitor
You'd love to have the business, but someone else beat you to it. Is there anything you can do to overthrow a competitor — or at least get a foot in the door with a desirable prospect? Here, relationship authority Andrew Sobel offers up nine road-tested strategies.
These 3 People Can Ruin Your Business Or Help It Flourish
These three people can either ruin your business or help it flourish: your accountant, your lawyer, and your banker, says Domenic Aversa. The author of “Corporate Undertaker: Business Lessons from the Dead and Dying” explains why.
Making Your Organization Primed For Future Success
What characteristics do organizations have that are going to be highly successful 5, 10, 20 years from now possess today that will help them ensure future success? Ryan Gottfredson, PhD., author of "Success Mindsets" considers the traits needed.
Keeping Employees Healthier Through Remote Work
With the right approach, processes, and technology, you can enable a remote working environment for as long as you need — all while keeping your employee base healthier, says Leonard Callejo, Director of Online Marketing at Cisco Webex.
Keep Your Business Healthy During The Coronavirus Crisis
Art Saxby, CEO, Founder and Principal of Chief Outsiders shares practical steps to help business leaders successfully continue to market and manage things through this time of crisis.
5 Tips To Help You Lead And Experiment During COVID-19
Uncertain times need new kinds of leadership. Melanie Parish, author of “The Experimental Leader" shares some tips will help you find a new center for yourself as a leader.
What Do I Do If My Business Runs Out Of Cash?
If your small business runs completely out of cash, ask yourself how hard you want to work to save the business. A turnaround is hard work that cycles between short-term panics and long-term pivots, says LJ Suzuki.
The Importance Of Embracing Sweaty-Palmed Conversations
If you get good at those 10-minute, sweaty-palmed conversations, you’ll have fantastic business relationships, says Mike Robbins, author of "We're All in This Together".
How To Hold Onto Your Customers In A Crisis
Robbie Kellman Baxter, author of "The Forever Transaction" shares six things you can do right now to build and maintain strong customer relationships during this health crisis.
How To Be Successful In The New Customer Experience Battlefield
Nathan Pitzer, Head of Marketing at Augment CXM shares four simple, effective ways to stay successful in the new customer experience battleground.
Why the “Expert” Mindset Can Kill Every Sales Opportunity: The Mental Shift That Yields...
"Trusted advisors" build lifelong client relationships while "experts-for-hire" eventually wind up getting the ax. Andrew Sobel offers tips to help you establish yourself as the former.
Time Is On Your Side, Grow Beyond Today
Joe Curcillo, author of "Getting to 'US' shares why this slowdown is the perfect time to revamp your business model with a Unifying Vision and plan through the crisis and into the future.
The Mindsets of Jack Welch
Of all organizational leaders, there are few that have had as much success as the late Jack Welch. Ryan Gottfredson, PhD., author of "Success Mindsets" shares the mindsets Welch possessed that led to him having such a positive influence on the organizations he led.
Tips For Setting Up A Remote Working Environment
Even before COVID-19 changed the landscape on working from home, it’s become an increasingly popular choice for the modern workforce. Leonard Callejo of Cisco Webex shares how you can set up to work remotely.
Leading In Uncertain Times: 10 Ways To Help Employees Cope With The Pandemic
Quint Studer says how leaders behave right now will be remembered long after this crisis has passed. Here are some things you can do to help employees stay calm, focused, and informed.
Five Mistakes Not To Make When Holding Online Meetings
With the pandemic forcing so many employees to work from home, no doubt you're holding tons of virtual meetings. But are you doing them right? Online meeting guru Howard Tiersky pinpoints a few common flub-ups you'll want to avoid.
Ideas For Rebalancing Your Marketing Campaign During This Current Pandemic
Whether it’s in response to this current pandemic or the next major event, understanding basic marketing concepts and following a sound marketing process will make your business agile and responsive, says Lonny Kocina.
How To Turn A Great Idea Into An Action Plan
If you’re serious about becoming an entrepreneur, chances are good that you already have a killer business idea in mind. Greg DeLine shares how to turn the idea into reality.