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Remote Hiring For Success

Taking the time to get a more full and complete impression of someone’s work history, strengths and weaknesses and personality will help you determine who is the best match for your role, says Lesley Pyle of

Assessing The State Of And Options For Your Business During COVID-19 Fallout

Business owners and creditors should be proactive and arm themselves for the economic threats that are to come, says Joseph Pack of Pack Law.

How To Handle Your Business Remotely

While it’s true that any business can adapt to running remotely, it’s nonetheless very different from managing a traditional office. Here are some useful tips on how to run your business remotely.

Best Practices For Online Conferences

If you are planning to attend an online conference, or have several more scheduled, Heidi Waterhouse, Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly shares some considerations for giving talks online.

Research Shows These 5 COVID-19 Changes Really Can Help Brands Grow Market Share

Some actions and messages are more effective at making people feel good than others. They’re the ones that will help move the needle as far as retaining and growing market share, says Anne E. Beall, PhD, CEO and Founder of Beall Research, Inc.

Benefits Of Documentation Management In Remote Working

Organizations are trying to switch to remote working with the help of technologies and work culture to obtain similar or better operational efficiency than before, says Mahendra Gupta of Saviom Software.

Mistakes To Avoid When Pivoting Your Brand Online

Many businesses have been forced to adapt their offering to service customers online. Shayne Tilley, Head of Marketing at 99designs shares the mistakes that come from pivoting too hastily.

Frustrated With Remote Collaboration? There’s Hope.

Effective collaboration is crucial — and possible — for remote teams. But you have to take a different approach to collaboration, beginning with new awareness and strategic digital tools, says Suresh Sambandam, CEO of Kissflow.

Heartfelt Leadership: The Pandemic Has Revealed The Truth About Your Heart

Deb Boelkes says how you behaved during the coronavirus crisis reveals some essential truths about whether you lead with your head only or also with your heart. The good news? It's not too late to switch to a more heartfelt leadership style. Here's what that looks like.

Survival Mode: Small Businesses Strategies To Weather The Coronavirus Pandemic

Small businesses can put themselves in better position to weather these turbulent times. Eddie Davis, VP of Business Development for FINSYNC shares some steps you can take to ride out the uncertain present and lay the groundwork for a quick recovery.

How To Craft The Perfect Sales Presentation For Small Businesses

If you're looking for a strategy to sell in an ethical, low-pressure way that produces results, look no further. David Duford, author of "The Official Guide To Selling Insurance For New Agents" shares his thoughts on the perfect sales presentation.

Pandemic Thinking: How To Keep Your Head In The (Long) Game

Small business owners everywhere are infected by pandemic thinking but business owners who built long-term relationships with customers and clients can weather this storm, says RJon Robins, founder and CEO of How To Manage A Small Law Firm.

Together At Home: 3 Ways To Create Human Connections On Virtual Teams

Leaders should be purposeful in their efforts to create human connections that support a sense of belonging despite the distance of remote work, says Tara Peters, Ph.D., coauthor of "The Demotivated Employee".

How To Market In A Time Of Crisis

In light of the current crisis, how can you continue to market your business in a sensitive but effective manner? Edward Coram James, CEO and Co-Founder of Go Up Ltd, shares his thoughts.

5 Secrets To Generating Revenue During COVID-19

Jack Siney, GovSpend Chief Revenue Officer shares five secrets are critical to winning government sales that will help your company survive through the COVID-19 crisis. And, they’ll also help your company grow faster after the pandemic ends.

Why Entrepreneurs Need To Keep Up With Changing Regulations

The regulation of tech companies and startups is an ongoing process that changes regularly — Kelvin Simmons of Nexus Group shares some steps that will make sure your product can move along with those shifting regulations.

Three Leadership Pitfalls To Avoid While Leading In This Crisis

By being an exceptionally human-centered leader, you can transform a scattered group of anxious individuals into a resilient team. Alain Hunkins shares three leadership pitfalls to avoid.

How To Hire People With An Entrepreneurial Mindset

Hiring, to be sure, is an imperfect science. To identify leaders with an entrepreneurial mindset you need to change your approach to hiring, says Chuck Swoboda, author of "The Innovator's Spirit".

How Different Generations Communicate (And What That Means For Your Business)

If your customer personalization strategy cuts across generations, there’s no telling the level of trust you can build with your most valuable brand loyalists, says Eric Schurke, VP Operations at VoiceNation.

Battling Big Business Bullies On The IP Playground: Minimizing The Risk Of Intellectual Property...

The best way to avoid intellectual property litigation is to prepare for IP litigation, and the only way to prepare is to know the rules, says Christopher Rosario of McManis Faulkner.

Right-Size Your Office For Collaboration And Productivity

Right-size an office to develop an environment that continually inspires productivity and business growth. Look for opportunities to build a workspace that realizes that potential, says Leonard Callejo of Cisco Webex.

7 Tips To Keep Your Business Afloat During COVID-19

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has already hit small businesses hard. Athan Slotkin, The Shadow CEO offers seven best pieces of advice for anyone running their own business right now.

Seven Highly Effective Ways To Lead A Virtual Workforce

The future of work - virtual meetings on Zoom, etc - is here. Martin Lanik shares a few of the things you should keep in mind when leading virtual teams.

Vital Tips For Small Businesses And Entrepreneurs During Covid-19  

Wayne Titus, author of "The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial Well-Being" shares five essential tips to help small businesses cover the essentials to navigate COVID-19 and set you on a course for what comes next. 

Solving Software Quality Challenges During The Global Pandemic

Whether your company outsources QA or keeps an in-house team, it is critically important to regularly  examine and optimize the steps of your software QA strategy.

What Is Social Proof and Why Is It So Important? 

We look at what is social proof, why is it so important, and how can you harness its power in your own sales and marketing campaigns.

Overcoming Unconscious Bias In The Workplace

If a leader and employee want more effective relationships, want to learn and grow every day and draw on the strength of effective teams, then tools and training for undoing unconscious bias are valuable assets to the business.

What Does It Really Mean To Be A Spiritual Leader In Business?

Being a spiritual leader in business is a bit different from being a great yogi or classic spiritual leader, says Hilary Jane Grosskopf, author of "Awake Leadership" and "Awake Ethics".

Do The Work In The Meeting: How To Establish A Meeting Culture In Your...

Effective meetings save money and time – both vital resources for any startup. To that end Douglas Ferguson, founder of Voltage Control and author of "Beyond The Prototype" argues you should do the real work in the meeting.

The 5 Biggest Crisis-Related Mistakes Your Business Is Probably Making

No company or person is immune to a crisis – don’t be caught in a panic or scramble. Prepare now and prepare well. Shannon Tucker, Vice President of Media Relations at SSPR shares how.