Four Tools Every Business Leader Needs To Raise Their Personal Profile
Now is the perfect time for business leaders and entrepreneurs to elevate their own individual brand, says Victoria Usher. She shares four essential tools that will equip them for success when they embark on their personal PR programme.
How To Create A Better Customer Experience For Your Startup
Customer experience is one of the most crucial factors determining the success of an organization. No matter how good the quality of your product is, it will be in vain if you offer poor customer experience.
Key Tips For Enhancing Your Team’s Remote Selling Abilities
By building a remote-friendly culture within your company, encouraging collaboration, and providing them the necessary tools and training, you can improve your team’s remote selling abilities.
10 Steps For Building The Resilience To Move From Trauma To Triumph
Resilience is a desired trait. Many ordinary people have accomplished extraordinary things after experiencing trauma. Kristen Harper shares ten strategies that builds the resilience to move from trauma to triumph, and bouncing forward.
How To Build A Great Business Plan – Checklist 2020
Every successful business idea had a strategically written business plan. Nemanja Zunic shares some rules for writing a great business plan.
COVID-19 And Payments: How Merchant Solutions Can Help Businesses Meet Customer Demand
Although the U.S. is behind other countries when it comes to the adoption of contactless and cashless payments, COVID-19 may be the catalyst needed to move these practices forward.
5 Point Guide To Improving ROI As A Small E-Commerce Seller
Small ecommerce stores must seek to extract the maximum return on investment (ROI) for every dollar they spend. Will Schneider, founder of insightQuote shares 5 practical ideas that could get your ecommerce investment going further.
Cancel Culture And Small Businesses: Are You Ready For A PR Nightmare?
Edward Segal shares some strategies and tactics to help navigate the shifting winds of public opinion and the battles in the culture wars that are being fought every day.
Entrepreneurs: Is It Time To Pivot? A Trustworthy Financial Adviser Can Help
The right adviser can help ensure adequate cash flow, direct proper strategies for investing, and make you aware of the tax implications of pivoting, says Wayne B. Titus III.
No, Six Sigma Isn’t A Cure-All. Here Are 5 Reasons Why.
As a leader, you must adopt one proven set of business principles as the solution and fully commit to them, says Mark C. DeLuzio, author of "Flatlined: Why Lean Transformations Fail and What to Do About It".
Why Website Structure Matters
Without a clearly defined structure, your website will simply be a miscellaneous collection of pages that are impossible to navigate. Joe Cox, Content Director at Superb Digital shares why it's important to look at website structure.
5 Reasons A Unifying Vision Is The Key To Successful Remote Working
Working remotely has left many business owners and employees feeling stressed out, hesitant, and unsure how to be successful. Having a unifying vision is going to make all the difference, says Joe Curcillo.
9 Ways To Deal With A Coworker Who Doesn’t Like You
Whether a coworker doesn’t like you or you perceive that you are not liked by a coworker does not change the end result - the work environment will be toxic. Meysa Maleki shares nine ways to deal with a coworker who doesn't like you.
All In Or Out? How Business Owners Can Deal With COVID’S Cloudy Future
Michael Sipe, author of "The AVADA Principle" and founder of 10x Catalyst Groups shares some suggestions to small business owners as they try to sort out their future amidst so much uncertainty during this coronavirus pandemic.
Minimum Viable Persona – Get To Know Your Customers All Over Again
Andrea Fryrear, author of "Mastering Marketing Agility" shares that the best way to navigate changing customer needs is to understand your customer by create a "Minimum Viable Persona".
When Does Investing in VR Training Make Sense For My Business?
As VR technology rapidly evolves, the costs involved will continue to drop, and the number of situations where it makes sense to train digitally instead of physically will exponentially increase.
Should You Be Switching Your Business Entity To Protect Your Business From Further Loss?
Here are a few reasons changing your business entity can help protect your company from losses during these uncertain times. Dustin Ray of Incfile shares how and why.
Afraid To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone? Then You Can’t Lead In The...
COVID-19 has disrupted the business world. In this new landscape, how business leaders process and react to new challenges will be crucial, says Dr. Jim White, founder and president of JL White International.
What Every Company Needs To Know About Music Copyright
If you want to avoid getting copyright claims or having videos pulled down, you need to get very, very familiar with music copyright laws.
3 Potential Opportunities To Improve Your eCommerce Value During COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has represented a significant financial burden for businesses. Many business owners are struggling to make ends meet. For ecommerce organizations, however, it represents an opportunity to increase both short-term revenue and long-term value.
The Importance Of Company Branding And How To Market It
Branding is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of building and growing a company. Luigi Pannozzo, Managing Director of Gazeboshop shares his views on company branding.
How To Create Happy Employees — And Why It’s Even More Vital Now
The economy is a mixed bag right now: We've recently gotten a surprisingly sunny job report and an official declaration of recession. Deb Boelkes says both facts should cue leaders to focus on employee happiness. Here are eight ways to create happy employees.
Are Businesses Prepared For The ‘Return To Work’ Security Risks?
Stephen Burke of Cyber Risk Aware shares why putting measures in place to keep data safe as employees rejoin their company’s network should be a number one top priority.
How Business Leaders Can Push For Change Before A Crisis Demands It
The financial challenges and social disruption imposed by the pandemic have forced many companies to change — often drastically. Juan Riboldi, president of Ascent Advisor shares some ideas for leaders to consider about strategically transforming their companies.
What Not To Do When Marketing During A Pandemic
Months into COVID-19’s impact upon much of the business landscape, marketing teams have been forced to change their approach to messaging their clients. Boris Pfeiffer, CEO and Founder of Riddle shares his views on how to market during this period.
Trust And Transparency: Keys To Renewal In Reentry
How organizations handle reentry and reunion in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic will help determine how resilient they are going forward, says Adam Markel, author of “Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life“.
Insight Into Operating A Successful Services Firm
Cameron Batt, founder of Crum Consult highlights soft-skills required to create and manage a services firm that operates on a national and even global level.
How To Lead During A Time Of Crisis
Now more than ever, people look to leaders to encourage and support them through the turmoil and confusion. Monica Eaton-Cardone shares four tips to help you guide your organization, prevent loss, and emerge from this crisis stronger than ever.
How The Coronavirus Has Forever Changed Remote Work
As remote work structure is poised to take over a large swath of the economy, Sharon Koifman says there's a need for business owners and executives to learn how to manage a remote team.
The Secret Power Of Checklists
Liesl Ulrich-Verderber of Amazing World Media argues that one of the best productivity tools she's ever used are checklists. She shares how she's using checklists to unlocking productivity.