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What Is Engagement Marketing And How Does It Help A Business?

Engagement marketing may produce various advantages for businesses, including improved brand loyalty, enhanced opportunities to capture interests, and being able to gather relevant data.

The Fundamentals Of Running A Successful Lifestyle Blog

Launching and maintaining a lifestyle blog is an efficient avenue for promoting your insight to a vast audience. If you’re ready to start your own lifestyle blog, Stephanie Fatta of shares the main fundamentals to keep in mind. 

10 Insensitive Words You Need To Stop Using Right Now

Changing the way we use language can be difficult, but inclusive language really can create a more inclusive workplace. Here are some words not to use at the workplace.

The Day In The Life Of Working As A Digital Marketer

Have you ever thought about working for a digital marketing firm? Digital marketing is a great field for professionals who enjoy doing something different every day while utilizing both their brains' analytical and creative sides.

In Uncertain Times, Leaders Must Bring Their Best Selves To Work

When life is chaotic and precarious, leaders must be calm, positive, and perpetually open to hearing and acting on the best ideas. Ed Hess offers some tips for achieving a far more impactful and influential way of leading.

To Earn Love from “Digital Customers,” Follow This 5-Step Formula To Digital Transformation

Today’s customer is “digitally driven.” So, if your brand is going to thrive, digital must be at the core of what you do. Howard Tiersky shares five steps to set you on the path to adapting to meet your customers’ modern needs and stay relevant in the Digital Age.

The Hedgehog, Fox, Eagle And The Ostrich: Studying Leadership Through Fables

Aligning leadership qualities with Aesopian metaphors leads to interesting insights and helps identify areas of focus for growth and improvement. Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, author of "Time to Lead: Lessons for Today's Leaders from Bold Decisions that Changed History" explains.

Disrupt The Disruption: How Businesses Can Meet COVID-Forced Changes Head On

Change that disrupts the economy is nothing new – with or without a pandemic. Juan Riboldi, president of Ascent Advisor shares some ways businesses can meet the changes caused by COVID-19 head on.

Startup Founders Should Focus on Managing Expectations Before Managing KPIs

A new challenge has bloomed for founders and managers in the Covid-19 era –how do they set key performance indicators (KPIs) for the years ahead? Manni Sidhu and William Gilchrist share their thoughts.

4 Ways To Boost Your Company Culture

Building a thriving workplace culture can be challenging, but here are 4 ways that you can start your company on track to great company culture.

How To Stop Toxic Leadership From Spreading A Virus In Your Company

Toxic workplaces sometimes start at the top. Difficult, abrasive leaders can create a culture of tension, fear, and abusive behavior at every organizational level, says Dr. Katrina Burrus.

3 Tips For Developing A Sky-High Growth Plan

Middle market companies are ambitious to grow, and they need the right marketing strategy that can guide the whole enterprise to new heights. Karen Hayward of Chief Outsiders shares her thoughts.

How To Thrive Amidst Change & Disruption In The Short-Term Rental Industry

In order for short-term rental hosts and property managers to best position themselves to thrive amid an ever-changing backdrop, they must respond quickly to the changing market conditions. Pamela Knudsen highlights five particular areas to address.

How To Prepare Your Online Store For The Holiday Season During COVID-19

This holiday season will be totally dominated and led by e-commerce stores. To prepare your online store for the holiday season during COVID-19, you’d best get started now.

The Untold Benefits Of Optimizing Your Website For Mobile

When looking to acquire more customers and ultimately increase sales, a well optimized website is the best course of action for any business to take.

Does Your Culture Inspire Courage… Or Stamp It Out?

Ed Hess explains why courage must be part of your organization’s culture. Here are nine indicators that courage is alive and well in your workplace… and six red flags that fear might be preventing your employees from doing their best work.
work safety

What Are The Benefits Of Workplace Safety

Every worker has a right to demand for a safe working environment. We look at why workplace safety is important for both the employee and employer.
life coach

6 Things You Should Look For In A Life Coach

Life coaches help their customers reach different life goals, ranging from career-oriented objectives to building meaningful relationships. Acquiring the help of a reliable and certified wellness professional can help you achieve your various life goals.
online learning

Fostering A Company Culture Of Ongoing Professional Growth

It is important to reinforce a culture of enjoying learning and growing. James Van of SoloLearn shares a few tips that will help your company grow a culture of learning, curiosity, and strategic learning initiatives. 

Customer Service Excellence In A Pandemic Era

In business, a crisis like COVID 19 forces us to be creative, innovate, adapt, and do things differently. Joanna Swash of Moneypenny shares 5 tips to ensure you deliver exceptional customer service during these unsettling times.

How Strong Is Your C-Suite Bullpen? Preparing The Next Generation Of Leaders

A leader’s primary role is to coach and to create an environment that perpetually develops new leaders. Jennifer Mackin, ForbesBook author of "Leaders Deserve Better" shares some tips on how senior management can align business strategies with their people strategies and develop leaders in the process.

8 KPIs You Need To Track For Ecommerce Growth

Tracking KPIs should be a regular part of looking at ecommerce growth for your business. Check in with your numbers at least once a month to track any emerging trends straight away.

Making Your Case: The Four Es Of Payment Automation

When writing a business case for payment automation, draw attention to the permanently simplified (and cheaper) workload that automated processes would bring, rather than focusing on the temporary unfamiliarity of your solution.

5 Steps To Building A Remote Work Environment That Sustains Over Time

How do we make remote work last over time? How can we keep this from feeling like there’s no real connection or organic collaboration? Larry English, author of "Office Optional: How to Build a Connected Culture with Virtual Teams" shares his thoughts.

Turning Your Successful Small Business Into A Thriving Online Brand: 5 Key Steps 

A strong online brand is vital for securing sales, but it also plays a critical role in fostering trust and connection in an age where face-to-face interactions are far from guaranteed. Shayne Tilley, Head of Marketing at 99designs shares some ideas to build a stronger digital brand.

A Landslide Of Layoffs Is Coming — How To Do The Dreaded Deed Kindly

As the pandemic continues, so do the job losses. If you’re a leader, you may find yourself having to lay people off or make “temporary” furloughs permanent. Award-winning author Deb Boelkes says how you do it matters — and she offers some guidelines on delivering the bad news with love.

What You Need To Know Before You Hire Your Next Remote Team Member

Hiring a new remote team member? Take the time to get a more full and complete picture of someone’s work history, personality, strengths and weaknesses to determine who is the best match for your role.

7 Reasons Startup Businesses Still Need To Collaborate With Marketing Companies

A collaboration with a marketing company could help embed the core principles of effective marketing into your startup’s most important business processes from the very beginning.

How “Human” Is Your Workplace? These Four Questions Reveal The Truth.

Ed Hess says the old, fear- and ego-based ways of working and leading won’t survive in the Digital Age. If your workplace doesn’t meet these four criteria, you may be on your way out.

How To Command Your Workforce At A Startup

Command your workforce in the right way in a startup enterprise. Use these four tips to help you manage people in your startup enterprise, building loyalty and faith in your leadership over time.