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[US] Yonkers, NY Opens Y-Enterprise Business Center

The city of Yonkers in the state of New York this week announced the Y-Enterprise program to attract, cultivate and retain high growth business to Yonkers.

Steply Is A Mobile Photo App Network With 3.5 Million Downloads

Hong Kong based mobile start-up, Steply, is building a giant network of photo apps on Apple iTunes.

World’s Largest Online Cleantech Marketplace Launches

The world's largest cleantech marketplace OnGreen ( this week debuted its website, a comprehensive destination for cleantech professionals, connecting cleantech businesses and entrepreneurs with investors, expertise and resources.

Blackbox Launches The Startup Genome Project

So can innovation be identified, traced, and replicated? That's what new Silicon Valley technology startup accelerator Blackbox is trying to find out with the Startup Genome Project.

Joyful Frog Digital Incubator Joins New Techstars Network, Gets More Joy

Singapore-based Joyful Frog Digital Incubator joins TechStars Network, an alliance of startup incubators as part of the U.S. Startup America initiative to boost innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.S and the world.

Accel Partners To Invest $400 Million In Indian Tech Start-ups

According to Business Standard, Accel Partners launched a $400 million fund for entrepreneurs in India.

2011 Asia Social Venture Academy Open For Applications

If you're Asia-based and have a strong passion for social entrepreneurship and the ambition to launch your own social enterprise, you may want to check out Foundation for Youth Social Entrepreneurship (FYSE)'s Asia Social Venture Academy program for 2011.

Tencent To Invest $760 Million In Tech Start-ups

Tencent Inc. has set up a $5 billion yuan (US $760 million) investment fund to invest in technology start-ups. The fund will focus on start-ups like gaming companies, social game, mobile game, e-commerce and new media firms.

Small Business Saturday – Here To Stay?

Small Business Saturday, a day dedicated to bring attention to small independently owned brick-and-mortar businesses during the shopping season, has come and gone. What was its impact on small businesses in America?

Resolute Marine Energy Wins at Startup Open

It's not every day that you get invited to visit Richard Branson's private Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands, but that's what Olivier Ceberio of Boston will be doing after winning Startup Open.

This Week in Asia Episode 77: Flutterscape

This Week in Asia interviews Japan’s hot e-commence site for overseas otakus like myself, Flutterscape, with Dr. Serkan Toto of Asiajin and Techcrunch.

Reynolds Journalism Institute Lands US$100K To Advance Student Entrepreneurship

Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute (RJI) has landed a US$100,000 grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and aims to use that grant to advance student entrepreneurship.

This Week in Asia Episode 75: Sarah Lacy in Singapore

This Week In Asia caught Sarah Lacy of TechCrunch fame in Hackerspace Singapore for some drinks and talk about the growth and innovation of Asia.

6 Months and 1 Million Users, Koprol beats Multiply and Friendster by Pageviews

Last Friday, location-based service Koprol announced via their corporate blog that they have hit 1 million registered users on the location-based social networking service.

This Week in Asia Episode 74: The Indonesia Internet Juggernaut

With currently the second-largest Facebook users in the world and a thriving Internet community, Indonesia is a force to be reckoned with.

This Week in Asia Episode 73 : Everything Bad is Good for You

This week, This Week In Asia got John Berns the man behind BarCampBangkok. They talked about the startup and tech scene in Bangkok, the openness of the Asian Internet during a slow news week.

This Week in Asia Episode 71: Startup Organizer Summit with Marc Nager and Chris...

This Week In Asia host Daniel CerVentus is over in Kansas City, Missouri in America for Startup Organizer Summit where he is joined by Marc...

This Week in Asia Episode 67: Top 50 Apps in Asia

While the Apple keynote with new iPod designs flood the web-tech space, the TWIA crew are inundated with news from the upcoming conference Accelerate where the names of the top 50 apps are announced.

This Week in Asia Episode 65: Craig White from MIH Group

This Week In Asia invites Craig White, CEO of MIH Group, a division of Naspers, to join them in the TWIA virtual studio.

This Week in Asia Episode 66: The Worlds of Tencent & Sekai Camera

TWIA producer Mike Foong is finally back with the crew in the virtual studio after 3 months of hiatus, with also one of our highest recurring special guests, Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) from TechCrunch in Japan to talk about the top news that rocked the web and tech landscape in Asia this week.

This Week in Asia Episode 63: The End of Friendster

The This Week In Asia crew is back this week with a laser focus on acquisitions that are spreading across Asia.

This Week in Asia Episode 61: This is Social Media!

The TWIA crew is back to discuss the interesting stories that dominate the Asian mobile, web and technology landscape this week.

This Week in Asia Episode 57: Robert & Matthew from myGengo

This Week in Asia gets co-founders Robert Laing and Matthew Romaine of myGengo, a Japanese start-up which deliver value for users to order cheap and high quality translations on the web, into their virtual studioto talk about the company and the challenges in fund-raising and setting up in Japan.

This Week in Asia Episode 56: Attack of The Groupon Clones

This Week In Asia discusses the emergence of Groupon clones in Asia, Microsoft’s dropping of Kin, Froyo on Huawei's Chinese Android phones, Mixi making a minor Linkedin, Amazon’s acquisition of Woot and differences between e-commerce in Southeast Asia & East Asia.

This Week In Asia Episode 52: Asia Coming Of Age?

For Episode 52, TWIA has Akky Akimoto, the founder of is here with them as a special guest. Topics include Apple iPhone 4, Apple vs Google/Admob, Gree, Zynga, Google TV, etc.

This Week in Asia Episode 36: Daniel Raffel from Yahoo

TWIA asks Daniel Raffel, the senior product manager in Yahoo, how he has taken lessons as a professional cook (he worked as four-star chef in Thomas Keller’s NYC restaurant) and applied them to product management in Yahoo.

This Week in Asia Episode 33: Ian McKee from Vocanic

Ian McKee from Vocanic shares their story, and how it has deployed word of mouth marketing, social media and technology to help brands in spreading their word out to a market out there.

Chlkboard Opens APIs; Extends Ads To Other Mobile Services

Singapore-based mobile location-based marketing solutions provider Chlkboard last week opened its API to developers, allowing them to push contextual location-relevant ads into their own mobile services.

This Week in Asia Episode 30: Jeffrey Paine from Founder Institute

ThisWeekInAsia speaks to Jeffrey Paine, from Founder Institute and also a managing partner at Battle Ventures, regarding the opening of Founder Institute and how the course has been ongoing in Singapore for the past few weeks.

This Week in Asia Episode 35: Saumil Nanavati from Chlkboard

What’s the story behind Chlkboard and what followed after the launch of the first beta in 21 days? This Week in Asia has the story, in conjunction with Echelon 2010.