Feature Story
YourAM Makes Managing Appointments Easy
YourAM is a web-based application build to automatically organize and manage business appointments in real time via the web and SMS, designed specially for small service-focused businesses that need to handle appointments for groups of people.
Muecs: Boy Scout Meets Foursquare
echelon 2010 is right round the corner, and we take the chance to catch up with Muecs, one of the technology companies that will feature at the upcoming web technology event.
VoucherWOW Rewards Collective Buying
VoucherWOW is a new Singapore-based startup that is looking to position itself as the website where visitors tap on the power of group-buying for the best deals in Singapore.
Gygan Lets You Store And Transfer Gygan-tic Files
For those of us who use file transfer services like RapidShare.com, YouSendIt.com or 4shared.com, here comes Oakville, Ontario-based Gygan.com.
LogoMyWay – Designers Do It Their Way
Columbus, Ohio-based LogoMyWay.com is a community site that revolves around client-commissioned contests for crowd-sourced professional logo designs.
Webklipper Lets You Klip Part Of The Web
Let's say you like the content on a certain web page, and want to share it with others. You can share its URL, but that wouldn't allow you to annotate or comment on it. Enter Webklipper.
Creately.com Reshapes Project Management
Creately.com is a project management tool with built-in features for built-in reviewing, easy collaboration, and comprehensive diagramming functions that helps teams manage and deliver their projects.
Entrepreneurs: OFO Says Save Money, Buy Used Furniture
Entrepreneurs who are starting out always look out to reduce costs. When it comes to setting up an office, OFO, a e-commerce site that trades in second-hand office furniture, believes it can help.
Sency.com Tells You What’s Going On Now
It's tough sorting through all that real-time online chatter in the form of tweets and such, but Santa Monica, California-based Sency believes its real-time search engine can help.
Founder Institute Singapore: Mentors Make A Difference
Welcome to the 'HotSeat' - possibly the most frightening, yet the most fruitful, time at a session of Founder Institute Singapore.
Prova Crowdsources Advertising Designs For Small Business Owners
David Gash, the CEO of San Diego-based advertising design agency Prova Advertising, created his site with the aim of 'putting advertising in the hands of business owners'.
CardHub.com Helps You Choose The Right Credit Card
One of the ways to control your personal finances is to own the right credit card, but how do you select one most suited for your personal needs? CardHub.com, an online search tool that aims to redefine the way people search, compare and apply for credit cards, believes it has the answer.
Lexani Limousines Rides Out A Bad 2009
20-year old CEO of Lexani Limousines Billy Jinks overcomes the economic downturn and manages to grow his luxury chauffeur company in 2009.
LemonStand – From Lemons To Lemonade Stands
Collaboration knows no bounds. Danny Halarewich and Aleksey Bobkov may be separated by hundreds of miles, but that didn't stop the two from joining forces to found LemonStand.
CyberSynchs – Syncing A New Tune For Devices
Losing your data when your high-end mobile phone crashes can really hurt, as Amos Winbush III found out. So he decided to come up with a solution to this annoying problem, and finally founded CyberSynchs, a online service that synchronizes your mobile content to the cloud.
Friendgiftr.com Reinvents The Gift Card Economy
Tinseltown is better known for producing movie stars, but there may be another star in the making in Hollywood, California-based startup Friendgiftr.com.
Hello Baby – Not-So-Baby Steps Into Online Retail
Selling baby items online can be lucrative, as Trevor Ginn of Hello Baby found out.
Proposable.com Proposes A New Way For Managing Sales Leads
Salespeople know the pain of managing and keeping track of each step of the sales process with potential sales leads. Proposable.com believes it has an answer.
Antenna Consulting – Feeling Out The Potential In Youth
Ex-schoolteacher and founder of training consultancy Antenna Consulting, Adrian Tan, has always been passionate about working with young people.
Christian Arno & Lingo24 – Translating The Language For Success
In just eight years, Christian Arno grew his translation company Lingo24 from a home-based business to a company of 112 full-time employees working across four continents, with clients in over sixty countries and an annual turnover of over US$6m.
Chlkboard – Chalking Out A Model For Location-Based Services
Small-to-medium businesses with their tiny marketing budgets typically struggle with their advertising and promotion efforts, especially when it comes to mobile marketing. This is the gap Chlkboard seeks to fill.
Om Republic – Apparel That Makes You Go Ommm…
What do people do when they are retrenched from their jobs during the financial crisis? Some, like ex-investment banker turned designer-entrepreneur Min Sim, chose to start their own businesses.
PlaySay.com – Learning Languages On The Go
Philadelphia-based Playsay.com lets users download digital "language flashcards" using any mobile device such as their iPods, cell phones or personal digital assistants (PDA), allowing them to learn languages while on the move.
The Garden Slug – Slugging It Out In The Food Business
Located in an idyllic part of eastern Singapore, The Garden Slug is a quirky and bohemian diner that offers Western-style homemade comfort food. The owners share their story.
An Interview With Mouli Cohen, Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist
Mouli Cohen, founder of Voltage Capital, shares with us his thoughts on success, entrepreneurship, investment philosophies, and philanthropy.
SOCIALICO – In A League Of Its Own
Can you put a price on fame? Singapore social application startup SOCIALICO certainly thinks so, with its Facebook game FAME League.
ELOHIM: God-Inspired Fashion
Early this year during the Audi Fashion Festival, featured alongside fashion heavyweights Gareth Pugh, Vivienne Westwood, Christian Lacroix and Marc Jacobs was a little known local label called ELOHIM.
Online Marketplace Thumbtack Pins Hopes On Local Services
San Francisco-based online local services marketplace Thumbtack launched today to offer users a place to easily compare price, availability, location, and other detailed provider information on thousands of local services.
The Tang Dynasty: An Age of Innovation
The Tang Dynasty era (618-907 AD) was a period of unprecedented peace and stability in China. Chinese arts and culture flourished, and it was also a period of notable Chinese technological progress and innovation.
BarCamp – The New Conference?
The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) office was surprisingly crowded on a Saturday morning. A youngish, somewhat geeky crowd has descended here, of all places, and the air is literally buzzing with excitement. Welcome to BarCamp Singapore 4.