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Azione PR – It’s All About Taking Action

Azione PR is a Los Angeles, California-based boutique public relations firm started by two enterprising and dynamic young women who despite their young ages already possess more than twenty years of experience in public relations and marketing in total.

ThriftyComputer.com – A Lesson In Overcoming Obstacles

Elchonon Hellinger has tasted the bitter tears of failure. Hellinger, who founded Miami, Florida-based ThriftyComputer (ThriftyComputer.com) at the age of 19, saw that business crash and burn in early 2009 from inexperience.

Belly Bandit – Selling Confidence To After-Birth Moms

If necessity was the mother of invention, Lori Caden invented something - out of her own need - that most new mothers would thank her for.

Neff Headwear Makes Headway In Fashion And Culture

Shaun Neff started Neff Headwear in 2002 as a clothing company selling shirts and hats - he would buy 99-cent headbands and take a paint pen to them, and giving those to friends to help promote the brand.

FreeCustomWebsite.com Builds You, Err, A Custom Website For Free

Say you don't have the time, energy or the knowledge to put together a website of your own. You could hire a digital agency, but costs can be prohibitive. Neither can you control the quality you get if you opt for a freelancer or use a crowd-sourcing service. Here's another option, and it's even free too: FreeCustomWebsite.com.

Shiroube.com Finds Local Guides For Travelers

Shiroube (www.shiroube.com) is a site that connects intrepid travelers to local residents anywhere in the world.

There’s Something Abuzz With GoodBuzz

Mawuna Koutonin is the founder of London-based GoodBuzz, and his story is the stuff of dreams.

Deal Hunting On The Move With Shooger

Shooger is a free, community-driven web and mobile deal-hunting application that gives users the ability to find and share deals instantly with other Shooger users.

BlogFrog – From Blogs To Communities

Being an entrepreneur isn't exactly rocket science, but in the case BlogFrog's co-founder Rustin Banks, he literally is one. The 30-year old rocket scientist left the aerospace industry in 2009 to be a web entrepreneur.

Marketing Consultant Amish Shah Made His Start As A Futurist Not A Fortune Teller

Marketing guru Amish Shah was no stranger to fumbles when he began his marketing and consulting empire back in 2003.

Managing Social Media With Fetch Plus

One of the companies that will feature at the upcoming web and mobile technology startup conference Echelon 2011 is Fetch Plus, a social media and mobile application development company.

CampusBookRentals.com – Textbook Entrepreneurship

CampusBookRentals.com is a U.S.-based website that it offers textbooks for rent. It's a very simple business proposition, but this helps many thousands of students across 5,600 college campuses each semester to save quite a bit of money.

SpiritHoods – Getting Into The Spirit

SpiritHoods was founded by four young men - Ashley Haber, Chase Hamilton, Marley Marotta and Alexander Mendeluk - who birthed the company out of love, love for friends and family, for their families, and all living things around them.

Ariella Vaccarino – Of Family, Music And Mompreneurship

Ariella Vaccarino is not only an accomplished voice teacher and opera singer over the past 18 years, she also happens to be a mompreneur with three kids.

Manage Wedding Invitations With Glö

Taryn Westberg is the founder and CEO of online wedding management site Glö (www.glosite.com), which offers online wedding invitations and streamlined guest communications tools for the modern wedding.

SwiftSharing – Age Is No Barrier To Ideas

Swiftsharing (www.swiftsharing.net) is a new and growing social network site that has seen over 8,000 members signed up and has more than 20,000 posts since launching in January this year. If that doesn't sound impressive to you, consider the fact that none on the Swiftsharing team of five are over the age of 19.

Betterfly.com For A Better You

Betterfly (www.betterfly.com) is a services matchmaking website that helps match people who want to learn, look and feel better with providers of self-improvement services.

SpeechTrans’s Mobile App Translates Different Languages For You

SpeechTrans (www.speechtrans.com) is an automatic speech recognition and translation mobile application available for iOS devices, essentially turning your device into a portable translator.

AppSumo – Big Deal On Web Tools For Entrepreneurs

Appsumo.com (www.appsumo.com) is a daily deals site that offers deals on software and applications targeted at small businesses.

Wootfood – Having Your Food, And Sharing It Too

Wootfood is a location-based food finder and mobile application developed by Malaysia-based ideas incubator Alphapod that allows you to search, discover, recommend the best dishes to a "hungry" community.

WhatchyaGot Gives You Bags Of Hope

Salt Lake City, Utah-based WhatchyaGot was founded because its founder Julie Gallegos wanted to create a bag for her father, who was stricken with colon cancer and heart disease.

CampusLIVE – Where Marketing, Social Games and College Students Come Together

CampusLIVE (www.CampusLIVE.com) is a social gaming platform that enables college students to connect with brands through casual, easy-to-play games such as polls, surveys, scavenger hunts, team matches and such.

BooksActually – A Local Bookstore That Thrives In A Digital World

BooksActually is an independently run bookstore tucked away far from the madding crowd at 9 Yong Siak Street. It is the result of two individuals united by their passion for the written and printed word – Karen Wai and Kenny Leck.

A Father And Son Business – GiftsOnTime.com

GiftsOnTime (GiftsOnTime.com), run by a father and son team, is an online gifting platform that lets professional service providers to select and schedule client gifts to celebrate any occasion, with delivery throughout the year.

Liveset.com Brings Live Concerts To A Screen Near You

Liveset (Liveset.com) is a New Orleans-based live music and video streaming service that is a new and affordable way for music lovers to see their favorite bands perform live.

LittleLives – A Social Network For The Little Ones

LittleLives is a social networking site that brings kids together to build global friendships and ignite collaboration, and aims to be one-stop shop for all things education and for children.

VINCI – A Tablet (Device) For Young Children

If you haven't noticed by now, tablet devices are all the rage this year. But here's one tablet that probably escaped your notice - VINCI is an Android-based mobile touchscreen device that is specifically designed for young children.

Want Help Buying A Gift? You Need INeedGift.com

Singapore-based INeedGift (www.INeedGift.com), started by Niles Toh, 25, and Wilbur Suen, 25, looks at helping busy and time-stressed locals source for premium gifts and deliver it to their intended recipients - for a price, of course.

The Pigeonhole Cafe – A Story Of Two Love Birds

The Pigeonhole Cafe, a laid-back and quirky chill-out spot started by a young Singaporean couple, opened some weeks back in the Duxton Hill area.

Save On Fine Dining With DineTonite.com

DineTonite (www.dinetonite.com) is a New York-based dining membership site which offers real-time reservations and special discounts at top restaurants in New York City.