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[Asia] Small Businesses Look To The Internet For Growth Opportunities

Senior fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute, Anu Madgavkar shared during a sharing session organized by search giant Google the impact of the Internet on small businesses in Asia, and highlighted how a country's infrastructure can aid or limit the impact of small business on its economy.

Rhuby – An Entrepreneurial Gem In The Spirits Business

Ylva Binder, the founder of Rhuby - an all-natural liqueur made from the humble rhubarb, a vegetable more commonly used in pies - talks about running her own liqueur business after 25 years in the spirits industry.

OWA Beer – From Europe And Japan, With Love.

Most people are surprised to learn that OWA Beer, with bold Japanese Kanji characters emblazoned across its washi-like bottle labels, is actually Belgian in origin.

PBS Digital Studios’ ‘Inventors’ Chronicles Stories of Various Innovators

PBS Digital Studios's biweekly series called "Inventors" features videos by filmmaker and photographer David Friedman, interviewing and chronicling the work of contemporary inventors from all walks of life.

Singapore Image Recognition Technology Used by Asia’s Newspapers

A Singapore-based start-up company will soon have its technology adopted by a number of leading Asian newspapers, including Thailand's The Nation, Hong Kong's China Daily and The Star of Malaysia.

Autumn Dynasty – A (Brush) Stroke Of Success

Singapore-based Touch Dimensions's Autumn Dynasty is a real-time strategy (RTS) game for iOS and BlackBerry 10 set in a fantasy world heavily influenced by China's Three Kingdoms period.

[Singapore] MyRepublic Continues To Disrupt Telco Industry With Teleport

MyRepublic celebrates its one year anniversary by introducing Teleport, a new VPN-like service that lets its users stream content from online services from around the world like Hulu, Pandora, Netflix and BBC iPlayer without the need for cumbersome traditional VPN methods.

Elephanti – Stomping Into The Mobile Marketing Space

CEO of mobile marketing solution provider Elephanti, Lalin Michael Jinasena, explains why he doesn't believe that his industry will go the way of the floundering daily deals industry.

The Intersect Fund – Small (Business) Is The New Big

The Intersect Fund is a non-profit microlender that aims to provide small businesses in New Jersey with loans - from $500 to $20,000 - to help get them off the ground.

The Next 10 Years Of Infocomm Technology

Cort Isernhagen of IDC Insights forecasted at the recent Infocomm Technology Roadmap Symposium 2012 that the ICT landscape over the next 10 years needs to consider the following four macro trends supported by four key pillars of technology.

[Singapore] Comparing Foreign Exchange Rates With GET4X

GET4X is a Singapore-based technology startup that looks at simplifying the process of how Singaporeans exchange their foreign currencies by offering an online site as well as an iOS mobile app that allows users to compare rates from various money changers in Singapore.

Craft Breweries Buck Discount Trend With Seasonal Releases

During a season when most large corporations cut prices in order to entice consumers to spend, craft breweries do quite the opposite - creating and releasing their best (often also the priciest) products that excite their consumers.

Glyder – A Mobile App For Small Business Marketing

Glyder is an iPhone application that lets small businesses create and share effective marketing messages for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, as well as email, text message, MailChimp and even Passbook.

TradeHero – Making And Following Stock Market Champions

TradeHero is a stock market simulation app for mobile devices that draws real-time data from 14 stock exchanges, 45,000 global securities and 1,300 currency pairs and allows users to simulate trades in game form.

Do You Dream Of Becoming A CEO?

Thinking about starting your own business? If so, an incubator might be the best way to help your company get off the ground.

Inventory And Sales Management App TradeGecko Enters Public Beta

Targeted for small- to medium-sized enterprises, cloud-based inventory and sales management SaaS application TradeGecko is designed to simplify the tasks of running a wholesale business and making it more social and engaging.

Towards An Intel-ligent Future

We recently got a glimpse at what chip maker Intel has been up to - an "intelligent future", if you like - and here we recap some of what we saw.

PlayMoolah.com – Financial Education For Kids

PlayMoolah is an online financial literacy site for kids where young kids play games and other tailored experiences to understand how to manage money.

Crowdsourcing Hope With Online Donation Platform GoFundMe

GoFundMe.com is a crowdfunding platform that lets someone collect donations for a personal cause or a life event. The site lets users manage their campaigns, thank donors and even communicate with supporters.

Singapore Startup AFTERSHOCK PC Guns For Gaming Laptop Market

A new Singapore hardware startup, AFTERSHOCK PC, believes it can compete in the laptop market with its range of custom laptops wholly dedicated for gaming.

Build Your Personalized Travel Journals With Qiito.com

Singapore-based travel startup, Qiito (www.qiito.com) lets its users compile and build a personalized travel journal, complete with images and location. Users can also peruse and "adopt" travelogues compiled by others, making the sharing of travel experiences a lot more social.

Intel – Redefining Mobility Computing With The Ultrabook

More than 20 Intel-enabled Ultrabook systems have been introduced since October 2011, and the companyl is currently tracking more than 110 3rd-generation Intel Core processor-based Ultrabook devices in the upcoming product roadmaps of their various hardware partners.

Craftsvilla – An Online Marketplace For Indian Crafts

Craftsvilla (www.craftsvilla.com) sells handmade and handcrafted items from across rural India.

Kickstarting Your Idea On A Crowd Funding Platform

If you have a solution to a problem but the venture capitalists are taking a wide berth, you may want to explore crowd funding as an option.

Aiiooo.com – A Virtual Social Network For Pets

Aiiooo (www.aiiooo.com), a fully-fledged social network for pets, offers pet owners a place online for everything pet-related.

Opinioneated.com On The Singapore Food Blogosphere

Opinioneated essentially pulls food reviews from established Singapore bloggers and aggregates them on a map of Singapore.

Starcount.com: Charting The Stars In Social Media

Starcount (www.starcount.com), by All The Worlds Entertainment, is a social media measurement engine that aggregates and measures social media popularity on a global and local scale across any genre.

Online Gaming, Mobile Entertainment And The Land Of Opportunity In Video Game Design

From its earliest manifestations in the 1950s – 1960s, video games have given ceaseless joy to generations of children who in turn pass their passion for gaming on to their children.

Iron Tribe Fitness – From A Garage To A Thriving Business

Iron Tribe Fitness started as an "underground" group fitness training experiment in a garage and today consists of over 720 gym members and 17 employees in four outlets.

Pure Fix Cycles – Fixated On Fixies

Many businesses start as an idea in the dorm room - Pure Fix Cycles was the brainchild of four childhood friends that originated as a discussion about cycling in their college dorm.