Feature Story
OrSiSo Helps You Organize Your Virtual Life
Being a member of multiple social networks can be a pain, as Thorben Linneberg found out. In frustration, the Singapore-based Dane started OrSiSo, a social network tool to help users manage and organize their online lives.
CrowdSPRING – A Springboard For Creative Ideas
The creative agency business that insists on its traditional way of sourcing for work could be in peril. Not because of the worsening global economy, although that is one reason, but because of one little company based in Chicago called crowdSPRING.
Innovating The Singapore Blogosphere
The way the Singapore blogosphere is growing, throw a stone randomly these days and you're likely to hit a self-proclaimed social media expert, guru or master. Mention Facebook, Twitter or Plurk, and you'd be swamped with unsolicited advice from all over on how such social media platforms do, or do not work, in the Singapore context.
Singapore To Get New Posterboy For Entrepreneurial Success?
The room was totally packed at the keynote presentation in BlogOUT! '09, but you can't truly be sure what the crowd was here for.
It’s A Prettysmart* Appeal For Collaboration
It was a hot and sultry Monday evening at the Raw Kitchen Bar, located on the premises of the old fire station along Upper Bukit Timah Road.
Elevyn.com – Crafting A Way Out of Poverty
Social entrepreneurship knows no bounds. You don't have to be be rich or famous or be an Anita Roddick to make a positive impact...
Foldees.com – Crowdsourcing Greeting Card Design
Lau Chak Onn and Alvin Yu are crazy over Threadless T-shirts, and between them they own almost 100 Threadless T-shirts. Threadless prints and sells...
Lost Zombies Scare The Bejeezus Out Of The Rest Of Us
Horror-inspired zombie fiction will never hit mainstream in a big way - does anyone even recall B-grade zombie flicks such as 28 Days Later? But...
You’ve GotVMail – Concentrating On A Specific Market Bring Rewards
Siamak Taghaddos and David Hauser met while attending the entrepreneur program at Babson College, located near Boston. Iranian-born (but Boston-raised) Siamak and Manhattan native...
In Conversation: Heather Chi, Food For All
Most people don't experience hunger in food-crazy Singapore. A look around the perpetually crowded food courts and coffee shops around the island reveal that...
Promeoh.com – Making Shopping For Bargains Easy
Shopping is a very big deal in Singapore, and shopping for bargains in crowded malls is possibly the most popular form of bloodsport all Singaporeans participate in....
TANGS In Second Life, Makes Virtual Worlds Fashionable
Virtual TANGS
You don't usually expect fashion retailers to be online trailblazers, yet local retail giant TANGS announced this week that it will be opening...
Moot.com – Woot, A WiFi-based Social Networking Service!
Image courtesy of Moot.com
I got an email from André Mlonyeni, CEO of Ground Control Labs introducing his company's social networking service Moot.com. Moot connects...
LeapFish.com – Swimming With The Big Kahunas Of Search
Google and Yahoo! may be the big boys of search today, but that hasn't stopped other new search engines such as Cuil from popping...
FiveSprockets.com – Creating User-Generated Video Content, Professionally
President, founder and CEO of FiveSprockets.com Randy Ullrich always had a passion for filmmaking. The son of a Screen Actors Guild Hollywood actress, Ullrich...
CountSpin.com – Getting Into The Spin Of Things
CountSpin is a live auction portal that revolves around (pardon the pun) falling prices. It's eBay with a twist - at any one time,...
Locomi.com – Three Friends, Three Places And One Startup
Food can unite people. In the case of Sumit Shah, Ravi Bhushan and Siddharth Vanchinathan - the founders of Locomi.com - also discovered that...
How An Alumni Helped Unigo.com Get Off The Ground
Being an entrepreneur is hard, but for a student entrepreneur, things can get immeasurably harder. With no money and armed only with an idea,...
It Pays To Follow Your Passion (Most Of The Time)
Passion makes things happen.
This is never so clearly evident as with Finnish video-making cult hero Timo Vuorensola or Hugh Hancock of Strange Company. Timo created...
Flex-ing His Developer Muscle: A Chat With Seesmic’s Hu Shun Jie
Flex developer Hu Shun Jie from online video microblogging service Seesmic (think a video version of Twitter) is taking some time off his extremely...
Zapoint.com – Talent Management Gets Zapped
Anybody who's worked in human resources and have sorted through hundreds of resumes from job applicants know how painfully tedious this part of the...
How Would You Invest S$10,000?
It's not a very big amount, but I asked three people - an entrepreneur and two investors - what they would do with $10,000...
Salesconx.com – Good Ol’ Fashioned Sales Leads, Virtually
Sales is a key function in any company, and SalesConx.com CEO Evan Sohn believes that his company can help other small to medium businesses...
Hibernater.com – An Idea Out Of Cold Storage
Sometimes it's good to revisit an old idea. That's what Chua Khim Teck, founder of Hibernater.com, did when he took an idea he was...
Freelancezone.com.sg – Name Says It All
First there was Jorbb.com - which we recently featured - and now Freelancezone.com.sg. It seems that casual job sites in Singapore are sprouting out...
ShowNearby.com – It’s All About Location, Location, Location
Online location-based information services are all the rage now with Singapore-based startups, and one of the more recent to emerge is ShowNearby.com. Launched in...
The Great Book of Ideas
Fredrik Härén holding The Idea Book.
Which book:
1. To date sold 150,000 copies in the author's home country of Sweden,
2. Sold 3,000 copies in a...
Ideablob.com – Sharing Ideas Makes The World A Better Place
Being called a blobber doesn't sound particularly flattering, but that doesn't seem to bother the more than 70,000-strong community on Ideablob.com. The small business...
Claytorial – Turn Your Ideas Into Clay
When newly-launched mobile services startup Tagga.com was looking for a way to explain its text messaging services to customers and investors, it turned to...
LeadVine.com – Sharing Leads Made Easy
Sometimes it pays to talk to your competitors. In Allan Margate's case, talking to his competitor led to them founding LeadVine.com together.
In 2002, Allan...