Advice For The Young At Heart

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20 Essential TED Talks For Entrepreneurial Students

Here are 20 must-watch videos from TED if you're an entrepreneur-minded student.

Considering Entrepreneurship? How To Know If You Should Take The Plunge.

Adelaide Lancaster, co-author of "The Big Enough Company", asks a few questions you should be asking yourself if you want to be an entrepreneur. If the answers are yes, then a business just may be in your future!

The Myth Of Work/Life Balance: Seven Ways To Rethink Your Approach To The Daily...

If you’ve been killing yourself trying to achieve daily work/life balance, Jon Gordon warns that it may be a pipe dream. He offers up another (better) solution.

Breaking The Feel-Good Addiction: 12 Steps To Get You On The Path To Achieving...

Often, there’s nothing more satisfying than crossing a task off of your gargantuan to-do list. In fact, it’s a feeling that can be addictive. Once we cross off one task, we go after the next one so we can experience that feeling all over again. But how many of those eliminated tasks really helped you move forward in achieving your ultimate goals, asks Vickie Milazzo. She provides advice that will help you break this feel-good addiction and start achieving Big Things.

College Grads Can Land The Job Of Their Dreams

You didn’t count on getting lost on the way to your first big job interview. So you arrived late and flustered, chugged a restorative cup of coffee in the reception area, and then offered your interviewer a sweaty handshake. Those simple mistakes may have cost you the job, says Patricia D. Sadar, CEO of strategic human resources consulting firm People2Strategy.

How To Keep Your Start-up Agile

Here are four ways to make sure your new venture keeps moving and thrives.

The Benefits Of Renting Desk And Office Space

Rob Clymo of OfficeGenie argues that, for freelancers or entrepreneurs just starting out in business - renting an office space or a desk is a viable option to working from home.

Prevent Your Start-up From Crashing

The truth is that most tech start-ups will crash and burn. According to research, more than half of small businesses are destined to fail in their first five years. But don't let that scare you. Here are some steps you can take to reduce your risks and give your venture the best opportunity to succeed.

Stay Focused To Win

Here are some tips for start-ups can stay focused for success.

5 Ways To Get Ideas

Keen to have a start-up but have no idea what to do? Here are some ideas to kick-start the thought process.

Is Your Teen A Master Of Their Money? Or Slave To It?

The teen jobless rate is two to three times worse than the national average. Nearly 25% of our country’s teenagers are unemployed with that number being closer to 50% in our nation’s capital. The answer, Sharon Lechter believes, is in encouraging our young people to develop entrepreneurial skills

5 Tips For Start-ups

5 tips for start-ups: get a good mentor, look for innovation hubs, meet more people, check out grants and be media savvy.

Job Interviews 101: 5 Target Tips For The Job Hunter

Kim Harman, founder of Tend Roses, offers 5 out-of-the-box, yet time-tested tips, that will give unemployed individuals a leg up on the ladder and will leave them landing on their feet every time.

Five Steps To Building Your New Money Muscles

Jane Honeck, author of The Problem With Money? It’s Not About the Money!, offers some simple steps anyone can take to step out of financial paralysis and into building new money muscles.

Payday Should Be Everyday

Amy Abrams, co-author of "The Big Enough Company: Creating a Business That Works for You", says that entrepreneurship should provide some personal elements of satisfaction that help motivate and validate your decision for it.

How Can I Beat A Bad Economy?

To beat a bad economy, self-made success story and healthcare industry consultant Melissa Evans says you need to start with a little soul.

Twelve Ways To Use Entrepreneurial Thinking To Help Our Schools

OfficeMax Cofounder, former CEO, and serial entrepreneur Michael Feuer has a business-world solution to help schools better deal with new challenges from their economic woes: try thinking more like an entrepreneur.

Tips For Emerging Young Entrepreneurs

London, England-based Oliver Wilkinson is the owner/founder of Europe’s largest SSL reseller – SSL247 – and also the co-founder of France’s first disruptive online recruitment company, He shares his favorite tips for emerging young entrepreneurs.

Managing Success

When it comes to getting the most out of success, there are a few suggestions that Thom Holland, CEO of Beckon, urges entrepreneurs to consider.

Salvo Global’s Six Lessons In Entrepreneurship

Directors Gale Ong and Felicia Kaw of business intelligence provider Salvo Global share six lessons from their company's entrepreneurial journey.

Benjamin Wey’s 10 Tips For Entrepreneurs

Benjamin Wey, President of private equity investment firm New York Global Group, offers 10 tips to aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Desert Less Traveled

Ross Cohen of compares running a start-up to being on a long journey across an enormous desert.

The Six Elements Of Digital Marketing Success For Authors

Fauzia Burke shares six essential elements for successful digital marketing that authors can use for a strategy that is effective, scalable and long term.

Tips To Avoid Business Failure

Although there is never a guarantee a business will be successful after taking so and so steps, a business can always reduce its risks and give it the best opportunity to succeed. Implement these tools to keep your business from failing.

Monetizing Your Platform Strategically – Go Beyond The Book

With easy-to-use, off-the-shelf publishing software, even producing a good looking book isn’t that difficult. Books are being written and published at the highest rate in history. It’s selling books that is the problem.

[Video] Musicians And Entrepreneurs, By Derek Sivers

Here's a video of a presentation given during MusicCamp SG earlier this year by serial (music) entrepreneur Derek Sivers entitled "Musicians and Entrepreneurs".

The Entrepreneur’s Battle Between Vision And The Market

One company’s story of how customers realigned their vision.

The Top Nine Challenges Of Growing an Entrepreneurial Business And How To Tackle Them

The hardest step entrepreneurs take is getting their start-up off the ground once and for all. The second hardest step is growing it into the best business it can be. What today’s entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs must remember is that a lot can be learned from the successful entrepreneurs who came before them. Professor Ed Hess provides advice on how to navigate common growth challenges derived from the many successful businesses he’s studied.

4 Tips For Entrepreneurs From LinkedIn’s APAC Head

Willis Wee of gets some entrepreneurship advice from Arvind Rajan,'s APAC head.

Be a Benevolent Dictator (And Eight More Lessons For Getting Your Stalled Start-up Off...

If you’ve been afraid to act on your great business idea, Michael Feuer says now —yes, NOW —is the time to make your move. To help you get started e offers a few of the lessons he learned building his own well-known, successful businesses.