Advice For The Young At Heart

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5 Tips For The Young, Graduated, And Working At Home

The increasing likelihood that young people will be hired for a job contingent on remote productivity is a sobering one. It is pertinent that young workers ever begin developing a few good habits and prepare to practice self-discipline, argues Anna Johansson.

6 Good Reasons To Enter A Startup Competition

Entering a business startup competition is a ton of work for a new entrepreneur, but there are some really excellent reasons to enter a startup competition, argues Daniela Baker.

Taking Your Home-Based Business To The Next Level

For a woman, trying to balance home life and a home-based career can be challenging. Stacey Thompson offers some advice on how to grow the home-based business without compromising on the “home” part.

7 Things Every New Entrepreneur Must Know

Author of "20,000 Days and Counting" Robert D. Smith shares some harsh love with aspiring entrepreneurs.

6 Things Not To Say When Pitching To Investors

When you ask investors for money, you have to pitch to them directly, and you have to do it right. Here are six things not to say during your pitch.

Entrepreneur Startup Kit: 4 Keys To Success

To increase your chances of being successful, CEO of Infratel Bryan Goode offers some tips business owners must implement to start off on the path to success.

[Infographic] Top Secrets To Make Recruiters Find You

Over the years, recruiters looking for the best talent have changed tack. It's no longer sufficient to simply have a nice resume; you need to know how to get yourself noticed amongst a veritable sea of other job hunters. Here's an infographic that offers 6 tips.

The New Job Search

If you are looking to switch careers or enter the workforce for the first time, here are the three steps Maureen Francisco, author of "It Takes Moxie", advises to make sure opportunities come your way.

Four Qualities Of Great Entrepreneurs

There are four qualities that make a great entrepreneur, each one equally significant, says Trevor Blake, author of "Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life"

Insights For New Business Owners

Greg Glebe, founder and CEO of Pedestal Source, provides some insights and tips he found helpful when first starting out.

5 Ways To Save Money When Starting A Small Business

More than 30% of small businesses fail within the first two years, and insufficient funds is one of the top reasons why. David Bakke suggest some ways small businesses can save money when starting up.

Recovering From Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. It's not about the mistake you made. It's how you recover from it, says Trevor Blake, author of "Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life".

“I Want To Be Peter Vesterbacka” (Of Rovio)

Young entrepreneurs who want to succeed need to take a leaf out of Samsung's book and realize there's opportunity everywhere, argues Pekka A. Viljakainen, the author of “No Fear: Business Leadership for the Digital Age“.

Four Tips For Struggling Freelancers

So you're a freelancer... but things have not been going too well for you. If you're a struggling freelancer, here are four tips how to position yourself for opportunities to come your way.

Four Things To Consider When Taking Your Startup Global

Going international is an entirely new ball game. When you're running a startup with big ambitions but limited resources, you can't afford a single misstep. If you're wondering how to take your startup global, here's some advice.

Nine Best Cost-Cutting Tips For Startups

Brett Reizen co-founded Entertainment Benefits Group (EBG) just a day after 9/11 and quickly learned the value of being frugal during the challenging economic times that followed. Here are 9 of his cost-cutting tips for startups.

Just Starting Up? Here Are Five Things You Should Look At.

So you've just registered your company. Well, starting and building a new company is never easy, and you need to stack all the odds in your favor. Here are five suggestions how you can do so.

Founders – Don’t Forget To Manage Your Own Personal Finances

While many of these founders may keep a paranoid eye on their company accounts, some neglect their own personal finances. Here are some ideas how startup founders can properly manage their personal finances.

11 Ways To Make Sure 2013 Is Your Year For Big, Positive Change

Looking back, you feel like you did everything right in 2012. You worked long hours. You were at the boss’ beck and call. And yet, everyone around you seemed to get richer and to gain more success, while you stayed stuck in the same old cubicle. It’s time for that to change. Vickie Milazzo explains what you can do to ensure opportunity knocks on your door in 2013.

Newsflash: Winning Is Everything

If you’re a young upstart, entrepreneur or better yet you're thinking of jumping into your own game, listen very carefully. 'Winning is everything', says Andrew Collins, Founder & CEO of Mailman Group

[Infographic] Entrepreneurial Spirit And Education

Many of you may be considering entrepreneurship as an option, whether you're just about to graduate from college or looking at a second wind in the middle of your career. Here's an infographic that looks at the relationship between the experience, education and goals of entrepreneurs.

Nine Strategies To Help You Stop Enduring And Start Creating A Life That Really...

Looking for something with more impact (and sticking power) than the usual doomed-to-fail resolutions? Vickie Milazzo wants you to make 2013 the year you finally buck up and start living the life you want to live.

10 Tips For Starting A New Business On A Budget

Starting a new business can be expensive. Thomas Ford, Marketing Director of, offers some tips on ways to minimize initial start-up costs for businesses in virtually any industry.

Seven Ways To “Grow” An Entrepreneur (Instead Of A Boomerang Kid!)

Today’s job market has changed - it now cries out for street smart, innovative bootstrappers who think and work like entrepreneurs, says Michael Houlihan, coauthor of "The Barefoot Spirit".

Take The Shot: Economic Inefficiencies Open Doors For Entrepreneurs

Internet technology startup founder and CEO of Talk Session Melissa Thompson offers 10 tips to help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed.

6 Ways To Get Promoted You May Not Have Considered

There comes a time during your professional career that you feel you are deserving of a promotion. Jennifer Carter of suggests a few ways for getting yourself promoted.

Seven Reasons Why Today’s Boomerang Kids Can’t Hack It In Business

We all know adult children, especially college grads, are moving back to the nest. But have you ever wondered why they can’t seem to find their way in today’s cash-strapped lean-and-mean economy? Michael Houlihan says it’s more than a lack of jobs — it’s a fundamental unpreparedness for the Entrepreneurial Age.

10 Reasons Why Now Is A Great Time To Be A Woman In Business

Vickie Milazzo says more and more women are receiving and creating big opportunities in business because characteristics that might have been labeled “too feminine for business” in years past are taking center stage in the 21st century business world.

“Un-spoil” Your Kids: A Holiday Message For Parents Of Entitled (And Financially Clueless) Children

It’s the season of giving and your kids are focused on taking — bad news for all parents, but especially those still mired in a sluggish economy. Gregory Downing says much of their attitude boils down to a lack of economic understanding. He explains how to educate them — and move them from being passive recipients to vital contributors.

Cubes Are For Squares: The Startup/Corporate Matrix – Where Do You Fit?

Everyone wants his or her dream job, but few have the courage to take big risks. Melissa Thompson, CEO of Talk Session, shares some important truths to face if you are thinking about jumping off and in to a startup, be it your own or someone else’s.