Advice For The Young At Heart

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Financial Tips For Starting Your First Job

Clare Levison, author of "Frugal Isn't Cheap: Spend Less, Save More, and Live Better" some tips for navigating the financial waters of a first job. Even if you’re not brand new to the workforce, this can be a great time for a quick financial check-up.

[Infographic] Do You Have What It Takes To Become A CEO?

Here's an infographic that takes a look at the role of the CEO today, and explores the educational backgrounds, experience, and personality traits of some of the top CEOs in the United States. See how you measure up.

For All Those New Female Entrepreneurs, The 5 Cs For Building A Successful Business

Courage is essential to launching and growing a successful business – particularly if you’re a woman, says Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Public Relations and author of “Celebritize Yourself”.

Budgeting 101: Five Tips

If you intend to be successful in business, or in life, it’s crucial to have a plan, especially a financial plan. Here are 5 tools by Alan C. Fox, author of "People Tools" with which you can use to begin or improve your budgeting today.

Five Roadblocks That Prevent Entrepreneurs From Going Zero To One

Certain roadblocks often prevent aspiring entrepreneurs from moving from Zero to One. Ross Beyeler, founder of Growth Spark highlights the following five obstacles that are the most common roadblocks to building momentum:

[Infographic] 10 Amazingly Awesome Warren Buffet Quotes To Live By

Here are ten quotes from legendary investor Warren Buffett compiled by InvestingTips360 into an infographic that distills some of his amazing wisdom.

Top 3 Do’s Online Before Starting that Job Hunt

Lior Tal, co-founder of Repnup offers three ways to position yourself better than other potential candidates when applying for great professional opportunities.

12 Important Lessons For Your Business Growth Spurt

Scaling your business operations can be a daunting task, Here are some tips from Zeynep Ilgaz, co-founder and president of Confirm BioSciences and TestCountry for handling the inevitable growing pains.

How To Start A Photography Business

While starting a photography business might sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. Here's how to start.

Five Words That Entrepreneurs Never Use

There are certain words every entrepreneur should toss out of his or her dictionary. Stefan Haubold, Global Managing Director and co-founder of Carmudi, shares five of his.

Why Going Green Can Help Save Your Small Business

Small businesses can make green changes that will ultimately positively affect their profits and their reputations.

[Infographic] Why Startups Are Going To Change The World

Here is an infographic from the team at Modis highlighting the various reasons why startups are destined to change the world in which they operate, as well as look at various startups that are likely to not only disrupt the industries they're in but also help boost the economy

Are You Entrepreneur Material?

Ronn Cordova, VP of Franchise Development at The Maids, recommends considering your personality traits to see if you're entrepreneur material before taking the plunge.

Entrepreneurs: Create A Founding Legend

Neil St. Clair, CEO of AlleyWire offers a suggestion about how you can build loyalty amongst all those you’ve asked to come on your startup journey - create a legend.

David And Goliath: How Your Startup Can Land An Enterprise Client

To strike a deal with a big company, you have to get its attention, find the “trigger,” and determine the best way to sell, shares Blake Menefee, co-founder of the Dell Center for Entrepreneurs.

Tax Tips For Your New Business

Starting a business involves establishing new processes and systems that will ensure a strong foundation from which to grow. Here are a few simple tax tips from tax consultant Todd Unger all new businesses should put into place, before they officially hit the ground running.

The Anti-Diva Guide To Startups

Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of, Danielle Tate offers a few anti-diva rules to help pave the way for the success of your startup.

4 Ideas For Marketing Your Small Business On A Shoestring

How can your small company compete with the big players who flood the market with their seemingly unlimited resources? It’s simple: strategy, says Allison Conkright Engel, leads global marketing and operations for Dell Center for Entrepreneurs.

Small Shops That Became Big Industry Players

This “small family business” or “small indie business” turned megalith isn’t exactly new. There are lots of incredibly successful businesses that dominate their marketplaces that started out as single storefronts run by just a few friends or a family. Here are three of them.

Work Experience You Should Have Before Starting Your Own Business

Kelly Smith of Career FAQs gives some suggestions on the kind of experiences you should get at your workplace before you start thinking about becoming a self-employed entrepreneur.

When It’s Time To Expand Your Business

If a small business is kept from growing when it makes practical sense to do so, it can begin to lose market share over time.

How Can You Find Free-Of-Charge Support For Your Company?

Whether you’re looking for help with research, training or mentoring, there are numerous organisations that businesses can turn to for help. Mike Mead of DigitMe, and head judge of’s 3D Print Cup recommends a few tips.

6 Tips For Surviving The First Five Years In Business

Entrepreneur Frances Kweller, founder and CEO of Kweller Prep, offers advice on how to survive your first five years in business.

How To Succeed As A Successful Entrepreneur Today

Many view starting a business as complete madness. Here are a few tips, tricks, and guidelines to get you on the road to successful entrepreneurship.

Five Old Adages To Ignore When Starting Your Own Business

Great entrepreneurs know that self employment is the fastest road to wealth. When thinking about starting your own business, make sure to focus on the future, not on the proverbs of the past, says Steve Siebold, author of "How Rich People Think".

Thinking Big: How To Beat Big Competitors As A Small Business

Small business owners must understand the competitive advantages that they have and find out what they are able to offer that large companies cannot provide, argues Lewis Robinson.

I Just Raised Money On Kickstarter, Now What?

Spend just a few minutes browsing websites such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Dragon Innovation and you'll witness a renaissance in DIY entrepreneurship. If your campaign goes well, however, what happens when it's time to deliver? Ross Beyeler, founder of Growth Spark shares his views.

Getting Into The Right Frame Of Mind For Entrepreneurship

Genecia Luo, founder of Queenz*8 Business Group, says she has learnt through her years in business that getting into the right frame of mind is the first step you have to take when it comes to entrepreneurship. There is no, “Oh, I’ll do a bit and then see how it goes.”

Commit Yourself To Action By Investing In Success

Veronica May, co-founder of, shares how you can teach yourself to succeed at a task by working through the stages required.

Expanding To Asia: 5 Tips For Tackling the World’s Largest Market

Pursuing new business opportunities in Asia takes careful planning, a clear understanding of cultural nuances and an experienced and engaged partner to help you establish a presence on the ground. Here are five tips from Jay Eum, co-founder and Managing Director of TransLink Capital to help you get it right.