Advice For The Young At Heart
Survival Tips For The Overworked Entrepreneur
While it's unlikely that you will be able to completely avoid situations where you need to push yourself to complete the tasks you have set, Chelsea Berler, author of "The Curious One: From Food Stamps to CEO" offers a few tips to help you avoid overloading yourself, and a few tips to help you make it through if you do.
[Infographic] Why Small Businesses Can (And Should) Hire Big
Here's an infographic that argues why startup companies should consider hiring someone with “high-potential” for their next job role rather than search long and hard for someone with experience.
Five Learnings Of Growing From A Local Online Startup To An International Business
Being part of an ambitious fast-growing business is pretty awesome, but it is not something that comes without dangers. Willem Nout, project manager and Head of Search for shares five tips he has learned in the last few years.
Four Lessons New Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Walmart
With annual sales of more than $1 billion, Walmart is easily one of the largest companies in the United States. Entrepreneurs hoping to operate their own companies can learn a thing or two from this retail giant.
Tips That Help Make People Recognize You Among Successful Entrepreneurs
Deepak Chauhan, CEO and founder of VOCSO Web Studio, shares some simple and manageable tips that he believes can set successful entrepreneurs apart.
[Infographic] Silicon Valley Giants’ Secrets To Success
Here's an infographic that details the secrets of success from some of the biggest giants in Silicon Valley, from Elon Musk to Sheryl Sandberg to Evan Williams, and many others in between.
5 Tips On Starting A Tech Company
Every other day we hear about how a tech company has changed the world and that there’s a new billionaire younger than the previous. Steve W. Kim of Wemagin recounts his journey to starting a tech company and shares some things he's learned along the way.
Six Ways To Raise And Nurture A Young Entrepreneur
Children are natural-born entrepreneurs. Since many schools don't teach financial literacy courses or offer similar opportunities, here are some ways parents can teach kids about money, financial responsibility, and entrepreneurship.
What Are Your After School Options?
Now that going to university has become a more expensive pursuit than it has ever been in the past, a greater number of people are taking the time while still in school or college to carefully consider alternative paths.
10 Entrepreneurs Give Their Best Advice For Achieving Long-Term Company Goals
We asked a number of different startup CEOs what their best piece of advice was for achieving long-term company goals. Here's what they had to say.
8 Things You Should Give Up To Move Forward
If you want to make some positive changes in your life and achieve your goals, you should say no to some things that stand on your way. Lisa Orto of shares eight of them.
Best Practices For Developing A Mobile App For Your Startup
With branded mobile-business apps in today’s marketplace to achieve recognition and customer engagement, some startups might not be able to gain a competitive edge without a mobile app.
When DIY Is A Terrible Idea
Taxes are difficult enough for certified accountants who specialize in taxes, let alone business owners who have to focus on growing and managing a company. So it’s worth exploring this question, asks Jonathan Barsade, founder and CEO of Exactor: if you did DIY taxes, what could go wrong?
Seven Tips For Ensuring Startup Success
Many entrepreneurs have aspirations about starting a company; however, they are not sure how to make it all work. Scott Gelbard offers seven tips that are sure to dramatically improve the chances of success for startup businesses.
[Infographic] Habits Of Unsuccessful People Vs Successful People
How successful will you be? Well, your personal traits and habits may be able to tell you. Here's an infographic from that compares the habits of unsuccessful people and those that are far more likely to succeed in life.
5 Reasons “Boring” Details Are As Essential As “Big” Ideas For Entrepreneurial Success
Entrepreneur and CEO of Jenny Q. Ta explains how the devil is in the details approach can lead to success.
6 Ways To Make Your Startup More Attractive To Investors — Even With A...
Even if you have a criminal record, there are creative ways to get funded. Catherine Hoke, founder and CEO of Defy Ventures, highlights six things you can do to make your startup look attractive to potential investors.
Bootstrapping Your Way To Launching Your eCommerce Business
Much of the costs of a brick-and-mortar business can be completely avoided or drastically minimized by a bit of creative bootstrapping with minimal investment to launch on the Internet. Below is a list of the key components necessary to begin your business venture. Milysan Troche, founder of list of the key components necessary to begin your online business venture.
Advice For Bootstrapping Your Business From Startup Founders Who’ve Been There
For more personal insight into what it’s like to bootstrap your startup, here’s some advice from startup founders who have gone through the gauntlet and survived.
Why A Woman Needs An MBA To Succeed In Business
Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Kweller Prep, Frances Kweller, offers this piece of advice to women pursuing entrepreneurship: Get your MBA!
4 Simple Strategies To Make Sure Your Startup Grows Up
Running a startup is always going to be hard work. Daniel Barnett, founder of WORK[etc] shares five things he learned (and was forced to learn) on how to manage a fast growing company.
Bored At Work? Here’s 5 Tips To Change Course.
Changing jobs when you're bored might seem like the best solution – and sometimes it is – but there are some things you can do right now to help get your mojo back on track.
Simple Considerations For Upstart Companies
If you want to tackle the global markets and create a higher cash flow for your business, you have to consider issues as simple as SEO and... physical mail.
Ways To Create Income While Waiting For The Ideal Career
Waiting, applying and striving for your ideal career can take time and money, but the costs can be minimised if you think outside the box.
Culture Isn’t Everything: 3 (Other) Traits Vital To Your Business’s Success
While a startup culture of pingpong, beer, and pizza sounds really appealing, what's more important to the core of your business is making money and growing at a steady pace. Zvi Band, founder and CEO of Contactually, shares three traits to help your small business blossom.
Where Are The Potential Business Investors — And What Do They Want?
Though you’ve likely heard of other businesses who’ve grown with the help of private investors, the trick is often identifying who are these people are — and what they consider worthy of their capital investment. Kristen Gramigna, Chief Marketing Officer for BluePay, shares some thoughts.
Starting A Business On A Budget
You don’t become the CEO of a multi-million pound company overnight; we’ve put together this handy guide to help keep start-up costs to a minimum.
Improve Your Job Search With Social Media
Did you know that your social media page can cost you your job or the opportunity to be hired for a position you have been waiting for? This infographic gives you tips on how to use social media to attract employers and get hired, along with tips on what to avoid posting.
The Most Rewarding Marketing Mistake I Ever Made
Marsha Friedman, CEO of EMSI Public Relations and author of “Celebritize Yourself” shares an extremely painful mistake that's proved to be an invaluable lesson which has served her well in the years since.
5 Ways To Protect Your Startup From Copycats
Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of, Danielle Tate offers advice on how to protect your startup from pirates.