Advice For The Young At Heart
The Trick To Balancing Student Debt And Retirement Planning
How can a graduating student, or someone with credit card debt or mortgages to pay, balance paying their dues and planning for their future?
25 Tricky Interview Questions And How To Answer Them
The interview is the most important part of your job search. Here, Peter K. Studner spotlights 25 common interview questions that tend to trip up candidates — and reviews how to answer them to your advantage.
5 Biggest Stumbling Blocks For Starting A New Business
The probability of a new business failing is pretty high, as many impending stumbling blocks appear to stand in the way. Here are five problems you'd do best to sidestep.
There Has Never Been A Better Time To Fail Fast Or Win Big
If you have ambitions about creating a startup, then do it now, says Bernhard Schroeder, author of "Fail Fast or Win Big: The Start-Up Plan for Starting Now". The keys to moving fast are to know a few basics even if you have no idea today for a startup company. Here is what he believes might be three things to make you think, and perhaps do.
10 Important Non-Technical Traits That Every Developer Should Possess
Hiring a developer isn't just about finding someone with the right technical skills - non-technical traits are also important. Philip Acuña asks several startup CEOs to share some of the most important non-technical traits that every developer should have.
5 Crucial Steps To Becoming A Savvy Entrepreneur
If you’ve crossed over into entrepreneurship it’s time to get serious, says Donny Gamble Jr., founder of He lists down five items you need to address in order to get yourself up to speed as a newbie.
Reaching For New Heights: Check Out These Outdoors Business Startup Ideas
If you want to start a new business but hate the idea of sitting behind a desk all the time, this blog post is for you.
Tips For Successful Networking In The Creative Industry
With the job market as competitive as it is, finding a place of employment within the creative industry is no longer as easy as getting good grades in school, completing one internship, and nailing your first interview. Pierre Drescher, co-founder of The Creative Loft, offers a few simple ways to not only network with others in your field, but to make yourself stand out in a crowd of other job seekers as well.
5 Pointless Resume Practices Salespeople Should Avoid
Using tired old resume tips could be keeping yours at the bottom of the stack. Here are five outdated resume practices you should ban from your sales resume, as shared by Robyn Melhuish of
Before You Start Your New Business, Ask Yourself These Essential Questions
Many businesses fail within their first year. The reason for this is a complete lack of planning. We’ve compiled a list of questions to ask yourself before you jump into your new business.
5 Tips for Those Starting Their First Business Venture
What do you really need to know when starting your first business venture? Here are some tips that have proven invaluable to many successful and experienced small business owners.
10 Things All Budding Entrepreneurs Should Do
Fancy yourself a budding entrepreneur? Make sure you tick off everything on this checklist.
Freelancing – A Prelude To Entrepreneurship
Freelancing isn't new to this generation – it has been around for a while. Only time will tell whether or not it can take up a larger share of the services market, says Soumik Roy.
Why You Should Meet With Your Job References
During a job search, references are every bit as important as a sharp résumé and strong interview. Here, Peter K. Studner shares five important things to do when organizing your references.
5 Common Mistakes Startups Make
If you’re looking for tips on how to start a successful online business, whether it will be a full-time or part time online business, you’ll need to beware of some of the common mistakes that startups make. Tommy Bjorn, founder of, highlights 5 of them.
Lessons From 2014’s Most Popular Kickstarter Projects To Get Your Startup Funded
There’s no science to a successful Kickstarter campaign. However, by following the examples set by a few of the most influential campaigns of 2014, you can get off to the right start, says Ali Lawrence.
Skills In Demand: The Fast Track To Becoming A Business Analyst
One of the most rewarding careers in the world is probably a career you’ve never heard of - a business analyst. Chandana Das explains how to get started down that path.
6 Important Steps To Consider When Starting A Business
Starting a business can be an exciting prospect. For many people, it might be their lifelong dream. Here are six important steps you will need to consider when starting a business.
Are You Ready To Open Your Business’s Doors?
One of the biggest mistakes companies make is opening their door to the public too soon. Before you light up the OPEN sign, make sure you’re ready for business by using this simple checklist.
11 Essential Things Every Startup Needs
Starting up a new business from scratch can be scary. Here are the 11 essentials we think startups shouldn’t be without.
5 Unusual Start-Up Ideas For The Driven Entrepreneur
In the ever-changing, always-evolving world of entrepreneurship, one hard truth remains consistent: you have to be different to be successful. Here are five unusual ideas you can consider.
[Infographic] Why Running A Company Is The New Retirement
When it comes to entrepreneurship, old is the new young. Here's an infographic that shows us how age doesn't quite matter when it comes to starting or running a business, and highlights a few older entrepreneurs who have made their mark on society.
A Successful Start-Up Is All About Putting The Right Team Together
Starting a business is never going to be an easy and straightforward task, even if you have planned meticulously and ticked every box along the way. It makes sense to surround yourself with the right team when starting your own business.
Money-Saving Hacks For E-Commerce Start-Ups
Keeping tight control over all financial transactions is vitally important for an e-commerce start-up, helping to improve the chances of success and long-term financial viability. Here are five of the best money saving hacks that can help turn your e-commerce start-up into a success.
Know Your Goal And Know Your Role: Connecting The Dots To Success
Entrepreneur, founder and CEO of, Danielle Tate, offers advice to women on how to achieve their goals... by connecting the dots.
Some Tasks Busy Start-Ups Can Outsource
Here are some of the basics tasks those running a start-up can outsource to outside professionals so that they can maximize their time and energy,
Mompreneurs Magic – Tips To Create The Business Of Your Dreams
A successful mompreneur is one who has taken her passion and what she loves to do and been able to make a successful business out of it. Diana Ennen,President of Virtual Word Publishing and author of "Virtual Assistant, The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA", offers some tips to running a successful home-based business.
It’s Time To Be Branded
After being in business for years, Chelsea Berler, author of “The Curious One: From Food Stamps to CEO – One Woman’s Journey through Struggle, Tragedy, Success and Love“ discovered (the hard way) that she needed a personal brand. She shares why, and why you need one too.
[Infographic] 5 Tips For Starting A Small Business
Starting a small business doesn’t have to be a perplexing task - with the right tools and understanding, you can follow your dream all while creating a profitable company. Here's an infographic to guide you on your way.
The “Musts” For Being A Successful Entrepreneur
There are many traits successful entrepreneurs have in common (some are harder than others, some easier). If you want to thrive for the long term, there are specific "musts" to launch, drive, nurture, and grow a profitable small business, shares Chelsea Berler, author of “The Curious One: From Food Stamps to CEO – One Woman’s Journey through Struggle, Tragedy, Success and Love“.