Advice For The Young At Heart

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8 Pieces of Advice For CEOs That Need To Scale Their Startups

A startup’s ability to scale its services in response to increasing demand is one of the most important factors in determining its success. Philip Acuña spoke with eight successful startup CEOs and asked what methods they used for scaling their services to meet increasing demand.

Seven Ways Start-Ups Can Save Money Everyday

We look at seven ways start-ups can save money everyday by reducing operational overheads and being savvier about outgoings.

Seven Ways Women Can Find Adventure In Their Own Backyard (and Why They Should)

If you're like most women, your life is well entrenched in routine. But Dr. Nancy D. O'Reilly says breaking out of your rut and expanding your world can propel you to success. Here, she shares tips to help you plan the most adventurous summer yet.

Top Digital Marketing Strategies For Starving Startups

Startups have a lot of enthusiasm and drive, but one thing they don't always have a lot of is cash. Dario Zadro, web strategist at Zadro Web, suggests some top strategies startups can get started with to promote their business without having to splash out too much cash.

Find Innovation 5 Times A Day

Having successfully started multiple companies, Adam Simpson - CEO and co-founder of Easy Office Phone - says he's realized the importance of staying innovative. He shares five key times to think creatively and find some innovation in the typical busy day of an entrepreneur.

5 Clever Marketing & Branding Tips For Startups

There’s a lot to do and plan when you’re starting a new business. But don’t neglect the marketing and branding side of things. Here are 5 clever tips to make sure your marketing and branding are as good as they can be.

6 Things Every New Business Should Consider

Starting a business is an undoubted risk at any time – you’re pouring your time and finances into a venture that might easily fail. Alex Sebuliba looks at some aspects of running a business that you might not necessarily think about, even though they’re just as important as having a proper business plan.

[Infographic] A Guide To Job-Hunting For Graduates

The pool of attractive, well-paying jobs are shrinking, yet at the same time the number of graduates looking to enter the work force is increasing at an unprecedented pace. This infographic from Adecco is compiled with tips for graduates looking for work - if you've recently graduated and are on a job-hunting mission, you'd do well to follow the advice.

How To Get A Good Work-Life Balance

We’ve all said it, ‘there are never enough hours in the day’. But working hours on end does not always mean working productively. Melanie Astbury, HR Manager at offers a few tips she's learned about maintaining that much-desired balance in and out of work.

[Infographic] What You Need To Know To Be Productive At Work

Here's an infographic by Davitt Corporate Partners that looks at how your environment at work can have an impact on your levels of productivity, coupled with helpful tips on how you can ensure a productive workspace and much more.

[Infographic] 8 CEOs Who Made Their Fortune Before They Were 30

Youth is no barrier to entrepreneurship, as the likes of Mark Zuckerberg - who founded Facebook at the tender age of 20 - has shown. Here's an infographic that looks at eight new young entrepreneurs are making their own mark on the world.

Making Your First Business Count

Much is made of the successful entrepreneur’s ability to rebound from failure. Just try to make those mistakes small and survivable. Here’s how.

Switching Careers In Your Twenties

‘Quarter life crises’ appear to be on the rise – and it appears that’s partly down to many in their twenties leaving university and becoming disillusioned with their job as they experience it in the flesh.

Having The Guts To Be Bold In Business

by Irv Rothman, President and CEO of HP Financial Services What if you came face to face with the realization, that to survive and thrive...

How To Start Your Own Bookkeeping Business

If you have decided starting a bookkeeping business is for you, then provided here are some simple steps and tips to help you get started in the right way and make your endeavour as successful as possible.

Different Ways To Save Money When You Set Up Your Startup Office

Setting up an office for your startup? Consider these few factors.

Things To Consider When Starting An IT Company

If you are interested in opening an IT company, there are a number of other factors that you will have to consider. Alex Christo looks at some of them.

How To Avoid Distractions When Working On Your Startup Idea

Anand Srinivasan, founder of offers various tips for aspiring startup entrepreneurs avoid distractions and work on the business you are supposed to be focusing on.

Tips For Handling Money As A Startup

You may be well versed in the industry you’ve chosen to pursue as a business owner, but less confident about how to manage finances. Kristen Gramigna is Chief Marketing Officer for BluePay shares some simple tips for handling money as a startup.

Have You Just Started Your First Business? Here Is Some Expert Advice

Deciding on standard branding elements for your business is essential if you want to become a household name. Here's advice on branding and others like it for new businesses.

Finding Your Work–Life Balance

Charles A. Archer, co-founder and CEO of Evelyn Douglin Center for Serving People In Need, Inc. shares the following ways that not only provide career separation but ways for every business owner, operate and entrepreneur to relax, revive and rejuvenate.

7 Key Steps To Paying Off Student Loans

Donny Gamble Jr., founder of shares 7 key steps to help you tackle your debt and find financial freedom.

4 Ways To Adopt A Learner Mindset And Become A Stronger Leader

Learning should not end when you leave school, says Farbood Nivi is CEO of Learnist. Letting your curiosity fizzle out and settling into the debilitating knower mindset can put your business at risk of plateauing.

Will Your Startup Fail? Here’s How You Can Tell

Why would a well-funded startup company fail? There are dozens of reasons. Knowing what these reasons are can help you make adjustments in your business, so that you and your startup can become successful.

4 Reasons Why Starting Your Own Business May Be The Best Option For Foreign...

The United States is the Land of Opportunity for many. This includes the almost 820,000 foreign students who were enrolled in US universities in 2013. Serhat Pala, President and founder of RhinoForce explains why starting a business in the US may be a good option for many of these foreign students.

6 Accounting Tips For Startups

Accounting probably doesn't excite you as much as the other components of the business, but it's an essential puzzle piece in the landscape of your startup.

How To Finance A Small Business

Fortunately, today's world offers many ways for entrepreneurs to get financing for small business ventures. Here are some ways for you to finance a small business.

The Care And Feeding Of A Startup

Some thoughts about founding a startup.

3 Tips For Funding Your Small Business

While raising startup capital likely won’t be easy, here are some tips from Hunter Hoffmann, Head of US Communications at Hiscox Small Business Insurance to help you get funding for your small business.

“Tell Me About Yourself”: How To Put Together A 90-Second Answer To This Interview...

Sure, you're the ultimate authority on yourself, but coming up with an informative yet succinct summary of who you are can be surprisingly difficult — especially during a stressful job interview. Here, Peter K. Studner shares a formula that will help you craft an articulate pitch.