Advice For The Young At Heart

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7 Steps To Starting Your Business In Singapore 

Each of one of the following steps, from materializing of your idea on the paper to the registration and plunging into work, is an essential milestone which you should carefully consider if you're looking to set up a business in Singapore, as shared by Roman Yarovyi of One Visa Ltd.

We’re Stuck In A Success Crisis And It’s Affecting Our Kids

Success and leadership have gears and we’re not shifting them correctly... and that is affecting our kid's success thinking. Susan Ford Collins, author of "The Joy of Success: 10 Essential Skills for Getting the Success You Want" muses about what’s off and how to correct it.

Push Back At Rejection: 4 Ways To Help You Overcome Setbacks

Whether it’s asking someone on a date, applying to business school or trying to get new clients, rejection can be tough. Hunter Hoffmann shares four tips to help current and aspiring small business owners protect against rejection before it happens and turn risk into the courage to achieve their dreams.

Key Considerations Before You Launch Your Salon

Thinking of launching your own salon? Here are three areas you simply have to consider before you launch your salon.

Turning A Business Idea Into A Successful Business Venture

Every business must go through this process of growth in order to develop a successful business. Here are a few considerations for anyone who is pursuing a new business venture.

7 Things Your Interviewer Will Check Before Or After Your Job Interview

You can do research about a company and its goals before heading into a job interview, but you won't be the only one who did their homework! Michael Klazema shares seven things a prospective employer might research about you, either before or after an interview.

How To Minimize Startup Missteps

It is important to minimize mistakes early on so that you can continue to shape and grow your startup into a successful business. Asif Khan, CEO of Caremerge, offers 5 tips on how to minimize mistakes as a startup entrepreneur.

5 Tips For A New Business Startup

From day-to-day operations to growth strategies, it’s difficult to know what the next move is for your business. Solomon Thimothy, founder & Chief Executive Officer of Clickx, shares five tips I’ve learned that can help you on your journey to getting your business off the ground and on the right path.

4 Ideas For Getting Your Business Idea Off The Ground

Having a good idea for a business is the easy part. Trying to get it up, running, and off the ground? Well, that’s another...

Should Startups Hire Consultants? 7 Benefits To Hiring Consultants

Getting a consultant in to advise your startup isn't always about simply supplying a specific expertise currently lacking in your operations. Here are some other reasons why a consultant can help fulfil unmet needs and provide proper direction.

5 Entrepreneurial Lessons I Learned From Failing Fast In My First Venture

Chris Thornham, co-founder of FLO Cycling, started his first company with his brother fuelled by an idea alone, and it failed in a matter of months. He gleaned a few valuable lessons from the experience, and used those to grow their next business, FLO Cycling, into a success. He shares those lessons.

3 Things You Need To Do Before Launching Your Online Start-Up

Kicking off your own online start-up can seem daunting to a budding young entrepreneur, but if you have the product then you are already half way there. Fortunately, the internet caters to both those with money and those without - David Jinks of ParcelHero shares three things you need to do before launching your online start-up.

Problems In Your New Business? Who Ya Gonna Call? Mythbusters!

The business world is full of myths. They’re repeated so often that they start to feel true. If you’re running a new business, Heather Foley, consultant at says you’d do well to bust the following myths pretty quickly.

7 Ways To Create Your Own Success

Most entrepreneurs do not start out with millions in venture capital funding or advice from Mark Cuban sitting in their inbox. Entrepreneurial success is achieved after years of problem solving and hard work. Rob Nelson, founder and CEO at, shares what you can do to create your own opportunities instead of waiting for them.

Get A Mentor To Become As Smart As You Think You Are

The key to success is to get a mentor — and not just any mentor. Find someone in the line of work that you want to pursue who’s not only successful but also willing to mentor you and take a vested interest in your career. Then, go work for him or her, says Jeff Carter, the managing director and founder of Grand Coast Capital Group.

4 Pitfalls To Avoid In Pursuit Of Startup Success

There is a lot that can happen beyond your control as an entrepreneur but Mark Halstead of RedFlagAlert shares four common pitfalls that it’s important to avoid if you’re aiming to take your business from inception to sustainability and on to real success.

Critical Decisions To Manage Your Startup

Your first year of managing a start up business can be extremely difficult. It’s difficult because you must address so many issues at the same time. Your work in year one can make or break your business.

Learn From Mentors, Not Mistakes

As you seek out mentors, do not listen to most people because most people are wrong. You must listen to the people who have achieved success in an area where you are also looking to experience success, says Clay Clark, founder of

Four Movies All Entrepreneurs Should Watch

Here are four movies that not only you can relax and enjoy watching, but you can actually learn something to apply to your business life too.

5 Key Elements That Make Startups Successful

Stepping out into the world of business is an exciting prospect but turning it into reality is another challenge altogether. These tips should go a long way to helping.

9 Essential Guidelines For Becoming An Entrepreneur

To achieve entrepreneurial success, it is crucial that you believe in yourself and have confidence in your abilities, says serial entrepreneur Robert B. Pamplin Jr. He shares nine essential guidelines for becoming a successful entrepreneur.

5 Tips On Becoming An Entrepreneur After Corporate America

There are plenty of reasons why more people don't take the plunge from Corporate America to entrepreneurship. Sally Poblete, CEO of Wellthie, offers several tips to help you take the plunge.

Four Tips For Small Businesses To Increase Brand Awareness Fast

When it comes to raising brand awareness, small businesses have options. Chief Marketing Officer at 99designs Pamela Webber shares a few of the best ways to accelerate brand awareness for immediate and profound results.

Questions Every Young Entrepreneur Should Ask Themselves

A lot of young entrepreneurs rush into business without giving it the proper thought and consideration beforehand. Make sure you can answer these questions in detail before you get started:

5 Lessons A Startup Can Learn From Jurassic Park

As a startup you will face challenges in the midst of turning your brilliant business idea into reality. Darius Fisher, President of Status Labs shares five lessons any startup can learn from the 1993 American science fiction adventure film Jurassic Park.

How To Start A Startup – For Busy People

Sam Altman's (of Y Combinator) 20-lecture Stanford course, which is available online for free, features 1,000 minutes of collective wisdom from the founders of Airbnb, PayPal, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Stripe, Jawbone and more. Andrea Martins, co-founder of GreenSocks, recaps some key messages from those lectures.

4 Tips For Choosing Your Right Career Path

When you are contemplating your future and your career, making the ‘right’ decision can bring a lot of pressure. The good news is that to find your most appropriate and most enjoyable career path, a number of useful tips can be applied.

5 Things Your Startup Needs To Consider To Save Money Long Term

There are many sensible cost reduction strategies that can be implemented at any stage of your startup business which can have a real effect on your bottom line. Here are 5 things your startup needs to ensure you save money long term.

Five Tips For New Graduates Looking To Land Their Dream Job

Graduates should remember that they are building the foundation for a career, not just trying to get a paycheck, says Rob Wilson, CEO of Employco USA. He offers some top tips for how graduates can land a dream job.

Have Diploma, Will Work For Recognition

Millennials graduating this month are entering a strong job market full of optimism with dreams of starting their new careers. Hunter Hoffmann of Hiscox Small Business Insurance believes the time is ripe for this generation to take advantage of their innate advantages to realize the American dream of owning their own business.