Advice For The Young At Heart

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5 Small Business Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Many of the errors small business owners will make in the coming year can be easily fixed with a few simple strategies. Here are five common small business mistakes and their solutions.

Top 4 Networking Tips From Startup Founders

Whichever networking opportunities and industry events you settle on, don’t miss your chance to make a meaningful first impression, transforming these connections into an effective drive for your business. Four entrepreneurs in the tech industry share their top tips for effective networking.

Revealed: Top Mistakes To Avoid When Starting A New Business

If you're starting a new business soon, how can you avoid making any startup mistakes? Here are three to avoid.

Three Entrepreneurial Strategies You Should Implement Right Now

These days, there are numerous entrepreneurial strategies you can deploy to ensure that your small business takes off and keeps growing. Here are three.

How To Boost Your Chances Of Getting That Dream Job

There are a lot of things a young professional can do to boost your chances of getting towards your end goal of that dream job that you trained so hard for. Here are three easy steps that will help you do just that.

5 Financial Professionals Every Entrepreneur Needs On Their Team

While you should take an active role in your money management, there are several pieces of the financial puzzle that will require professional help. Patrice C. Washington, author of "Real Money Answers for Every Woman" shares a list of the small group of professionals who you may need to enlist to advise you on business and personal finance decisions.

2016 New Year’s Resolutions For Small Business Owners

Now that we’ve closed the books on 2015, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about resolutions for 2016. Hunter Hoffmann, Head of US Communications at Hiscox Small Business Insurance , shares some ideas to get you started.

Important Tips On How To Start A Business… Straight From A Self-Made Entrepreneur

For aspiring business owners who want to start their own organization, there is no better place to look than to other self-made entrepreneurs for advice and inspiration on how to start a business from nothing. Erik Wilson, CEO and co-founder of Pozify shares some of the most important tips on how to start a business.

7 Tips To Beat The Obstacles In Your Head And Create Winning Habits

Fight-thru is where your initial confidence morphs into the realization that winning is going to be harder than you thought. You need to be able to win two or three fight-thru battles with yourself to reach the point where a habit becomes second nature, says Dr. Jason Selk, author of "Organize Tomorrow Today".

Smart Finance Decisions For Your Start-up Business

As the owner of a start-up, you must make dozens of important decisions. Your decisions about finance may have the biggest impact on the success or failure of your company.

Setting Sail On A New Business Venture

When you have an idea for a business, it's often best to run with the idea to see if it will take off. By using these few simple tips, you can make sure that your business is a success.

Home For The Holidays: Tips For Navigating Painful Conversations About Your Job Search

If you're a college senior or recent graduate about to head back home for the holidays, you'll likely be forced to engage in soul-crushing conversation about your job search and future plans. Ben Holder of GradStaff shares some potential conversation topics and example questions to be ready for.

How Fit Body Boot Camp Became The Fastest Growing Fitness Franchise

Bedros Keuilian, founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp shares some tips of how he built his own small business empire from the ground up through sales and wise investments of his own money.

5 Reliable Tips For Selecting The Right Business Loan

As someone who has been involved in seven start-up businesses, Kabbage co-founder and COO Kathryn Petralia understands the challenges associated with finding business funding. She offers a few key considerations to keep in mind as you research funding options.

10 Startup Mistakes To Avoid On Your Pathway To Success

So you have decided to start a business. Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship. To overcome the odds and become a success story, here's a list of potential mistakes you may want to avoid when pursuing your startup venture:

Protecting Your Business Idea

What can you do to protect your business idea while it is till hatching? There are some documents you should discuss with your patent attorney or business lawyer before moving from that sketch in your head to making plans for actual production.

Hiring The First Batch Of Employees For Your Startup

One of the first things that a startup entrepreneur needs to do is hire your first batch of employees. Follow this guide to make sure you make no major mistakes along the way when it comes to hiring people.

5 Key Tips For Building Effective Thought Leadership

Having a depth of knowledge in a selected field and the ability to shout about it allows entrepreneurs to differentiate themselves and their products. Thought leadership can help them achieve this. Emma Rosser looks at the 5 key tips to get you started, from the entrepreneurs that have been there.

Crowdfunding: Strategies For Fundraising Success

Whether you are planning a charity fundraising ideas through Plumfund, or looking for working capital for your new startup through Indiegogo, Kickstarter, HeadFunder or another of the top 10 crowdfunding sites, if you are depending on that portal site alone to launch your campaign, you could be courting failure. Here are some fundraising ideas to consider when organizing your project.

11 Tips For Entrepreneurs

CEO of Selective Search Mitchell Berk shares 11 key pieces of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs that has served him well during his 37 year career in starting and building businesses.

Women Who Launch: 7 Missteps To Avoid When Starting A Business

If you’re thinking about launching, you now not only have lots of company but also a range of successful women role models who’ve been there, done that and are ready to provide support and strategic advice. Joanna L. Krotz, author of "Being Equal Doesn't Mean Being The Same" shares some tips curated from the experiences of women entrepreneurs across the country that can help you clear some initial hurdles and avoid a few rookie errors.

5 Tips For Gen Ys Managing Older Employees

One of the biggest challenges facing young leaders today is managing members of their teams who are literally old enough to be their parents. Nicole Laurrari, President of The EGC Group shares some strategies she's learned in her experience of managing more seasoned workplace veterans which have allowed me to get the most out of abilities and talents.

Launching A Successful One-Man Business Made Easy

There’s no greater feeling in business than building a successful company from scratch, especially when you do it by yourself. If you’ve dreamed about building a successful business, now is the time. And here’s how.

Survival Checklist For New Solopreneurs

While failure is a real fear of new entrepreneurs everywhere, you can prevent it from becoming reality with these five tips from Donovan Janus, founder of 17hats.

Best Ways To Fund Your New Business

You need to get a certain amount of cash to ensure you can survive the startup stage. We’re going to cover some of the best funding solutions for your new company in this post.

Seven Questions Startups Should Ask To Get On Store Shelves

Abigail Steinberg, author of "Recipe for Success: An Insider's Guide to Bringing Your Natural Food to Market", saw again and again the same mistakes start-ups make when trying to get any type of products onto store shelves. She says asking yourself some hard questions can save you from a world of heartache.

Why Your Startup Hasn’t Gotten Funded

If you’re spending your time pitching investors, you’re more than likely wasting energy that could be spent moving your startup forward, says Clarence Wooten, founder of and

Startups On Startups: Entrepreneurs Reveal Best Advice For Building A Business

Having spent decades helping entrepreneurs build great companies for most of my career, Tom Walker, president & CEO of Rev1 Ventures, knows some of the most helpful advice comes from other entrepreneurs who have been through the process and can share key lessons learned. He shares some of them.

Smart And Effective Tips For Young Entrepreneurs To Avoid Bankruptcy

Being a young entrepreneur can also be disastrous if you don’t take care of your finances. Here are some vital and effective financial tips to take into account so you don't run the risk of going bankrupt.

5 Top Strategies To Avoid Burnout In A Startup

Exhaustion, constant frustrations, external inconsistencies and constant battles are just some of the things that push entrepreneurs to their absolute limits. Before you know it your friend’s 9-5 suddenly looks pretty appealing. We ask some entrepreneurs what gets them through and how to harness energy in a healthy way.