Advice For The Young At Heart

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Steps To Building A Company That Everyone Wants to Work For

Every employer wants the best employees they can get, but often the best people don't show interest. Kevin Faber, founder of Silver Summit Capital highlights some steps you can take to make your company one that employees really want to work for.

Struggling To Think Of A Business Plan? Why Not Keep It Close To Home

You want to get into business? Here are some pointers for you which could start working the cogs in your entrepreneurial mind.

5 Ways Tennis Prepared Me for Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs won’t find success solely because they’re passionate. Meghdad Abbaszadegan shares some of the lessons he learned while refining his tennis game that have proven invaluable as he explored the world of entrepreneurship.

5 Reasons Every New Entrepreneur Should Consider Seeking A Mentor

Too many new entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to do everything on their own. Working under a mentor offer benefits that are too many to overlook. Here are five reasons why every new entrepreneur should get a mentor.

Denis Vranich, Canadian Executive, Emphasizes Hard Work For New Entrepreneurs

Balancing daily financial and work needs with building a new business or brand can be particularly challenging. But, it is this tenacity, resilience and willpower in these early stages that often set those who succeed apart from those that will eventually fail.

5 Things Every Budding Entrepreneur Should Know Before Launching A Startup

Launching a startup is a huge step into the world of entrepreneurship. Here are five things that every budding entrepreneur needs to know before launching a startup business.

5 Reasons Your Business Idea Isn’t As Good As You Think It Is

You’ve put in the work. You came up with what you think is a brilliant business idea, you moved to Silicon Valley, and you’re working on connecting with venture capitalists to get your first round of funding in motion. But there’s no one biting; they barely even seem interested! Anand Srinivasan, founder of explores what could have gone wrong.

Do You Really Need An Investor For Your Startup?

by Anand Srinivasan, founder of Aspiring entrepreneurs often see startups as their ticket to independence from the 9 to 5 work life. Make no mistake,...

Containing Growth Chaos: Five Things To Do When Your Company Is On The Upswing

Knowing the difference between the feeling of growth – and the folly of doing so in the wrong way or at the wrong time – is what sets successful, expanding businesses apart for the long haul, insists Bryan Miles, CEO and co-founder, Miles Advisory Group, Inc..

7 Startup Strategies That Will Certainly Pay Off In The Future

Starting any small business can seem like a daunting prospect, especially when faced with all the little details of what makes a company tick and with minimal resources. Here are seven things you may want to take note of.

Millennials Dream Of Being Entrepreneurs: 7 Tips For Starting A Small Business

More than one-in-three American workers today are millennials, and this year they surpassed Gen X to become the largest share of the American workforce, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by Pew Research Center. Lou Casale, Head of Communications, Hiscox USA shares some important tips for millennials who are considering taking the courageous leap to start their own business.

Taking A Chance On Life

by Bill Thompson, author of "Order of Succession: Getting Away with Murder" What’s harder than getting fired? What if you’re a baby boomer plugging away at...

How Startups Can Avoided The Dreaded Slow Start

All entrepreneurs need to take steps to make sure that a slow start is avoided. It’s all about planning and preparation. If your business takes the steps outlined below, you should be able to avoid that dreaded slow start.

What Will It Take To Be A Top Entrepreneur?

There are probably plenty of twenty-year-olds right now that love the idea of becoming the next rich entrepreneur. But there are a few bars you’ll need to jump if you want to be the next great entrepreneur.

If It Ain’t Broke, Break It!

We have all heard the old saying, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. While this could be a great mantra for the old stereo you have in the garage, it is not the philosophy for creating success as an entrepreneur, argues four-time author Michael Melfi.

5 Things You Must Do To Run Your Business

While there are many tasks you must juggle to keep your business running, these five tips by Stephen Sheinbaum, founder of Bizfi, will help you stay grounded as an entrepreneur.

5 Easy, Free Ways To Get The Word Out About Your Company

It’s all about getting your brand in front of the right customers. Pamela Webber, Chief Marketing Officer at 99designs shares five easy, cheap (or completely free) ways to start getting the word out about your awesome product.

Grow Your Business By Improving The Workflow Of Your Sales Team

To sell more efficiently you will need to take a look at your sales workflow for ways that it can be improved, says Kevin Faber, founder of Silver Summit Capital.

Challenges Faced By B2B Tech Startups – And How To Prevent Them

The allure of launching a tech start-up is not just easy enough to understand, but then, entrepreneurs fail to consider the risks they have been facing being in this competitive world of technology. Michael Lundberg, Marketing Manager at Ampliz looks at the six challenges you are likely to come up against and suggests ways you can overcome them.

Common Mistakes Result In Invention Failures

As an inventor and entrepreneur, one of the most important steps to take during the startup process is research, says Tom Gray, CEO of Make48. He shares the five areas that inventors should strive to become experts in, as well as errors they should avoid.

Your (Startup) Work Or Your Life

While you are already enjoying some of the benefits of your new life as a business owner, it doesn’t take long before your new startup can take over your life. How do you find the proper balance of maintaining a personal life and working your startup? Rick Sliter shares some insight.

5 Risk Management Issues Many Small Business Owners Neglect

A large part of a good risk management plan is a business owner who can determine what the businesses actual risk is and how much of a risk each element represents. Walt Capell, president and owner of Workers Compensation Shop highlights the 5 elements of risk management that many small business owners struggle with.

Managing The Operations Of Your Startup

Your success or failure will not rely upon the historical data and industry statistics, but from how well you manage daily operations. Cameron Johnson shares five tips for assuming better command over your startup operations.

How Finding Your Purpose Can Build Your Business

Any startup should center its methods on a meaningful, strategic purpose. By implementing this objective through your company’s offering, you can add value to the community and establish the service your company provides the public, says Kevin Xu, CEO of MEBO International.

Don’t Start Up – Just Yet!

The trend toward launching without planning may be why the failure rate for venture capital-backed businesses is as high as 75 percent. Ed “Skip” McLaughlin and Wyn Lydecker, co-authors of "The Purpose Is Profit: The Truth about Starting and Building Your Own Business" offers six steps to take that will give you confidence that you are ready to start up.

How I Knew That I Could Bootstrap My Company

Figuring how if your company can be successfully bootstrapped involves a combination of being in the right place at the right time, solving a problem for a significant amount of people, and by having a company culture of learning by doing and taking small yet constant steps forward, says Aytekin Tank, founder & CEO of JotForm.

4 Ways To Fail The Right Way

Keep in mind: if Edison threw up his hands and gave up after 9,999 failures, there would be no lightbulb. Innovative organizations don’t fear failure. John Wechsler, Founder & CEO of Launch Fishers shares four ways you can use it to your advantage.

4 Cost-Cutting Solutions Any Business Can Get Behind

Cutting costs for your business is surprisingly simple if you follow some basic steps. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do towards that end.

Ensure Your Startup Gets Off To A Good Start

Getting a startup off to a good start is often just a matter of following some basic steps. Here's a look at what those might be.

Juggling A Degree With Starting A Company: How To Survive

If you’re heading back to school to further yourself professionally, you may also be considering starting your own company so that you can apply your new skills in real-time as you learn them. Here are some tips for surviving college while nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit.