Advice For The Young At Heart
The First Step In Turning Your Hobby Into A Business
From sewing baby clothes to upcycling old thrift store furniture, more and more people are turning their hobbies into side businesses. But the first step to turning your hobby into a business is this: Treat it as a business, says Christy Wright, author of "Business Boutique".
How To Pick The Right Startup Accelerator Program
Choosing the right accelerator program can make or break your startup. If chosen carefully, the rewards will be invaluable, and chances of joining the ranks of Airbnb, DropBox, and Uber are higher.
4 Inspiring Startup Stories That Will Fill Your Heart With Hope
Entrepreneurship is a tough journey especially if you are introducing a new concept or product into the market. If you are unsure about succeeding in business, here are some stories that will restore your hope.
Why You Need A Business Plan – Finding The Best Style For You
Running a business without a plan is like running down the street with a blindfold on. Hal Shelton, author of "The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan" shares what a business plan is, why you need one, and what style is best for your situation.
Keys To Develop A Great Small Business Growth Strategy
Small businesses are finding productive, efficient ways to grow, and you may be wondering what steps you can take to foster growth and development in your venture. By exploring these few helpful tips from Cameron Johnson, you can more easily navigate to a successful and desirable end result.
Great Mistakes To Make When Starting Your Career
When it comes to starting your career, there are a number of mistakes that it's absolutely okay to make and some that might even be wise to make.
Once An Upstart, Always An Upstart
Being an upstart is a state of mind. It’s how you attack the world – both the opportunities and the obstacles in it. Kathy Kolbe, co-author of "Business is Business", elaborates.
From The Recession To Riches: The Journey To Start A Successful Startup
Tenacity is a necessary ingredient in the startup world but don’t understate the importance of ignorance. It’s the piece de resistance for success, says Ken Staut, CEO of GrowthFountain.
Top 10 Considerations When Starting Your Own Company
It is essential to understand the fact that as someone starting up the odds are not in your favor. But you'd fare better if you're aware of the challenges. Taylor Ryan shares the top 10 considerations when starting your own company.
Startup Tips For Young Entrepreneurs
Here are some tips that you can keep in mind as you begin working on your start-up venture
7 Things That Can Kill A Startup
Nate Vickery points out seven mistakes that business owners make that can ruin them early on.
How To Hire Your First Employee
Your first employee is in many ways a partner in your business. It is important to set expectations right while recruiting your first employee, says by Anand Srinivasan, founder of
9 Things That Tell You To Pivot
‘Pivoting’ is spoken about a lot in the tech world. Jon Leighton, Director of digital agency iResources and founder of shares 9 ways to identify when you need to pivot, and 10 ways to do it.
Venture Capital Demystified: A Fundraising Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Lawyers
If you're ready to raise money for your business, you need to learn to navigate the world of venture capital. VCs Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson provide the definitive guide to how to raise venture capital.
Why Your Startup Should Be A Dating Site
Choosing and creating a startup is a delicate affair. Alex Reddle of looks at 5 reasons why you should decide on a date site as your next great business.
The Procrastination You Don’t Even Know You’re Doing
The real reason some new business owners obsess over things like their logo and its placement on their website so much is to subconsciously avoid having to actually start their business. Rafael Romis, CEO of Weberous says perfection may be a symptom of procrastination.
Building A Customer-Facing Brand As A One-Man Business
Being known as the best accountant or trainer in your region is nice, but by building a brand around your business, you pave the way to scale up your business that can maybe one day employ hundreds of professionals from your industry. Anand Srinavasan explores how.
Four Qualities Every Angel Investor Looks For When Backing A Startup
To successfully secure the early stage support of an angel investor, entrepreneurs need to determine what precisely they are looking for when evaluating an investment opportunity. Luigi Wewege, President and CEO of Vivier Group and author of "The Digital Banking Revolution" shares his thoughts.
Females Seeking Funding
Women raising money for technology companies face obstacles that men don’t. Once you recognize them, there are five strategies you can use to overcome them. Karla Friede, CEO, co-founder, and member of the Board of Directors at Nvoicepay shares those strategies.
5 Qualities Of Great CEOs
Though each CEO will have a different way to run his or her business, the great ones seem to share some of the same top qualities. If you're interested in learning more about what makes a CEO great, consider a few of the following real-world examples from current CEOs.
8 Inspirational Quotes From Successful Women
Even though men have higher salaries, women are proving to be successful in this career path. Robyn Melhuish, Communications Manager at shares some much-needed inspiration from three women who have done just that.
Starting A Business: A Financial Checklist
One of the most important factors in becoming a successful entrepreneur is managing finances. Whether early or later-stage, the growth of every company most often depends on how much capital is available to fund its growth, says Tina Hay, founder and CEO of Napkin Finance.
Bending Bootstrapping To The Needs Of Your Business
Rebecca Weible, founder of Yo Yoga! shares her experiences on how she bootstrapped her business.
Want To Start A New Business In 2017? Do It From Home.
Odds are that you've often fantasized about ditching your job to start a business of your own; to be your own boss; to set your own hours and make your own decisions. Kristy Dickerson, CEO and co-founder of STARTplanner shares some advice how to plan your life so that becomes a distinct possibility.
3 Common Threats To An Entrepreneur’s Personal Life
Being an entrepreneur of a young company is hard. Here are some of the things to watch out for, both for your good and for the good of your company.
Top Tech Startup Ideas For 2017
While now is a better time than ever to launch your own startup, it’s important to understand that competition in the startup space is fierce. Thorough research is necessary to determine how viable a product or service is. Fortunately, we’ve done the work for you. Here’s our roundup of the top tech startup ideas for 2017.
5 Habits To Turn Your Startup Dreams Into Reality
In the light of becoming a more successful entrepreneur, the little changes are the most significant. Therefore following simple habits can expand your network, boost your credibility and improve your work performance.
7 Ways To Master The Art Of Running A One-Person Business
By Greg Waldorf, CEO of Invoice2go
Being a one-man or woman-show is a tough gig, but for someone taking the leap of faith on a...
BrewDog’s Secrets To Brewery Startup Success
BrewDog, Scotland’s largest independent brewery, is a prime example the rise of craft beer. Started in 2007 by two friends, James Watt and Martin Dickie, the producer of champion Punk IPA now ships across the world and is worth an estimated £306m.
David Weiss, Toronto Watch Retailer: How To Expand Your Business
For David Weiss, innovation was at the heart of a successful career in wristwatch design, manufacturing and retail.