Advice For The Young At Heart

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Motivational Hacks From 4 Successful Entrepreneurs

Check out these motivational hacks from four successful entrepreneurs to bounce out of bed tomorrow with a fresh new outlook.

Entrepreneurial Tips For Growing A Business

There is a growing ambition from the younger generation to improve themselves and show self-titled “millennial” doubters that there is still plenty of ambition and drive in their age group. Darren Nicholls, Product Manager (Commercial and Wider Markets) at Informi shares some practical tips that will ensure anyone who’s aspiring to start their own business gets a head start.

[Sponsored] Online Health Insurance Tool Eliminates ‘Pain Points’ And Improves Cost Control, Employee Loyalty

Small business expert Susan Solovic looks at what UnitedHealthcare’s online tool is doing to improve, streamline, and control health insurance costs for small business owners.

A Different Path To Startup Success: How To Avoid Taking Money And Losing Control

With proper planning, the right resources and tools, and co-founders who share the same vision as yours, you can certainly start your own business without having to raise money and give up equity

Why Your Tiny Startup Needs A Business Plan

The best purpose of a business plan is to help you and your team (if you have one) develop, refine and update your plan for the business. A business plan gives you one place where you can coalesce your key thoughts and decisions.

Considering Starting A Business Or Staying In School – What’s The Smarter Move?

Are you facing the problem of whether to continue your studies or start your business? When deciding to stay in school or start a business, you should just figure out which option offers more benefits to you, says Blair Thomas, co-founder of

5 Top Tips To Keeping Your Small Business Afloat

Whether you’re trying to turn your favorite hobby into a career or simply like the idea of being your own boss, starting a small business can be hard, especially for someone young. It’s even harder to keep your business going once you’ve got it off the ground, so here’s a few tips to help you out.

How To Turn Your Passions & Hobbies Into A Career

If you are currently stuck in a dead-end job that leaves you feeling unfulfilled and drained at the end of the day, it might be time to make some changes in your life. Here are things to consider if you would like to turn your passion into a career.

7 Practical Tips On How To Jumpstart Your Startup

If you are to launch and gain traction with your startup successfully, you will need more than a fancy business plan. Lewis Robinson shares seven practical tips on how to jumpstart your startup.

Millennials: Ignore The Advice Of Your Helicopter Parents

Here’s the secret your helicopter parents may never have shared with you: success isn’t built on success. It’s actually built on hardship and agony and failure and frustration and sometimes even disaster, says Trevor Throness, author of "The Power of People Skills".

How Investors Can Bring More Than Just Money To The Table

Investing in startups is a lot more than just buying “stock” in a company. it’s often a huge advantage if you are an investor who brings more than just money to the table, says Paul Towers, founder & CEO of Task Pigeon.

6 Key Threats That Could Endanger A Beginner Entrepreneur’s Prospects For Success

To stay vigilant and dodge the many obstacles in your path that could negatively impact business growth, you should recognize and deal with various threats.

A Short, But Important, Checklist Of Startup Business Wisdom

Les Trachtman, author of "Don't F**k It Up: How Founders and Their Successors Can Avoid the Clichés That Inhibit Growth" shares some bite-sized business wisdom.

LLC vs. S Corp: What’s The Best Setup For Your Startup?

Deciding on a new business or startup’s structure is one of the most critical decisions an entrepreneur will make.

How To Weather The Storm As A Young Startup

The numbers are bleak for start-up success. Only 1 in every 10 will survive the first year of operation due to various reasons. High on the list of reasons is the lack of sufficient capital.

From The Flea Market To The Stock Market

Success can be found In humble beginnings, says Bill Green, author of "All in: 101 Real Life Business Lessons for Emerging Entrepreneurs". He should know - he's a regular guy growing up in the suburbs with no silver spoon to be found anywhere and no guarantees that life was going to work out, turned a flea market business into a major enterprise.

5 Essential Tips For Entrepreneurs Opening A Small Business

From creating a viable concept to implementing cost-effective processes to ensure continual progress, building a business takes time, strategy and the right kind of advice. Eddie Navarrette, founder of FE Design & Consulting shares five tips for budding entrepreneurs looking to open their own business.

Get Investors Onboard With Your Startup

Roughly 27 percent of startups can’t get the funding they need to take their business to the next level, according to the National Association of Small Businesses. Mark Gilbert, founder and CEO of MBS Accounting Technology & Advisory says that poor bookkeeping can be one reason. He shares the biggest bookkeeping mistakes that he consistently sees that prevent startups from raising money.

3 Monumental Financial Mistakes People Make Before They Turn 50

Many young people are making at least three financial mistakes that they likely will rue when it comes time to retire. Chris Heerlein, author of "Money Won't Buy Happiness - But Time to Find It" elucidates on those mistakes.

The #1 Mistake That Entrepreneurs Continue To Make And How To Avoid It

Bryan Miles, CEO and co-founder of BELAY says there’s something that every single entrepreneur needs to hear (and sometimes more than once) — you aren’t as special as you think you are.

How To Make The Most Of Your Young Business

The business world today is more competitive than ever. If you want your business to survive, you have to constantly push forward to be successful.

Seven Tips To Become A Successful Business Owner

There is no yellow brick road to follow to ensure you achieve success, but there are some tried and true methods to help you get there. Ron Ben-Zeev, CEO and President of World Housing Solution Inc. shares his tips.

5 Tech Start Up Execs Share Their Secret To Success

Some startups rise to the top immediately and others fold, but learning from the first set could help you avoid some catastrophic mistakes.

4 Ways Millennials Can Start Taking Charge Of Their Finances

One thing on which most people can agree is that Millennials need to start making smarter financial decisions. Here's a look at the four actions that Millennials can take to start taking charge of their finances.

Where Do I Find Capital For My Startup?

The good news is that it’s easier than ever to find capital for your startup. Brad Mishlove, CEO and founder of Catapult Groups, shares some ways to save money and reduce financial stress as you develop your startup into a full fledged enterprise.

Money Saving Tips When Starting A Business

The old adage "Time is money" may well be the most used and most misconceived concept of the business world. If you can reconcile the ideas of saving and spending as they pertain to your particular business, says Joanna Lau, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of JEMMA, then you can successfully adjust your lifestyle to a more productive future.

Education Vs Real Life Experience – Which One Is The Right Path For A...

The world is changing. Formal learning is still relevant, but there are many instances where dropping out of college to start a business is a smart idea.

Back To Biz: The Rulebook For Starting Your Own Business

Before you open the doors to a new life as an entrepreneur and long before you start picking out your first BMW, experts agree that a solid business plan is a vital platform for any aspiring business.

Essential Networking Tips For Young Entrepreneurs

One of the best forms of advice that any entrepreneur will tend to offer those who are starting up their business is the positive impact of networking and how it can offer personal and business success as a result. If you are unsure of how to get networking, here are some great tips to allow you to build your confidence and kick-start your career.

Essential Skills Every Young Professional Should Develop

Not everyone becomes a business professional overnight. It’s good to be aware of some of the essential skills you must develop to be a professional.