Advice For The Young At Heart
Got A Million Dollar Idea?
Making a million dollars in today’s economy is more difficult than ever. The good news is you can significantly increase your odds by following three principles as shared by Paul Szyarto.
Why Entrepreneurs Have To Do What They Love Or Else They Will Fail
Deciding to be an Entrepreneur means long hours, low pay and a small chance of success. But Paul Towers, founder & CEO of Task Pigeon says he wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Three Benefits Of Nailing Before Scaling
Co-authors of "Shortcut Your Startup: Speed Up Success with Unconventional Advice from the Trenches" Courtney Reum and his brother Carter say too often they see leaders who have the entrepreneurial instinct to move quickly go wide before they’ve nailed the most crucial early steps.
[INTERVIEW] Jonathon Karelse, NorthFind Partners Co-Founder and Partner
Jonathon Karelse is co-founder and a partner at NorthFind Partners, a Canadian-based, global consultancy that helps businesses transform through the use of data driven analytics, forecasting and planning, and change management strategies.
[Interview] Michelle Tran, Founder Of Fleurite
Michelle Tran is the founder of Fleurite, a Toronto-based etiquette consultancy firm that equips individuals and small groups with the full range of behaviors, knowledge protocols they need to succeed in business – and life.
[INTERVIEW] Matt Choi, Founder And Chief Strategist Of Certus Trading
Start small but have a big mission. That’s the kind of thinking that’s helped Matt Choi win on any number of fronts and a philosophy he suggests other entrepreneurs can also live by.
How To Combine Your College Life With Business Aspirations
While it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to match the success of some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, that doesn’t mean you have to put all of your aspirations on hold until your college career is completed.
Students Who Want To Become Entrepreneurs
More and more high school students, and college students, are looking at opportunities in life that have nothing to do with the corporate world. If you're one of those, David Essel shares his four most important keys that you need to follow in becoming an entrepreneur.
Why That $1 Million Doesn’t Always Mean Your Crowdfunding Campaign Was A Success
Crowdfunding is a great tool for companies to introduce a new brand and test product-market-fit in an early, low-risk environment, but Hannah Sieber argues that the amount you raise in a crowdfunding campaign is less important than if you met your stated margin and awareness goals.
How Fresh Graduates Can Build A Tech Career
Nikhita Elizabeth Cyriac, Head of Talent Acquisition at ThoughtWorks shares five tips for fresh graduates looking to build a tech career.
5 Ways To Kick Off Your Entrepreneurial Venture
Running a business can be a thrill, but it can also be a huge pain. If you don't have the right tools, processes, and strategies, you'll end up failing more often than not in your business career.
6 Steps To Fund Your New Idea
Starting any new business is tough, and getting funding is even tougher. Chris Prendergast, inventor of Jamstack shares how he used creative deal making and industrious problem solving to turn Jamstack into a reality.
The Founder’s Identity Crisis: When Your Startup Becomes An SMB
Perhaps the most daunting, and difficult to recognise, for entrepreneurs on their growth journey is the early shift from startup to SMB, says by Reggie Bradford, SVP, Oracle, Startup Ecosystem & Accelerator.
How To Launch Your Startup As A Student In 7 Steps
Starting your own business as a student is a challenging experience. But university years are the best time for young people to build a...
5 Things Every Startup Should Know
If you are looking to build a business from scratch in the new year there are a few things you will need to know and consider.
[Interview] Nellie Mayshak, Founder Of Canaf Consulting Associates
Nellie Mayshak has also come away from various government projects she's done with distinct ideas on what it takes to run a sustainable business over time. She talked about what she’s learned in the last 17 years with Young Upstarts.
The Outcome of Incorporating Strong Visuals In Your Marketing
Going back to the earliest days of print advertising, companies always tried to utilize distinctive visual elements to help grab and retain the attention of viewers.
[INTERVIEW] North Aware Founder And Creator Of The Smart Parka, Jamil Khan
Trust a techie to reinvent how we do winter. That’s what former software engineer Jamil Khan has done with his new company, North Aware, in manufacturing its Smart Parka.
Outside The Box Investors: 7 Ways To Fund Your Business
Startup businesses need to commit to finding the right investors who share their goals and values. Jenny Kassan, author of "Raise Capital on Your Own Terms: How to Fund Your Business without Selling Your Soul" shares 7 time-tested ways to find investors that are right for you.
Dr Paul Lubitz Of Art Of SKIN On Combining Your Calling With An Entrepreneurial...
There are several traits all entrepreneurs share, one of which is a desire to challenge the status quo. Founder of Art of SKIN Dermatology, Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Paul Lubitz, has this trait in spades.
The High School Handbook For Young Entrepreneurs
As young people enter the job market for the first time, many think their only option is a traditional hourly position or a 9-5 job - the reality is that they can foster their entrepreneurial side from the start. Joe Edgar, CEO of TenantCloud shares some tips for young entrepreneurs who too are looking for how they can start a race.
The 5 Rules Of Growing Your Startup: An Insider’s Take
When you’re starting out, you can’t lose sight of the big picture, but you also have to pay attention to the strange quirks of owning and running a business, says Ali Syed, founder and CEO of EZOfficeInventory. He shares 5 pieces of actionable advice.
4 Legal Things Startups Need To Do
Launching a business is exciting, but it's easy to overlook some things in the laundry list of to-do items. Make sure you take care of these four legal things before launching your startup.
What You Can Do To Learn From Other Entrepreneurs
One thing that is key to successfully achieving all of these goals is experience. Experience and familiarity of the field, knowing all the quirks, the nooks and crannies and what makes other businesses tick. So learn from the best in the business.
Ten Skills Every Entrepreneur And Small Business Owner Must Have
The best entrepreneurs tend to have a certain predictable skill set, says Quint Studer. The founder of Studer Community Institute and creator of Entrecon 2017 shares his list of the top ten powerhouse skills every entrepreneur and small business owner should strive to master.
How To Quickly Create A Great Business Plan
You know you need a business plan if you want funding, but oftentimes creating a business plan takes too long. Dave Lavinsky, founder of Growthink and shares some tips to help you complete a great business plan faster.
What Does It Take To Start Your Own Business? The Nine-Step Process
Starting a business requires technical expertise, motivation, and determination. Here are nine steps to help you get your business from the ground on the right foot.
5 Ways Young Entrepreneurs Can Increase Business Efficiency
Most newbie entrepreneurs think that productivity and efficiency are the same. They are not, actually. Being productive allows employees to get more things done in a specified time period. Being efficient means employees can perform a given task in less time.
[Interview] Ed Rempel, Experienced Financial Planner, Founder Of Unconventional Wisdom
From Ed Rempel’s perspective, there’s way too much conventional wisdom out there when it comes to financial and investment matters, and way too many people both spout it and buy into it.
Your No Fear Career
When we have faith in our talents, our team and our product or service, we simply can’t be in fear. But how do we have faith in our company and in ourselves when demands are coming at us so fast and the future seems so uncertain? Robin Fisher Roffer, author of "Your No Fear Career", explores.