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[Interview] Bardya Ziaian, Founder Of Bardya Pictures Ltd

Bardya Ziaian

Bardya Ziaian

Bardya Ziaian is president and CEO of SITTU Group Inc., a global think tank focused on creating opportunities from current economic macro environments. The former President & CEO of Pario Technologies Corp. and founder of BBS Securities Inc. as well as Virtual Brokers (ranked the “Best Online Broker in Canada ” by the Globe and Mail) has an impressive 20 years of experience in the fintech world.

However, he recently embraced his life-long passion and became a film producer and actor by launching his film company, Bardya Pictures Ltd.

We spoke to Bardya Ziaian on his entrepreneurial journey in film.

Tell us about your background and how you got started in this line of work.

Bardya Ziaian: My entire adult life, my career and working life has been centered around finance. I’ve built businesses, managed hundreds of millions of dollars and found success. Despite what some may think, there is a certain level of creativity that is demanded in business and finance, particularly with entrepreneurship. I felt this other side of me, the far more artistic aspects of myself were untapped and I have aged, I have realized that to not embrace that would ultimately equal something lacking in my life. So, I made the decision, prior to the pandemic, that I would learn scriptwriting, assemble an amazing team, and make a bold move into the film industry.

Films have always inspired me. From the first time I stepped foot into a movie theater. They bring laughter and wisdom; remind us to treasure moments with loved ones and to value our time on this planet. I wanted to be a part of that magic.

Tell us about your current company, Bardya Pictures Ltd.

Bardya Ziaian: Well, we started writing and pre-production of our first film Super Dicks just before the pandemic hit. The process went along the lines of generating the idea, writing the script, securing the funding, finding the talent and then producing the film.  Now, a lot goes into each of those steps, which were particularly onerous since neither myself nor many members of my team had connections to the film industry and were unaware of the standard operating procedures. Still, I wanted us to all learn together. That was a primary goal, because teams that learn together function better long-term.

We finished production of Super Dicks, which is a comedy combined with cultural undertones. Now, everyone knows comedies can run the gamut from slapstick to sophisticated, this one is witty and thought-provoking.

We were able to bring some incredible talent onboard after we solidified much of the pre-production. Lead actors Paul Braunstein, Michael Man, Jennifer Hui, Greg Bryk (of Saw V), and Keara Graves (from the Netflix series Grand Army) brought years of experience to the film.

We recently launched production of another comedy tentatively titled, “Golden Boy” that will be directed and executively produced by Damian Lee, a veteran in the film industry. We are not revealing too many details about this latest project, except that we are all excited and the cast is phenomenal.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur and build your business?

Bardya Ziaian: When you take a long look at the film industry, what is  one of the greatest challenges? Financing. Bringing productions out of the red is something of which even major film companies struggle. With a background in finance and a driving desire to embrace my creativity, it just seemed natural and right that I would venture into this industry. Was it technically a leap of faith; a risk? Absolutely, but often some of the greatest gifts in life come from when we believe in ourselves and in what we can create with others.

What does your business do? What problem are you solving? What is the biggest setback or challenge you have had to face? How did you overcome it?

Bardya Ziaian: I like to think we are bringing much-needed levity to people, while also bringing a message of cultural acceptance and the embracing of our differences. The entire goal of my company is to enhance people’s lives through laughter and effective communication. Amazing things happen when people connect through shared laughter.

Our greatest challenge was starting a business while the pandemic was in full swing. We followed all guidelines to keep our people safe while also navigating production. It was challenging, to say the least.

I believe the company was able to overcome the setbacks simply because the team I assembled has an innovative mindset. When there are roadblocks, we don’t stop in defeat, we immediately begin finding solutions.

What do you think the next five years will bring?

Bardya Ziaian: Greater innovation within the film industry that will make it more affordable. I think that will mean greater creativity overall and will open it up to more people, since it will no longer be as cost-prohibitive. Also, the likelihood of making a profit from film will be increased since the cost of production will decrease.

To close, what piece of advice would you give to other entrepreneurs or people looking to follow your path?

Bardya Ziaian: I think you absolutely have to follow your passion, wherever it leads. Sometimes that will mean taking risks, but what life is worth living without a few calculated risks along the way?


Understanding The Fair Housing Act Principles: How To Avoid Penalties For The Violations


The Fair Housing Act is the name given to Title 8 of the Civil Rights Act, which was signed into law in 1968. Prior to its passage, any discrimination complaints relating to housing were handled case by case in court. The FHA has been amended several times since 1968. State and local laws can expand on the protections, but they can’t reduce or detract from them.

Understanding the principles of the FHA can help landlords to avoid penalties for violations. 

The basis of the Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination by direct providers of housing based on: race or color; religion; sex; national origin, familial status or disability. Discrimination means treating someone differently because they are part of one of these protected classes. All people should be granted the same opportunities when it comes to choosing housing. 

The Fair Housing Act requires all states to prevent discrimination against protected classes, but this doesn’t stop states from adding more protected classes to the list. New York and California are just two of a number of states whose fair housing laws add to the list of protected classes. 

An office with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) administers and enforces the Act. When a complaint is filed, HUD personnel will interview the tenant and the landlord and generally investigate the allegations to determine whether a violation has occurred. When a complaint is filed, a landlord can provide written information relevant to the investigation. 

Avoiding penalties for violations

Landlords need to be aware that they may be liable for policies and practices that, even unintentionally, affect people in the protected classes. They need to research state and local anti-discrimination laws to make sure they are compliant.  

The penalties for discrimination vary based on whether a case is processed via the HUD, the court, or elsewhere and can be in the form of fines and punitive damages. There are various ways in which claims can be filed against landlords, including investigations by watchdog groups or discoveries made by HUD testers posing as renters.  

Property management services like Evernest, APM and Keyrenter can help you fulfill the requirements of the Fair Housing Act and all other laws. Making a property management investment in Denver could help landlords to comply with federal, state and local laws. 

Avoid any sort of discrimination based on color or race

The main objective of the Fair Housing Act is to prohibit racial discrimination when renting or selling houses. Today, racial discrimination may not be as overt as it once was, but it still exists. The Department of Justice still deals with many cases involving race discrimination claims. The Fair Housing Testing Program also tries to uncover this type of discrimination and hold perpetrators accountable. An act of race discrimination may be giving false information about availability or setting different terms, conditions or privileges for rental. 

Avoid discrimination based on religion

“Religion,” under the FHA, includes the practice and non-practice of religion, such as atheism. It also includes religions outside of the mainstream. Advertising for tenants should not include any explicit references to religion. Other examples of religious discrimination are harassing tenants because of their dress or religious practices or giving rental incentives to applicants of certain religions. 

Avoid discrimination based on origin

Landlords must avoid discrimination based on the country of someone’s birth or where his or her ancestors originated. Many areas in the country have experienced an increasing level of diversity of origin groups. Hispanics are a fast-growing population group, but there are also immigrants from Asia, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 

Avoid discriminating against families with children

The Act prohibits outright denial of housing to families with children. It also prevents landlords from imposing special requirements or conditions on tenants with children. For example, they may not locate families with children in any single portion of a complex. The best practice for landlords is to apply reasonable restrictive occupancy standards based on safety needs and local laws. 

Avoid discrimination based on disability

The FHA defines persons with a disability as individuals with mental or physical impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities. It is illegal for landlords to refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules or services if necessary for a disabled person to use the housing. A landlord must allow a disabled person the right to make reasonable accommodations to the dwelling.


It is important for all landlords to avoid discrimination against certain protected groups under the FHA when selecting tenants. More often than not, landlords don’t even realize that certain actions they take may be discriminatory. Hopefully, the above information makes you more aware of what housing discrimination consists of, who is protected against it, and how to screen applicants in a legal and ethical way.


5 Secrets To Keep The Momentum Going After Big Successes


by Nicole Levinson, CMO of Audo

We all see stories of people who started with nothing and became very wealthy. The successes of renowned figures motivates us to pursue our aspirations and attain them. But success can sometimes cloud our judgment and make us less likely to achieve future goals. Maintaining success can be very difficult. Once we reach our desired goal, where do we go next? How do we manage to keep winning? How do we get back to a normal work life? How do we move on to the next challenge?

Let’s first take a look at why some people fail to maintain their success after a big win.

Why Do People Lose Their Hard-Earned Success?

People experiencing early success may start thinking success will always be easy. It is common to lose sight of what it takes to achieve long-term success — drive, work ethic, intelligence, punctuality, etc.

Here are some reasons people have difficulty sustaining their success over time:

  • Ego inflation. Early success can get to your head and give you a false sense of superiority. Without reminiscing what it took to get you your success in the first place, you may begin to think you don’t have to work as hard the next time around.
  • Not taking further actions. Some people stop taking action after they achieve something monumental. You will never sustain your success if you don’t continue some of the same practices as before.
  • Not improving yourself. Success often leads people to think they’ve already mastered everything regarding their work and they may stop expanding their expertise which can inhibit future success.

Here are five things you must consider to keep your momentum going after a big win:

1. Be Humble.

Keep your ego in check, keep it low, and focus on building a strong foundation. A strong foundation helps you succeed and maintain that success over time.

2. Celebrate.

Reward yourself for all the progress and success you’ve made so far. When we see little to no results from work, it can be easy to get discouraged. Rewarding ourselves for the little things can provide the motivation we need to keep going. Celebrating even the smallest success releases dopamine into our system, giving us a rush that drives us to achieve.

3. Keep Expectations for Yourself in Check.

After completing a challenging task, it’s common to have unrealistic standards for what we can do next. When you put great effort into something, your energy level is likely to drop and you may need to spend time recuperating. Work that used to seem easy may now feel more difficult. That’s why having realistic expectations and resting before your next project is important. It reduces the likelihood of burnout.

4. Set Your Next Goal and Get Back to Work.

After you celebrate and replenish energy, it’s time to move toward the next goal. If you celebrate for too long, you’ll act like a “partypreneur” (a person who parties more than they achieve) and that track leads nowhere. To maintain your success streak, you must strive to do better than what’s already accomplished instead of being content with mediocrity.

5. Keep a Growth Mindset.

To score big wins, you must grow as a person. The best way to achieve personal growth is to have a “learn it to earn it” mindset. Be proactive, anticipate changes, and seize opportunities when they arise. No successful person stopped working after their first win. Rather they kept learning and growing both personally and professionally. Take Steve Jobs, for example. He didn’t think, “I have introduced the iPhone. I have completed my work and can now relax.” He continued to hustle and develop more advanced gadgets.

Achieving success is difficult, but it is even more challenging to maintain it over a long time. You must be passionate, patient, and hardworking to achieve and maintain success. In addition, you must take decisive action, have a clear vision, and maintain a positive attitude. All these things combined will keep your momentum going and lead you to greater heights.


Nicole Levinson is the CMO of Audo, a “learn it to earn it” platform built for the purpose of personalized career-building. Audo uses A.I. to suggest in-demand skills required for your success in the career you want – all without the substantial debt that comes with a college education.


Benefits And Drawbacks Of A Hybrid Office Model


Considering switching to a hybrid office model as a business owner? With so many benefits and drawbacks to a hybrid workspace, it is essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions on whether to fully transition to this type of operation.

Considering how these issues will be addressed before committing to a hybrid workplace is vital.

What is a hybrid office space?

A hybrid model means different things depending on whom you ask. For example, if you’re talking about an organization where everyone works remotely during the week, they do so in a virtual environment. On the other hand, if you’re referring to an organization where people work in the same place every day, they work in a hybrid model. Either way, this article will discuss both options.

Pros of Hybrid Offices

  • Lower real estate costs

Not having everyone in the same place means you don’t need to rent an entire building for your employees. This could be a significant financial advantage if you’re located in a high-rent area like Washington, D.C., or New York City. Renting a smaller office building might be the best route for a hybrid model approach.

  • Employee morale is an important

According to a recent survey by Robert Half, nearly half (49%) of employees prefer a model whereby they work from remote locations and in-person offices. However, there’s another option: Employees who want to work remotely but feel uncomfortable doing so may be able to opt for a hybrid approach.

A hybrid workplace model allows for flexibility regarding where people choose to be when they’re at their desks. For example, employees who want to come into the offices may do so, but those who prefer working from home can do so too.

The findings from the same study by Half indicate that one-quarter of employees who work remotely feel that their employer has not offered them enough flexibility. Therefore, flexible hours and telecommuting options may increase staff morale and retention.

  • Health and safety of employees

Having fewer people in an organization can mean increased space for social distancing for in-person employees, which may help stop the spreading of viruses. In addition, a healthy workforce can save money that would have been used on sick leave. It also reduces healthcare expenses and boosts productivity.

  • Larger talent pool

One advantage of hiring someone remotely is that it expands your talent pool. In an old-fashioned employer/employee relationship, employers are restricted to hiring people who live near them. But if you can hire someone anywhere, you can find the best person for the job no matter where they happen to live. And if you’re willing to pay enough, you can get anyone you want.

  • A better work-life balance 

Work-life balance should be considered. Fewer hours of commuting allow employees to pursue personal interests and family life. However, a hybrid work environment can give employees who work only a portion of the week an opportunity to interact with colleagues in person. A hybrid work environment can provide an outstanding balance between working fewer hours and still seeing coworkers in person.

Companies benefit greatly from increased work-family balance by receiving numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity
  • Lowering employee absenteeism
  • Lower employee turnover
  • Improved employee morale

Cons of a Hybrid Office

  • Employee Fairness

One concern when working with a hybrid model is that if some employees work remotely and others in person, there could be an imbalance with adequate staff. Will pay raises and promotions be distributed fairly among those who work both ways? Or will hybrid and remote employees be at an advantage over those who work only in person? How will workplace politics play out?

  • Employee Burnout

Remote workers may feel the urge constantly to be “on” and work longer hours than their colleagues who remain at the workplace. If so, this could result in burnout and increased anxiety and depression among these employees.

For most people, the risks associated with burnout are not severe enough to outweigh the benefits of working from home or having an office at home. However, companies should be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them.

  • Work Equipment Considerations

If an employee works from home part of the time and part of the time in the workplace, how much equipment will they need to duplicate? Of course, taking their computer back and forth will be easy, but how about the second monitor? And the ergonomic keyboard?

  • Company Culture

It can be challenging to keep company culture alive when some of your employees work remotely. You need to ensure that they share a common purpose. For example, if you want them to collaborate on projects, you must provide an open space where they can meet regularly.

Final Thoughts

A hybrid office model has many advantages but has some drawbacks. Therefore, it is essential to consider them carefully before implementing them.


The Dangerous Impact Of Burnout On Our Social Lives


by Jim Young, author of “Expansive Intimacy: How “Tough Guys” Defeat Burnout

Besides affecting our emotions, energy, and mood, burnout has troubling behavioral and social consequences. When faced with the intense levels of stress that cause burnout, people often turn towards unhealthy coping habits that eventually lead to isolation. Worse? That isolation can lead to a shorter, less enjoyable life.

In fact, when it comes to the things we worry about shortening our lives, loneliness is not typically what comes to mind. Yet, studies have shown that loneliness can shorten our lifespan by fifteen years, the same impact as smoking fifteen cigarettes a day or being obese. Conversely, the Harvard Study of Adult Development – the most comprehensive study of human happiness – has demonstrated that the #1 strategy for living a long and happy life is to engage in intimate relationships.

One of his most important findings in the field of burnout research shows how we can easily slide into habits that seem innocuous at first, but that lead us into a spiraling pattern of social withdrawal. These routine decisions that are intended to reduce our stress can, when left unchecked, become a slippery slope into burnout.

Examples might look like winding down with a drink at the end of the day, taking a rain check on an activity to chill out, or grabbing your favorite comfort food on the way back from a long day in the office. Now, this isn’t to say that any of these behaviors are problematic at face value. It’s when they begin to erode our social bonds that we enter the danger zone.

In my book, “Expansive Intimacy: How “Tough Guys” Defeat Burnout“, I explored this common phenomenon in detail. In particular, the unspoken rules for men encourage us to stay in control, avoid sharing our feelings, and to never ask for help. Playing by them, it’s easy to see how a guy could check out when life gets hard. Let’s look at an example that came up in my research.

One of the men I talked with described how a series of small, seemingly innocuous decisions pushed him to the brink. Edward had been accumulating stress over a period of years as he worked a high-level job while simultaneously caring for a sick relative. Before those obligations began taking up so much of his time, he loved to go on hikes and attend live performances with his buddies. Group outings to local trails, music clubs, and minor league baseball games brought energy, connection, and joy into his life.

As his stresses mounted, Edward continued to hold them in, never sharing with others the troubles he was having. Under the weight of those burdens, he started to make new choices with his free time. First he opted out of the hiking excursions. Even though he missed seeing his hiking buddies, he couldn’t muster the energy. He hung on to the clubs and ballparks, largely because he could drink there. The nachos, burgers, and fries were also a big draw. Eventually, those went, too, in favor of staying home with a few drinks and some takeout food.

His new routine felt comforting at first. It didn’t require energy or coordination. But as weeks stretched into months, then years, the unconscious spiral took hold. As Edward turned away from his social life, things got worse. His health deteriorated. He eventually became obese. Worst of all, Edward’s mental health suffered due to the lack of connection. In letting go of important friendships, he had become lonely and depressed.

Edward’s spiral of isolation left him without anyone to turn to when things got really bad.

This is where expansive intimacy comes in. When we allow ourselves to be our true selves with more and more people in our lives, we have places to take not only our stresses, but also the joys, worries, ideas, sadness, anger, and desires of our lives. Having a range of people in our lives to be there for us as we work through all of our natural human feelings creates balance. With an array of outlets like that, we can snuff out burnout – and other destructive consequences – before they take us down.

To be clear, when I say “intimacy,” I don’t mean sex. Besides romantic intimacy, which is reserved for certain relationships, we can connect deeply with others in a wide variety of ways. We can bond around intellectual topics, active experiences, spiritual beliefs, and the ways that our emotions flow through us. We can do this with friends, colleagues, family members, and more. In short, we can be our real selves in all kinds of ways with all kinds of people.

For people in a situation like Edward’s, it can feel hard to connect with other people. Oftentimes it’s because we feel ashamed of our circumstances, like we’re somehow defective because we’ve hit a rough stretch. This, too, is natural. Yet, as I explore in “Expansive Intimacy“, sharing our struggles with others is actually the key to building those life-sustaining connections we need.

The good news for Edward is that by embracing this idea, he’s turned his life around. He has opened up to people, developed a range of new relationships, and brought balance back to his life. He’s out there hiking, going to concerts, and enjoying ballgames again. He’s also actively moving through the difficult moments that life invariably presents, leaning into the ever growing circle of trusted people in his life.

In other words, Edward has used expansive intimacy to defeat his burnout and get back to a thriving life.


jim young

Jim Young is an executive coach who works with leaders to root out the burnout in their lives and their businesses and the author of “Expansive Intimacy: How “Tough Guys” Defeat Burnout“.




Why Is It Crucial To Use A Quality BitiCodes Platform?


Have you ever wondered why it is crucial to use a BitiCodes auto-trading platform? What is the secret hidden in this quality platform that attracts a huge number of interested traders on a global level?

First of all, thanks to the rapid development of technology in recent times, the need to use auto trading software from relevant manufacturers has increased significantly. The ability to have powerful algorithms and high-quality software help you achieve your trading goals is truly significant. One such top platform is Bitsoft360.

Whether you have read the BitiCodes Review or have no experience with this software, you must understand the platform and why it is crucial to use this quality auto-trading software.

So let’s start with the very basics of Bitsoft360, shall we?

BitiCodes – learn all the essentials about it.

The BitiCodes represents a specific, new automated crypto trading service. It’s known to be the first of its kind, making cryptocurrency trading available to everyone, regardless of their experience level.

This platform ensures that traders find it quick to learn, easy to use, and 100% accurate and reliable. The company behind this platform is extremely ambitious and focused on being an operative, cheap, and automated trading service.

According to its overall tendencies and behavior, the BitiCodes auto trading platform is undoubted one of the safest and most reliable crypto services you can find online. Beginners should get to know that the initial price hurdle is only $250.

How to know whether this platform is secure?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to spot a scam company online. However, what is certain is that they are scammers, that fraudulent websites have a short life span, and that words about these scammers travel very quickly.

If traders wish to use that short time, scammers will ask for huge amounts of money. On the other hand, the BitiCodes auto trading platform is there to securely back up all of its claims with the relevant data.

Since there aren’t outrageous claims in the cryptocurrency sphere, there isn’t any lying or punishment. Keep in mind that the BitiCodes platform is primarily data-based and upfront.

For what reasons should you use the BitiCodes platform?

There are several reasons why it is beneficial to use the BitiCodes platform over others. Here are the benefits of using this premium and high-quality auto trading software:

  • There’s a 24/hour available customer support
  • The minimum deposit is only $250, which is affordable to many enthusiasts
  • This platform has more than 10,000 stablecoins in its library, which it tracks in real time.
  • It’s relatively easy to use. The registration process isn’t complicated at all.
  • BitiCodes is suitable for experienced traders and beginners both.
  • There are functions available for using ready trading strategies.
  • More than 500,000 satisfied users use BitiCodes daily.
  • It’s an extremely fast and reliable auto trading software.


Using quality auto trading software or platform such as BitiCodes is of the utmost importance as it allows you to spot great opportunities in the market to make serious profits. No human trader can surpass the perfection of mathematical algorithms possessed by a quality auto trading platform.


How Can Insurance CRM Drive Sales?

business meeting charts

business meeting charts

Focusing on the customers and their overall experience is instrumental to any company’s revenue growth. This has become a primary reason why most organizations adopt CRM (Customer Relationship Management). CRMs can help businesses provide better services at a low cost, which is why the CRM market is expected to grow by 245% by 2028.

CRM platforms analyze factors that attract or turn away customers. The tool also creates a smooth service process using payment processing and ticket management facilities. Organizations can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by keeping the customer’s experience at the forefront of business activities, leading to improved long-term revenue growth.

While there are many different types of software on the market, CRM for insurance agents is explicitly designed to meet the needs of an insurance company. It includes insurance-specific features, such as policy management and claims processing.

What is Insurance CRM?

Insurance CRM helps insurance companies keep track of their customers, manage their policies, maximize sales, and manage customer retention. With insurance CRM, businesses can make use of the following:

  • Email Marketing
  • Referral Marketing
  • Commission Computing

How Can Insurance CRM Help Sales Representatives Stay Organized and Efficient?

Let’s take a closer look at how a CRM can facilitate sales representatives. Here are a few ways insurance agencies can leverage CRM platforms to drive sales:

Capture Leads.

A CRM platform can simplify lead management by automating lead allocation and follow-up processes. Organizations can improve productivity by setting up an automated system that allows insurance agents to identify quality leads that can be nurtured accordingly. Using this information, the agents can reach out to potential clients and convert them.

In addition, CRM solutions can track leads and prospects, so agents can see which ones are most likely to convert into customers. Using this software can streamline the lead management process and close more deals.

Centralize All Data.

Imagine being an insurance agent with hundreds of clients. With some systems, it is possible to keep track of all their information. That’s where CRM software comes in. It centralizes all information about a person in one place.

This way, when an agent needs to find a detail quickly, they can access it easily. The platform not only records basic information like name, phone, and email address, but it also collects data on every interaction an agent has with a client, every touchpoint, and their insurance-related information.

Personalize the Customer Journey.

Insurance is a tough industry, and agents need all the tools they can get to stand apart from competitors. This can be easily done by personalizing the customer experience, which is a vital part of driving sales.

In fact, according to Accenture’s research, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide recommendations and offers products or services relevant to them. Insurance agencies can leverage the data collected from the CRM to present personalized offers to leads and convert them into clients.

Wrapping Up

Sales is a numbers game. The more leads an organization has, the better its chances of making a sale. However, businesses also need to ensure they only cater to high-quality leads with a greater chance of converting. That’s where insurance CRM comes in.

By using insurance CRM software, businesses can certify they get the most out of their lead generation efforts by automatically qualifying and disqualifying leads as they come in. This will help them focus their time and energy on only the best leads, resulting in more business sales.


How Daymond John Discovered The Importance Of Cash When Starting FUBU


by Christopher Volk, author of “The Value Equation: A Business Guide to Wealth Creation for Entrepreneurs, Leaders & Investors”

In 1989, Daymond John began to sell headwear, and then shirts branded with his company’s name, FUBU, which stands for “For Us By Us.” Early on in this endeavor, Daymond’s mother taught him to sew, and when he received his first big orders for $300,000 from a single Las Vegas retailer convention in 1994, he returned to their home to set up production. But he needed cash to pay for the means of production — sewing machines, fabric, employees. With orders in hand, Daymond approached banks to obtain a loan, and was declined 26 times. So, he and his mother took out a $120,000 mortgage on their house to enable him to acquire the eight sewing machines and the material he needed to fulfil his orders.

The money Daymond had borrowed was sufficient to fulfill his order and make a decent profit, but having done so, he was virtually broke — and new orders were coming in. He had failed to factor in the need to pay in advance for his material, which took 120 days to arrive from overseas. To add to his challenge, he had to deal with the delay in cash flow arising from the manufacturing time. The ultimate cash flow pain point was the 120-day payment terms he offered his retailers. As a result, his liquidity had to accommodate a revenue cycle that spanned more than 240 days, not to mention the growth he was experiencing from new orders. In desperation, with just $500 left in his bank account and no banks to assist him, he took out an ad in The New York Times that said, “A million dollars in orders. Need Financing.” Fortunately, someone at Samsung Americas textile division saw and answered the advertisement, helping avert a financial disaster. Over the next 25 years, Daymond John’s companies sold $6 billion in clothing, and he became a nationwide celebrity on the cast of the syndicated reality show Shark Tank.

When looking back on his self-taught experience as an entrepreneur, Daymond wishes that he had started FUBU with a greater degree of financial literacy. His first big financial lesson, which nearly cost him his business, was this: “What Is Business Investment?”

It is common for people to think of business investment as chiefly plant and equipment. Such a notion is also somewhat consistent with accounting terminology, where assets are divided between those that are “long-term” and those that are “short-term,” or “current.” When I ask students to define business investment, they think predominantly of long-term assets, such as real estate or machinery. Daymond John knew investment to be more than this. He had eight sewing machines. But then he also had to purchase the fabric and pay the eight tailors to sew his garments. In accounting terms, both these costs together would be included in inventory.

So, Daymond knew he had to make inventory and equipment purchases. However, he had to tie up his cash in raw material inventory for 120 days before he took possession of it. In accounting terms, that would be a deposit. This meant that, while waiting for the fabric to arrive, he would still have to carry some operating costs. And, once the completed garments shipped, he would have to wait another 120 days to be paid. In accounting terms, that would be classified as an account receivable. So, altogether, the business investment needed to operate FUBU on an ongoing basis included five major components:

  1. Sewing machines and other equipment.
  2. Deposits paid by the company for the raw material inventory.
  3. Inventory, which included the combined cost of the fabric and labor to produce the garments.
  4. Accounts receivable.
  5. Cash.

The last business investment component is cash, which is needed to absorb start-up costs like general and administrative costs, utilities, and other operating costs to be borne prior to the receipt of revenues. Cash is also a good thing to have in case of unforeseen expenses or delays in the corporate cash flow cycle caused by elevated levels of inventory or delays in accounts receivable collection. All good business plans need to have margins for error, and the most important margin of error insurance is centered in liquidity access.

If, for the sake of argument, Daymond John fulfilled nothing but this one-time order for his product, then the business investment would be effectively liquidated as the deposits went away upon inventory receipt, the inventory vanished upon its sale, and the receivables likewise disappeared upon their collection. Effectively, the company would profitably liquidate as the cash flow cycle played out. However, over time, FUBU received and fulfilled many orders, and went on to achieve sales of $350 million within a decade. These investments not only recurred but grew far larger over time.

Daymond needed money to carry these five major investment components that comprised his business investment. As FUBU grew and achieved success, the relative amount of business investment required would be expected to decrease, and the company’s liquidity would increase. That is because the sellers of fabric would be less likely to require deposits from a success- ful and proven company. In fact, they might have offered payment terms for the fabric. Accounts payable to vendors are a reduction from business investment because they are unsecured claims on a busi-ness and often cost nothing. The vendor gives you title to the fabric in exchange for an unsecured, often free, obligation to pay at a later date.

With success would also come bankability, which would allow the company to have banks provide letters of credit that would guarantee vendor payments without tying up company cash.

Had Daymond John been able to secure his initial inventory without tying up cash for 120 days, his liquidity would improved. Better still, if he had trade vendor terms on his inventory that would enable him to pay for the inventory long after he received it, his liquidity would have improved a lot. Had his buyers been willing to pay faster than 120 days after merchandise receipt, that would also stand to raise his liquidity.

Finally, there is often the potential for businesses to radically alter their operating model. For instance, had Daymond John been able to have the seller of the fabric also fabricate the garments, deliver them to him, wait for payment, and have his customers agree to pay faster, he would have had greatly improved liquidity, together with less invested in sewing machines and staffing.

In essence, he would have adopted an “asset light” operating model that would require even less corporate liquidity, with fixed overhead and equipment costs transformed into less risky variable expenditures. Operating model creativity entails considering such options and exploring their feasibility to improve business model efficiency that can elevate the potential for value creation.


*Excerpted with permission from the publisher, Wiley, from The Value Equation by Christopher H. Volk. Copyright © 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. This book is available wherever books and eBooks are sold.


Christopher Volk, author of “The Value Equation“, has been instrumental in leading and publicly listing three successful companies, two of which he co-founded. The most recent is STORE Capital (NYSE: “STOR”) where he served as founding chief executive officer and then as executive chairman. Volk, who has written about corporate finance since early in his career, is a regional winner of EYs’ Entrepreneur of the Year award.


Thinking Outside The Bottle: How The Wine Industry Is Embracing Sustainability

wine bottle packaging

wine bottle packaging

Wine has always been one of the most popular alcoholic beverages with its global market revenue set at 340.8bn USD. In 2020, global wine consumption increased from 226 million hectoliters in 2000 to 234 million hectoliters in 2020. While these numbers are impressive, many wine companies are revising the way they do business. A rise in consumer demand for companies to implement more sustainable approaches is leaving no industry unturned, including the wine industry. Rising costs and challenges with supply chains, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, have also had a direct impact on the wine industry looking for sustainable alternatives.

Although a wine’s carbon footprint has little to do with the production of the wine itself, its packaging manufacturer and supply chain management contribute to climate emissions and changes. The International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA) found that 40% of wineries’ emissions come from packaging and transportation.

But what is the industry doing, and what more can they do, to reduce these emissions? 

Ensuring better standards of sustainability

You may be wondering how wine packaging could reduce its impact on the environment when it generally comes in glass bottles which are thought to be eco-friendly. But there are a few ways to make these bottles more so. For example, using cullet to manufacture bottles can reduce a wine bottle’s environmental impact in the first stage of its life cycle. Manufacturing new glass bottles can be energy intensive as they require a temperature of 1700 degrees Celsius of which the source is natural gas combustion. Using recycled glass can reduce the amount of energy required to manufacture wine bottles.

However, a key consideration in ensuring that wine bottles are made from recycled glass is encouraging consumers to dispose of their empty bottles correctly. Although recycling has become a norm for many, products don’t always have implicit recycling instructions on them. This makes it difficult and confusing for consumers to know how to recycle products correctly and they end up in already overflowing landfills. Statistics show that roughly 80% of items buried in landfills could be recycled which indicates a need for companies to educate their consumers on how to recycle their products better. 

Sustainable packaging also involves streamlining logistics to lighten their environmental load. This includes rerouting supply chains. If one thing was apparent during the pandemic, it was that supply chains were affected heavily and faced many challenges. But these challenges gave rise to opportunities to optimise shipping and transportation. Some companies made commitments to source their bottles locally which would reduce the distance their products had to travel, and subsequently carbon emissions. Adjusting the designs for the packaging in which wine bottles are transported also contributes to significantly reducing the number of delivery trips because more cases of bottles are able to fit per truckload or shipment. These small changes ultimately make a big difference to the environment in the long run. 

Glass wine bottles are usually very heavy. This means that only a limited amount of them can be transported at a time because of the total weight. Moving to lighter weight bottles will help reduce the amount of packaging as well as carbon emissions resulting from transportation between vineyards and the end consumer. Packaging solutions experts, GPA Global, offer their clients high-end and customisable wine packaging. Their 100% compostable packs will showcase any premium wine without compromising the environment. GPA Global is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and taking accountability for their Scope 3 emissions as well as affiliate companies in their supply chain. Currently, they account for 20% of their Scope 3 emissions from their suppliers with a goal to reach 50% by 2030.

Wine Packaging is a Climate Decision

As international trade is recovering from the challenges it faced due to the pandemic, the wine industry is set to see some changes. Companies have had to rethink their strategies in order to get their products from the vineyards to their end consumers. One of the biggest responses was a fast turn towards e-commerce to keep sales moving and this was a positive as, in 2021, wine boasted a 40% share of online sales.

However, the pandemic wasn’t the only challenge that the wine industry faced in the past three years. Climate change negatively impacted wine production in 2021 as extreme weather patterns in Europe severely affected wine producers. With 45% of the world’s wine being produced in Europe, namely Italy, France and Spain, this resulted in a loss to the industry. Looking ahead, these results are a blaring sign that climate change is real and sustainability needs to be kept at the forefront. The wine industry is embracing changes that will improve their products’ life cycle. If a bottle of wine is sustainable, it can be repurposed so that the end of its journey can give life to the beginning of the next bottle and ad infinitum.

Companies from other industries should also take heed of the negative role they could be playing in impacting the environment.

Chipping away at even the smallest processes will have a big impact. Sustainability affects everyone and this is shown by the impact it can have on the wine industry. One of the biggest drivers is to improve packaging solutions so it’s important to find a manufacturer that continues to take strides in embracing more eco-friendly practices and promoting lasting environmental and social changes. Companies like GPA Global help companies to be transparent about their processes from the beginning of each product’s life cycle to the end. They also offer unique and premium packaging that’s tailored to your specifications and requirements so you can add value to your products without negatively impacting the environment.


What Extra Benefits And Coverage To Ask For In Your Life Insurance Policy

insurance policy

insurance policy

Most people only think about life insurance when they need it and have a family to protect. But many people don’t know that different life insurance policies offer benefits and coverage. So it’s vital to understand your options and ask for the extra benefits and coverage you need.

This article will discuss some extra benefits and coverage you may want to consider when purchasing a life insurance policy.

Why do you need life insurance?

If you’ve got a family or other loved ones who would be financially affected if something happened to you, you should consider purchasing a life insurance policy. But even if you’re not currently in a position where your death would create financial hardship for others, there are still several reasons you should invest in life insurance. A life insurance policy, for instance, might bring peace of mind in knowing that your relatives will be financially secure if something were to happen to you.

How to shop for life insurance?

Understanding the different types of policies available and the features offered is essential. In most cases, there are four basic types of life insurance: term life, whole life, universal life, and variable universal life. Each type has its features and benefits, varying depending on the insurer. So it’s essential to ask about these features when shopping for a policy and ensure you get the right coverage for your needs.

In addition to understanding the different types of policies available, it’s also essential to know how much coverage you need. Your coverage will depend on age, income level, debts/liabilities, etc. So before buying any policy, consult an expert to help determine how much coverage is right for you.

Finally, don’t forget to ask about extra benefits and coverage available with your policy. It could include accidental death benefit riders or waiver of premium riders which allow premiums payments to stop temporarily or permanently if the insured becomes unable to work due to illness or injury. By asking about these extra benefits and coverages, you can ensure that your policy provides all the protection your family needs in case something happens to you.

What extra benefits should you ask for?

Now knowing a little bit more about life insurance and how to shop for a policy, let’s look at the extra benefits and coverage you should ask for:

Funeral expenses: Most life insurance policies will cover the cost of your funeral and other related expenses. But if you want your policy to cover more than just the basics, you’ll need to ask for a rider for life insurance that covers funeral expenses.

Living benefits: You may be able to get a life insurance policy that pays out benefits. At the same time, you’re still alive if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness or suffer from a chronic condition. This coverage can be used to help cover the costs of medical treatment, long-term care, or other expenses.

Accelerated death benefit riders:  If you are diagnosed with a terminal condition and are not projected to live more than a specific number of years, you can get a portion of your death benefit early. The money from this rider can be used to pay for medical expenses or other costs associated with your terminal illness.

Waiver of premium riders: This rider allows you to stop making premium payments temporarily or permanently if you become disabled and cannot work. In most circumstances, the firm will waive the premiums for the duration of your disability.

Accidental death benefit riders: These riders provide an additional death benefit if you die due to an accident. This benefit can vary depending on the insurer, but it’s typically a percentage of your life insurance policy’s death benefit.

By asking for these extra benefits and coverage, you can be sure that your life insurance policy provides all the protection your family needs in case something happens to you.

The risks of not having life insurance

Like most, you probably don’t think about life insurance until something makes you realize you need it. But the truth is, life insurance is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make. And if you don’t have it, your family could be left with a financial burden they may not be able to handle.

Consider this: If you die tomorrow, would your family be able to cover all your final expenses? If you have life insurance, they won’t have to worry about coming up with the money to pay for your funeral or other related costs. But your family will be responsible for these costs if you don’t have life insurance. Depending on the estate size, they may also have to pay taxes on any inheritance they receive from you.

In addition to covering final expenses, life insurance can help your family maintain their current lifestyle if you’re no longer there to provide an income. Suppose you’re the primary breadwinner in your household. Life insurance can replace your income and help your family keep up with mortgage payments, pay for child care, and cover living expenses.

Without life insurance, your family could be forced to make significant sacrifices in their standard of living or even become homeless. So if you don’t have life insurance, now is the time to get it, and it’s the best way to protect your loved ones from a financial burden during death.


5 Cheap Places To Live In California For College Students

golden gate bridge san francisco

golden gate bridge san francisco

Preparing for college can be an overwhelming process for even the most responsible and well-prepared high school graduates. In addition to applying and being accepted, you need to find a place to live, and luckily there are plenty of options in California. Depending on your lifestyle and preferences there are a wide variety of places to choose from.

Below are five of the cheapest places to live in California for college students.

1. Chico.

Chico is located in the beautiful Sacramento Valley and offers a vibrant, laid-back college life. Dorm housing starts at about $800 for one person and with a meal plan on campus, it’s possible to live on campus for well under $2,000. Of course, it is important to ensure that you’ll be satisfied with your living arrangements as dorming can be an expensive experience as it can include high utility costs, minimal furniture, and limited privacy.

2. San Luis Obispo.

San Luis Obispo is located in a beautiful county nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Lucia Mountains. Transportation is easily accessible from San Luis Obispo to many local colleges and universities including Cal Poly, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Berkeley. Due in large part to its central location, it also offers rather affordable housing options both on campus and off campus

3. Stockton.

Stockton is located in the interior of California and offers some of the lowest tuition costs for attending college in the state. The cost of living is low as well, making it an excellent choice for those looking to save money while attending school.

4. Sacramento.

Sacramento is home to more than 100 colleges and universities located on the lovely Sacramento River. Housing costs start at around $1,800 per month for a room in a shared apartment with a meal plan included. You can also find a cheap essay service here if any academic help is needed.

5. Merced.

Merced is another great location for college students looking to get a good education without breaking the bank. Many housing options are available off campus as well as on campus for less than $1,000 per month. Merced also has great weather and a low cost of living making it an excellent option for college students.

6. Fresno.

This large city offers affordable dorms and apartments with affordable rates both on and off campus. With a large and diverse student body, it’s a great place to meet new people and make new friends.

7. Bakersfield.

This city is located in the middle of California where the Mojave Desert meets the Kern River Valley. Bakersfield has one of the lowest costs of living for any other city in California, even lower than Merced. It’s a great place to live as well as go to school.


The above seven locations offer great opportunities for students to get a quality education while still having a good quality of life living in California. They offer both on-campus dorms and housing options and are conveniently located near many of the most prestigious schools in California If you are looking for cheap places to live in California then any of these locations is a great bet.

[Photo credit: Pixabay]



The Importance Of Sustainable Air Travel


The climate crisis has escalated to a new phase of risk, according to a new report published by the UN. As the 27th Climate Change Conference nears, the UN released data suggesting that the world was in no way close to achieving the goals set forth by the 2015 Paris Agreement – and that a point of no return was nearing.

Businesses across industries and across nations have been working towards reduction in reliance on fossil fuels and other pollutant practice, with the aviation industry leading the charge for research and development. Sustainable aviation might not be a wholesale solution – but does mark hope for a sustainable future yet.

What is Sustainable Air Travel?

Sustainable air travel describes the industry push towards reducing carbon emissions. The aviation industry is a global leader in greenhouse gas emissions, with the EPA indicating that air travel is responsible for 3% of national carbon emissions – and globally, 2.4% of all carbon emissions.

As such, there is a great deal of stigma attached to certain principles and activities surrounding air travel, particularly off-peak commercial and private air travel. For example: the less passengers on a given flight; the higher the individual carbon footprint of each passenger.

This is particularly problematic in private aviation, where empty planes often need to be moved to new airports or strips for new clients. Some private aviation outfits are solving for this problem, by selling tickets for empty leg flights to ensure fuel isn’t burnt in vain. As a whole, though, there is much more to be done to reduce the impacts air travel has on the planet.

Developments in Aviation Sustainability

There are numerous approaches to sustainability from within the aviation industry, from the development of green fuel alternatives to technological advancement on the parts of the planes themselves. Vista Global is a leading private aviation company, and the first in the world to obtain the Global 7500 aircraft – a private jet with peerless range, that enjoys better fuel economy as a result of efficient flight capabilities.

However, much of the tangible ground with regard to sustainability has been made through logistical change. The aforementioned ‘empty leg’ flights are a step in the right direction for minimizing wasteful fuel usage, while more fuel-efficient route-setting enables planes of all kinds to enjoy better fuel economy in the long term.

The Future of Sustainable Air Travel

While the ideal outcome of sustainability measures in air travel would be complete carbon neutrality, that is unfortunately not a reality in the short to medium term. Research is ongoing and many new developments are underway to reduce the carbon cost of air travel, but many of these developments will not bear fruit for some time.

In the meantime, the climate crisis continues to worsen, with the finger pointed at governments around the world for failing to act swiftly and responsibly in the best interests of the world. The aviation industry is working within its own parameters, but ultimately cannot achieve breakthroughs in fueling and long-distance flight without more investment.


[Interview] Jason Hill: Appetite For Success In Six Nations

burger barn

burger barn

Growing up in the Six Nations territory of Ontario, Canada, Jason Hill was a quintessential upstart. He dreamt big dreams, imagined opportunities, and always set high standards for himself. He saw the future as a vast ocean of possibility, and he could hardly wait to chart his course through it.

His dreams, drive and ideas would ultimately take him to exciting destinations, from entrepreneurship in the retail, energy and construction sectors to his most famous creation, Burger Barn in Ohsweken, Ontario.

Word of Burger Barn has reached far beyond Six Nations and Ontario. After Burger Barn was featured on The Food Network’s “You Gotta Eat Here,” tourists began adding the stop to their itineraries.

Jason opened the restaurant’s doors in 2011 and doubled the seating capacity in 2015. When the pandemic struck, he unveiled a small fleet of Burger Barn food trucks and expanded his take-out options.

Jason Hill began his career as an industrial painter. After starting a family, he realized that achieving satisfaction and security required more. Within the next several years he created a string of successful businesses, including convenience and specialty stores, a wholesale confectionery supply outlet, a fueling station and Ace1 Construction.

Jason’s appetites aren’t limited to the burger business. Among his other passions are the Belgian draft horses and Clydesdales he raises, which have been showcased at a variety of equestrian events. He is also a race car enthusiast, who began his participation in the sport by sponsoring a driver in 2015. In short order he put together a team of Burger Barn racers who compete throughout Ontario.

When did you first know that someday you would own a popular burger restaurant?

Jason Hill: It started with the entrepreneurial spirit I’ve always felt, even in my youngest years. At that time I wasn’t thinking about selling burgers, just enjoying them like any other kid! But there’s probably a connection there, because to be really successful in business you have to be doing something that you love. You identify your strengths, your interests and what you’re really passionate about, and you just resolve to pursue that every day.

My first job was as an industrial painter. I could still be doing that — the pay was good — but my heart wouldn’t be in it. At some point I’d fall into a punch-clock mentality, daydreaming about when the workday would end. As an entrepreneur, you never do that. In fact, you don’t want the workday to end, because there’s so much you’re trying to cram into it — and in the end it’s so rewarding.

Founding Burger Barn was based on more than just a love of great food. It was also about creating a place in my hometown where people could gather to have fun. A place that would create community and wonderful family memories. The fact that we have so many regular customers is testament to that. There are familiar faces you’ll see every morning for breakfast, and families that come here again and again to enjoy their life together and build strong relationship bonds. Great food, yes — but also great experiences.

What else would you say is special about Burger Barn?

Jason Hill: I love the idea of fusion in cuisine, matching different cultural foods and tastes to create something new and spectacular. Although we are famous for our burgers of course, this is something we do a lot at Burger Barn. My take on this trend is Southern-style comfort food with a farm-fresh twist, with generous measures of First Nation cuisine influence added to the mix.

Why not stop at one business?

Jason Hill: That’s an interesting question. I suppose if I had done that, if I had been satisfied with my very first business, I would be the friendly shopkeeper that everyone in the community knows. I would be doing small retail, with my confectionary store. And you know what, someday that kind of settled routine may appeal to me. But at this point, I feel that success in one business just magnifies the excitement I feel in starting another. You can really get hooked on entrepreneurship, because there’s a special thrill and sense of adventure every time you imagine a concept, take a risk, and then make it real. There’s really nothing like it. Entrepreneurship puts you in control of your own destiny and tests your skills, persistence and character.

What tips for success in business can you share?

Jason Hill: A successful business requires two very different skill sets; or, if that’s not possible, you probably need two competent individuals at the top handling these distinct functions. On one hand, you need to understand important details. After all, business is about profit; and you can easily lose track of your revenue stream and margins if you’re not paying attention to each line of a spreadsheet.

You’ve also got to be a big-picture person. You can’t spend all day dreaming yourself to success, of course. But you have to step back and take a broad view of where you are and where you want to be, in six months, a year, five years. When you think like that, you discover opportunities — opportunities that would otherwise pass you by.

Parallel to this talent for over-the-horizon thinking, you also need to take time to reevaluate your decisions and your company’s position. “Reevaluate” is an important word for any entrepreneur. Step back, take a look at where you are, where you’re going; think about where you may find new opportunities, and ways you can improve both your business and yourself. Be honest and reflective. You will always notice things you can improve and do differently, but you’ll also derive immense satisfaction when you look back and see a trail of success — and you realize that your hard work had a great purpose in your life, the life of your family, and ultimately in the lives of your customers.


Tips For Budgeting As A Young Person Looking To Save


by Roni Davis

Budgeting can be difficult to sit down and do each month, but it is also extremely important if you want to save money for the future. As a young person, you probably have financial goals that you would like to work towards. This can be something you want to be able to afford in a year or ten years, but either way, it is important to start as soon as you can.

Budgeting can be as straightforward as creating a budget and sticking to it, but there are helpful ways that you can make budgeting easier and more effective.

Practice Zero-Based Budgeting

Zero-based budgeting is a strategy in which you account for every dollar before the new period. This means allotting certain amounts to each of your needs and expenses until you have a zero base. When practicing this kind of budgeting you will first analyze all of the “needs” that you have to pay for. These are expenses that absolutely have to be paid for throughout the month, such as rent, utilities, insurance, car payments, mortgage, groceries, and anything else you have to pay for.

Next, you can figure out how much you are going to put towards savings and paying off loans or debt. This can be the same amount each month, or vary depending on your income and other expenses. In some cases, you may use extra money in one months budget to add more to your savings than you usually do. Lastly you are left with any leftover money that will go towards extras such as entertainment, eating out, clothes, and more. Zero-based budgeting is a great way to organize your budget at the beginning of the month to ensure that you stay on track.

Make a Budget Together

Even if you don’t share money with your friends, roommate, spouse, or partner it can still be helpful to sit down with someone else to organize your budget each month. Having someone to work with will help you stay accountable so that you actually remember to do it each month. They can also encourage you to set goals and stick to them. For example, you may be inclined to skim on your savings allotment for one month to buy something that you want. A friend or partner might be able to help you see that the item is unnecessary, or find ways to rearrange your budget so that you don’t have to forfeit your savings goals.

Remember Every Month is Different

Every month is not going to be the same, which also means that your budget is not going to be the same either. It is important to remember that you may need to make adjustments in your budget some months, and that it is perfectly normal to do this. However, you should also keep this in mind when you have extra money as well.

Some months your budget may leave you with extra cash, if you don’t have anything you need to spend it on that month, put it in your savings account or mark it down as being a surplus you can use when you do have extra expenses. One month your car may break down, which is going to cost you more money for repairs. Knowing you have money left over from another month will put your mind at ease about unexpected expenses. Additionally, if you know you are going to have a more expensive month, like December, start saving for it early.


Roni Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area. She writes for a bankruptcy lawyer in Philadelphia.




Why Giving Your Knowledge Away For Free Will Make You Rich


by Sarah Cordiner, CEO of MainTraining

How many times have you opened your email only to find countless spam emails that you have to delete and block?

How many times have you opened your mailbox to find advertisements from pizza places and credit card companies, that you then have to throw away?

When you walk on the street and someone shoves a flyer in your hand, how often do you end up throwing it away?

For most people, the answer would be all the time, or something very close to that.

The thing is, in today’s world, we get sales being pushed into our faces all the time.

It’s becoming more apparent that traditional sales methods like this simply no longer work. However, countless organisations are still employing such (futile) tactics.

The most effective method of getting positive exposure of your business in a way How many times have you opened your email only to find countless spam emails that you have to delete and block?

How many times have you opened your mailbox to find advertisements from pizza places and credit card companies, that you then have to throw away?

When you walk on the street and someone shoves a flyer in your hand, how often do you end up throwing it away?

For most people, the answer would be all the time, or something very close to that.

The thing is, in today’s world, we get sales being pushed into our faces all the time.

It’s becoming more apparent that traditional sales methods like this simply no longer work. However, countless organisations are still employing such (futile) tactics.

The most effective method of getting positive exposure of online courses.

Many business owners are initially nervous of this strategy, wondering what they will have left to ‘sell’ if they give away everything they know in free or cheap videos, courses and articles; but I’m here to tell you that although you should always have paid content too, giving your knowledge away for free is possibly the most profitable marketing method you can use today.

The Concept of Giving Freely

Let’s talk about a new concept. A different concept. I call this concept giving it all away, to gain it all, and its part of the very real new movement of ‘Edupreneurship’ – educating your market profitably.

I believe that instead of forcing your products or services on people, you should at a ‘bottom of funnel’ end, strategically give some (informative) stuff away for free.

What? Am I crazy? No, hear me out.

Look at all the self-made millionaires and authors who made it big by writing self-help books. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren.

Now look at all the famous chefs on television, with their own best-selling recipe books. Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, and so many more.

They publicly share their best recipes and their “secret” ingredients on television and in their books. They also demonstrate to you exactly HOW to make the best dish, yet many of us never follow it through.

None of these successful edupreneurs withhold their trade secrets.

They don’t hide their formula to success in a closet – they share it openly and to a global audience, yet they see more and more success come their way! Why is that?

Why Giving Freely Doesn’t Harm You

Now that we’ve got some concrete examples listed above, let’s take a closer look at why giving away all your knowledge for free doesn’t really harm you.

The thing is, when you hold back from your audience and your listeners, you’re actually holding back from yourself.

People know when you’re holding something back; it feels like a lure, a trap, a trick. It’s makes us mistrust you immediately.

When people experience your value and generosity, they like you, trust you, become a raving fan, give you testimonials and referrals without even having been a ‘customer’ of yours yet. And that often makes them become a paying customer – for life.

Even when you give knowledge away freely, most people don’t actually become a doppelgänger of yourself and steal all your success.

Firstly, the world is big enough that more than a few people can be rich and famous.

Just because you’ve given away your knowledge doesn’t mean that you’re going to lose out now, there are more than enough riches in the world for everyone to have a very juicy and large piece of the pie.

Secondly, if anything, giving away your knowledge only further cements yourself as an expert and specialist in your field.

The last time you watched a cooking show, whether it was Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, or even anyone else – Did you try to cook what you saw? And if you did, did you manage to pull it off flawlessly, exactly like how the chef did it?

Most people would, in the process, refer multiple times to the television show, or to an online source with instructions to guide them through the process.

Just because you share your knowledge does not mean that other people will be able to replicate what you do – They still need hand holding and guidance, they still need a mentor and a reference.

Here’s another example. Let’s say you don’t know how to fly a plane. Most people in the world don’t know how to fly a plane. Now, you have a friend who is a pilot. He’s very knowledgeable and skilled, and has been flying planes of all shapes and sizes for more than 10 years.

He takes you aside every week for a few hours, and teaches you how to fly a plane. He explains all the controls, and the science behind the dynamics of air propulsion and air currents.

Would you be able to fly a plane, after he had been teaching you all these concepts?

The answer is probably no, at least, not for more than a few minutes.

Sharing your knowledge doesn’t mean that people will steal it and usurp your position. Sharing your knowledge simply cements you as a specialist and expert in your field, and builds up your reputation. For those that it helps most, you also get new (paying) clients.

Inbound vs Outbound

Here’s the thing. In the marketing world, we have two terms to describe the flow of traffic, information and communication between seller and customer. There is outbound, and then there is inbound.

Outbound marketing is traditional marketing, where you get television commercials interrupting your episode of Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead; where you get flyers shoved into your hands when you’re trying to get to lunch.

Inbound marketing is when you are actively seeking out the vendor. When you go onto Facebook, and choose to visit a group or business page; when you engage, share their pictures, articles and posts – that is inbound marketing.

When someone shares their knowledge, and you actively seek after them, perhaps to ask them a question, or even to sign up for their latest book, workshop, online course or seminar, that is inbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is always far more effective than outbound marketing, for a simple reason – with inbound marketing, the customer is coming directly to the seller.

You don’t even need to sell your product, just give away knowledge and customers will come to you asking for more.

What’s more, now that they’ve had a taste of and experienced the quality of your knowledge and information, they will be more reassured paying for your products and services having already received so much value from you.

What Goes Around…

Comes around. Some people call it karma, others call it Reciprocity. However, leaving religion and cultural tradition aside, this saying of what goes around comes around is very apt when it comes to Edupreneurship. Your career and your job is not a one year contract that will be forgotten in time to come.

Your career will last for a good thirty to forty years.

Given that most people don’t change industries much, you’ll come to realise that the same faces will be seen in the same industry.

The big names will float around, and the names of the losers and crooks will too.

No one will forget the name of Jordan Belfort, the infamous Wolf of Wall Street. You might not know the names of the people behind it, but everyone who was closely associated with the collapse of Lehman Brothers will always have a slight taint on their name, at least within the finance sector.

By sharing your expertise and demonstrating the largeness of your generous and knowledgeable character, you are building a platform of reputation and stability for your name, for the future.

Today, you may share your knowledge with ten people. Next year, you may share it with one hundred.

Just look at the second degree and third degree connections, when your audience talks about you to their friends, that ten people can impact and spread your name to another ninety.

That one hundred people can spread the word to one thousand, and so it goes.

In Essence, Giving is Receiving

In summary – Today’s world is full of people WANTING and GETTING and looking out for self. It’s a dog eat dog world, they say. But what happens when someone comes along giving and sharing knowledge freely?

It’s not just a sign that you are confident in your product or service. After all, when you give away knowledge freely, the whole world is a reviewer and a potential customer.

By giving away knowledge freely, you are encouraging and building your own audience base that follows you willingly – These are the strongest and most effective captive audiences you can build.

Giving away your knowledge could be seen as a ‘loss’ when you could be charging for it – but charging for it doesn’t make you ‘exceptional’, it just makes you another business.

Although having paid content is a very important part of your business, it’s worth giving away some stuff for free at the bottom of your funnel, in order to pursue the larger, greater payoff and reward.  Shifting from this short-term to long-term vision in your marketing is an investment you’ll thank yourself for.


Sarah Cordiner

Sarah Cordiner is a Postgraduate Qualified Course Creation Specialist with over 180,000 student enrolments from 181 countries in her online education programs. Sarah Cordiner helps organisations, experts, speakers, coaches and consultants to create and launch online courses, coaching programs, membership subscriptions, and build successful education-based businesses.


How To Hire The Right Commercial Cleaning Services


As a business owner, part of your primary responsibility is looking out for your employees’ health and welfare. And one way to maintain and promote your workforce’s health is by providing them with a clean work environment. A clean workplace will reduce your employees’ risk of getting sick, which could compromise their productivity and the success of your business. Furthermore, a clean and organized commercial property can leave a positive impression on your visiting clients.   

However, maintaining the cleanliness of your workplace may not always be easy, especially if you and your employees are often busy running the company. Thankfully, commercial cleaning companies are available to provide for all your commercial cleaning needs, helping create a pristine environment.  

So, to find the best cleaning services possible, here are a few steps to follow so that you’ll hire the right one.  

Ask For Referrals.

One of your best sources when looking for reputable commercial cleaning services is referrals from your business networks or friends with businesses. Perhaps your colleagues from the industry have hired commercial cleaning services for their companies. You can ask for their recommendations to get you started on your search and narrow down your list.   

After you’ve listed a few cleaning companies, browse their company websites individually and check the next page for more information about their background and services. Preferably, you should go for a commercial cleaning company that can propose a customized service to meet your business’ cleaning needs.   

Read Client Reviews.

Input from previous clients is among the most reliable ways to judge one’s service. You can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each commercial cleaning company on your list.  

Their customer reviews will also give you an idea of the quality of their services and how satisfied their previous customers were. So, read through their client reviews and find the most reputable businesses with more positive feedback from satisfied customers. If possible, you may seek personal testimonials from their previous clients too.  

Know More About Their Experience.

Commercial cleaners are often required to have years of training or experience to hone their skills. Commercial cleaning isn’t the same as residential cleaning, wherein the primary responsibility is to help homeowners keep their homes clean. With commercial cleaning, the cleaning staff must know how to clean larger spaces and make the areas look professional and presentable for both the employees and clients. Besides the offices, they must clean the other rooms in the building, like restrooms, office kitchens, cafeterias, conference rooms, and other high-traffic areas. 

That said, it’s more advisable to hire a commercial cleaning company known to be in the industry for several years. With their long years of experience, you can ensure that their cleaning staff has experience in cleaning different commercial buildings and is equipped with the necessary skills.  

Inquire About Their Special Or Unique Services.

Although many commercial cleaning companies are available in your area, not all of them offer the same services. Hence, when considering a cleaning company for your business, ask for more information about the unique services they offer, which you probably won’t find from other companies.  

For example, if your office is carpeted, you may need to find a commercial cleaning company that offers carpet cleaning as part of their cleaning package. Another example is if your business is in the medical or healthcare industry (e.g., hospital, dental clinic, pharmacy). In that case, you’ll need to hire a commercial cleaning company who are experts in cleaning and disinfecting a specialized work environment.  

Conduct Thorough Background Checks.

Some of you might be surprised why background checks are necessary when hiring a commercial cleaning company. Keep in mind that when availing of their services, you’re giving these cleaners access to all the rooms and office tools, equipment, and essential documents in your space. Although you wouldn’t want to think about random cleaners going through your stuff, but imagine if you had hired someone with a shady background that would use this as an opportunity to steal whatever valuables you have. 

Therefore, to avoid such a scenario, take your time to conduct thorough background checks on your potential cleaning company. Moreover, you may ask them if they have any policies regarding carrying out mandatory background checks on their cleaners or employees. Picking a commercial cleaning company that takes the time to check on their employees will give you peace of mind and reassure you that the people cleaning your commercial building are skillful and trustworthy. 

Get A Quote.

With at least one or three commercial cleaning companies on your list, you can now ask for a quote from each of them to see if their price matches your company budget. When requesting a quote, explain your business needs so that they can develop a custom cleaning plan based on them. Their plan will allow you to get an accurate quote that not only suits your business needs but your budget as well. 

Wrapping Up.

Hiring the right commercial cleaning services doesn’t have to be complicated. Remember that it’s not only about hiring one that fits your budget. You also need to hire a commercial cleaning company with skillful and trusted cleaners who can meet your business’ cleaning needs. Following these simple steps will help you find the most suitable commercial cleaning company.


Invaluable Advice For Fledgling Real Estate Investors


Dipping your toes into real estate investment can be equal parts exciting and stressful. Given how much capital is tied up in most investment properties, it’s easy to see why so many fledgling investors would get cold feet. After all, a single bad real estate investment stands to cause tremendous damage to one’s finances. So, if you’re new to real estate, it’s in your best interest to get educated before proceeding to purchase your first investment property.

To help ensure that you don’t wind up making a large purchase that you regret, take care to equip yourself with the following pointers.

Get Input from Seasoned Investors

Input from experienced investors can prove tremendously beneficial to your chances of success. So, if there’s anyone in your life who’s seen success with real estate investments, don’t hesitate to contact them in advance of purchasing your first property. Investors with ample experience will be able to walk you through the basics of location research, market trends and various other tenets of successful investing.

If you don’t have any family members, friends or general acquaintances with relevant experience, reach out to a highly-rated real estate investment company. The right company will be able to educate on how to make successful investments, the best areas for investing and the best times to invest. So, if you’re eager to start your real estate journey off on the right foot, get in touch with a knowledgeable investment company posthaste.

Research Profitable Locales

As any seasoned investor will tell you, location counts for quite a bit when it comes to real estate. In fact, many renters and homebuyers are surprisingly amenable to overlooking a lack of spaciousness or modern amenities with properties that are located in areas with ample demand for housing.

When looking for the best suburbs to invest in, there are numerous criteria you’ll need to consider. For example, if a locale has a booming population, strong local economy, high property values and healthy rental rates, it’s generally a safe assumption that there’s abundant demand for housing. On the flipside, areas with waning populations, weak economies and low property values don’t typically have very much demand, meaning that any real estate you invest in is unlikely to generate the desired returns.

Don’t Let Yourself Be Taken Advantage Of

No matter how much you love a potential investment property, you should never allow yourself to be taken advantage of. To help ensure that you don’t wind up overpaying for your first property, have a look at what similar properties in the area are selling for. If you find that the property that’s piqued your interest is being sold for a considerably higher price, you’ll have a solid reason for amending any offers you were thinking about making. At the very least, you should make a point of asking the seller what they think sets their property apart from others like it.

Always Insist on an Inspection

Purchasing an investment property that hasn’t undergone a professional inspection is always ill-advised. Even if the owner is adamant in their assurances and you’ve done a detailed personal walkthrough of the property, you should never forgo a professional inspection.

For one thing, having the property insured without a proper inspection is liable to prove impossible. Furthermore, a thorough inspection from a knowledgeable professional is essential for determining a property’s true condition – and therefore its true worth. Even properties that appear to be problem-free can be plagued by a host of issues that don’t become readily apparent until long after they’ve been sold. An inspection may even turn up problems that even the seller was unaware of.

Once you have the results of the inspection, you’ll know exactly how much work – if any – a property requires. This will enable you to seek out contractor estimates and, if need be, amend your offer accordingly.

While it can certainly prove financially beneficial, investing in real estate isn’t something to take lightly. Considering how much money you stand to lose if an investment doesn’t pan out, it’s in every fledgling investor’s best interest to proceed with caution and do their homework in advance of purchasing their first investment property. Taking the time to learn about the tenets of smart real estate investing can significantly diminish your chances of making an investment you come to regret.


Benefits Of Opting For A Business Location Well-Served By Public Transport

office building lobby

office building lobby

There are various factors that you will need to take into account when deciding on a location for your business. You might discover that operating costs will be much more bearable in one place than they are in another.

You might also be drawn to a certain location due to the number of promising job candidates already based there. Moving into an office within proximity to a well-regarded university, for example, is likely to bode well. However, there’s another factor that you could be unjustly overlooking…

Why should you think about a location’s public transport links?

As Home Based Business Infonet Center notes, more and more people have decided to work from home — and the technology is certainly in place for them to be able to have that option in the first place. However, managing remote workers can be much easier said than done.

This could prove a particular problem if you are relatively inexperienced as a business leader. Therefore, you might prefer to rein in the remote-work options available to your employees, and encourage them to work with you in a standard office.

However, this strategy would throw up another problem: that of making sure the employees in question will be capable of getting to the office for the right time day in, day out.

“Won’t each of my workers have their own car?”

You can’t just assume that this will be the case. One article on the SmallBizLady website points out that “public transport is slowly becoming a preferred choice of commuting, and investing in a car continues to be an expensive lifestyle choice.”

Consequently, if you opt for an office in an area where public transport connections are scarce, your business could risk missing out on top talent.

Many jobseekers who might have been willing to consider working at your business could decide to instead work for a competing company located in an area better served by public transport.

Hence, before you choose to take up a particular office, it would be worthwhile for you to meticulously research the surrounding area to make sure public transport links there are plentiful.

While doing this research could appear to leave you with little time for looking into other aspects of an office, such as its onsite amenities, you could sidestep the issue by arranging for an office broker to do much of this legwork.

Let’s imagine that you have decided to look for an office in the popular London area of Mayfair, which is easy to reach through various London Underground routes. The broker Office Freedom could peruse a range of serviced offices in Mayfair available for you to consider.

Spare a thought for your target customers or clients, too

If you run the kind of business where people would be expected to turn up at its premises in person in order to buy from you, you naturally don’t want a situation where many members of your firm’s target audience are put off buying from it simply because of its location.


9 Career Lessons Every Pro Needs To Know


by Robin Landa, author of “The New Art of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

I knew bullying took place in middle school, but this was kindergarten.

When my daughter was being bullied, I confided in Marge, one of the other mothers at the school. Her advice, “Be proactive. Speak to the headmaster, who needs to know what’s going on.” Seemed like a no brainer but as someone who doesn’t like to be confrontational, it was just the push I needed to speak up.

“Be proactive” imprinted on me. It didn’t actually solve the bullying issue because the principal couldn’t fathom that it was going on in her school among such young girls. But, being proactive has served me very well in many other matters. Since Marge’s advice was so important in my life and career, I would like to share some of my own rather seasoned advice with you.

1. Be a nimble thinker.

When asked which characteristics were important in employees, (assuming the candidates had the necessary hard skills) employers said: Agility, flexibility and adaptability.

Be ready to pivot on a dime; adapt to problems as they arise.

2. There is no playbook.

Because life is long and art is short. During many great periods of time, for example, the Italian Renaissance or the Enlightenment, among others, life was short and art was long. Schools of thought would last a long time and people died at a much younger age than now.

Living in a global economy with rapidly changing technology, there is no playbook, no dogma of the Academy of Painting and Sculpture (Academie de Peinture et de Sculpture) to adhere to or even challenge. To conceive and produce ideas that people notice, imagine that you are the first to do it.

3. Creativity needs to be strategic.

Creativity frightens some business people because they think it’s willy nilly–that creative professionals just want to do their thing and are not thinking about the bottom line or even the triple bottom line.

Strategic creativity is the power to conceive something that solves a problem, anticipates issues, aims empathetically and appropriately at the target audience, and ultimately benefits people.

4. Listen mindfully.

As a mother, educator, creative professional, wife, and friend, I’ve learned the importance of granting my full attention to what someone is saying or asking.

The key is listening to understand without presumption.

5. Obtain multiple perspectives.

When you’re with colleagues or team members, obtain multiple perspectives on the topic under discussion.

Respectful dialogue with others, especially with a diverse group of people that gives you different and multiple perspectives, could spark recognition of a goal or a gap (what’s missing in the organization). Too often particular groups of people are excluded from discussions about goals and ideas.

Taking multiple perspectives — that is, looking at a goal, an outcome, a partially realized idea, or a fully-fledged idea from viewpoints different from your own — ultimately results in better goals, ideas, and outcomes that appeal to more people in more meaningful ways.

Learn from everyone.

6. Get people on board.

Whether it’s getting a client to buy into your idea or solution, or getting people to vote for your proposition, it pays to have allies. Avoid making enemies.

Almost anyone can be an ally and share in the glory.

7. Do your part.

Be an ally.

It’s challenging to juggle a career, family, social life, and also contribute to communities, organizations, or causes when time is limited. I understand that.

Whether it’s mentoring someone junior to you, volunteering to speak to your former high school on career day, advocating for a cause or candidate, or planting a tree, doing your part not only brings humanity closer to an ideal but it actually will make you feel good.

8. Generate worthwhile ideas.

Not frivolous ideas–generate ideas worth pursuing.

I’ve literally taught thousands of people who are now creative professionals to generate good ideas on a daily basis. If you think you can’t, it’s the system you’re using, not you.

Here’s how. Answer three questions, The Three Gs:

  1. What’s your goal? Your goal is what you hope to achieve.
  2. What’s the gap your goal is filling in any discipline, sector, or business?
  3. What’s the gain for individuals, society, or our planet? Your goal and gap should result in a gain beyond simply profit.

And since I’m a mother, I must add,

9. Eat more vegetables.


Robin Landa is a distinguished professor at Kean University and a globally recognized ideation expert. She is a well-known “creativity guru” and a best-selling author of books on creativity, design, and advertising, including “The New Art of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential“. She has won numerous awards and The Carnegie Foundation counts her among the “Great Teachers of Our Time.”


5 Ways To Make Your Startup A Talent Magnet 


by Carol Schultz, CEO of Vertical Elevation and author of “Powered By People: How Talent-Centric Organizations Master Recruitment, Retention, and Revenue (and How to Build One)

More than two-thirds of startups fail and never deliver positive returns to investors. The reasons are wide and varied: ineffective marketing, lack of money, or bad partnerships with co-founders. Yet there’s one strategy that can help you overcome these and other issues: talent management.

Attracting, recruiting, hiring, and retaining the best talent for every key position in your startup will fortify your startup and bridge business gaps. These professionals can provide industry knowledge, expertise, and zeal in crucial areas, including accounting and finance, payroll, marketing, HR, legal, administration, sales, software engineering, and office management.

As these team players focus on their respective roles and responsibilities, you can concentrate on your product or service and big-picture strategies to keep your forward momentum, ultimately building productivity, profits, brand recognition, and a talent-centric business culture your employees will love.

What Does a Talent-Centric Startup Look Like?

If you’re launching your first startup, or this is the first time you’ve faced developing talent strategies, you might not be 100% clear on what a talent-centric workplace looks like. In these successful startups:

  • The executive team agrees on the startup’s vision and business strategy.
  • Employees understand their roles and what you expect from them in the short- and long-term.
  • Employees know they’re welcome in your workplace and are free to express their ideas and collaborate with colleagues (which I often refer to as a “culture of feedback”).
  • Employees feel valued for their daily hard work, commitment, ideas, innovations, and accomplishments. In such a workplace culture, they have no doubt they’re the talent you need to boost your business.

Making Your Startup a Talent Magnet

So how do you find the people who will care about your business’s success, so you can defy the startup odds and thrive? These five tips will help you attract top candidates and select your ideal team.

  1. Speak candidly with candidates.

It might defy conventional thinking, but speaking candidly with talent can help put you on the same page. Hiring for a startup isn’t the same as hiring for a long-running business where corporate leadership has established well-defined departments, roles, functions, practices, and policies. It’s OK to acknowledge your business’s age, size, nature, and future goals.

For example, founders with former entrepreneurial success will have a higher probability of success in a new venture than first-time founders. So, if you’re a former founder who has been successful, talk about it with candidates you’re interested in hiring. Provide specifics. For first-time founders, talk about who your investors are, their successes with their portfolio companies, and how they’re helping to guide you.

  1. Sell your startup.

Typically, recruiters and hiring managers hold the power in the job marketplace, letting candidates sell their backgrounds and expertise. However, in today’s candidate-driven marketplace, you might need to sell your startup to the talent you want to attract and hire. Furthermore, you might need to start selling your brand and ideals earlier in the process if you discover a candidate you’d love to bring on board.

Be sure to ask what candidates are looking for in joining a startup. It shows you’re interested in what they think and that you’re committed to making great matches for mutual success.

  1. Let candidates know you promote from within.

If candidates know you’re willing to recognize their commitment and accomplishments and build an inspiring meritocracy, they’ll feel more inclined to sign on for the long term.

Be honest about this because it can lead to disappointment, dissatisfaction, and potential turnover if you don’t follow through in good faith. Tell candidates about your vision for your startup over the next year, five years, and far into the future. Share how you see them fitting into and supporting that vision. If you plan to promote from within, assure candidates that you’ll provide professional training to help them grow and succeed, such as online courses, mentorship, leadership development, or one-on-one and team coaching.

  1. Demonstrate your commitment to hiring the best candidates.

As you’re starting out, you may be tempted to hire friends or someone who may be less than ideal for a particular role. However, if all you’ve done is hire your buddies, this is a red flag to savvy candidates on a mission to find a good career fit.

Let candidates know that your executive team features the best professionals you could hire and who have been successful in their positions in the past. This tells capable candidates they’ll be a part of a competent and driven group of people they can be proud to be associated with.

  1. Hire a leadership coach to ensure success.

Running a company as a first-time founder can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding, hiring, and retaining top talent. Show your candidates that you’re committed to success by having a leadership coach help you become a great leader.

The bottom line

Making your startup a talent magnet isn’t difficult when you put your focus on candidates and how they can do their best for you while also finding satisfaction in their work for your company.


Carol Schultz, founder and CEO of Vertical Elevation, is a talent equity and leadership advisory expert with 30 years in the business. She’s helped hundreds of companies transform their organizations and create sustainable, talent-centric cultures that run at maximum efficiency. Her new book is “Powered By People: How Talent-Centric Organizations Master Recruitment, Retention, and Revenue (and How to Build One)“.


How Incubators And Accelerators Work For Startups


by Alejandro Cremades, author of “The Art of Startup Fundraising

Entrepreneurs with an interesting business concept or Intellectual Property (IP) don’t always have the skills and relevant know-how to transform industry-disruptive ideas into commercially viable products. Aside from business know-how, they also need more funding than personal savings and contributions from close friends and family. Relying on a renowned startup accelerator program or incubator is an excellent way to kickstart a new company. 

Both these organizations provide monetary support with additional tangible and intangible resources that startups need. Read ahead for detailed information about how incubators and accelerators work, so you can make an informed decision about the ideal program you would want to enter.

How Incubators and Accelerators are Similar

Both incubators and accelerators provide invaluable support in getting startups off the ground. Here’s how:

  • You’ll get invited to on-site premises where the necessary infrastructure, inventory, and staff assistance will be available.
  • You can expect financial aid. Startup accelerators and incubators are known to invest funds from $10,000 to $150,000 in each project. 
  • You’ll get mentoring, seminars, lectures, and hands-on workshops to assist you in developing a working prototype. 
  • Expect a learning-intensive environment where you’ll learn the basics of setting up a business, including legal advice on how to structure the company and hire and manage a founding team.
  • You’ll get guidance on managing your startup’s accounting and financial aspects.
  • Train in business etiquette and learn about the regulations pertaining to your industry.
  • Practice creating compelling pitch decks and presenting them before potential investors. 
  • Benefit from the expertise of professional advisors and industry experts who oversee the product development process offering feedback where needed. 
  • Connect with networks comprising interested venture capitalists, angels, and private investors looking to back a potentially profitable enterprise.
  • You’ll get the opportunity to connect with complementary ideas that could lead to robust partnerships down the road.

The benefits could prove invaluable if you can get into an incubator or startup accelerator program. By the time ‘demo day’ arrives, you’ll be ready with a working product and the skills to convince investors that your idea has what it takes to get them rich returns. At the same time, you’ll want to research how the programs are different so that you can choose the appropriate option for your line of work.

How Incubators and Accelerators are Dissimilar

Although both organizations are committed to providing a launch pad for startups, there are several dissimilar factors you need to be aware of:

  • More than 90% of incubators are non-profit organizations run by government, academic, and local entities fostering business development in their commercial spaces. As for accelerators, although most are public-owned and non-profit, others are run by private entities looking to profit from the startup’s success.
  • Accelerator programs are intensive and typically last for three to six months. Incubators allow founders an average of two years to develop their concepts and make them market-ready.
  • Incubators work with the objective of eventually connecting founders with their network of partners and investors to spur growth. But, with accelerators, you might have to sign over a fixed amount of equity at a future date. 
  • Incubators support pre-seed founders and are typically industry-specific, with the organizers providing generic collaboration and assistance. On the other hand, accelerators are just that, committed to fast growth, offering one-on-one training, mentoring, and cohort-based programs. 
  • Incubators and accelerators receive and evaluate applications before selecting candidates. Although both are competitive, an accelerator program has more stringent criteria, with just around 1% to 3% of entrepreneurs getting accepted.

Now that you have an overview of how incubators and accelerators work, understand the pros and cons before making the appropriate choice.


Alejandro Cremades is a serial entrepreneur and the author of “The Art of Startup Fundraising“. With a foreword by ‘Shark Tank’ star, Barbara Corcoran and published by John Wiley & Sons, the book was named one of the best for entrepreneurs. The book offers a step-by-step guide to today’s way of raising money for entrepreneurs. Most recently, Alejandro built and exited CoFoundersLab, one of the largest communities of founders online. Prior to CoFoundersLab, Alejandro worked as a lawyer at King & Spalding, where he was involved in one of the most prominent investment arbitration cases in history ($113 billion at stake). Alejandro is an active speaker and has given guest lectures at the Wharton School of Business, Columbia Business School, and NYU Stern School of Business. 


5 Ways To Personalise Your Marketing


It has long been said that the future of marketing is personalisation, and if you were in any doubt about that, you would only need to look at the statistics.

Past research has found that eight in 10 consumers are likelier to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalised experiences, while 90% of customers in the United States have even said they find marketing personalisation “very or somewhat appealing”.

So, there isn’t much room for doubt that your brand should be embracing some level of personalisation in how it conveys its values and offerings to its target audiences.

But how can you go about that? Below are five useful suggestions.

1. Presenting personalised product recommendations.

This is a type of marketing personalisation that great numbers of us who shop via Amazon and other big-name ecommerce outlets have long been directly familiar with. It works on the basis of the given online store using the data it has on your browsing or purchase history to put forward further ideas for items you might be interested in buying.

It is a dizzyingly simple principle, but the evidence also points to it being an approach that works! One analysis of ecommerce sites worldwide for just one quarter found that up to 31% of total websites revenue was attributed to personalised product recommendations.

2. Sending personalised marketing emails.

Email marketing might almost seem an ‘old-school’ marketing method these days compared to some of the marketing disciplines that have emerged since.

However, a proven way to vault yours into the 2020s would be to ‘go big’ on personalisation, drawing upon the data and information you have on certain customers to target email campaigns at them in a much more compelling way.

Even just knowing such things as the customer’s first name, the last product they ordered from you, and their location of residence, could inform your personalised email marketing campaigns.

3. Distributing personalised content for social media.

You might not have imagined that social media marketing personalisation would even be a “thing”. After all, it’s not as if you can make a tweet look different to people in different parts of the world, right?

But in truth, with advancements in technology and the solutions that the leading platforms such as Facebook put forward, there are increasingly great possibilities for the use of social networks to present personalised content, ranging from personalised videos to personalised quizzes.

Combine such solutions with the right choice of social listening tool, and you will be better placed to know precisely who is saying what things that are relevance to your brand on social media, and how this could shape your personalised marketing on these platforms.

4. Personalising other areas of your brand’s content marketing.

There is a lot of other content that a given brand routinely produces as part of its marketing, ranging from blog posts and whitepapers to podcasts and webinars. And yes, there is huge scope to personalise these, too.

By that, we don’t necessarily mean producing entirely separate campaigns and content for different audiences. We are, after all, now in the era of ‘dynamic content’, which has allowed brands to stick to using just one campaign, one email, or one landing page, that nonetheless displays differently depending on who is viewing it.

5. Providing personalised experiences via mobile.

Targeting your potential or past customers via their mobile devices doesn’t have to involve text messages. Your restaurant or takeaway, for instance, could have its own branded app through which the customer can place orders for food delivery to their home or office – and in return, you could gather certain information about them to help provide the most relevant experiences to them.

Such relevant experiences could include push notifications sent to them on their devices, perhaps drawing the customer’s attention to a discount on food they have ordered from you in the past.

There you go – just five ways in which a brand like yours can get swiftly on with the personalisation of its marketing, and no less importantly, gain meaningful results from this in terms of heightened awareness, sales, and revenue. Which ones have you already tried – or are interested in experimenting with in months or even years to come?


6 Innovative Ways You Can Ensure People Listen To Your Brand Message


Getting the true essence of your brand across to customers is absolutely essential in securing their loyalty for the future. If you feel as though your current marketing tactics aren’t doing the job, and you want to deliver a more authentic version of your business, we highly recommend trying the 6 innovative ways we have outlined below: these are marketing tactics guaranteed to get people listening to your brand message!

1. Prioritise your target audience.

Communicating your brand message well doesn’t matter, unless you’re communicating it to your target audience! Perform detailed market research to determine your true customer demographic, and devise a brand message that addresses their needs and wants. A narrower focus and more directed brand message ensures you’re courting people with a genuine interest and love of your product or service.

2. Be completely transparent.

Transparency is so important when it comes to marketing your brand. Ultimately, trustworthiness captures your customers’ attention. It’s this attention you want to cultivate and maintain with an honest, clear brand message. Be direct, and don’t make false claims about your brand, product or service.

3. Provide solutions to customer problems.

If there’s anything your product or service should do, it’s provide a viable solution to customer problems! Your brand message should address these problems directly, and your product or service should be the perfect answer to whatever issue your customer is facing. What does your brand fix? Make sure your brand message tells your customers what you fix, and how you do it. This is a guaranteed way for your brand message to be listened to.

4. Think about your tone of voice.

Your target audience must be able to relate to your brand message. They must feel represented and, most of all, cared for. This has everything to do with the tone of voice used in your message. Be consistent, and develop a tone that matches the brand image you want to put across. Strong and adventurous, or soothing and calm! Choose your tone of voice wisely and stick to your choice.

5. Use marketing hooks.

People listen to marketing hooks, and they listen well! Essentially, marketing hooks offer valuable incentives to your customers for additional interest, communication and investment. For example, something as simple as “call us today for a free quote!” can inspire action in your customer base.

6. Don’t forget about your data!

Data is the backbone of our digital world, and when it comes to making sure your brand message is heard, you can’t ignore the impact that data can have. Tracking customer traffic to your website or social media pages might take some effort, but you glean valuable insight into how well customers interact with your brand. You’ll know what messages stick, and what messages do not! Adjust your brand message accordingly.

Read more about good advertising, today.

To truly elevate your brand’s message to the next level, we highly recommend reading more about good advertising, today! Muse by Clio writes about some of the world’s best creative advertising campaigns, covering everything from the campaign brief to the brand message and all of the challenges entailed within. The more research you do into your competitor’s message, the greater your brand will become.


Importance Of A Safety Manager In The Office


by Veronica Davis

Unsafe working conditions have a multitude of negative impacts on a company. Firstly, when employees do not feel confident in their safety when they come to work, they are less likely to be motivated and productive. Additionally, improper safety practices can lead to injuries, which will cost the company money in worker’s compensation and even possible lawsuits. Following a workplace accident, there can be a serious drop in employee morale, productivity, and the quality of goods or services the company provides.

Due to the importance of safety in a workplace, hiring a safety manager for your office will help keep the company on track financially and legally, as well as set a good precedent for your company’s reputation. Instead of being seen as just a business looking to make money, your company will be viewed as one that is committed to its employees’ well-being.

What is a Safety Manager?

A safety manager is someone who is responsible for ensuring that the safety management system (SMS) runs smoothly in a company. Their overall job is to make sure that the workplace is a safe environment by planning and implementing safety practices, preventative measures, training, and education for the other employees. These safety measures are required by law, but they are also a valuable aspect of any business.

Duties of a safety manager can include the following:

  • Promote safety awareness among employees
  • Coordinate safety training
  • Make suggestions about safety corrections
  • Ensure safety is the priority
  • Report accidents and near misses
  • Follow up on any injuries
  • Organize safety meetings
  • Assist with safety inspections

In a larger company the safety manager may be an entirely separate role from anything else. This individual will manage a team and only focus on safety precautions within the company. On the other hand, in a small company, this role may be tacked on to another job. For example, they may not have a safety department because the company is not large enough, but a manager will take on the duties of a safety manager on top of their other responsibilities.

Why Do Companies Need a Safety Manager?

Aside from the business and economic benefits of having a safety manager, there are a lot of fundamental reasons that companies benefit from having a full-time safety manager. Ensuring that all employees are healthy and safe when they come to work is a group effort that everyone should take part in, but it is helpful to have one person put all of their focus into it. If everyone was in charge of organizing safety training, implementing new measures, and staying up to date on laws and regulations, it would interfere with the rest of the work or never get done.

Having a person whose sole responsibility is to take care of all of these safety measures will guarantee that these things get done. It helps the company make sure that they are sufficiently focused on keeping everyone healthy and safe from injury because one person is dedicating all of their time to it.

Having a health and safety manager is also a great way to make a visible statement about the importance of safety to your company’s upper management. Anyone that works with your company from customers to business partners is going to want to know that you value your employees and keep them safe. Lastly, people are going to be more likely to want to work at your company for the same reason. You’ll be able to attract more talented employees because they will want to work at a company that is going to keep them safe and value their overall well-being. This increases the quality and success of your company overall.


Veronica Davis is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area.




Building A Positive Image With Innovative PR Techniques

brand style guide

brand style guide

by Emily Reynolds Bergh, founder of R Public Relations Firm

Public relations (PR) is a strategic relationship between a company and the public resulting in mutual benefit. It helps businesses to develop customer trust, improve credibility in the industry, and bolster the company’s reputation. As the approach to customer relations and brand strategy evolves, organizations are adopting innovative PR techniques to build positive relationships with the public through various channels.

Brand image highly depends upon the interaction between the customer and the company. A positive brand image can strengthen trust and loyalty to the company. In addition, the benefits of branding include positive word-of-mouth, better brand recognition, higher sales, increased profitability, and much more. 

This is where PR professionals come in. Here’s how they can help companies to build a positive brand image. 

How To Build A Positive Image With PR?

Today, branding is not limited to the traditional news cycle. As such, adopting innovative PR techniques to build a positive image is necessary. Customers need to relate to and connect with the brand. Here is where PR firms come into play. PR managers know what the customer wants and how to spread the word about the brand.

Here are some strategies that successful businesses and PR firms use to build a positive brand image. 

1. Creative Content.

Customer loyalty is critical to brands in today’s competitive market. However, traditional marketing and press release techniques are no longer as effective. Creating reels, storytelling videos, sharing product reviews, and paid advertisements on different social media platforms are now more engaging ways for the customer to learn how your products or services can benefit them. As such, establishing a company’s social media and connecting with your customers regularly is a must.

2. Spreading the Word Through Blogs.

Most people use the internet to research and shop for products and services. As such, blogs are an innovative way to tap into that need for knowledge. They give you the opportunity to educate and subtly share how your brand fits the needs of your customers and potential customers better than the competition. They build credibility and position the company as a resource, not just a brand that sells X, Y, or Z, which in turn builds a positive company image. Sharing case studies, tip sheets, and unique uses of your product /service are just some of the topics that could be used in blogs.

3. Influencer Campaigns.

Influencer campaigns are another innovative PR technique. Many assume influencers are celebrities, however, there are plenty of ‘regular people’ who have also built a rapport with their followers as experts on specific topics or in specific categories through their blogs or social media posts, for example. As such, they are seen more like trusted friends or peers with credible recommendations on products/services that they actually use. Influencer campaigns can help you improve brand awareness, improve brand credibility, can create hype for a product/service, and can even boost your SEO. PR firms spend a great deal of time cultivating and nurturing relationships with influencers in specific industries which can be hard for companies to do on their own. 

4. Crisis Management.

There are any number of unanticipated events that could damage a brand’s image from product recalls to employee misconduct to security breaches to natural disasters, particularly if a company doesn’t handle the crisis appropriately in the eyes of the public. This is where crisis management comes in. Crisis management is the art of responding effectively to events that have occurred as well as in anticipating crises. Many PR firms today specialize in this and have not only the communication tools and techniques necessary to react promptly and strategically in a crisis abut also to identify any potential vulnerabilities proactively.  

5. Collaborating With Industry Journalists.

Public relations can also generate investors for a company by building a positive brand image. A recent innovation in PR is collaborating with niche-specific journalists to publish professional content that boosts the company’s reputation professionally. Small business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-company (B2C) companies often adopt this strategy for branding because of its effectiveness with smaller budgets.

From creating content to managing crises, public relations can support your company in building a sustained positive brand image, particularly when partnering with a firm that focuses on innovative PR for business profitability and credibility.


emily reynolds burgh

Emily Reynolds Bergh, founder of R Public Relations Firm, is a consummate marketing and public relations pro with more than 14 years of experience. Emily’s career started after she co-wrote the book Beyond Burning Bras in 2008 (published by ABC Clio), and founded R PR in 2011. At the helm of R PR, which specializes in the technology, hospitality, and business spheres, Emily’s passion is guiding her clients’ companies and brands to flourish.


Five Software Tools Necessary For Setting Your Business Up For Success


If you are building a house, you will need bricks, cement, wood, and metal pipes. Similarly, if you want to set your business up for success, you will need specific software tools. These software tools will help you manage your customers, resources, data, marketing, and more.

From choosing master data management software vendors to ensuring that your marketing automation strategy is on point, here are five software tools necessary for setting your business up to thrive.

1. Customer Relations Management (CRM).

The way your customers feel about your organization is the bloodline for your entire business plan, regardless of the industry you’re in. A customer relations management (CRM) system is software that stores all customer information and interaction history with your organization in one place. A CRM will track every opportunity and interaction with your sales team, so you never have to worry about essential customer details slipping through the cracks. Additionally, a CRM can automate repetitive tasks such as sales follow-ups, so your team can focus on more high-level thinking tasks and relationship building.

It also analyzes this data to give valuable insights into your customers’ behavior. This way, you can proactively address any issues they may have and keep them happy. CRM can tell you which customers shop for holiday sales versus which ones are more interested in loyalty rewards. It also allows you to send out targeted marketing campaigns to different groups of customers. This leads to increased revenue and a healthier bottom line for your business.

2. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

An enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is the backbone of any organization, as it integrates and manages all the different moving parts of your business. ERP software includes modules for accounting, human resources, inventory management, customer relationship management, and more. All of this information is stored in a centralized database so that it can be accessed by authorized users from anywhere in the world.

ERP systems streamline processes and reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks. For example, when a customer places an order on your website, the ERP system can automatically generate a purchase order and send it to the supplier. This way, you never worry about manual data entry or mistakes. Additionally, ERP systems provide valuable insights into your business operations. You can use this data to make informed decisions about allocating your resources.

3. Business Intelligence (BI).

A business intelligence (BI) system helps you make sense of the vast amount of data your organization generates daily. BI tools collect, store, and analyze data from multiple sources. This data can include customer transactions, social media data, website data, and more. BI tools then turn this data into actionable insights that you can use to improve your business.

For example, let’s say you own a clothing store. You can use BI to track which items are selling well and which ones are sitting on the shelves. You can also use BI to understand which marketing campaigns result in the most sales. With this information, you can decide what to stock in your store and how to market your products.

4. Marketing Automation.

Marketing automation is a must-have for any organization that wants to scale its marketing efforts. Marketing automation software helps you automate repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media campaigns, and lead nurturing. This way, you can free up your marketing team’s time so they can focus on higher-level tasks.

Additionally, marketing automation allows you to track the results of your marketing campaigns. This data is valuable for understanding which campaigns are working and which ones need to be improved. Marketing automation also allows you to send out targeted campaigns to different groups of people. For example, you can send a discount code to customers who haven’t shopped in a while or a free shipping offer to customers who live in a particular area.

5. Master Data Management (MDM).

Master data management (MDM) is a must-have for any organization that wants to manage its data effectively. MDM software helps you clean, standardize, and govern your data. This way, you can be sure that your data is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, MDM ensures that only authorized users can access your data.

MDM is vital for organizations that have multiple data sources. For example, if you have an ERP system and a CRM system, you need to be sure that the data in both systems are synchronized. Otherwise, you risk making decisions based on outdated or incorrect information.

When choosing master data management software vendors to work with, consider their ability to support your organization’s specific industry, integrate with your existing systems, and meet your data governance needs.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating software programs that can help automate and improve communication for your business is critical for success. Using the right tools can help you save time and money while providing valuable insights into your business operations. When choosing software programs for your organization, consider your specific industry needs and the features each program offers. Additionally, read reviews and compare pricing before making a final decision.


Finding Your Inner Martin Scorsese: How To Master Short-Form Videos In Short Order


by John Ferin, Content Strategy and Development Lead at ddm marketing + communications

So you’ve been assigned to create a short-form video for your company. Maybe you even have a ring light, a tripod, dedicated studio space, or a quality microphone. Now what?

Anyone who can hit the “record” and “stop” buttons on an iPhone can make a video. But the goal should not simply be to make a video, to complete the assignment, to check a box. It’s essential to first think critically about the purpose of your video, its intended audience, as well as a few basic “do’s and dont’s” of production. Following these best practices can save you a lot of time and energy later ― and make your video stand out from a crowded pack.

Many organizations are using short-form video to promote their brand. Recent research shows that short-form video now claims to have the highest return on investment rate compared to all other social media marketing strategies. Consumers prefer watching to learn over reading to learn.

Anywhere from a few seconds to no more than a couple minutes long, short-form videos are easy to make and custom-made for an audience with a short attention span. Although these videos might ultimately live alongside others on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat or YouTube, they can be just as effective on your organization’s website or app. Wherever customers or clients engage with your organization, a good short video leaves them with more information about what your brand is offering, inspired to engage with your product or service and make a purchase.

These three tips will serve you and your video endeavors well:

1. Choose a format.

Most short-form videos fall into the following four styles. Choose the one that best suits your purpose:

  • Product and service introduction: a great way to highlight a new offering, or demonstrate a specific product or service feature.
  • Tutorials/how-to’s: wildly popular, these step-by-step videos are among the most searched-for online and are a simple way to explain a complicated product or service
  • Teasers: used to pique interest and anticipation for products, events and offers that are exclusive to your audience
  • Q&A/Interviews: put a name and human face to your brand while engaging your audience with insightful information and answers to common questions

2. Choose your words (carefully).

Once you’ve chosen a format, you must decide what to say in your allotted time. Plan to spend some quality time crafting your video script and storyboard. The simpler the idea, the better. Remember, this is not the vehicle for waxing poetic on all the intricacies of your business. Keep your content focused on a singular, main message with two or three support points.

Lead with a hook. The beginning of the video should grab the viewer’s attention and keep them watching. Along the way, keep your message concise while remaining authentic and affable. Being funny or fake, while sometimes tempting, can cause you to lose your audience quickly.

Lastly, always make time for a call to action. What do you want the viewer to do after hearing your message? Visit your website, call for an appointment, buy your book? Without the call to action, your message ― and your potential customers ― will tumble into the bottomless pit of “good to know.”

3. Find your inner Scorsese.

Making a video that looks and sounds professional requires a little expertise ― but only a little. Don’t worry about making a masterpiece; rather focus on avoiding the common mistakes that plague other first-time videographers:

  • Shoot your film vertically (9:16 aspect ratio) rather than horizontally.
  • Natural lighting is preferred. Shoot by windows, outside, or use a bright lamp to eliminate shadows.
  • Keep background sounds to a minimum. Try to record in a quiet space, or plug a lavalier microphone into your phone.
  • Use a simple, solid colored background. Keep the focus on the speaker(s), product(s), and the main subject at hand.

Avoid overloading the video with unnecessary graphics, on-screen text, or obtrusive music unless it helps tell your story or augments the message (but keep in mind: some text might be necessary to get your message across, as some users prefer to scroll through their social media feeds with their device on mute). Give these easy-to-use editing tools a try: AnimotoAdobe Spark VideoPromo.

Lastly, choose the social media platforms that are right for your brand and message. Use audience demographics to guide your way. With practice, the process of planning, shooting and editing videos will get faster. Their quality will improve, and so should your return on investment.


John Ferin leads the content strategy and development team at ddm marketing + communications, providing direction and creative oversight on the planning, projecting, and monitoring of all content creation efforts. John has more than two decades experience as Creative Director and Copywriter in both agency and corporate settings.


Top 5 Features To Look For In Backup Software

Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

Data loss may be extremely costly for companies, regardless of how much data is lost. If a data breach occurs, the company’s reputation will take a hit as well. And as we keep collecting more and more amounts of data, the possibility of losing some or all is increasing rapidly. 

It is now more important than ever to properly manage and safeguard your data backup. Backup and recovery software can be a lifesaver in the event of a disaster such as a fire, data breach, or cyber attack. The ability to restore data in the event of an outage depends on having reliable data backup and recovery software. The easiest way to simplify the process of creating and accessing backups of your data is with the use of software designed specifically for that purpose. Your data can be copied from local computers and servers and saved to external storage devices and/or the cloud. 

One excellent method of keeping your critical company or personal data safe and sound is to create a NAS (network-attached storage) backup. As the name suggests, a NAS device is essentially a hard drive that is part of a network. Once you understand what is NAS, and how it can benefit your business and help you protect and grow it, and once you learn the most important features of reliable backup software, you’ll see that it’s everything you might want in a data backup solution.

1. Ease of use and ease of implementation.

Whenever we are bringing new technology and software into our company, it’s wise to examine how straightforward the implementation is and how easily can our employees use it. The IT staff will have more to do to keep the dashboard and its accompanying data up to date if it is sophisticated and has a high learning curve. The software you choose should be intuitive both to set up and to use. 

Data protection is a challenging endeavor because of the complexity that comes with its configuration and continuous administration. This is why it is preferable to have a simple administration with a unified front end that provides instant access to mission-critical information for an organization. In addition, you can release IT resources by simplifying the backup, storage, and configuration of virtual machines. Make sure you can easily access your backed-up data and quickly restore it without having to deal with any maintenance issues. 

2. Supported backup media.

There needs to be a reliable offline storage medium in case of internet failure. Since cloud-stored information can only be retrieved via the Internet, it is essential to maintain a local copy of the data as part of a disaster recovery strategy. This is why it’s important to work with a backup and recovery service that allows for both off-site and local copies of data. This can be used as a trustworthy primary backup. 

3. Provider reput​​ation and customer support.

It’s crucial to understand how efficient is the provider. Successful backup and recovery plans require experts with proven track records. This is why you must learn as much as you can about backup and restore options, through the available channels, customer testimonies, and reviews. Verify that they adhere to all regulations and safety precautions. Look for a company with a proven history of successful data backup and recovery services for the best outcomes. 

4. Data security.

Protection from hackers and other outside intrusion is another vital feature of any apt backup software. As more and more things threaten data security, countermeasures are constantly being developed. When it comes to handling the sensitive information of your business, setting appropriate data security standards is crucial. Make sure that your backup service provider can ensure the security of the backed-up data, providing constantly updated protection against cyber attacks, and other threats to your data security. 

5. Pay-per-use model.

Different businesses have different requirements regarding their data backup. This is why the backup and recovery software you choose must provide you with a wide range of options for how much you want to spend. For instance, they should offer several options for backup storage and allow you to add more as your needs grow. They should also allow you access through different methods that suit your needs. 


Being so important for your business’s reputation, success, and even its survival, data safety should be your company’s top priority and it should be left in the hands of experts. And this is why you need to have a reliable backup system in place. Make sure that your backup software choice checks these five boxes to guarantee that your critical data and databases are safe, regularly backed up, and that your company is protected against any catastrophic data loss.


[Infographic] 10 Steps To A Kickass Project Kickoff: A Checklist For Project Managers


Managing projects should be easy… except it isn’t.

Between matching the skill sets of team members to critical tasks and ensuring there are sufficient resources to meet those tasks while juggling deadlines and deliverables, a project manager requires strong project management skills to be able to deliver a project on point and on time.

A proper kickoff meeting can help. Award-winning collaboration and work management software Wrike has put together an infographic listing out 10 very important steps you need to take in order to ensure your project gets off on the right foot.

10 Steps to a Kickass Project Kickoff: A Checklist for Project Managers

[Infographic brought to you by Wrike software for agile project management]

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