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My Prime Lesson: How I Learned To Always Make The Optimus Decision

optimus prime

optimus prime

by Ben Kalkman, founder and CEO of Rocket Media

Most people don’t know that we name each of the computers at Rocket Media’s office after a transformer. Or, as a company, we see each Transformer movie in the theater when they come out.

It might seem like we’re big fans of the franchise to outsiders. But it really goes much deeper than that. These things are small reminders to me of a big lesson I learned early in life.

Here’s the story of how I learned that lesson.

When I was in my youth (a seemingly long time ago now), I was a huge Transformer addict. I watched the weekly cartoons religiously and loved the action figures.

However, for those that don’t remember these toys, there were two kinds — the smaller action figures that only sorta transformed and the larger, more detailed, and intricate Transformers that I considered the “real deal” versions.

I, sadly, only had the smaller versions. And to get a full-size transformer action figure, I had to pay for it myself. So I set my sight on Optimus Prime and began saving my allowance. I carefully saved for weeks (which might as well be years to a kid), counting down the days until I could have Optimus in my hands.

That day finally came. I had enough money to purchase my first real Transformer.

I vividly remember standing in the aisle, looking at all options. I had planned and saved for this glorious day. Oddly though, I slowly lost my focus. I had one hand on the Optimus box ready to roll out, while the other hand… well, the other hand began to notice the amazing blue Decepticon, Thundercracker.

Standing in the aisle, I agonized over this now overwhelming, life-changing decision I had before me. Should I purchase my prized Optimus, whom I had always wanted? Or should I get this new item that had just caught my fancy?

I remember being knocked from my trance by my parents telling me we needed to go. I had to make my choice right then.

So I did. I walked out of the store that day, the proud owner of my very own… Thundercracker, the shiny blue Decepticon jet.

Once home, I carefully began to unpack this impressive new action figure — my first real Transformer. I inventoried every part, note, and sticker — everything was important. I thought this was it — this was the best thing ever. My life was now complete.

And then the inevitable happened. It hit me like a bolt of lightning — this was not Optimus. As great as Thundercracker was, it wasn’t what I had really wanted. I fell into a horrible case of buyer’s remorse, and I no longer wanted anything to do with this Decepticon.

I begged to return it, but no luck. I was stuck.

This decision haunted me for a long time. In fact, I never purchased another Transformer. I’m unsure if I was punishing myself or just worried I’d make another wrong decision. Whatever the case was, I never owned my own Optimus Prime (although my son does now, so I can live vicariously through him).

Since that day, I now go with my gut and try not to let things distract me from my original goals. Life is full of distractions, and shiny objects are everywhere, all designed to throw you off. You must fight the urge and stay the course to see your dreams come true.

So that’s why our computer drives bear the names of Autobots. That’s why we see the new Transformers movies (even when they get terrible reviews). And that’s why I share this story with others — to remind myself and my team not to make another “Optimus mistake.”

Plus, Transformers are just awesome.


Ben Kalkman is the founder and CEO of Rocket Media, a premier marketing agency for home services companies across the United States. A born entrepreneur, Kalkman runs several other companies, such as Digital Ignitor, a search-focused digital marketing company. He also operates Modern Moments, an event venue for weddings, corporate events, and life celebrations in Gilbert, AZ.


5 Ways Startup Entrepreneurs Can Gain More Knowledge


Entrepreneurship is certainly not an easy domain to step into. There are so many things one needs to learn. While a college degree might benefit you in some ways, recognize that the entrepreneurial road necessitates continuous learning — you can never know too much. But, although there may be people who know far more than you do, this shouldn’t deter or intimidate you in any way. Recognize that it takes time to accumulate the essential expertise and knowledge to be a successful entrepreneur.  

You’ve probably heard that knowledge is power. This is also typically true in the context of entrepreneurship, especially if you’re a startup owner. You need to consume knowledge to sharpen your mind, but note that you don’t have to absorb knowledge randomly. You should be selective. Prioritize studying things relevant to your area of expertise. You don’t want to be good at five things, but an expert at none. So, remember to prioritize your niche.

Here are some of the effective ways you can increase and sharpen your entrepreneurial knowledge:

1. Read Books.

There’s a wealth of information in libraries and even online that you may read to expand your knowledge. Reading entrepreneurial books allows you to see things from multiple perspectives. That is why the majority of successful individuals are voracious readers. Consuming knowledge through books allows you to form your own viewpoint on things.  

You should include some books about business in your reading list. And, while there’s nothing wrong with reading motivational books, keeping them to a minimum is preferable. This is because they may not go into great detail on the technical aspects of entrepreneurship. Instead, look for memoirs written by successful entrepreneurs—these are valuable resources that contain factual information, not made up.

2. Take Online Courses.

It’s become much easier for people to gain knowledge through online courses. You might enroll in either industry-specific or general business programs; however, it’s advisable to target those in your field. 

Moreover, with the advent of adaptive learning, entrepreneurs with busy schedules can still increase their knowledge while tending to their business. This learning model leverages the power of technology to promote enhanced study skills, which will help you gain knowledge quickly and more efficiently.

3. Listen To Podcasts.

Podcasts aren’t a new phenomenon because they’ve been around for quite some time. However, podcasting has grown in popularity significantly over the past few years.  

Podcasts are an alternative for people to gain knowledge apart from reading books. People are launching podcast channels left, right, and center, so there’s so much content one can consume in this platform. You can listen to them while on a train or in your car, or while cooking a meal instead of listening to music.  

As an entrepreneur, you must focus on listening to educational podcasts, or choose popular ones in your niche.  

4. Follow Business News.

As an entrepreneur, you must stay abreast of what’s happening in the world, particularly in your industry or sector.

Keep in mind that the world is always changing. You can’t always rely on yesterday’s information today because things evolve so fast. Therefore, you must pay attention to business news.  

Back then, entrepreneurs were limited to TV, newspapers, and magazines as information sources. Fortunately, technology has made it much easier for business owners to gain access to business news. Nowadays, you can easily see and read them through your phone, tablet, or laptop. The latest news is at your fingertips. Furthermore, several blogs and news sites are available on the World Wide Web. Follow credible online portals and those relevant to your field.  

5. Find A Mentor.

Finding a mentor is one of the best things you can do as an entrepreneur. Mentors are there to impart knowledge to you. They can do this because they usually have the experience, which means they’re much wiser than you are.  

Mentors guide you to make the right decisions when you don’t know which path to take. Also, you can learn from their mistakes. But, make sure you find the right mentor, not just any random person. It’s not easy, but don’t settle until you’ve found someone who you believe has your best interests at heart.  


You may educate yourself in a variety of ways as a startup entrepreneur. And, don’t worry if you’re just getting started; it’s normal not to know everything, and you shouldn’t criticize yourself for it. It takes time to gain knowledge and expertise, but it’s never too late to begin. So, the sooner you read business books, listen to business podcasts, and attend business classes, the better. 


7 Fact-Finding Strategies Entrepreneurs Must Pursue Before Developing Their Product


by Min Basadur, Michael Goldsby and Rob Mathews, co-authors of “Design-Centered Entrepreneurship, Second Edition

In this era of rapid change, creativity and innovation are essential for success. Entrepreneurs are challenged with uncovering real problems and designing elegant solutions to those problems. Yet all too often entrepreneurs reverse this process. What results is known as the “great product, no market” mistake.

Consider the following scenario. A consumer products company wanted to expand from retail into the institutional market. Market research indicated that the size and number of hospitals and school afforded great opportunities for revenue growth. The plan was to approach this new market with the same routine used many times in retail: Make a superior product, promote it like crazy and watch the customers pour in. The company began a project to offer a better disinfecting and cleaning product than was currently used. Its testing showed that all current competitor products provided only marginal cleaning but passed the government laboratory germ killing tests. The solution was to produce a product that was both a cleaner and a disinfectant that killed germs much better.

After two years of intensive effort, the R&D department completed the project and a breakthrough, patentable formula was finally achieved. Field testing proved the new product killed germs significantly better than competitors’ because it unearthed tough-to-reach germs. The company was eager to unveil the new product to customers who surely would be excited by its breakthrough performance.

When the product went to test market, the company was unable to sell even a gallon. As it turned out, purchasing administrators in hospitals and schools were searching far less for improved cleaning and disinfecting than they were for lower cost. The new product was more than double in price compared to the current product. Their current products were satisfactory in performance (no one was complaining) and purchasing decisions were made on price and service. So, the team had devoted two years on a great solution to a non-existing problem.

Taking a deep dive into fact finding will move entrepreneurs from assumptions about the markets, customers and competitors to informed decisions and strategic actions.

Before developing an innovation idea to bring to market, pursue these seven strategies for fact finding:

1. Search for divergently relevant facts.

A metaphor for this critical strategy is the Saturn rocket that launched Apollo missions to the moon during the 1960s. Shortly after the rocket left the ground, its first stage dropped off. The second stage took over to lift the rocket higher before falling off in turn. The third stage then propelled the landing craft on a course to its final destination. Becoming aware of a new opportunity or problem is like the first rocket stage. It’s enough to get the entrepreneur started, but it’s only the beginning. The problem as they first perceive it may not represent the problem as it’s later perceived. Searching for facts about the new opportunity or problem is the second rocket stage, which then leads to further relevant facts in the third stage. By being open to as many potentially relevant facts as possible, entrepreneurs will improve, expand and enrich their final perception of the opportunity.

2. Use several viewpoints.

Each of us sees “the facts” in a situation, or reality, through our own biases, filters, and acquired knowledge. Collaborative problem-solving brings together a variety of viewpoints, which uncovers additional facts and broadens the view of a problem. Further, considering the potential customer’s point of view by learning how they spend their time, what they value, their product preferences and more.

3. Beware of unconscious assumptions.

The attitude taken toward gathering facts is critical. Approaching problems with an openness to new information will challenge preconceived perspective on it. Zen master Shunryu Suzuki observed, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.” Entrepreneurs should begin the search for facts as novices. By doing so, they can uncover the language, issues, critical success factors, and constraints inherent in a problem.

4. Avoid a negative attitude toward “problems.”

If you automatically consider a problem a negative thing, then not only does your attitude lower your motivation to tackle it, but it also confines your fact finding. You start looking for only negative facts. Without a complete picture of the facts — negative and positive — your subsequent problem definition will be off the mark.

5. Share information.

Entrepreneurs often avoid asking questions or volunteering information for fear of their ideas being stolen. But guarding ideas in an overprotective way comes across like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings (“my precious!”). No one will help a person who appears greedy or pathological. Instead, ideas shared in collaborative sessions will change into entirely new ideas when new facts are gathered.

6. Say what you think.

In collaborative problem-solving sessions, it’s important to say what you think. The rule is that there are no bad ideas during fact finding. Offering information and ideas only to fit what you think the rest of the group wants to hear robs the session of your unique viewpoint. Many people second-guess themselves and believe that, if no one else sees the problem as they do, they must be wrong. The person who sees things differently from others is sometimes the one who sees them most clearly.

7. Look for the truth, not just ways to boost your ego.

The attitude of everyone in a fact-finding session should be that the purpose of the exercise is to uncover as many facts about a problem as possible. All ideas are welcome. Therefore, the entrepreneur must not take it personally if people offer differing perspectives that disrupt their current idea. In fact, they should welcome it. The agreed upon goal of any fact-finding session should be to uncover information that can lead to better problem definition and superior solutions later.

The agreed upon goal of the fact-finding strategies is to uncover information that will lead to better problem definition and superior solutions in the long run. The greatest discoveries occur when someone seeks answers others aren’t willing to pursue.


Min Basadur is Professor Emeritus of Innovation at McMaster University, Canada, and founder of Basadur Applied Creativity. Michael Goldsby is Stoops Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and Chief Entrepreneurship Officer at Ball State University. Rob Mathews is Executive Director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute at Ball University. Their new book,Design-Centered Entrepreneurship, Second Edition (Routledge, 2022), provides a research-driven, step-by-step approach to creative problem-solving. Learn more at https://elprofile.com/


[Infographic] The History of Marketing Operations


The field of marketing has evolved drastically over the years.

One of the biggest areas of growth in marketing is the field of marketing operations, which encompasses things like technologies, procedures, and analytics that all work together to drive returns on investments and marketing results for organizations. Marketing operations aim to understand customers better using data, use the appropriate technologies, track the success of different campaigns, and ensure overall marketing success.

Award-winning collaboration and work management software Wrike has put together an infographic that looks at the history and evolution of marketing operations.

The History of Marketing Operations

[Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management information systems software]


4 Ways To Prepare For Heavy Equipment Rental Software Trends In 2023


by Nisma Shakil, Content Marketer at EZRentOut

To thrive in a rapidly changing environment, heavy equipment businesses have to be updated about the latest trends in the industry. Following the pandemic, the market is driven by technologically advanced equipment, increased government funding, and strong competition between software providers.

These trends are discussed in detail below:

1. COVID-19 impact: Positive turn for the rental industry.

The heavy equipment industry adapted to the new normal amidst uncertain COVID-19 waves and lockdowns. The strict operational policies imposed the shutting down of physical stores and impacted construction cycles. Closing of stores at unexpected times meant delays in equipment delivery and work completion.

The pandemic has prompted heavy equipment businesses to rent out rather than buy equipment. This is because rental rates are less costly than investing in expensive gear. Rental rates can be charged on a need basis, for example, forklifts can be rented out for days, weeks, or months whereas purchased equipment may sit idle on days when it is not in use, which can reduce productivity.

Renting out equipment has helped to manage construction cycles. Businesses can rent out equipment for the operational period and then return during lockdowns. This can benefit the business in many ways: 1. Rental rate charged for the days equipment is used, 2. No idle equipment during lockdown 3. Construction work at its optimum.

The impact of the pandemic has led to a positive turn for the rental industry. This trend will continue to increase due to the hybrid work model adopted by businesses. The shift to managing operations from home has further increased the use of heavy equipment rental software, wherein all important details can be managed from workflows to rentals. The ease of using the software has provided a solution to continue business operations effectively. It is expected that the U.S. equipment rental market will grow at a CAGR of 5.47%, for the time period of 2022-2026.

2. Rising demand for tech-savvy construction rental equipment.

Technological advancements are transforming the business sector with safe and convenient tech solutions. Heavy equipment businesses are more prone to workplace accidents, thefts, and labor injuries, given the complex machine usage and harsh working environment.

This is why construction businesses are more focused on using “smart” safety hats, vests, and IoT-based alarms and detectors. Smart caps and vests have wearable mobile technology that can monitor the fatigue levels of workers. The alarms turn on as the worker’s alertness level decreases. Instant incident alerting to cloud-based software is provided by IoT-based connected safety solutions, allowing for quick accident avoidance before it happens.

Cloud-based software can be easily connected to gather data from monitoring devices and provide real-time information to managers. The software can identify trends using GPS smart sensors and collect data for managers to take action on alarming trends.

As workplace hazards increase, it is necessary to adopt safe and tech-savvy protective equipment. The heavy rental equipment industry is moving toward protective wearables and sensors to minimize the risk of on-site accidents. These types of protective equipment and sensors are connected to heavy rental equipment software that can help provide real-time information, track the fleet 24/7, and comply with safety regulations without any hassle.

3. Government spending drives heavy equipment rentals.

The increase in government investments in residential, non-residential, and infrastructure sectors mean more construction projects, and in turn, increasing demand for heavy construction equipment.

Government spending is likely to expand the heavy equipment industry due to various growth opportunities. There is evidence of an increase in the construction of multi-family houses due to a growing trend toward nuclear families, as well as investments in expressways, metros, highways, and roads due to increasing population and urbanization.

The demand for heavy equipment rentals is also increasing with these upcoming construction projects. The expected high initial cost of new construction machines encourages contractors to shift towards renting heavy equipment. Also, the availability of a wide range of technologically advanced equipment on rent is another reason for renting rather than buying equipment.

As a result, it is becoming less practical  for rental business owners to track rented out construction equipment with the increase in  upcoming construction projects. This has accelerated the trend of adopting heavy equipment rental software to automate daily tasks and seamlessly track rented out equipment.

4. Competition among software providers.

The heavy rental equipment software market is highly fragmented where there are multiple players competing against each other. High competition means software providers focus more on providing features that help businesses operate efficiently.

The lack of modern technology is a barrier for many businesses. This is why they are adopting heavy equipment rental software because it offers cutting-edge functionalities like setting up alerts, assigning tasks, and tracking rental status and fleet availability which helps businesses flourish in rapidly changing environments.

There will likely be a greater need for heavy equipment due to an increase in construction projects. To meet the growing demand, rental businesses would need to expand their fleet and construction equipment. In order to manage various projects efficiently, contractors would also require greater visibility into equipment tracking.

This would increase the demand for heavy equipment rental software that could easily give users visibility and control over their equipment’s location. As a result, this enables the rental software market to grow and serve more customers in the future.


Following heavy equipment rental trends can help businesses adapt to changes in the market, anticipate customer needs, and propel themselves forward.


Nisma Shakil is currently a Content Marketer at EZRentOut, the leading equipment rental software company, where she particularly enjoys writing about technological advancements, and trends and actively contributes to similar guest posting opportunities. She also enjoys capturing scenic beauty, sunsets at beaches, and movie times with family.


Data Protection Impact Assessment And Its Advantages


Data protection-related risks from a new project that could impact your organisation or the people it interacts with can be identified and mitigated through data protection impact assessments.

What is DPIA?

The people whose data your organisation is processing run risks when it gathers, stores, or uses that data. These dangers include people being concerned that your organisation will use their data for unspecified purposes or that their personal information may be stolen or accidentally exposed and utilised by criminals to pretend to be them.

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a term used to describe a procedure for identifying and minimising risks associated with personal processing data. DPIAs are crucial instruments for reducing risk and proving GDPR compliance.

A project might be thought of as either a specific function of your organisation or a plan to improve how your organisation operates. If you want to know whether your organisation needs a DPIA, click here.

How Would You Know If You Need to Conduct a DPIA?

Where data processing is likely to result in great danger to the rights and freedoms of natural people, a DPIA is required by the General Data Protection Regulation. Of course, when a new data processing technology is introduced, this is very important.

Conducting a DPIA is nevertheless good practice and a helpful tool to assist data controllers in complying with data protection law when it is unclear whether a DPIA is strictly required.

Who Should Conduct a DPIA?

The DPIA must be carried out, and that is the data controller’s responsibility. The data controller is ultimately responsible, even if that responsibility has been delegated to another person inside or outside the organisation.

As part of the DPIA process, this advice and the decisions made should be documented. In addition, if a data processor is engaged in the processing, they should support the DPIA and give any required information.

A designated individual chosen by an organisation to guide data protection policies inside the organisation is known as a Data Protection Officer (DPO). A staff person or an outside service provider may serve as the DPO.

People had the skills and familiarity with the project in question, and typically, the project team should be in charge of the DPIA.

However, you might think about hiring outside experts to consult on or conduct the DPIA if your organisation doesn’t have enough knowledge and experience on staff, if a specific project is expected to involve a high level of risk, or if it will probably have an extremely wide-ranging impact on many people.

The DPIA can gain from an extensive internal consultation process because some threats to data protection may be obscure to people working on particular project components.

Additionally, it will provide you with the chance to get input from people whose jobs will be affected by the project once it is implemented, like engineers, designers, and developers, who will have experience with the processes. Finally, the public relations team at your company can help you effectively inform outside stakeholders of the DPIA’s findings.

Steps to Carry out a DPIA

The GDPR specifies the following requirements for a DPIA in its recitals 84 and 90 and article 35(7):

  • an explanation of the proposed processing activities and the intended uses of the processing.
  • an evaluation of the processing need and proportionality
  • as an evaluation of the dangers to data subjects’ rights and liberties.

The GDPR provides a broad, general framework for creating and executing a DPIA. This enables flexibility and scalability so that even the smallest data controllers may develop and implement a DPIA. This also enables the data controller to choose the exact structure and form of the DPIA for usage with current working practices.

Advantages of a DPIA

Your organisation’s awareness of the risks to data protection associated with a project will increase because of doing a DPIA. This will strengthen your project’s design and your ability to communicate with key stakeholders about data privacy threats. The following are a few advantages of performing a DPIA:

  • Ensuring and proving that your company complies with the GDPR to stay out of trouble.
  • Enhancing communications about data protection problems to boost public confidence.
  • Ensuring that your users’ rights to privacy are not infringed upon.
  • Enabling your organisation’s new projects to embrace data protection by design.
  • Lowering operating expenses by streamlining project-wide information flows and removing pointless data collecting and processing.
  • Lowering the risks to your organisation from data protection.
  • Reducing the expense and disruption of data protection measures via early incorporation into project design.


Data protection by design refers to integrating data privacy elements and privacy-enhancing technologies into project design. This will make it possible to protect personal data privacy more effectively and affordably.


The Role Of OKR Consultants In Business Strategy Development


Business strategy is the long-term plan for a company, which sets direction and outlines objectives. It is the foundation on which a business builds its success. An effective strategy requires careful planning, research, and analysis to ensure that it meets the needs of the company.

One key factor of any successful business strategy is the use of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). OKRs are a popular method for setting goals in organisation and measuring progress. They provide structure, clarity and alignment to businesses seeking to enhance their strategies.

The challenge for many organisation is that developing an effective OKR system can be time-consuming, and ensuring it is properly implemented and monitored can be difficult. This is where the role of OKR consultants can be invaluable.

Assessing the Benefits of Working with OKR Consultants

OKR consultants such as There Be Giants provide expert advice and guidance to organisations on how to develop effective OKR strategies and solutions.

So, how can working with an OKR consultant enhance a company’s business strategy? Here are a few potential benefits:

1. Defined Objectives.

OKRs are flexible; they should be able to strengthen as needed, according to the needs of the company. Through careful analysis and market research, the OKR consultant helps put together a well-defined set of objectives for the company.

They advise what needs to be done to ensure that goals are met and KPIs remain on track.

2. Streamlined Implementation.

While having an internal team handle the implementation can be cost-effective, it is not always efficient.

An external specialist knows how to set up the system quickly while avoiding common mistakes that often happen when attempting a DIY implementation.

3. Setting Measurable Goals.

OKR consultants help organisations set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. They can map out a plan of action to ensure that objectives are met within the designated timeline.

They make sure that each objective is measurable, and the right KPIs are tracked regularly to ensure objectives are met in desired time frames.

4. Clear Alignment.

Creating a clear vision and mission statement allows employees to understand the goal and know how their individual goals can help contribute to the larger vision.

A consultant ensures all OKRs are in line with the company’s stated objectives and helps create a culture of transparency among employees.

5. Better Communication.

OKR consultants ensure that employees are on the same page and have an open line of communication with setting goals, tracking performance, and providing feedback.

They also help bridge any communication gaps between management and employees, so everyone works together towards a unified goal.

6. Utilising Resources Efficiently.

OKRs are flexible; they should be able to evolve as needed, according to the needs of the company. Identifying gaps in resources and utilising them efficiently can help achieve desired outcomes much more quickly.

OKR consultant help to ensure that all available resources are used in an optimal way so that objectives can be achieved on time and within budget

7. Effective Monitoring.

OKR consultants can help set up a system that allows the efficient and timely monitoring of goals and KPIs. They can help identify any potential risks or obstacles and provide timely solutions.

They also advise on what data should be tracked, so that the organisation can make informed decisions in addressing issues quickly and efficiently.

When to Consider Hiring an OKR Consultant

OKRs can be a powerful tool for businesses who want to work smarter and achieve their goals more efficiently. While OKRs can be implemented without the help of a consultant, there are certain scenarios where you might hire one.

  • If you are starting from scratch and need help with setting up OKRs.
  • If you don’t have the resources or expertise in-house to manage OKRs effectively.
  • If your organisation’s goals are stagnant or have become irrelevant in the current market climate.
  • If your team is having difficulty communicating goals and objectives across departments.
  • If you need help with making sense of the data generated from OKRs and interpreting it into actionable insights for your business strategy.

In short, OKR consultants can be an invaluable resource for any organisation looking to streamline their business process and get the most out of their data. By leveraging a consultant’s expertise, you can ensure that your team works together towards common goals with clarity and focus.


As organisational strategies become increasingly complex and competitive, businesses need experienced professionals to help devise effective solutions that will help them gain a competitive advantage.

Companies should consider investing in OKR consulting services when looking for the best possible way to reach their goals and objectives. With the right consultant, businesses can benefit from a deep understanding of the goals, strategies, implementation and tracking of OKR initiatives.


How Can A Fabric Company Stand Out From Their Competitors?


Standing out from the competition is essential for any business, but especially so in the fabric industry. With so many companies vying for customers’ attention and loyalty, it can be difficult to make your mark.

But with some strategic marketing tactics, you can create a unique brand identity and draw customers to your products. Here are some tips to help you get started.

1. Create Innovative Designs.

Originality makes customers take notice. Use high-quality materials and unique patterns to create one-of-a-kind products that customers won’t be able to find anywhere else.

For instance, Linwood Fabric always strives to create innovative fabric designs that will appeal to customers looking for something out of the ordinary.

Come up with fabric designs that are unlike anything else on the market. Experiment with colour, texture, and patterns to create something that customers can’t resist. You could also offer exclusive designs only available through your business, giving customers a reason to come back for more.

2. Establish Your Brand Identity.

Creating a strong brand identity is how customers will recognize you from other fabric companies. You need to think of your brand as its own unique entity with a strong message and mission behind it.

Your brand identity should be reflected in everything you do, from your logo design to your website and marketing materials. Also, be sure to have a consistent message across all platforms, so customers know what they can expect from you.

Tell a story about your brand that resonates with customers. What makes your products unique? Why should people shop from you instead of another fabric company?

3. Research Your Target Market.

By understanding the needs and wants of your target customer base, you can ensure that your products are meeting their requirements. What’s more, carrying out market research can help you to identify new opportunities for your business.

You may discover that there’s a gap in the market for new fabrics that you could exploit, which would set your company apart from its competitors.

Listening to customer feedback and carrying out regular market research will help you to stay one step ahead of your competition and maintain a leading position in your industry.

4. Develop a Strong Online Presence.

First impressions matter and having a strong online presence is essential for fabric companies. Make sure to have an optimized website with attractive visuals, informative content, and clear product descriptions.

Social media can also be a great way to engage with customers and promote your products. Invest in high-quality images that showcase the beauty of your fabrics and post regularly to keep people interested.

Creating an online presence doesn’t just involve promoting your fabric business, it also involves building relationships with customers and other industry professionals. Take the time to find out what people are talking about and get involved in conversations to make sure your voice is heard.

5. Increase Your Offline Presence.

Offline marketing is still relevant for fabric companies. Find ways to promote your products offline through events, trade shows, and partnerships with other businesses.

Take advantage of opportunities to attend local craft fairs and other events related to the fabric industry. Having a strong physical presence at these events will help you to create a professional image and promote your fabric business.

Paper advertising still has its place too. Print flyers, business cards, and other marketing materials that you can distribute to your target audience.

6. Develop a Loyalty Scheme.

A loyalty scheme is a great way to reward customers for shopping with you and encourage them to come back for more. You could offer discounts, free samples, or other rewards for customers who make repeat purchases.

Offering loyalty rewards will help build up a strong customer base and show your appreciation for their continued support.

A loyalty scheme could also be used to collect data about your customers’ preferences and behaviours, which would give you valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies.

7. Monitor Your Competitors.

Keeping an eye on their activities will help you to identify potential threats and seize opportunities before they do.

Analyse their marketing strategies, pricing models, product offerings, customer service, and other aspects of their business. This knowledge can be used to inform decisions about how you position your fabric company in the market and what sets you apart from your competitors.

Learning from the mistakes of others can save you time and money in the long run. In addition, you can use the successes of your competitors to get inspiration for your own marketing campaigns.

8. Stay Up To Date With Trends.

Keeping track of customer preferences and emerging markets will help you make sure your offerings remain competitive and relevant.

Many people turn to social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube to find inspiration for their fabric projects. Investing time in creating content for these outlets can also help to promote your company and products.

You can also consider investing in market intelligence software to get real-time insights into customer behaviour and market trends. And attending industry events can provide valuable networking opportunities and keep you up to date with the latest developments.


Staying ahead of the competition requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but with these tips in mind, you can start to build a successful fabric business. Investing time and money into your marketing strategy is essential for staying competitive, so don’t be afraid to take risks and try out new ideas.


Marketing Tips For Video Production Agencies In London


It can be challenging for companies to develop suitable promotional material that will draw and maintain attention and interest because of the shifting needs and preferences of the market. So, many companies transferred to video as their preferred marketing medium.

This led to the creation of video production businesses in London, which have assisted brands in using videos to interact with their audience.

Video production companies need to do more than just curate videos; they also need to research, develop, and use effective digital methods. An efficient London video production agency should be able to develop its brand and motivate its audience with interesting material that sticks with them.

The following are some marketing tips for video production agencies in London.

1. Have A Memorable Website.

You are throwing away a lot of money if your video production agency doesn’t already have a good eye-catching website. As the digital era is the one we are living in.

A website lets you communicate with potential clients easily and at all times. Therefore, make sure your website is both aesthetically beautiful and user-friendly. Don’t list all of your services on your website, but do your best to make it appear straightforward and adequate.

2. Optimisation and SEO.

A beautiful website serves as little more than an online catalogue for your services. But you need the site to draw in and turn casual browsers into devoted, paying customers if you want to advance your firm.

To reach your target audience, you must make your website search engine friendly. And you need basic SEO knowledge to do it. You should hire an SEO specialist if you don’t know what to do.

You must first identify your target market. After that, you need to identify the search terms they used to search your website. The next step is optimising your website (and its content) for keywords so your page can appear higher in search results.

While doing it, think about picking up a few tips on conversion optimisation so you can turn leads into paying clients. For example, your website for video creation will receive more relevant and targeted traffic thanks to SEO, and conversion optimization will assist you in turning website visitors into paying clients.

3. Networking.

Another important element of starting a successful video production firm is networking. It’s important to go out there, shake hands, and interact with customers and other owners of production companies in person.

Most likely, there are trade associations both online and in a big city close to you. Become a member of these organisations and attempt to network at these events.

By attending these events and networking with other business owners who are equally overloaded with work and may send you some work, your chances of finding employment considerably increase.

This is a typical practice when first beginning. However, don’t stop there. First, identify potential customers by doing market research, and then meet them. Make eye contact and treat them with respect. Speak to everyone and anyone. Be friendly. Engage customers and demonstrate a keen interest in their goods or services.

4. Social Media Marketing.

Social media marketing is one of the simplest ways to market and advertise your business. Remember that managing your company’s social media accounts requires time and work. However, if you have an effective plan in place, you should be able to navigate the social media maze and use it effectively.

You have several choices for promoting your video production firm using the power of social media. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Some websites host videos, like YouTube, making it exceedingly simple to interact with your audience.

You can automatically send blog posts to social platforms using a social media plugin. Many tools let you adjust the message to fit every platform as you see fit.

5. Client Referrals.

Who you know and who will testify for you in the London video production market is key for your marketing plan, regardless of whether you’re working on an industrial, commercial, or even high-budget film project. But, again, referrals from clients can be useful in this situation.

Ask your client to share feedback if you have a prior working relationship and they are pleased with your job. Any start-up would benefit greatly from having this kind of promotion on its website or social media page.

You’d be astonished at how many prospective customers will seek references about your professionalism from existing customers.


As a video production London agency, your final objective should be to satisfy your client with the work you’ve completed. You must be clear with your client to do excellent work. Make plans and progress accordingly.

Before starting any marketing effort, remember to undertake extensive research. Then, if you can afford it, spend money on paid advertising.

You do not want to come across as pushy in your marketing, no matter what you do. However, today’s consumer wants to know you and your business before making a purchase. Therefore, make it your top priority to promote pertinent material related to your company.


Selling Your Business? Know All Your Options.

business meeting charts

business meeting charts

by Corey Rosen and John Case, co-authors of “Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What

If you own a thriving, profitable company — and if it’s big enough to survive your departure — you have a valuable asset on your hands. If and when you decide to sell the business, you’ll have prospective buyers lined up at the door.

It can be a confusing time, just because there’s so much at stake. There’s the money, of course: you want to capitalize on the years of investment and hard work you’ve put in. The selling price is a factor. So are the terms of payment and the likely tax burden — all variables to consider.

There’s also the issue of the company’s future. What will happen to the business? Will your loyal employees lose their jobs? If the company is swallowed up by some giant conglomerate or bought and then sold off by a private equity firm, the effect on both workers and the local community could be devastating.

Finally, there’s that intangible factor known as legacy. Maybe your name is on the door. Maybe you have built a company — and a reputation — that you hope will live on for a long time.

Who’s on your short list of buyers?

Chances are you already are familiar with most of the possible buyers. Large corporations or competitors — so-called strategic buyers — may want to acquire your business, perhaps hoping to incorporate it with their own operations. Private equity firms might hope to buy your company, boost its profitability, and then resell it or take it public a few years later. An internal management team might want to pursue a leveraged buyout.

Most business lawyers and accountants are familiar with buyers like these and can help you sort through the possibilities.

But there’s one option you and your advisers may not know about: selling the company to your employees through an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP. For many companies — not all — this option turns out to be far and away the best choice.

What ESOPs bring to the table

First of all, let’s dispel some myths. ESOP sales aren’t some far-out, fringe idea. They’re used by hundreds of companies every year. Several thousand U.S. businesses are owned, partly or wholly, by their employees through an ESOP. And these companies outperform their conventionally owned peers.

Nor do your employees have to come up with any money. In an ESOP, workers don’t buy the shares with their own funds; most couldn’t afford to do so anyway. Instead, the shares are paid for (on a tax-deductible basis) from the company’s future profits — profits that the employees help the company earn.

Selling to an ESOP also doesn’t mean the company is suddenly going to be run by all the workers, town-meeting style. Most ESOP companies operate just like any other business, with a board of directors and an appointed CEO. The only difference is that employees enjoy the financial benefits of ownership, such as an increase in the value of company shares over time. The longer employees stay with the company, the more shares they’re typically awarded.

ESOPs have been around for a while now. They’re regulated and approved by the U.S. government. ESOP companies pay lower taxes than conventional businesses, not because of some sharp accounting practices but because the law allows them to do so. Congress has repeatedly passed laws to encourage this kind of employee ownership.

From an owner’s perspective, selling to an ESOP has major benefits. The company operates just as before, and everyone keeps their jobs. If you’re not ready to retire, you can continue to run things. Moreover, the government lets you defer capital-gains taxes on the proceeds of the sale, provided you sell at least 30% of the shares to the ESOP and invest the proceeds in other U.S. stocks or bonds.

So, here’s how to know whether an ESOP is worth exploring:

Legacy and fair treatment are important to you.

You’d like the company to maintain its independence. You’d like your employees to be able to keep their jobs, and you’d like to reward them with equity in the company they helped build.

You can live with a slightly lower sales price, if necessary.

When an owner sells to an ESOP, the company’s fair market value — the sale price — is determined by a third-party appraiser. In a minority of cases, a strategic buyer or private equity firm may offer to pay more, but you have to factor in the ESOP’s tax benefits to get a true apples-to-apples comparison.

You don’t mind taking back a note for part of the price.

Banks won’t finance 100% of an ESOP transaction; owners who sell to all the company in a single ESOP transaction are usually paid a portion of the sale price over time. It’s the company that pays the note, not the employees.

Business advisers, like lawyers and accountants, don’t always understand the benefits of an ESOP. If yours scoff at the idea, find advisers who know what they’re talking about. Meanwhile, read up on ESOPs — the National Center for Employee Ownership can help you get started. It’s the best way of ensuring that the company you’ve built lives long and prospers.

Corey Rosen, Ph.D., is the founder and senior staff member of the National Center for Employee Ownership. He writes frequently on employee ownership and serves on several ESOP company boards. John Case is a veteran observer and analyst of the business world and a nationally known writer on business and economics. Their new book is “Ownership: Reinventing Companies, Capitalism, and Who Owns What“.


Adapting To A New Work-Life Balance Post-Pandemic


by Mike MonroeVector Marketing 

Amid COVID-19, employees discovered the benefits of flexible work. They liked spending less time commuting, being able to eat meals at home, and growing closer to their families. And although pandemic-related restrictions have been lifted, many employers are adopting hybrid or remote working models. After all, about half of employees say that scheduling flexibility is a perk on par with conventional employer benefits, according to a recent Envoy report.

Unfortunately, hybrid and remote working environments blur the line between people’s personal and professional lives. During the pandemic, many employees got into the habit of being on-call all the time. They trained their employers, coworkers, and clients to think they would answer communication right away. The result? Massive burnout.

Findings from an APA survey show that more than seven out of 10 workers say they feel tense or stressed out during the workday. You can’t do your best thinking, problem-solving, executing, managing, or interacting when you’re overworked and overburdened. Yet it can be very challenging to unplug, especially when working from home full- or part-time.

As a hybrid or remote worker, you know how overwhelming this model of work can be. Don’t assume that it’s impossible to establish boundaries. Instead, try these tactics. They’ll help you reset and uncover your off button.

1. Purchase a separate work phone.

Do you conduct work outside of office hours using your personal phone? You’re not alone. Though it might seem less complicated to carry one phone, you should consider purchasing a second one that you dedicate solely to work.

A work phone allows you to control when you’re available. It’s easy to just silence it when you clock out and avoid checking it until the next morning. At first, you’ll probably have to resist picking it up “just in case.” But be diligent. In time, you’ll get the hang of storing it nightly.

2. Guard your availability.

As a hybrid or remote worker, you need time to focus. And in order to set aside time, you need to train others on what to expect when contacting you. If you’ve always jumped immediately when people ping you, they’ll just keep pinging you. On the other hand, if you start putting up guardrails — and consistently follow them — you’ll see a change in others’ expectations.

Try answering emails or texts in a single block. Don’t rush to answer everything on demand. You’ll just distract yourself from whatever you’re working on.

3. Let people know your schedule.

This is the most critical change to make. A fixed schedule will set you free, but only if you let everyone know what your schedule is. Start by creating a weekly schedule and sharing it with all your vertical relationships. These would include your boss, your immediate coworkers, and your direct reports.

For maximum impact, share your schedule with your significant other and family, too. That way, everyone can respect your schedule and your time.

4. Know the date of your next vacation.

It’s hard to stay motivated day after day when you don’t see any breaks in sight. Even if you’re not going to actually go anywhere, set aside time for a vacation in your planner. You’ll be more motivated when you know that you’re not going to work for the days or weeks you’ll be off.

When you come back to work, ease back into your role. Don’t dive in suddenly; otherwise, you’ll lose all the energy you regained during your vacation period. Instead, get up to speed and move forward slowly. And don’t forget to add another future vacation to your calendar.

5. Watch out for distracting “faux emergencies.”

Just because you’re working from home part-time doesn’t mean you can walk away from your work for every “emergency” that arises. You need to ask yourself if something really deserves your time or whether you’re just letting yourself become distracted. In the case of the latter, you could end up spinning your wheels and having to work late to make up for lost time.

A good way to gauge if you have a real or faux emergency is to ask yourself: “If I were in an office, would this be a shut-down-everything-and-leave-immediately moment? Or would I find a creative solution until I could go home as usual?” Being rigid and practical lessens the likelihood of cheating on boundaries.

The flexible work model has the potential to be an exceptional upgrade from traditional office setups. Still, it can be messy and requires adjustments. If you take time to identify and deploy best practices for remote and hybrid work, you’ll flourish in the next normal.


Mike Monroe is a Christian, husband, dad, marketer, and wannabe athlete. Mike started working at Vector Marketing in 2000 as a student at Boston College. He wanted to stick out from the crowd and develop himself professionally. Nearly two decades later, that goal hasn’t changed. Learn more at TheVectorImpact.com.


Three Ways Business Leaders Can Avoid The Cognitive Trap Of Experience


by Marty Strong, author of “Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization

Experience is often touted as a primary rationale for talent selection, promotion, and decision making. On the face of it, this makes sense. We instinctively feel better when our commercial plane is flown by a silver haired pilot with twenty years in the cockpit and feel less confident if we catch a glimpse of a baby faced pilot sitting behind the controls. I’ll be the first to admit that experience counts, that is, until it doesn’t. If change is an operating principle of our universe, why do we put so much value and emphasis on experience?

In the course of human history, established norms in thought and practice have ploughed resolutely forward until, overnight, these accepted norms are suddenly disrupted or even displaced by a new reality. We are all vulnerable to this never ending cycle of change because we naturally rely on our personal and professional traditions, our agreed upon norms for living life and leading organizations. These traditions become hardwired, etched in our minds through formal education and a multitude of rules, regulations, and policies. The longer we practice what we know, the more what we know becomes a part of our approach to everything. We become “experienced” and that, my friends, is a cognitive trap.

Here are three ways leaders can avoid the cognitive trap of experience:

1. Intellectual Humility.

Navy SEALs are rugged, courageous, and creative. That’s right, creative. This creativity is how these special operators solve the most dangerous and difficult challenges in the military. I learned, after twenty years in that noble institution, that experience only goes so far, and when experience becomes the plan, you’re headed for trouble. Leaders need to clear their mind of their past victories and defeats before addressing challenges. This practice in professional intellectual humility prepares a leader for the next critical phase of decision making. Be humble! 

2. Intellectual Curiosity.

Once a leader has established an open mind, they need to move on to information gathering. However, this form of data collection isas wide as it is deep in focus. By practicing intellectual curiosity, a leader expands their horizons beyond their direct reports, beyond their ingrained knowledge and experience. They actively seek and listen to outliers, adjacent opinions, and opposing viewpoints. They go further by looking to other companies, industries, and disciplines until they exhaust their sources of insight, internal and external to their organizations. To be curious is a full time requirement for an enlightened and nimble leader. Be curious!     

3. Intellectual Creativity.

The last step in this process is all about execution. An open mind, confronted with old, new, and even oblique information and insight, is now ready to begin solution design. If practical, include your sources in the development of the answer you need to implement. Creativity, done right, is often a messy engagement. Create a brief period for resolution to force the creativity to the surface. People respond to deadlines and this sense of crisis generates interesting and sometimes delightful outcomes. Let this crucible of creativity do its work and then execute. Be creative!

Adopting these three steps won’t be easy. Skipping any of the three will not work either. Each step creates a path to the second until you are ready to make decisions based on reality, not history. Experience has its place in leadership and wisdom and judgement gained from this experience, even more so. Try to avoid applying the same old football plays and formulas that worked in past paradigms and embrace leading with a nimble mindset. You may be surprised how well it works!


Marty Strong

Marty Strong is a retired Navy SEAL, CEO, speaker, and the author of “Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization“. He was a successful account VP and portfolio manager with United Bank of Switzerland for many years after leaving the Navy and then a marketing and business development SVP for a billion-dollar-a-year company. He currently works as CEO and CSO of LGS Management Group, Inc.


How To Start A Professional Cleaning Service Company

commercial cleaning services

commercial cleaning services

Most people struggle to deep clean their homes because it is tiring and time-consuming. Busy work schedules have made it difficult to take out time to declutter and clean properties. Therefore they turn towards professional cleaning services. With so much demand, starting a cleaning business is a great idea.

Janitorial services are always in demand. Here is a comprehensive manual on how to start a professional cleaning service company from scratch.

Steps of Starting a Cleaning Service Company

Starting a cleaning service may not require a lot of staff and equipment in the initial phases of the business—however, some wise decisions must be made before starting the company. Following are the steps on how to start a professional cleaning service company.

1. Do the Most Work Alone.

Before starting a professional cleaning service company, it is recommended to wait before hiring staff. The owner should start the work alone and understand the business entirely on how to run it.

The first few months are crucial in determining the best practices for the company. Once the owner has maintained a reputation in the business and built a positive image in front of clients, it is time to hire a few people.

2. Set a Reasonable Budget.

Keeping costs down in the initial phases of starting a professional commercial cleaning services company is vital. The owner should set a reasonable budget for clients. This will help attract more clients to your new business.

3. Determine the Necessary Cleaning Equipment.

It is time to consider the needed cleaning equipment and products for cleaning homes. It is a part of the startup cost. The products needed to start a professional cleaning service company include chemical solutions, spray bottles, scrubbers, sponges, protective gloves, reusable and disposable towels, and tools like brooms and mops.

4. Choose a Brand Name.

Every startup needs a brand name to increase its popularity among customers and attract new clients. Your brand name must reflect your company’s mission and beliefs. The brand name should be easy to remember, and anyone can spell it. It should sound well, be readable, and can grow with the company.

5. Registering the Cleaning Business.

After choosing a business name, it is necessary to register the brand’s name to prevent other companies from using it. The registration requirements vary according to different states and localities.

6. Start Marketing the Company.

Marketing is a crucial step in a business. The customers must know about your business and the services you offer. After the brand name is chosen and the company is registered, set up a marketing team to spread the word across different clients.

7. Provide Janitorial Services for Businesses.

Businesses often need commercial janitorial services for cleaning and maintaining their workplaces, so they look for “janitorial services near me” to find a suitable service provider for their building. A startup cleaning service must provide services to businesses and companies to increase its clientele base.

Bottom Line

A cleaning service company is easy to start and operate if you consider certain factors. With time, you earn profit as the professional cleaning business is highly lucrative. If you plan to enter the business, you must follow the above mentioned steps to strengthen your presence in the professional cleaning industry.


Unique Corporate Gifts To Wow Your Employees And Clients


Companies that like to make a lasting impression on their clients and employees prefer to choose unique gifts that represent their generosity. Not only does this define the company’s standing but also helps foster good relationships with important people. 

If you are looking for exceptional gifts that will surely make clients and employees remember you, then the list below can help.

Luxury Corporate Gifts

Giving your clients and employees a sophisticated yet functional item, which they can use on a daily basis, provides them with a sense of pride and importance. Unique high end corporate gifts can make a difference when it comes to making business deals. Here are some luxury gifts that your colleagues will surely love.

Engraved Leather Bags.

Genuine leather products are made from the finest materials that can last for years. For a luxury corporate gift, consider engraving your branding onto a high value leather bag, such as the range at Von Baer. Leather bags are imbued with both durability and finesse, making them a practical and desirable option. 

Leather Bag from Vonbaer.ee

Luxury Fountain Pens.

When gifting to executives, professionals, and clients, a luxury fountain pen is another elegant yet pragmatic choice. Whether it holds their name or your brand, it will surely remind them of their role in our business.

Some portray expensive pens as a symbol of authority, knowledge, and expertise. When you’re gifting a high-quality pen made with premium materials such as resin or titanium, you also present them with the subtle joy of writing smoothly with ease and confidence.

Self-Heating Mug.

One of the most popular commodities at the workplace is coffee, and many of your clients and employees would love to sip a cup to keep them motivated throughout the day. Giving them a self-heating mug that can keep coffee warm at the right temperature is a great way to remind them that their hard work matters. 

Most self-heating mugs have advanced features like rechargeable, heating coasters and built-in LED screens that flash the temperature of the contents. Some brands even offer customization to make your presents more intimate. 

Gourmet Gift Baskets.

Whether you’re welcoming a new client or recognizing increased corporate sales, gourmet food is always appreciated. Because it activates all the senses, good food revitalizes the body and soul. Some great ideas are expensive wines, top-of-the-line chocolates, rare cheeses, and seasonal pastas. Of course, do not forget to consider the dietary restrictions of the people you are giving it to. 

The Gift Of Experience

Corporate gifts don’t need to be tangible items all the time. An opportunity to enjoy and make memories is also a wonderful present that will delight your clients and employees. 

Dinner At A Top-Ranking Restaurant.

A fine dining experience for your team, clients, or shareholders is a wonderful gastronomical reward, which will surely grant them a memorable gift experience. Top-ranking restaurants have the finest cuisines and an impressive ambiance that provides a great avenue for relaxation. Not only does it result in a stirring impression among business partners or clients but also produces a stronger professional bond. 

Travel Package.

When you have team members and clients who never miss a day at work, a getaway vacation is the perfect break they need. You can choose from the various packages that travel agencies offer, such as road trips, ocean cruises, and cultural immersions. Whether you choose a local or international destination, travel will definitely excite them. 

You may also want to strengthen internal professional bonds through a vacation by sending the entire team together. This fosters a sense of camaraderie between them, which they can apply at work. When sending a travel package to clients or executives, you may want to consider giving them the option of travelling with a loved one to ascertain that they will truly enjoy the trip.

Creative Endeavors.

You can gift various kinds of experiences to your team or clients that they find satisfying and enjoyable. There are various websites that offer unique experiences such as a night scavenger hunt in the city, a fantasy-themed cocktail-making class, a private glass-blowing session, or golf lessons from a professional player. 

Creative experiences allow the recipients to enjoy a particular hobby. If you have been conversing with them about certain interests, this is the perfect gift that will allow them to pursue their passion and unwind at the same time. It gives them the impression that you pay attention to details well and that you value them deeply. 


There are many types of gifts that you can give to your valuable clients and hardworking employees. Whether it is a luxury item or a unique experience, these gifts will remind them of how truly appreciated they are. Indeed, gifting mindfully creates great relationships that ultimately allow your company to grow.


Why Do Online Form Builders Help Startups Gain Their Footing


Startups need all the help they can get. This is especially true when it comes to tools and resources that can make tasks more accessible and more efficient. Online form builders are one such tool. They are versatile and essential for a wide range of purposes. 

Online form builders, such as MightyForms, can be used by startups to streamline communication and automate tasks, saving time and money that can be invested in what matters for business growth. 

Entrepreneurs have online forms as a great way to capture leads, process payments, schedule appointments with investors or new clients, and customize communication while keeping the branding consistent as the startup develops. 

By using an online form builder that is designed specifically for startups you can take advantage of all these features right away. MightyForms is one such online form builder that has been helping startups get their footing since it was launched in 2019. With MightyForms’ easy-to-use interface and advanced customization options, entrepreneurs can create beautiful forms quickly and easily. It’s also cloud-based, so you don’t need any technical skills or experience to use it – simply log in to start creating your forms and tweak them as required from time to time.

How can online forms help your startup?

Online forms can help startups in a variety of ways. For example, they can streamline communication with customers, automate tasks such as lead capture and payment processing, and keep their branding consistent while they grow. Additionally, online forms are also great for collecting customer feedback and keeping track of the progress of projects.

Using an online form builder is the perfect way to take advantage of these benefits. Online form builders usually don’t require any coding knowledge at all. Their interface and advanced customization options allow you to quickly create beautiful forms that will make it easier for customers to engage with your brand. Plus, all data collected from these forms is stored securely in the cloud so you don’t have to worry about losing important information. 

All in all, online forms are an essential tool for startups. They can help streamline communication and automate tasks, saving you time and money that can be invested in what matters for business growth. With the right online form builder like MightyForms, entrepreneurs can get their startups off the ground quickly and easily. 

Which forms can help boost your new business?

The forms you need to boost your new business will depend on the type of startup you have. For example, if you’re a retail store, you will likely need a form to capture customer information and process payments. 

You may also want to use forms for scheduling appointments with investors or new clients, customizing communication with customers, and collecting feedback. 

For startups in other industries such as healthcare or technology, forms can be used for applications, surveys, and customer support tickets. The possibilities are endless.

It’s important to consider the specific needs of your startup when choosing which forms you need for maximum success.

Must-have forms on your startup website:

  • Lead generation form
  • Feedback form
  • Contact form
  • Order forms with payment gateway
  • NPS form
  • Terms and conditions form
  • Scheduling/Booking form

Each one of these forms can help your business in its unique way. 

The lead generation form can help you capture potential customer data and build a database of leads while the feedback form can help you understand how customers feel about your brand. 

The contact form is an essential part of any custom website, allowing customers to get in touch with your business quickly and easily. 

Order forms with payment gateway integration make it easy for customers to buy from you online while the NPS form helps measure customer loyalty. 

Terms and conditions forms are important for any business that engages in online transactions, and scheduling/booking forms can help you manage customer appointments.

Online forms can automate information intake, streamline tasks with integrations, and help new businesses get off the ground quickly and easily. 

For startups, an online form builder can make all the difference in their success story. 

Online forms are versatile and can be used for lead capture, payment processing, customer feedback, and more – making them an essential tool for any startup looking to grow its business.


How Investing In An Environment Monitoring System Helps Your Business Efficiency


An environment monitoring system is indeed an investment all kinds of businesses should consider, as it provides numerous benefits in the long term. If you would like to know how to preserve your business continuity, it would be a good idea to install an environment monitoring system within your workplace to not only improve your business’ green credentials, but also to boost your overall business efficiency.

But, what is it? And how can it benefit your business? Let’s take a look.

What is an environment monitoring system?

An  environment monitoring system refers to the processes observing an organisation’s environment, typically via sensors that can detect a range of environmental factors such as:

  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Air quality
  • Smoke
  • Water leakage

As a result, you will be notified if the sensors detect any unusual changes in the environment which can enable you to solve the problem quickly and conveniently. Regardless of the industry, your business will surely benefit from having an environment monitoring system implemented.

In the Guidelines for Strengthening Environmental Monitoring and Reporting by Enterprises in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia by UNECE, it states that environmental quality should be monitored for the purposes of informing decision-making so that environmental quality and the health of people are prioritised.

As a business owner, you are responsible for the health and wellbeing of any persons under your employment. Therefore, you must ensure that you are able to effectively manage and control any environmental aspects that can affect your employees’ health. However, how can this affect business efficiency?

Employee health and efficiency

There are many studies that show that healthier employees are happier and more motivated, which results in increased productivity and efficiency. Healthy employees, both physically and psychologically, are more likely to be able to utilise problem-solving skills more competently compared to employees who lack sleep and feel anxious.

They are thus more capable of completing tasks in a timely manner and with precision, which improves business efficiency on the whole. This means that making sure your employees are healthy improves employee performance and ultimately contributes to your business success.

Improving business efficiency with an environment monitoring system

So, how can you polish business efficiency with an environment monitoring system?

The environment can have a significant impact on employees’ health and wellbeing, especially if it is too humid or temperatures are on either extreme ends of the scale. For example, an office that is too hot or too cold can both hinder productivity as employees will struggle to concentrate due to the severe temperature. Humid environments can also lead to lethargy and respiratory issues, particularly if a person is asthmatic or has allergies.

In addition to this, environment monitoring systems can detect the start of a fire which can help secure the safety of all personnel within the building by informing them of the fire before it can haphazardly spread. Thus, it gives you sufficient time to either call the fire brigade or put out the fire yourself (safely) before it can burden business operations.

With all of this in mind, this shows that environment monitoring systems can protect employees in a workplace from environmental factors that can otherwise impact their work performance and ability to do tasks.


3 Ways To Look After Your Employees

employee recognition

employee recognition

Finding good, hard-working employees is one thing, but keeping them around is a whole other task.

Recruitment is a challenging task, and frequently having to train new employees can cost you valuable time and money.

If you want to encourage your employees to stick around, you need to demonstrate that you care about your staff.

Keeping your staff needs to start from day one. Studies show that 82% of hires are more likely to stay longer if you have a good onboarding process.

Making sure that you have happy employees will not only boost your productivity and profits, but not having to continually recruit will save you time and money. So, if you’re seeking to enhance employee experience, then here are just three ways that you can take better care of your employees.

1. Make the Right Choice on Day One.

A bad hire doesn’t just affect you and your business, but it ruins the morale of your existing employees. If you hire the wrong person for the job, your hard-working employees can end up stuck picking up the slack.

Finding your ideal candidates is never easy, but companies such as Oleeo offer a number of software solutions to ensure that your job adverts are reaching the right people and that can help you filter those unqualified candidates out before they reach your desk.

You could also consider finding new candidates through employee referrals. Your existing employees may know the perfect person for a position that needs filling, and they’re unlikely to recommend someone unqualified as it will reflect poorly on them.

2. Provide Skill Development.

Upskilling your employees isn’t just good for them, but it’s fantastic for your business too.

When they feel like their career has direction, and they can see a clear path to success, they’ll feel valued. When your staff feel engaged in their jobs and that they’re progressing in their roles, they’ll be more likely to stick around longer.

By offering your employees development, you’ll benefit from the skills that they acquire, boosting your business opportunities and maximising your chance to turn a profit.

3. Listen to What They Need.

Listening to your employees needs and requests and then acting upon them will demonstrate that you care about keeping them around.

For example, do your employees want to continue working remotely in at least some capacity in this post pandemic world. In fact, as many as 84% of workers plan to work in some form of hybrid model. So, allowing remote working if your staff request it is a great way to encourage them to stay at your company.

Similarly, offering flexibility to allow them to manage their family lives is essential. If your employees have children, make allowances in their schedule for things such as the school run.

Flexible working patterns not only promote a better work/life balance, but letting them plan their day around their most productive hours will benefit your business too.

How do you show your employees that you care? Tell us in the comments below!


Accredited Online Homeschool, Why Is It Important?

online learning

online learning

What is an Accredited Online Homeschool

Homeschooling has become a popular educational option in recent years, as parents look for ways to provide their children with a custom-tailored education. While there are many different approaches, one of the most important considerations is accreditation. An accredited online homeschool program has been evaluated by an external organization and found to meet certain standards. This process helps to ensure that the homeschool is providing a high-quality education that meets students’ needs. 

Furthermore, it can offer parents peace of mind that their children are receiving a well-rounded education that will prepare them for success in the future. When searching for one, be sure to look for one that is accredited by a reputable organization.

How to Choose the Right Accredited Online Homeschool for Your Children

As any parent knows, choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. With so many educational options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are a few things you should keep in mind.

  1. Consider your child’s learning style. Some children thrive in a traditional classroom setting, while others do better in a more self-paced environment. Online homeschools can offer a lot of flexibility, so be sure to find one that will fit your child’s needs.
  2. Look for a virtual homeschool that is accredited by a reliable source. This will ensure that your child is receiving a quality education.
  3. Take into account your family’s schedule and budget. They can be affordable, but make sure you are able to meet the time commitment required.

With a little research, you should be able to find the one that is right for your family.


More and more families are choosing homeschooling as an alternative to sending them to public or private traditional schools. There are many reasons why parents might choose it for their children, but one of the most appealing aspects is the flexibility it offers.


It is one of the major benefits. With this type of schooling, students are able to tailor their curriculum to fit their individual needs and interests. Additionally, they have more control over their learning schedule than they would in a traditional school setting.

Certified Teachers

Accredited online homeschools employ certified teachers who are experts in their field and have the training and experience to provide high-quality instruction. This ensures that students get the best education possible.

Cost Savings

Enrolling your child in one can also result in some cost savings. Because it is done from home, there is no need to purchase school supplies or transportation, which can add up over time.

Overall, this is a great option for families who are looking for an alternative to traditional schooling. It provides flexibility, certified teachers, and cost savings, all of which make it an attractive choice for those considering home education for their children.

Tips for Succeeding With Virtual Homeschooling

Homeschooling can provide children with personalized education and the opportunity to learn at their own pace. However, it can also be a big adjustment for both children and parents. If you’re considering it, here are a few tips to help you succeed:

Create a routine and stick to it. Homeschooling can be flexible, but it’s important to create a daily routine that includes time for academics, extracurricular activities, and socialization.

Get involved in the community. There are many online and offline resources available, so take advantage of them. You can also connect with other families in your area for support and advice.

Be patient and don’t be afraid to ask for help. It can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that every family is different and there is no one “right” way to do it. If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals for guidance.

So, what is an accredited online homeschool? It’s a virtual homeschool that has been accredited by a recognized accreditation agency. This means that the school has met certain standards and is providing quality education to its students. The benefits of accredited online homeschooling are many, so if you’re considering this option for your family, be sure to read on for more tips on how to get started and be successful. We hope this article has helped you make an informed decision about your child’s education.


How Hiring Talent From Abroad Could Help Your Business


Business owners have different reasons for hiring foreign talents. It could be a matter of necessity or convenience. Whichever reason it is, business owners always take decisions that they think can best help their businesses. Hence the current trend of looking outward for overseas talents by businesses can only point to one thing: these foreign employees have been of great value to the businesses.

Now with the possibility of remote work, this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. Remote work eliminates the need for a business to apply for a sponsorship licence and other immigration paperwork. Hence the attendant cost and cumbersome process for these papers are avoided.

If you’re unsure of how hiring a foreign talent can help your business, here are a few of them:

By Exposing You to a Wider Talent Pool

Not limiting yourself to talents in your home country alone automatically gives you access to a wider pool of talent to choose from. With the high number of talents available to choose from, the likelihood that you’re going to get a highly qualified and experienced candidate from this pool is very high.

The better a worker is at their job, the higher their efficiency. Greater efficiency leads to improved productivity, which will benefit your business immensely.

Besides, you may not be able to get certain types of talents in your home country. This may necessitate looking at a wider pool of talents — that you can only get abroad — if you want your business to continue running without any hitches.

By Reducing Running Costs

Every business owner wants to reduce running costs to maximise profit. And it’s safe to assume that you’re not an exception. Recurrent expenditures such as staff wages tend to make up a huge chunk of the running costs of a business. If you’re in a country with high labour costs, it might be impossible to get a professional with the type of quality and experience you want at friendly rates.

One way to cut down on payroll costs is to go for talent abroad. You are certain to get quality hires from abroad at rates lower than what talents in your home country would charge. Hence, hiring foreign talents can help you save on employee remuneration and, by extension, bring down the running costs of your business.

By Ensuring Staff Diversity

The diversity of staff that you get when you expand your hiring scope to include foreign professionals will be much more than you can get in your home country.

Staff diversity makes your business more attractive. With a diverse staff, you can more easily appeal to customers from different racial, national and cultural backgrounds. Apart from this, businesses with diverse staff tend to attract more investors. 

By Providing Access to Fresh and Innovative Ideas

Staff from diverse backgrounds joining you will bring with them different perspectives and ways of thinking that employees from your home country may not possess. The ideas and insights that these foreign employees come up with can provide a competitive edge for your business over your rivals. These ideas could be crucial in improving sales, productivity, and/or customer relations — all factors that will benefit your company both in the short- and long-term.

By Creating Potential for International Recognition

When you hire a talent overseas, you’re invariably bringing your business to the awareness of that employee. Not only that employee knows about your business, but also every applicant that applied for the role. 

The higher the number of roles you want to fill, the higher the number of applicants. This, in turn, translates to a higher number of people from different countries that will get to know about your brand. The people who know about your business could be helpful in case you decide to move or expand your business into their country. 

You will not be starting from zero because your employees in this new country and their friends and families already know about your business. This will make it easier for you to penetrate the market.


Many business owners are often sceptical when it comes to hiring foreign talents. However, foreign professionals have proven to be adept, committed and efficient. The value they provide more than compensates for the stress of hiring them. As a business owner who wants the best for their business, it may be expedient to look for them. Such professionals come with unique qualities that can help your business.


Planfix: The Best Option For Considerate Task Management


The main idea of task management is always keeping it organized the process of work on the projects. It requires considering many aspects, among which are resources (including time, people, money, etc.), conditions, correlations with the parallel or previous tasks, and so on. Providing all this information to the people that need it for task accomplishment and to the customer is tricky if you don’t use a special platform that helps you summarize and organize all the information as an integrated task management system.

What features allow for the Planfix use with the best output? Let’s see!

Challenges of task management

Task management as a process requires performing the following steps:

  1. Planning the task or project by stages, deadlines, approaches, resources involved, etc.
  2. Testing the first steps with the approaches and resources that were affirmed.
  3. Tracking the process of a task or project is completed.
  4. Reporting the results of the work by the resources that were actually used.

Today, instead of using primitive tools for each purpose, we benefit from the particular solutions created as an integrated system for all the above-mentioned. 

The baseline features of Planfix

The main peculiarities that distinguish Planfix from other similar platforms are:

  • Universality – the platform applies to any sphere you may need it for, whether it is a help desk system or a project management internal platform;
  • Freedom – the system is not imposing any direction that you should use to organize your work it only follows and supports you;
  • Ease-of-use – the tool is simple for any company to implement and for any employee to handle operating the necessary functions fast.

These points define the main reason for Planfix being one of the best options in task management. 

Functionality that facilitates task management in any sphere

The following functions help deal with most possible needs that arise in the process of work on any project:

  • Providing a space for communicating and managing the project specifics;
  • Client accounting designed in the form of a convenient record card that allows for sharing, monitoring, and cooperating;
  • Real-time Gantt charts allowing to watch the project developing on the go;
  • Managing separate tasks related to a single project or referred to different ones;
  • Integrating communication through e-mails smoothly;
  • Allowing to place the tasks and related points into a planner that provides more visibility;
  • Real-time changing chronicles according to the modifications and updates the tasks and projects have;
  • Reporting related to the resource management questions that you can deal with simultaneously with the tasks;
  • Keeping in touch with clients;
  • Linking accounts for shared access and cooperation.

Using the Planfix tool, you can feel the freedom and comfort of task management.

Management is usually more tricky than most people think. It’s always complicated to consider so many points to assign, delegate and monitor, but automated systems help facilitate the process a lot. Planfix is a perfect solution from this point of view because you can always be confident about how smooth the management is. Try all the features now and see yourself!


Learning More Languages Could Benefit Your Business


by Mike Szczesny, owner and vice president of EDCO Awards & Specialties

No matter how small your startup may be, you can depend on one thing: Sooner or later, you’re going to deal with people from outside your country. This means vendors, suppliers, manufacturers, investors, employees, customers, and other stakeholders. At that moment, you’ll feel a boost of confidence if one of your special talents is being bilingual.

How many people are able to speak at least one other language? According to the Washington Post, around half are competent enough to be fluent. In my case, I’m fortunate to be able to move between Polish and English without a problem thanks to my heritage. And while 40 million Polish speakers worldwide might not sound like a lot, I’ve discovered that being bilingual — even in a language that’s not widely spoken — serves many benefits as an entrepreneur.

Here’s how:

1. You can seamlessly interview and hire global workers.

Plenty of companies with growth strategies want to build international workforces. After all, it’s easier than ever to have employees across the globe. Yet it can be tough to decide how to adequately interview someone who may speak English but doesn’t quite speak it fluently or has trouble understanding what you sell. This is where bilingualism can be a huge asset.

For example, one of the products our team sells is crystal trophies. This makes sense to you and me, right? But not everyone knows what a crystal trophy is. When I’m speaking with someone I’m interviewing who also can speak Polish, I’m able to give a more detailed description. Consequently, we can have a more robust conversation about our company, our products, and the role the other person may play if they come on board.

2. You can differentiate yourself in person and online.

If you head to my LinkedIn page, you’ll see that I’ve included the fact that I speak Polish and English. I have done this deliberately because I believe it sets me apart from other corporate owners. It can be very hard to distinguish yourself in the crowded entrepreneurial marketplace. Any unique aspect of who you are is worth using as one of your calling cards.

I highly recommend talking up your bilingual abilities whenever you can. You just never know when it could be the deciding reason that someone buys from you or, better yet, invests in your organization. You’d be surprised at how many people have Polish relatives or backgrounds. They might not know how to speak Polish or only know how to say a few words, but they feel an instant connection with me because I do.

3. You may be able to rapidly pick up other languages, too.

I was fascinated by a study that showed that people who knew two or more languages were potentially able to learn other languages faster. What causes this phenomenon? Experts explain that it’s the way languages stimulate the brain. Once the brain is accustomed to interpreting different sounds, it gets better and better.

I’ve felt this way many times when I heard syllables and words in languages other than Polish. Because Polish stemmed partially from Latin and other Romance languages, many words and phrases naturally translate. When I travel or am around foreign speakers, I often make guesstimates as to what they’re saying based on the roots of Polish or English. It’s comforting to know that I never feel totally out of the loop.

You may not have learned a second language as a kid, but that’s okay. You can always become bilingual as an adult. The sooner you start, the sooner you will be able to reap these professional benefits.


Mike Szczesny

Mike Szczesny is the owner and vice president of EDCO Awards & Specialties, a dedicated supplier of employee recognition products, branded merchandise, and athletic awards. Szczesny takes pride in EDCO’s ability to help companies go the extra mile in expressing gratitude and appreciation to their employees. 


Get Your Print Marketing Strategy 2023-Ready With These Top Tips


Digital marketing isn’t the be-all and end-all. As much as digital marketing activities are vital for businesses, print marketing also plays an important role. Print marketing materials have many benefits. For example, they are tangible, easy to distribute, and they create brand awareness. Print marketing materials, such as booklets, business cards, catalogues, postcards and posters, are excellent ways to spread the word about your brand. Booklets are particularly good at creating brand awareness, and booklet printing uk is now a straightforward and fast process!

In this article, we discuss how to get your print marketing strategy ready for 2023.

Know and Understand Your Target Audience

It’s important to know who your target audience is before you launch any marketing campaign. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting time and money on a strategy that won’t reach your target audience.

To determine your target audience, consider the products or services you’re offering. Who would benefit from using it? Once you’ve identified your potential customers, do some research to learn more about them.

For example:

  • What are their demographics?
  • Where do they live?
  • What do they like to do for fun?

Once you understand who your target audience is, you can start tailoring your marketing efforts to appeal to them specifically. This could involve creating targeted ad campaigns, developing custom landing pages, or even sending out personalised emails. By getting to know your target audience, you’ll be able to create a print marketing strategy that meets key goals.

Stick to a Budget

When it comes to print marketing, one of the most important things you need to keep in mind is sticking to a budget. This can be challenging, especially if you have a lot of different goals and ideas for your campaign. However, sitting down and creating a budget before you start planning your campaign can help avoid problems down the line.

To start, sit down and list all the costs associated with your print marketing campaign. This includes things like printing costs, design costs, and any mailing or distribution costs. Once you understand all the different costs involved, you can start to allocate a budget for each item.

Once you’ve created your budget, stick to it as closely as possible. Keep track of every expense associated with your campaign, and ensure everything stays within the allocated budget. If things start to get off track, make adjustments as necessary to ensure that you stay within your budget.

Integrate Print Marketing and Digital Marketing

Both digital marketing and print marketing have benefits. As a result, you must take steps to integrate the two. You can’t afford to market your company using just one medium. Ideally, it would help if you utilised as many marketing channels as possible to reach your target audience. One of the most effective ways you can do this is to integrate your print marketing with your digital marketing.

Here are a few tips on how to get started:

Use social media to promote your print materials: Make sure to include links to your brand’s website and social media accounts on all of your print materials (e.g., business cards, flyers, brochures, etc.). This will make it easy for people who receive your materials to connect with you online.

Use QR codes: QR codes are an excellent way to track the performance of your printed marketing materials. You can use them to see how many people are scanning or clicking through from your printed booklet or poster to your website or social media page.

Incorporate calls-to-action in your printed marketing materials: Your print materials should always include a call-to-action that encourages the reader to take further action, such as visiting your website or following you on social media. Make sure that your call-to-action is clear and concise so that people know exactly what they should do next.

Choose a Reliable Printing Company

When it comes to choosing an online printing company, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the company is reliable. Read online reviews to see what past customers have said about the company. You’ll also want to be sure that the company has good customer service. This is important because if something goes wrong with your order, you’ll want to be able to get in touch with someone who can help you fix the problem.

In Summary

With print marketing, you can reach your target audience in a highly effective and eye-catching way. But to make sure your print marketing strategy is ready for 2023, you should keep the advice above in mind. Understanding your target audience, sticking to a budget, choosing a reliable printing company and integrating print and digital marketing will allow you to execute a winning marketing strategy that appeals to your target audience and boost sales in the process!


Simple Workplace Strategies To Improve Teamwork And Effectiveness 


Teamwork is an essential aspect of any business. And even more so for companies where the work culture and environment need every hand working meticulously together at all times. For example, in a B2B sales company, communication and cooperation are extremely important, and without them, the business is likely to suffer.

If you need ways to build your company’s teamwork, here are seven teamwork strategies to aid improve your team. 

Be an Exemplary Leader.

If you wish for your team to work hard, communicate within themselves, deliver solid results, and ensure the business becomes productive, then you have to be an exemplary leader. Treat your responsibilities, roles, and relationships with fellow employees the way you would like others to do. 

Build Respect and Trust.

A company’s employees cannot get anything done efficiently within them if there’s no mutual respect and trust between the management and among employees. Team members have to trust themselves to do their parts, and trust their employers to progress them and the company. 

Foster Open Communication. 

You have to encourage employees to openly share ideas, speak, voice their notions, and make suggestions across every aspect of the company. Open communication is a two-way street and all employees should believe that they can add to the discussion with peers and superiors. In doing so, they can openly increase their productivity. 

Establish Defined Objectives.

Every department in a company should know what they are working toward exactly, including what objectives they have to fulfill and when. You have to establish measurable objectives within a specified timeframe that team members can monitor themselves against as a team and individually. Doing this will provide extra incentive and motivation to work as a team

Mediate Conflict Efficiently.

It is common for conflict to arise among team members. Regardless of the reason for the conflict, there should be a clear strategy on how conflict should be managed in a company. Make this practice clear from the start, then manage situations efficiently to help the team move forward and keep a good working atmosphere. 

Outline Responsibilities and Roles.

Every individual in a company must have a clear and detailed understanding of their responsibilities and roles. This will make them more efficient and aid limit disarray or time expended delegating and organizing work, increasing productivity

Coordinate Team Processes 

Similar to establishing clear responsibilities and roles, there has to be an established team process for mitigating setbacks, working on certain projects, providing feedback, and communicating with one another. With these detailed guidelines, employees will spend more time doing the actual work and less on logistics. 

Appreciate Good Work.

Recognizing and praising a properly done task will promote morale and confidence, encouraging individuals and teams to continue being productive and deliver their best. 

Allow Employees to Be a Part of the Decision-Making Process.

Having some sense of active involvement in decision-making will strengthen individuals’ investment and connection in the company. This way, they can feel like an indispensable part of the organization. 

Successful companies look for new ways to promote teamwork among employees because they are fully aware of how much of an investment that is. A single mind cannot develop solutions to all the large-scale issues companies overcome daily to succeed.


How To Feel Grateful When You Just… Don’t (A Thanksgiving Message for Tough Times)


by Walter Bond, author of “Swim!: How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, & Next Level Success

Thanksgiving is coming up. But after the past year (or two, or three), it may be hard to muster up any gratitude. Between the ravages of COVID-19, fears of economic recession, and various types of strife, unrest, and discord, life can feel more like a trial than a gift. But there is a way to tap into thankfulness.

Think (and live) like a shark.

People associate sharks with ruthlessness, but they actually have a lot to teach us about living with purpose and gratitude. They have a deep appreciation for their environment. They’re highly adaptable. They move forward with intent. And many cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with other fish.

There are lessons here for those who want to leave bitterness behind and move toward a life of purpose, opportunity, and fulfillment — all of which nurture gratitude. But be aware: Just as paying lip service to gratitude at Thanksgiving dinner won’t change your outlook, neither will dabbling your toes in the waters of the shark mindset. You have to immerse yourself and swim. 

Here are eight ways a shark-like mindset helps you tap into gratitude, even when it’s tough to feel thankful:

1. First, choose to change.

Sharks are physically flexible and highly adaptable. Humans aren’t so great at change. If you aren’t feeling thankful, your own set-in-stone thoughts and attitudes might be partially to blame.

People cling to feelings of anger, resentment, and outrage, but why? What’s the benefit of fuming about your selfish coworker during your evening commute? Why not at least try to think about something good that happened instead, say, the appreciative email you got from a client? What do you have to lose from choosing to change your focus… other than feelings of negativity?

2. Connect back to instinct.

In nature, survival is dependent on instinct. If something doesn’t “feel” right to a shark, it swims away. Humans are much more disconnected from our feelings, gut or otherwise. We often engage in activities that cause us to marinate in negativity, outrage, and anxiety — all of which are gratitude-killers.

Is Facebook making your blood pressure rise? Close the app. Are break room complaints stoking feelings of resentment? Go back to your desk. On the flip side, when something makes you feel good — whether that’s cooking a great meal, playing with your kids, reading a book, or exercising — try to engage in it more often.

3. Let nature nurture you.

Spending time in nature boosts our moods, improves our cognitive function, reduces our stress, and is associated with an increased sense of meaning and purpose. All of these things form the foundation for a life of gratitude.

While we may not live our entire lives in the wild like sharks, connecting with the natural world is a relatively easy, free activity we can all engage in. Just leave your smartphone in your pocket while you eat your lunch outside or walk around your neighborhood. It’s hard for Mother Nature to compete with a screen.

4. Seek out the meal, not the snack.

Instead of attacking indiscriminately, sharks often observe and study their prey to make sure it’s something they actually want to eat. Similarly, humans need to look beyond “easy-fix” coping mechanisms like comfort food, alcohol, or binge-watching a show. These things are temporary distractions; they don’t do anything to help us develop and improve.

To start feeling more grateful, you need to connect back to things that nurture growth, fulfillment, positivity, and passion. Maybe it’s mentoring someone, engaging in a hobby, spending time with loved ones, or even making tangible progress on a project at work.

5. Thank your suckerfish and your sharks…

Remoras, a.k.a. “suckerfish,” attach to sharks and eat the parasites that would otherwise sicken and kill their hosts. In return, sharks offer suckerfish protection and transportation. If these creatures could talk, they’d probably thank each other for the symbiotic life-sustaining service.

Similarly, it’s important for us to identify and thank the people who bring value to our lives. Expressing genuine appreciation makes you and them feel good. And in the long-term, it nurtures the kind of relationship that boosts both happiness and success.

6. … And do something to help your suckerfish get where they want to go.

For humans, our “suckerfish” are people who need direction, coaching, and guidance to get to the next level: our team members, students, and mentees.

Doing something to help other people is a proven way to increase your sense of positivity, meaning, and purpose in life — all of which help gratitude to take root. Plus, when you help other people, you will be reminded of your own ‘sharks’: the people, circumstances, and blessings that enabled you to get where you are today.

7. Keep growing and learning.

Sharks grow up to a foot a year and are always learning more about their environment. What are you doing to grow toward positivity and gratitude? You can’t expect your outlook to change if you don’t work toward personal and professional development.

Every day, strive to swim a tiny bit closer to your growth goal. That might look like reading a chapter in a book about empathetic leadership, signing up for an information session to learn more about an advanced degree, having a meaningful conversation with your partner, attending therapy, or setting aside 15 minutes for a guided meditation before work.

8. Let yourself off the hook.

Sharks keep their eyes on the water ahead of and above them, ready to react when prey appears. They don’t waste their time or energy focusing on what’s beneath and behind them. 

If you’re consumed by past mistakes and regrets, you can’t focus on the present or the future. Your mind will be anchored to negativity instead of open to gratitude. It may help to embrace the concept of ‘failing forward,’ or using mistakes as lessons and stepping stones.

Just as forward movement literally gives sharks life, the progress you make will infuse you with renewed motivation, passion, and thankfulness.

There’s a lot we humans can’t control: the past, other people, and outside events among them. And put together, all of those things have the power to make us feel mightily depressed, cynical, and ungrateful. But the one thing you can always control is your choices — and by extension, your attitude and outlook. If you choose to adopt a shark-like mindset, it will pay positive dividends this Thanksgiving — and well beyond.


Walter Bond is author of “Swim!: How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, & Next Level Success“. Walter is a renowned business coach, motivational speaker, and former NBA player. His time in the NBA taught him the fundamentals every team needs to be successful, and today he shares his knowledge with entrepreneurs, business leaders, sales teams, and employees to get them to the next level.


No Whining And 6 Other Career Rules For Young Professionals


by Robin Landa, author of “The New Art of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“You’ll never get a promotion wearing mini-skirts,” said Jack, one of the creative directors in the advertising agency, who had been there for more years than I was alive. Jack shook his head as he walked by me and my au courant attire.

Jack wasn’t a feminist, to say the least, however he did offer a different, useful piece of advice early on. When I complained that my pitch had been overlooked, he said, “Don’t whine. Come to me with a solution to the problem.”

Apparently, I had been whining all my life; but this was the first time I had been made aware. More importantly, I became aware that whining to your mother about your curfew is one thing and whining to your boss about anything is quite another. Being whiny doesn’t warrant respect.

What will command respect? Mastering these six career rules.

1. Deal with criticism.

Not all feedback is equal or even legit. Highly unfavorable criticism is hard to take, no matter how impregnable you are. If the judgment comes from an experienced or insightful source, then it behooves you to examine their feedback and take it under consideration. Consider less-informed or nescient criticism as exactly that.

Even today, when a senior colleague or a university student relays negative feedback they’ve received, I ask, “Is the source an expert?” And, “What exactly is the person criticizing?”

Learn to deal well with criticism from experts about your work solutions or your performance at work. However if it is actually negging, harassment, or workplace bullying, then you need to address that with the designated human resources officer.

2. Give it a “think,” even the boring parts.

Find motivation to do everything well, even the humdrum tasks.

For example, when young designers at an agency used to complain about having to work on dull projects, my esteemed colleague would remind them that no project is boring–it’s the designer who might be dull. Well, then.

3. Be assertive, not aggressive.

This might be the best advice you get. Ever.

“Being assertive is a core communication skill. Assertiveness can help you while respecting the rights and beliefs of others,” according to the Mayo Clinic.

Using “I statements” lets others know what you’re thinking or feeling without sounding accusatory. For instance, say, “I disagree,” rather than, “You’re wrong.” If you have a request, say, “I would like you to help with this” rather than, “You need to do this.” Keep your requests simple, specific and clear.

Taking a one-day assertiveness training course was some of the best money and time I’ve ever spent.

4. Have pluck.

Being courageous when facing a challenge or adversity will help you stand out as well as get you where you want to go.

“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough,”  Marissa Mayer, former Google and Yahoo executive once said.

5. Respect others.

Workplace culture is built. But no matter who has formed the culture, you can act civilly.

Actions to work by:

  • Be inclusive. Resist exclusion and cliques.
  • Practice mindful listening. Resist shutting people down.
  • Value each person as a unique individual. Don’t denigrate or dehumanize anyone.
  • Respect everyone’s personhood and privacy. Resist workplace gossip and scoffing.

6. Own your future self.

Predicting the future amuses many people. Realizing you have a future self who might be very different from your present self is a mature concept.

If you think as the cubists did, you will realize you are in the process of becoming. “Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished,” explains Harvard psychologist Dr. Daniel Gilbert.

Try to imagine your future self and what kind of long-term plan will get you there. Commit to a personal development practice. And no whining.

Can you see the smile on your future self’s face?


Robin Landa is a distinguished professor at Kean University and a globally recognized ideation expert. She is a well-known “creativity guru” and a best-selling author of books on creativity, design, and advertising, including “The New Art of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential“. She has won numerous awards and The Carnegie Foundation counts her among the “Great Teachers of Our Time.”


The Dangers Of Using Harmful Chemicals In Cleaning Products


In recent years, there has been an increased focus on finding safe and effective alternatives to harmful chemicals. This is due in part to the growing body of evidence linking chemicals to health problems, including cancer and reproductive issues. As a result, many companies are now offering products that are free of harmful chemicals.

Though they may be effective, many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that can be dangerous to both people and the environment. Some of the most common offenders are:

  • Chlorine: This common cleaning chemical is a strong oxidizer and can be very toxic if inhaled or absorbed through the skin. It has been linked to respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even cancer.
  • Ammonia: Commonly found in glass cleaners, ammonia is an irritant that can cause severe burns and respiratory problems if inhaled.
  • Formaldehyde: This harsh chemical is often found in furniture and carpets, where it can be inhaled and cause severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms of poisoning. In some cases, prolonged exposure to formaldehyde has been linked to cancer.
  • Phosphates: Often found in laundry detergent and dishwashing liquids, phosphates can increase the levels of nutrients in water sources and cause excessive growth of algae. This can lead to overpopulation and disruption of aquatic ecosystems.

Inhalation of these toxins can be harmful to the lungs and cause skin irritation. In addition, they can react with other chemicals to create dangerous fumes. In some cases, these fumes can be deadly. Furthermore, when these chemicals are poured down the drain, they can pollute waterways and damage plant life. As a result, it is important to use caution when handling them and to choose eco-friendly alternatives whenever possible.

How to Avoid Using These Chemicals in Your Own Home or Office

There are a variety of ways to avoid using chemicals in your own home or office. One way is to buy natural cleaning products. These are made with ingredients that are not harmful to the environment or your health.

These products are less likely to cause health problems. In addition, they are often just as effective as their chemical-based counterparts. As more and more consumers become aware of the risks associated with chemicals, it is likely that safe and effective alternatives will continue to gain in popularity.

Another way to avoid using chemicals is to make your own products. This can be done by using ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Additionally, you can use chemical-free methods, such as steam cleaning or dry cleaning.

Overall, it is important to be cautious when using cleaning products. By taking the time to research the ingredients and choose alternatives that are safe and effective, you can help protect yourself, your family, and the environment from dangerous chemicals.

How to Find the Right Safe Cleaners for Your Needs

When it comes to cleaning your home, you want to use products that are both effective and safe. However, with so many different cleaners on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are right for your needs. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right safe cleaners for your home:

First, take a look at the ingredients list. Avoid any cleaners that contain harsh chemicals or toxic substances. Instead, opt for natural ingredients that are gentle on both surfaces and skin.

Second, consider your own needs. If you have sensitive skin, for example, you might want to choose cleaners that are specifically designed for people with allergies. Or, if you’re looking for an all-purpose cleaner, choose one that is versatile enough to be used on a variety of surfaces.

Finally, don’t forget to read the labels carefully. Pay attention to the directions and warnings, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any cleaning product. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that you’re choosing safe cleaners that are right for your home.

By making informed decisions and using safe alternatives, you can help keep your home or office clean without exposing anyone to dangerous chemicals. With the right natural cleaning products, you can enjoy a healthier living or working environment while still maintaining a tidy living space.


5 Practices No Start-Up Can Do Without


In today’s world, start-ups need to stand out to succeed. They must have a clear value proposition, a defined target market like Keyfactor, and a differentiated product. However, there are some practices that all start-ups should adopt to set themselves up for success.

This article will discuss five of those practices.

1. A Clear Vision And Mission.

A strong vision and mission are critical for any organization, large or small. By having a clearly defined direction, businesses can ensure that everyone, from the CEO to the entry-level employees, is working towards the same goal. Additionally, a well-crafted vision and mission can help attract and retain top talent, as potential employees will be drawn to companies that align with their values.

Moreover, having a clear vision and mission can help businesses to weather tough times, as employees will be more likely to stick around during periods of uncertainty if they believe in the company’s long-term goals. Ultimately, a vision and mission are essential for any business that wants to be successful in the long run.

2. Passionate Team Members Who Share The Same Vision.

Working on a team can be a great way to achieve success. When everyone is working towards the same goal, it can be easier to stay motivated and focused. Moreover, passionate team members who share the same vision can help to create a more positive work environment.

They can be more likely to offer support and encouragement, and they can also be more likely to hold others accountable. This type of team dynamic can be beneficial for both individuals and the team as a whole. When everyone works together towards a common goal, it is easier to achieve success.

3. A Customer-Centric Approach.

A customer-centric approach is all about putting the customer first. This means ensuring their needs are met at every stage of the customer journey, from initial contact to post-purchase follow-up. It also involves building strong relationships with customers and consistently delivering high levels of customer service like Keyfactor. A customer-centric approach can be the difference between winning and losing business in today’s competitive marketplace. And while it takes effort to implement and maintain, the rewards are well worth it. Happy customers are more likely to return to make repeat purchases, and they’re also more likely to recommend your business to others. So if you still need to put your customers first, now is the time to start.

4. Continuous Innovation.

Organizations must continuously innovate in today’s fast-paced world to stay ahead of the competition. This can be challenging, as it requires a delicate balance between maintaining current operations and developing new products and services. However, there are a few key strategies that can help.

First, creating a culture of innovation is essential, where employees feel empowered to experiment and take risks. Second, organizations should focus on customer needs and develop solutions that address unmet needs. Finally, it’s essential to have a robust process in place for taking new ideas from concept to market. By following these steps, organizations can position themselves for success in the constantly evolving marketplace.

5. Execution Excellence.

Execution excellence is a continuous journey, not a destination. Every company faces unique challenges, which means there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Organizations must constantly adapt and evolve their approaches to achieve and maintain execution excellence. That’s why it’s essential to have a framework that can be personalized to each company’s needs.

The critical components of such a framework include setting clear goals, establishing responsive and agile processes, designing user-friendly tools and technologies, and encouraging a culture of continuous improvement. By following these guidelines, companies can put themselves on the path to execution excellence.

Final Thoughts.

If you can check all these boxes, your company is on the right track to sales success. But it’s not easy – hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continuous innovation. Are you up for the challenge? We know we are. Let us help you achieve execution excellence and drive accurate results for your business.


How To Get Started In Live Stream Shopping


If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to make money, consider starting a live-stream shopping business. This type of business is growing in popularity, and it’s a great way to connect with customers and sell products. In this blog post, we will explain what you need to get started in this business.

So if you’re ready to start selling products to people all over the world, keep reading!

What is Livestream Shopping

It is a type of online shopping where customers can watch a live video feed of the seller demonstrating and talking about products. Customers can then purchase the products directly from the seller through a link in the video or chat. This type of shopping is growing in popularity because it allows customers to see the products in action and ask questions about them in real time. It also allows sellers to build personal relationships with their customers.

What to Consider

If you’re interested in starting a live-stream shopping business, there are a few things you need to know before getting started. We will discuss the equipment you need, the platform you’ll need, and how to set up your live stream.

Equipment You’ll Need:-

To start a live-stream shopping business, you’ll need a few pieces of equipment:

  • An equipped device: This is where you’ll be streaming your video from. You’ll also need a good microphone so customers can hear you well and make sure the camera has a good resolution so customers can see your products clearly.
  • A place to store your products: This can be a room in your house, a storage unit, or even a garage.
  • An internet and/or cellular connection: You’ll need a fast and reliable internet or cellular connection to stream video without interruption.
  • Lighting: Good lighting is important so customers can see your products clearly. You can use natural light or set up some artificial lights in your space.
  • A tripod is ideal: This will help keep your camera steady while you’re talking and moving around, making your live stream look more professional.

Streaming Platform

This is where you will stream your video. Some popular streaming platforms include YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Also, many live-streaming shopping platforms have their own streaming service that you can use.

Content Management System

Three examples of popular content management systems that you can use to take payments and manage your inventory are Shopify, WooCommerce, and Wahool.

How to Set Up Your Live Stream

It’s time to set up your live stream, so we will provide a quick, step-by-step guide on how to set up a streaming platform.

After you’ve chosen your platform, go ahead and create an account for your business. Then, you’ll want to set up a channel or page that represents your company where you can add some visuals that will help users recognize your brand, like a banner image with logos and colors that match the rest of your site.

After you decide on the streaming platform, open it up and log in to your account. In the settings for your live stream, make sure everything is configured properly so that your video and audio are of the best quality.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to start streaming! Begin by testing your live stream to make sure everything is working properly. Then, start talking about your products and introducing and describing them to your viewers. Remember to interact with your viewers and answer their questions in real time to ensure you have a high engagement rate – a visibility signal considered by most social algorithms.

Are you ready to start live streaming? Try starting an online clothing business with Wahool. With Wahool, you can quickly set up a shop and start monetizing your followers by selling your products with zero upfront cost, zero inventory risk, and automated fulfillment and shipping. Visit their website to learn more and sign up for a free account today!


Why Every Digital Business Needs The Service Of A Social Media Expert Witness


Social media has become one of the major tools to survive in today’s business world. Every organization has now realized the importance of digital presence in ensuring its survival.

However, as companies become more innovative with their digital operation approach, they will likely run afoul of the law. The intriguing part is that laws regulating internet business can be tricky and complex to understand.

Big technology companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Meta have all experienced this.

There have also been lawsuits against institutions of learning over failure to include captions in their online courses. The plaintiff alleged that such a modus operandi hinders the effective participation of people who are deaf.

To avoid this kind of situation, businesses now hire the service of social media expert witnesses. Most of the time, these experts are hired for court testimony.

In a simple explanation, a social media expert witness is a professional with years of experience in a technology field who then translates the skill into analyzing a social media case. Their service may help a company get an “innocent” verdict on million dollars lawsuits.

Why every digital business needs service of a social media expert witness

A typical expert witness has years of experience in tech-related fields. Interestingly, most of them have more than a decade of combined experience in their industry.

It is not unlikely to find programmers, social media managers, digital marketers, SEO experts, and cybersecurity professionals offering expert witness services.

Below are some of the reasons why businesses hire them;

Consumer Behavior.

Expert witnesses can offer technical advice to a company looking to improve the consumer experience on its website.

These professionals have, over the years, worked in roles that empower them to understand consumer behavior and how to harness it.

E-commerce businesses especially need to be able to maximize leads to generate sales. The website interface must be easy to navigate for online shoppers.

Understanding consumer behavior can help businesses to decide on the best products and services for their clients.

Information about why people make certain purchase decisions and when can be used to optimize marketing to potential buyers who would be most likely interested in a company’s product, hence, maximally reducing advert expenses and cost of customers’ acquisition.

Data Privacy.

More than ever, data privacy is essential for any business not ready to pay a hefty fine. When data privacy is discussed, some business owners think it is only limited to data collected when users visit their site.

It is more than that. It could be misusing data obtained from a third party or granting third-party access to specific data on your site. You necessarily do not have to be the one who violated the law. If you are connected in some way, you can be sued.

For example, Microsoft and Amazon were sued for allegedly using IBM’s Diversity in Faces Dataset without permission from residents whose faces are contained therein.

Business Potential.

You need to identify a problem before you can offer a solution. This is the simple secret of every business. A solution provider with the best marketing strategy usually wins the business war.

Your company may be sitting on a gold mine without realizing it.

A typical example is IBM Global Business Services, renamed IBM Consulting. In the mid-1990s, the company’s CEO, Lou Gerstner, battling to recover from record corporate losses, had a “eureka” moment.

He realized how much IBM’s customers valued the company’s technical support teams. Lou used his consulting experience to create a new business unit based on this knowledge. Today, IBM Consulting accounts for about 31 percent of the company’s total revenue.

Hiring an expert witness can help you unlock your business’s hidden potential, which could be a saving grace from bankruptcy.


A patent is a two-edged sword in the business world. It can be the sole determinant of a company’s worth. Likewise, a business can be sued for patent infringement, while the awarded fine could be the end of the investment.

It is crucial to secure the necessary patents for your business and ensure none of your technology infringes anyone’s patency.

The portfolio of reputable social media expert witnesses includes working with top technology firms. Their experiences can be used in securing patents for your business. They can also help you detect if specific technology infringes on a patent. This is because they will likely have come across many technological inventions over their years of practice, unlike your young team.


Expert witnesses are very helpful in helping firms navigate lawsuits, such as digital defamation, data privacy violation and false advertising.

As stated earlier, they can also help your firm avoid future lawsuits. Their experience comes in handy in building or defending most cases related to digital businesses.


How To Select The Best Job Applicant


Working in recruitment requires a great deal of skills. For instance, as a recruiter, you need to make an important choice and hire the most suitable candidate. It would be really efficient to read about what could help you reach the best decision when selecting a future employee.

You can use the next suggestions from New Millennia to get a better understanding of how to assess applicants during a job interview in an effective manner.

Try to read the candidate’s body language accurately.

Pay attention to how the applicant is responding, by assessing their body language, not just their verbal replies. Eye contact, gestures, arm movements, and handshakes are some aspects to keep in mind when observing the interviewee’s reactions.

Body language provides valuable insight into how the person is feeling, as well as what personality they possess. Try to assess the person’s attitude carefully, as this will help you determine whether or not they’re interested in the position.

Focus on the applicant’s specific achievements and expertise.

When asking questions, see if the candidate’s responses are logical and relevant. Use the STAR method, which stands for situation, target, action, and result, to examine this aspect. In this way, you can find out about their significant professional accomplishments and previous work experience.

Ask about their passion outside of work.

It’s always a good idea to learn what kind of person the applicant you’re interviewing is, both at work and outside of the professional setting. Make an effort to be as open and conversational as possible throughout the interview because the human aspect of the interviewing process is key.

You need to remember that, at the end of the day, your candidate is just a normal human being who has their own personality, interests, and needs. Asking about their hobbies will show them that you view them as a person, not just as a potential employee. Learning about their passion will also give you some valuable insight into who they are and how they might act at work and interact with their colleagues.

Pay attention to what sort of questions they have for you.

All of the applicants ask the hiring manager several questions concerning the role, the organisation, and the company’s culture. Think about whether the questions they’re asking are actually insightful or not. Consider whether or not they’re showing the right amount of enthusiasm for the job.

Last but not least, always ask yourself the next five questions.

There are five main questions you want to answer about the applicant before you decide to offer them the position. They are the following:

  • Will the candidate be able to do the job properly?
  • Is this person motivated enough for this role?
  • Did the interviewee seem to want to acquire new skills?
  • Does this particular applicant seem coachable?
  • Are they a good match when it comes to the company culture?

Ensure that you take into consideration more than just the candidate’s abilities, skills, personal qualities, and experience. The applicant you wish to hire must showcase the potential to grow professionally, both independently and as part of a team.


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