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Simple Tips To Improve Your Concentration Skills


Concentration is an important skill in today’s society and it can be difficult to stay focused. Fortunately, there are easy tips that can help you improve your focus. To help boost your concentration capabilities, try implementing a few of these simple measures.

Start by making sure you are adequately fueled

Concentrating on tasks can prove to be challenging without the right fuels, as low fuel levels often lead to a lack of focus and distractions. To get the most out of your concentration skills, it’s important to make sure you are adequately fueled for the task at hand. Eating nutritious foods – such as whole grains, legumes, lean meats, eggs, and leafy greens – will help energize your brain so you can perform better.

Additionally, regular physical activity helps to increase circulation and reduce stress hormones which can help keep your attention focused when working on tough projects. Improving concentration skills take time and effort but starting off with consuming healthy food and getting adequate physical exercise is a great place to start.

Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help

A surefire way to help focus and improve your concentration is by taking regular breaks throughout the day for physical activity or relaxation. Not only does this enable you to take a break from intense concentration, but it also helps restore your attention span and refreshes your mind. Another great tip is to break up tasks into smaller, more achievable goals that are easier to tackle.

Doing this gives you a sense of accomplishment because you can easily finish each task instead of struggling with one large project, improving overall morale and concentration at the same time. A combination of regular breaks and simplified goals will help enormously in improving your ability to concentrate all day long.

Find a quiet place

Need to get some work done but having trouble concentrating? One of the best tips to help boost your focus is to find a peaceful environment where distractions are eliminated. This could mean anything from going to a quiet library, turning off the TV, and limiting any phone usage – whatever suits you!

Alternatively, if silence disrupts your productivity, introducing some background noise with music might do wonders for your concentration levels. The music you enjoy can help block out distractions and keep your mind focused on the task at hand. Utilizing either quiet or just the right amount of controllable noise can be a game-changer when it comes to improving your concentration skills.

Reduce distractions like phones and instant messaging

There are many benefits to being able to concentrate and focus on one task at a time. Reducing distractions, such as phones and instant messaging, helps boost concentration skills and set us up for achievement.

Despite how challenging it may be to ignore all the noise around us, research has shown that the fewer distractions we have, the better our brains can perform tasks requiring deep thought processes. Additionally, limiting multi-tasking is essential in order to gain more focus. Rather than switching between activities throughout the day, try dedicating blocks of uninterrupted time to single tasks instead.

The result will be higher quality work. So if you’re looking to sharpen your focus and improve your concentration skills, consider minimizing distractions and refusing to let yourself get overwhelmed by trying to do too much at once.

Organization and tidiness can also aid in improving concentration skills

Improving concentration skills can be a tedious task, but with a few little changes to the workspace, you could reap huge benefits. Organization and tidiness are key, so making sure everything on your desk has its own space and that clothes, paper, and technology are organized neatly goes a long way toward better focus.

It is also helpful to commit to completing tasks regularly as this not only creates less distraction from distractions such as an overworked schedule but it will also reflect in the environment when taking breaks or coming back to work – being able to look around and see progress in what you have achieved helps motivate and encourages stronger focus during study periods.

Consider gaming

If you’re looking to improve your concentration and focus, consider gaming with a gaming PC build. Not only can it be fun, but such an immersive experience with high-quality graphics can also sharpen your problem-solving skills and help with the development of hand-eye coordination.

Skilled gamers have superb reflexes and abilities to process information quickly when they play games that require speed and precision. So even if you don’t become the next pro gamer, with a gaming PC, you will enjoy improved concentration that can be applied in all aspects of life.


What Are The Root Causes Of Job-Site Fatalities?


Unfortunately, construction job-site fatalities are still a threat. Every construction employee who steps onto a job-site, no matter how careful or skilled they are, is putting their life in danger.

But why is this the case? And what can we do to eliminate or mitigate the root causes of these fatalities?

No Job-Site Is Perfectly Safe

First, we need to understand that there’s no such thing as a perfectly safe job-site. Roughly 20 percent of workplace deaths in the United States happen in the construction industry – making it the second-most dangerous industry overall. No matter how much protective equipment you make available, no matter how many signs you post, and no matter how thorough you are in employee screening when making new hires, there’s always going to be a chance of injury or death because of the circumstances. On job-sites, people are often using complicated machinery and equipment, climbing to significant heights, and pushing themselves physically – so it’s only natural that injuries and fatalities occur at least occasionally.

Primary Causes of Death

But what can we do to reduce the fatality rate? What are the most common ways that job-site employees are killed?

Some of the most common causes of death on construction job-sites include:

  • Falls. The most common cause of death on a job-site is falling from a great height. In many cases, a person dies after falling only 10 to 15 feet; falling down even a single story could be enough to end someone’s life. It’s good that many job-site workers are comfortable on ladders and are fine with working high up, but this excess of comfort sometimes leads to risky behavior that increases the risk of falling.
  • Struck by hazards. Unfortunately, you’re also not safe on the ground. Another leading cause of job-site fatalities is people being struck by hazards, such as flying, falling, swinging, or rolling objects. If someone above you drops a tool, a piece of building material, or something even more innocuous, it could hit you in the head if you’re not prepared. Fortunately, helmets can prevent the majority of these incidents, but they don’t always provide perfect protection – and not all job-site workers wear them consistently.
  • “Caught in” or “caught between” accidents. It’s also common for people to become caught in pieces of equipment or machinery, especially when those tools are being used irresponsibly. If you get caught in a moving machine, or if you end up pinned between a machine and a building, there may not be much hope to save you.
  • Electrocution. Electrical work is some of the most dangerous work you can do on a job-site, since even a single mistake could lead to you being electrocuted. Workers must follow strict safety precautions, including turning off electricity during their work, but if these safety precautions are ignored or not followed fully, it can lead to devastating consequences.

The “True” Causes of Job-Site Fatalities

To make job-sites safer, we must take a closer look at the true, deeper causes of these job-site fatalities. In most cases, these are the culprits:

  • Poor or nonexistent safety culture. If you want your workers to follow the rules you put in place for health and safety, you need to have a strong, unambiguous, safety-focused culture. Everyone on the job-site needs to make safety their top priority – and they need to take it seriously. If you haven’t prioritized safety in your core values, or if you’re inconsistent in enforcing this culture, it’s going to lead to an increased risk of injury.
  • Lack of training or education. Fatalities are much more common for people who didn’t receive proper training or education for their responsibilities. If you don’t know how to use a piece of equipment safely, you’re much more likely to use it irresponsibly.
  • Lack of resources. Most job-site fatalities occur with employers who have 10 or fewer employees. There are many potential explanations for this; the most likely is that these companies don’t have as many resources as their larger counterparts. Accordingly, they may not have access to the equipment, training, or other assets necessary for creating a perfectly safe environment.
  • Drug and alcohol use. Drug and alcohol use are rising, even in the context of the workplace. Job-site employees who drink alcohol or use drugs on the job are going to decrease safety for themselves and others, as their judgment may be impaired and they may suffer from worse coordination. It’s also unfortunately common for job-site workers to die on the site due to overdose.
  • Improper use of safety equipment. It’s important to use your safety equipment responsibly. For example, your helmet isn’t going to protect you if it doesn’t fit right, or if you haven’t properly secured it. To overcome this potential safety risk, you need to make sure your employees are all trained and educated on the proper use of safety equipment.
  • Perceived shortcuts. Workplace accidents also happen when job-site workers attempt to take shortcuts. Jumping from one ladder to another, for example, instead of climbing down, could result in a fall.

Better understanding the risk of job-site fatalities gives you the opportunity to intervene and improve the health and safety of your workplace. There’s no way to reduce the risk of a job-site fatality to zero, but with a simple combination of creating a better culture of safety, providing more protective equipment, and issuing more training and education, you can get quite close.


5 Things That Can Hurt Your Business’s Reputation

reputation management

reputation management

A strong reputation is a powerful asset for any business. It’s what builds trust between you and your customers, and helps you become more discoverable. It can take years of hard work and dedication to establish, but unfortunately, it can be damaged in the blink of an eye.

In this article, we are going to discuss five things that could hurt your business’s reputation. By knowing what to watch out for, you can avoid irreversible damage.

Unreliable Products or Services

Nothing hurts a business’s reputation more than offering products or services that don’t meet expectations. Customers expect quality and reliability, so anything less than that can lead to anger and frustration.

To ensure customer satisfaction, products and services should be tested before they are released. It’s also wise to choose a reputable delivery service, such as these Los Angeles Couriers so that your items are handled with care and delivered on time.

Poor Customer Service

Customer service is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful business, yet it is often overlooked. Shoppers must know that their needs and concerns will be taken seriously.

If they feel unimportant, then your reputation could suffer as a result. To ensure that your customer service remains top-notch, train staff to properly respond to inquiries and complaints quickly and fairly.

Unprofessional Social Media Presence

Social media has become an essential tool and allows you to connect with your customers in a meaningful way. However, it also carries certain risks.

How you handle customer interactions on social media can either help or hurt your image. For instance, if you fail to respond promptly or handle the situation in an unprofessional manner, hundreds of people will see.

Make sure you have clear policies in place for how interactions should be handled and aim to follow your brand voice. It’s a simple tip that makes a big difference.

Misleading Advertising Tactics

Advertising and marketing are obvious essentials, but certain practices should be avoided at all costs. Things like making false claims about products or services, using deceptive language in advertisements, or failing to fully disclose relevant information can cause significant problems.

Be sure to carefully review all materials before releasing them so there are no false claims about your business. Misleading information could even result in a complex legal battle.

Ignoring Negative Feedback

Negative feedback from customers is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. It will only make things worse and cause further issues later on down the track.

Instead of trying to hide negative comments from view take the time to address each one directly. This shows care and respect and goes a long way toward maintaining a positive image for your business online!

Final Words

Building a great rep for your business is no quick process, but luckily there are steps you can take right now to protect yourself! With these tips in mind, you will find yourself well-positioned for success in the future.


Stop Interrupting People

older man talking

older man talking

by Joshua Kerievsky, founder and CEO of Industrial Logic, and author of “Refactoring to Patterns” and “Joy of Agility

While I was sitting in a meeting in the boardroom of a fast-growing company, I was pained to hear someone constantly interrupt somebody else. The person doing the interrupting was a male executive and the person being interrupted was a female director. After apparently tiring of being interrupted by her colleague, the woman remained quiet for the remainder of the meeting.

After the meeting, I asked her privately about being interrupted by the executive. She smiled and said, “Oh, yes, that happens all the time around here.”

Recently, a female colleague of mine interviewed a male candidate. He man-terrupted her so frequently during the interview that she decided to tally the number of interruptions. Over the course of thirty minutes, he interrupted her ten times! Now, we know that lags in internet connections can sometimes account for interruptions, but ten interruptions during one thirty-minute Zoom call is hard to reconcile. Needless to say, we didn’t hire this individual.

Interrupting women is the norm in the business world, and it’s a disgrace. Women who are routinely interrupted eventually remain silent, and silence is deadly when it comes to fixing problems, adding value, and innovating. A tremendous amount of value is lost when people are constantly interrupted. And it leads to churn, as those people eventually seek new employment.


*Excerpted from “Joy of Agility: How to Solve Problems and Succeed Sooner” copyright © 2023 by Joshua Kerievsky. Reprinted with permission from Matt Holt Books, an imprint of BenBella Books, Inc. All rights reserved.


Joshua Kerievsky

Joshua Kerievsky is founder and CEO of Industrial Logic, one of the oldest agile consultancies in the world. Since 1996, Joshua and his global team of experts have helped people across many industries leverage modern management and development methods. Joshua is an international speaker, and author of bestselling and award-winning book “Refactoring to Patterns“, as well as his forthcoming book, “Joy of Agility“.


What Qualifies As Wrongful Termination In Los Angeles?


The issue of wrongful termination is a complex one, particularly in the context of Los Angeles. Determining what qualifies as wrongful termination and what does not can be difficult for both employers and employees alike. 

According to Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyer Christopher Canlas, there are many situations which may qualify as wrongful termination including discrimination based on race, age, gender, religion, or disability; harassment in the workplace; and retaliation for filing a complaint with a governmental agency. 

Wrongful termination can vary by jurisdiction. In the city of Los Angeles, it is important to understand the definition of wrongful termination in order to determine if an employee’s dismissal was unlawful. Generally speaking, wrongful termination occurs when an employer terminates or fires an employee for reasons that violate a law or breach the employment contract.

Firing an employee for refusing to commit an illegal act also constitutes wrongful termination under California law. It is important to note that employers in Los Angeles must follow certain procedures before firing employees such as providing proper notice and due process.

Here’s what you need to know about wrongful termination in Los Angeles:

Statutory Protections Against Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is a legal term that refers to the firing of an employee in violation of the provisions of state, federal, or local employment laws and regulations. In Los Angeles, as well as in other parts of California, there are a number of statutory protections against wrongful termination. These protections include the following:

First, employers are generally prohibited from terminating an employee for reasons that violate public policy. This includes terminating an employee for filing a workers’ compensation claim, refusing to engage in illegal activities or discriminatory practices, or requesting leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Additionally, employers cannot terminate employees who have reported violations of safety regulations or labor laws to authorities.

Next, employers must adhere to anti-discrimination laws when making decisions about hiring and firing employees. This means they cannot terminate someone on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex including pregnancy and gender expression/identity, age over 40 years old, disability status or any other protected class. Retaliation against employees who complain about discrimination is also prohibited.

Finally, employers must provide all promised benefits upon termination. This includes timely payment of earned wages such as vacation pay and severance packages that were agreed upon at the time of hire or during employment. Employers may also be liable for damages if they fail to comply with their obligations under state or federal law regarding timely payment of wages due after termination.

Employment Discrimination And Wrongful Termination

Employment discrimination and wrongful termination are two different, yet related, topics. In Los Angeles, as with the rest of the United States, employers must not discriminate against potential employees or existing staff based on characteristics such as gender, race, age or disability. This is a statutory protection in place to protect individuals from unfair practices in the workplace.

Wrongful termination is when an employee is terminated without due cause or process. This can occur when an employer does not follow the guidelines outlined in their contract with their employee or if they act outside of their legal rights as an employer. In some cases, wrongful termination may result from discrimination. It is important for employees to understand their rights and responsibilities under the law in order to protect themselves from unjust treatment at work.

In Los Angeles, if an individual believes that they have been wrongfully terminated, they may bring a claim against their employer for compensation or injunctive relief which could include job reinstatement or back pay. It is important for any individual who believes they are a victim of wrongful termination to contact an attorney who specializes in employment law to discuss their case and potential remedies available under the law.

Understanding The At-Will Employment Exception In Los Angeles

The fourth factor to consider when determining wrongful termination in Los Angeles is the understanding of the at-will employment exception. In California, employers and employees are bound by the doctrine of at-will employment. This means that an employer or employee can end their relationship at any time for any reason, or for no reason at all. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as if an agreement was made between the employer and employee or if there are other laws that protect employees from being wrongfully terminated.

Under California law, certain types of discrimination and harassment are prohibited by both federal and state law. This includes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, national origin, disability status, age, sexual orientation and more. An employer cannot terminate an employee due to any of these factors. Additionally, employers cannot terminate an employee in retaliation for filing a complaint against them or engaging in a protected activity such as unionizing.

If an employer does decide to terminate an employee without good cause or a warning beforehand then they may be found guilty of wrongful termination. It is important that employers understand their legal obligations under California law when it comes to terminating employees so they can avoid potential lawsuits. Employees should also be aware of their rights so they can take action if they feel like they have been wrongfully terminated. Knowing the ins and outs of the at-will employment exception in Los Angeles is crucial for both employers and employees alike.

Retaliation As A Form Of Wrongful Termination

Retaliation as a form of wrongful termination is one of the most commonly disputed issues in Los Angeles. This type of termination occurs when an employee is fired, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against for exercising their rights under anti-discrimination laws or for engaging in activities protected by law. It includes situations such as being terminated after filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or for taking medical leave for a disability. Additionally, employers may not retaliate against employees who complain about wage and hour violations or workplace safety hazards.

When determining whether retaliation has occurred, courts consider whether the employer acted with intent to retaliate and whether there was a causal connection between the activity protected by law and the adverse action taken by the employer. A strong case can be made if it can be demonstrated that there was an ongoing pattern of retaliatory behavior over time. Evidence that could be used to prove intent include email messages, notes from meetings, and other documents indicating an employer’s hostility toward an employee’s protected activity.

In order to prevail on a claim of wrongful termination based on retaliation, employees must demonstrate that the employer’s action caused them harm, such as lost wages or lost career opportunities. 

Additionally, they must show that their rights were violated because of their engagement in legally protected activities like filing a discrimination claim or attending jury duty. If successful, employees may receive damages including back pay, front pay and reinstatement of employment as well as attorney fees and costs associated with bringing suit. In some cases punitive damages may also be awarded.

Employees should know their rights and understand how to protect themselves from retaliatory action if they engage in legally-protected activities or exercise their legal rights at work. Employers should exercise caution when making decisions regarding employee discipline so as not to face liability for illegal retaliation against those who take lawful actions to protect their rights in the workplace

Breach Of Contract And Wrongful Termination

Breach of contract and wrongful termination are two separate legal claims that can be brought by an employee in Los Angeles. An employee who believes they have been wrongfully terminated may bring both a breach of contract claim and a wrongful termination claim. This article will discuss the elements of each claim, in order to provide an overview for those considering filing such claims.

A breach of contract claim requires proof that a valid contract existed between the employer and employee, and that the employer breached their contractual obligations. Examples of potential breaches include failure to pay wages or benefits as required by the contract, or failure to provide any agreed upon accommodations or benefits. A plaintiff must also prove damages associated with the breach of contract, such as lost wages or other losses related to the breach.

In comparison, wrongful termination is when an employer terminates an employee in violation of public policy or other legal protections provided under state or federal law. Common examples include terminating an employee based on their race, gender, age, nationality, religion, disability status or sexual orientation; retaliating against an employee for filing a complaint against their employer; failing to pay wages owed; or terminating them without providing notice as required under applicable law. To successfully bring a wrongful termination claim, employees must show that they were actually terminated due to one of these protected characteristics and not for some other legitimate reason.

It is important for individuals who feel they have been wrongfully terminated in Los Angeles to understand their rights under both California state law and federal law. Knowing how each claim works can help ensure that one’s rights are fully protected if they decide to pursue legal action against their former employer.

Remedies For Wrongful Termination In Los Angeles

Wrongful termination is a claim that an employee has been fired in violation of the law. In Los Angeles, wrongful termination can be based on several different legal theories. This includes breach of contract, discrimination, and retaliation for exercising one’s rights. When this occurs, the affected individual may be able to pursue legal remedies.

The remedies for wrongful termination vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Generally speaking, an individual may be entitled to lost wages and benefits, emotional distress damages, punitive damages, or reinstatement in their job position. In some cases, an employee may also be able to obtain a court order requiring that their employer take certain actions or refrain from taking certain actions in order to provide relief.

In determining whether or not an individual has experienced wrongful termination in Los Angeles, courts will consider various factors such as whether or not the employment was at-will or subject to a contract; whether there was any discriminatory motive; and if any public policy reasons were violated. Additionally, they will examine evidence related to both the employee’s performance and any other matters relevant to the situation.


In conclusion, wrongful termination is a complex legal concept that requires understanding of multiple statutes and regulations. Those living in Los Angeles should be aware of the various protections against wrongful termination available under state and federal law, as well as understand the importance of employment discrimination laws in protecting employees from being wrongfully terminated.


5 Essential Habits For Every Successful Entrepreneur


by Craig Goodliffe, Founder & CEO of Cyberbacker

Many people take a chance on themselves and dive into the world of entrepreneurship, choosing to start their own businesses. However, without a few essential skills, aspiring entrepreneurs will, unfortunately, be unprepared for the challenges that leading a company will present.

1. Make a calendar and stick to it.

The first skill that an entrepreneur must learn to succeed is time management. Setting a calendar and sticking to it is one of the best steps a leader can take — for the health of themselves and their business. Sticking to a calendar will not only ensure that every task gets done by its deadline but also that the entrepreneur’s workload does not become unmanageable.

Once a business reaches a certain stage of its growth, it becomes time for an entrepreneur to learn how to delegate tasks responsibly. A strong business leader can determine when a task should go on their calendar and when it should go on the calendar of someone who works for them. Some tasks, such as scheduling appointments, are necessary for the functioning of the business, but the business leader’s time is better spent on more demanding tasks.

2. Commit to continuous improvement.

Entrepreneurs should not forget to leave time on their calendars to continue learning. The goal of becoming an entrepreneur is to experience continual growth. 

There is no way to grow a business without learning. Activities as simple as reading books and listening to podcasts are enough for an entrepreneur to continue to learn, but attending conferences, workshops, and seminars can also be an extremely valuable way to spend their time.

3. Learn how to manage expenses.

One of the most critical skills for an entrepreneur is managing their company’s expenses. Managing expenses encompasses a significant majority of an entrepreneur’s duties, particularly in the early stages of their business. However, it is also important to remember that money is one of the main reasons that new businesses fail. Being unable to manage the business’s expenses is one of the worst things an entrepreneur can do.

An entrepreneur’s best friends are tools like budgets, revenue sheets, financial projections, and forecasts. Although these might seem like little more than a bunch of abstract numbers to some, they are essential in assessing a business’s current situation and understanding how much financial wiggle room it has. It takes time for a young company to reach profitability, but leaders must be able to manage expenses so that they are not hemorrhaging money at an unsustainable rate.

4. Understand legal compliance.

Another essential skill for entrepreneurs is an understanding of legal compliance. Every business has specific rules and regulations by which they have to abide, and not knowing these is an easy way to get in trouble. Although busy entrepreneurs might be tempted to cut corners and take the easy way out, these rules are in place to protect both the consumer and themselves.

Of course, the most important reason to understand legal compliance is that it will keep entrepreneurs and their companies out of hot water. Penalties for lack of compliance can range from fines to something more substantial, like losing the business or even jail time. However, businesspeople who understand all of the laws and regulations applicable to their business will also be able to understand the loopholes and how they can flirt with the edge of what is allowed. This is the key to maximizing your business’s abilities without taking things too far.

5. Manage emotions.

Effective entrepreneurs should also be able to manage their emotions. It can be easy for an entrepreneur to become overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility they have at any given time. The lines between work and home often blur for an entrepreneur, meaning that achieving a positive work-life balance is often difficult. However, an entrepreneur must be fresh and reasonable while making important business decisions, and without regulating their emotions, achieving this is nearly impossible.

An inability to manage emotions could also significantly affect employee morale. Employees look to the leaders of their companies as an example, and if they see that their boss is constantly unhappy, chances are that they will begin to feel unhappy too. Entrepreneurs can avoid this by taking time to take care of themselves by doing things they enjoy, meditating, or doing anything else they find relaxing.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of starting a new business, entrepreneurs can easily forget some of the basics of what they do. However, these fundamental qualities — time management, managing expenses, understanding legal compliance, and regulating emotions — are necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur. Learning and honing these skills early in one’s career will prep entrepreneurs for the best chance to thrive.


Craig Goodliffe Cyberbacker

Craig Goodliffe is the CEO of Cyberbacker. Launched in January of 2018, Cyberbacker is one of the fastest-growing remote working companies. For over a decade now, Craig Goodliffe has also been coaching people to achieve – and exceed – their goals. Craig enjoys coaching people who are truly committed to hitting their goals and helping them uncover their purpose.


How To Increase Your Push Notifications Subscribers

working on laptop

working on laptop

Would you like more people to opt in to receiving your push notifications? If so, then the information is going to help you. You’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss how to increase your push notifications subscribers and the various strategies you can use to do so.

We’ll discuss ways to optimize your opt-in forms, create content that encourages people to sign up, and use social media and other marketing tools to spread the word.

The benefits of increasing your push notification subscribers

Push notifications have become an integral part of the digital marketing landscape. They are an effective way to engage with your target audience and keep them informed about what’s happening in your business. Increasing your push notification subscribers has several advantages, including increased visibility, engagement, and reach.

When you increase your push notification subscribers, your content is delivered directly to their devices, giving it greater visibility than if they had to actively seek out your content or wait for it to appear in their feeds. This leads to more engagement and the potential for a larger audience.

Push notifications also make it easier to reach a broader audience. As your push notification subscribers grow, so too does the potential audience size as they share your content with their friends and family. Increasing your push notification subscribers can also help you build relationships with customers.

Ultimately, increasing your push notification subscribers is a great way to get more visibility, engagement, and reach for your business. As you grow your subscriber base, you will be able to reach more potential customers and engage with them on a more personal level.

Why you should focus on quality over quantity

Push notifications are one of the most powerful tools that you have at your disposal for engaging your users and driving them to take action. It is important to remember, however, that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to push notifications. You don’t want to be sending out too many notifications too quickly, as this can turn off your users and even lead to them opting out of your notifications. When deciding which type of content to include in your notifications, it is important to focus on delivering value to your users. Think about what they would find most useful, relevant or entertaining and craft the messages around that. Make sure the notifications contain an enticing call to action such as a special offer or discount.

By focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to push notifications, you can ensure that your notifications are engaging and interesting. This will help you maintain a positive relationship with your users and keep them interested in what you have to say. It also means that you’re less likely to overwhelm them with too many messages, and more likely to get them to take action when you do send out notifications.

For more information, visit callpage.io.


Why Using Pop-up Subscription Forms Are Important For Any Business

typing laptop

typing laptop

Subscription forms are super useful, but they can be hard to come by. If you don’t know how to make them or just want a simpler solution, try using pop-up subscription forms. These tools bring the benefits of regular subscription boxes – you know, those little boxes on websites that ask for your email address in exchange for an exclusive deal – into one convenient place on your site, so users can sign up easily when they are ready. 

What Are Pop-up Subscription Forms?

Pop-ups are a type of web page that can be used for marketing and sales. When you want to collect information from site visitors, a pop-up feature is one of the best ways to do it.

Pop-ups come in all shapes and sizes. However, they usually appear as boxes at the top or bottom of your site’s pages when someone visits it in their web browser (the software used to browse websites). These boxes contain information about products or services offered by the company running the website where they appear – for example, “Sign up now!” or “Buy now!”

Pop-up subscription forms are customizable, so you can change their look and feel at any time without having to start from scratch. You can customize pop-up subscription forms in many ways:

  • Change the color, size and shape of the form (useful if you have multiple pop-ups on your site)
  • Change text and button colors (for example, “Sign up now!” versus “Sign Up”)
  • Change background colors (for example, white vs. black)

Why Use Pop-up Subscription Forms?

Pop-up subscription forms have several advantages over other methods of collecting emails. Let’s consider them one by one!

Increases Your Subscriber List.

Pop-ups are one of the easiest ways to grow your email list, as they allow you to capture new subscribers without asking them for their email addresses. You can also use pop-ups to ask readers who have already signed up for your emails (but haven’t opened or clicked on anything in a while) if they would like to be reminded by receiving an automatic email reminder when a new post is published. This will help increase engagement and get people reading again!

There is another way how to do it. You can build a list of subscribers that want to hear from you by offering them free content in exchange for their email address (and potentially other information). This is an excellent way of getting people who may have never heard of your brand before into the habit of regularly visiting your website or reading one of your emails.

Generate Leads.

Pop-up subscription forms are a great tool for any business to use. They can be used in many different ways, including lead generation. The most obvious reason why pop-ups are important is because they help you get more leads. Pop-ups are known for being effective at capturing leads because they appear right when someone visits your site or blog post, which will catch their attention and make them want to take action right away by filling out the form on the page (or clicking away from it).

Gets You More Traffic.

You can get more traffic from search engines like Google and Bing by making it easy for them to find links back to your site when they click through on those links in their search results pages (SERPs).

Improves Conversions.

Pop-up subscription forms are a great way to increase conversions. They convert better than other opt-in forms because they force people to subscribe before they can continue using the site or app. This means that you’ll get more qualified leads who are ready to buy rather than people who may not be interested in what you have to offer.

You can use pop-ups as an alternative or complement to other lead generation tools like pay-per-click ads (PPC), social media ads or retargeting ads on platforms such as Facebook and Google Ads. If someone doesn’t convert on one of these platforms, it’s likely that they won’t convert at all!

Make More Sales.

Once someone signs up for an email list through a pop-up form, it means that they’ve agreed that they want updates from you about whatever topic(s) related directly to products/services being sold through this website, so don’t waste any time! Get straight into selling; talk about why people should buy from you specifically instead of competitors out there offering similar products/services at lower prices (and remember: never lie). If possible, add some incentives, such as free shipping or discounts off regular pricing, just by signing up today!


There are so many benefits to using pop-up subscription forms. They can help you build an email list, get more people to your website and increase sales. Pop-ups are also easy to use and customizable, so you can create one that fits your brand identity or website design.

[Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash]


Why You Need Cloud Storage For Your Business In 2023


Over recent decades, modern technology has come a long way. These days, businesses and individuals have access to a host of tech solutions and services, and these can help improve efficiency in many ways. They can also provide a host of other benefits ranging from cutting costs to saving time. Among the services you might want to consider for your business in 2023 is cloud storage solutions, and in today’s digital era, these services can prove invaluable in many ways.

If you want to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and boost protection for your business in 2023, this type of solution is well worth considering. In fact, these services have become increasingly popular with both large and small businesses in a variety of industries. Why? Because they are so beneficial in such a wide range of ways.

In this article, we will look at some of the reasons you need cloud storage for your business in 2023.

Some Reasons to Consider Cloud Solutions

There are lots of reasons why you should consider cloud solutions for your business in 2023. Some of the main ones are:

Protecting Your Files and Data.

One of the major benefits of using cloud storage solutions is that you can better protect your data and files in various ways. Cybercrime is rampant these days, and many businesses fall victim to crimes such as ransomware when digital criminals take over their local systems. When you use cloud solutions for storage and backup, you get the benefit of advanced security measures that are part of the plan. In addition, you can access and restore files if your local systems are attacked by cybercriminals. It can even help to protect your business from accidental deletion of files by those who work for the company.

Aiding the Remote Working Environment.

These days, more and more employers are adopting remote working practices. This has become increasingly popular since the global pandemic in 2020, when many people were forced to work from home. The use of cloud solutions helps to aid efficiency in a remote working environment, as it means that authorized staff can access files and data whether they are working from home or from anywhere else. In fact, cloud solutions have become a crucial part of the remote working culture that continues to grow in 2023.

Improving Access to Files and Data.

With cloud solutions, you can benefit from improved access to files and data, and this means greater convenience and efficiency for your business. Whether you are on vacation, relaxing at home, or on the road, you can access the data you need in the cloud from any location and on any device. In addition, if you experience system failures on-site, you don’t have to worry about losing access to your data, as you can still gain access via the cloud.

These are some of the key reasons why businesses need to consider investing in cloud solutions in 2023.


5 Productivity Tips For Entrepreneurs To Get More Done In Less Time


Entrepreneurship is a journey that offers limitless possibilities, but it also requires a great deal of hard work, dedication, and discipline to succeed. As an entrepreneur, time is your most valuable asset, and maximizing productivity is crucial to achieving your goals. With a never-ending to-do list of distractions, staying productive can be challenging.

This article details five practical and effective productivity tips that can help you boost your efficiency and accomplish more in your entrepreneurial journey.

Create a Plan.

Set aside time to map out a plan and break it into smaller chunks so that you can easily digest and execute it. Make a task list with a completion timeline for each item. When creating your plan, focus on what needs to be done rather than how much time it will take you. Prioritize tasks by their importance to the goal, then consider what activities and resources are needed to complete them.

Set Realistic Goals.

Setting realistic goals is essential for entrepreneurs to maximize their productivity. Goals should be clearly defined, and achievable and should be broken down into manageable chunks. Consider the amount of time available, resources available, and other factors that can limit progress. Entrepreneurs should decide what they want to achieve and then create a timeline. 

Get the Timing Right.

To ensure you are getting the most out of your day, it’s important to create a schedule and stick to it. Start by creating a daily plan with realistic goals that you can accomplish. When creating your plan, factor in how long each task will take so you can accurately estimate the time you need to complete it.

Setting a timer is a great way to stay on track and ensure you are completing tasks within the stipulated time frame. Establish when you’re most productive whether it’s during the day or at night. If morning time is best for you, tackle your hardest tasks in the morning. If you find yourself more productive at night, adjust your schedule to accommodate this.

Define Your Boundaries.

Set clear limits and ensure that you’re not overworking yourself. Decide when you need to take a break and stick to it so that your productivity is not affected by fatigue. Setting boundaries also means respecting your time and not allowing yourself to do more than you can handle. It’s better to do fewer things with quality than to spread yourself too thin and not be able to complete anything properly.

Create a To-Do List.

Creating a to-do list helps an entrepreneur prioritize tasks and ensure they get done in a timely manner. A to-do list can be written down on paper, or you can take advantage of one of the many video production agencies available. As an entrepreneur, consider a corporate video production Vancouver or from which location you are in, that creates the most appealing videos for your needs and gives you opportunities for input along the way.


As an entrepreneur, mastering productivity hacks can help you achieve your goals and succeed in your business. By following these five productivity hacks discussed above, you can get more done in less time and accomplish more. With consistent practice and discipline, you can turn these productivity hacks into habits that will transform your entrepreneurial journey.


Selecting The Right Tech Tools To Make Your New Business Succeed


Starting a business can be an exciting process, but it’s important to make sure you have the right tools and software in place to ensure success. Statistics show that over 50% of businesses fail within the first five years, so having the best technology available is vital to keep your business up and running. You can improve your business cash flow, customer service, and profitability with the right software.

Luckily, several great tools and software are now available for startups or small businesses to set up and make the most of their resources.

Employee Collaboration Software

Employee collaboration software is essential for all businesses, providing a space for employees to communicate and collaborate on projects. This software can help streamline processes, improve productivity, and keep everyone in the loop about new developments. Popular options like Slack and Asana are excellent choices for small businesses and are designed to make it easier to collaborate with team members.

Online Document Creator Apps

When it comes to choosing online document creator apps and software, Word Online is a great place to start. This online platform allows you to view and edit documents on the go and can be used with other Microsoft applications like PowerPoint and Excel. The view edit history Word Online feature lets you track document changes and stay organized easily. Additionally, Word Online integrates with cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive so that you can access all of your files from any device.

Analytics and Reporting Software

Having the right analytics and reporting tools is as important as having collaboration software. This software will help you track key performance indicators (KPIs) within your business. Popular solutions like Tableau, Mixpanel, and Heap are great choices for businesses in scaling. All of these tools provide insights into trends within your industry and allow you to make informed decisions about the direction your business should take.

Data Management Software

Data management software is also an essential tool for businesses. This type of software helps to store customer information securely, as well as financial or product records. Popular choices for data management software include Salesforce, Oracle, and SAP. All of these tools are designed to make it easier to store, track, and optimize customer information so that you can provide efficient service. With the right data management software, businesses can stay organized and compliant with industry standards.

CRM Software

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is also essential for businesses. CRM software helps you to manage customer relationships, track leads, and measure performance. Popular solutions include Salesforce, Dynamics 365, and Zoho CRM. Each tool offers features such as lead tracking and analytics that can help streamline your sales process and make the most of customer relationships.

Selecting the right software for your business is crucial in setting it up for success. With so many great tools and software available, investing in the ones that provide value and help you make the most of your resources is important. By leveraging these tools, you can ensure your business is set up for long-term success.


Looking To Strengthen Your Business’s Online Presence? Consider Social Media Likes


In the era of online marketing, social media platforms have become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience. With millions of active monthly users, online platforms provide an ideal platform for businesses to showcase their products or services to a vast audience. One of the key features of platforms like Instagram is the “like” button, which allows viewers to show appreciation for a post. There are many benefits of social media likes for your business. And although generating likes naturally is a challenge for many businesses, buying likes is recommended.

This article discusses the top advantages of social media likes for your business. They include:

1. Increased Visibility.

The number of likes your online posts and photos have is a determining factor for your business page. Most online platforms use a particular algorithm to determine which post will get the most rates. If your page has many likes, it gets shared many times and gets more likes, increasing engagement on your online page. This, in turn, increases your visibility online. Millions of people will see your posts so that you can reach a wider audience.

2. Building Trust.

When potential customers visit your online profile, they will likely check the number of likes on your posts. The more likes you have, the more trustworthy your brand appears. Having many likes on your posts can create a positive perception of your brand, leading to increased sales and revenue.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing.

Compared to traditional advertising methods, online marketing is cost-effective. Posting on some platforms like Instagram is free; the only cost involved is the time and effort spent creating high-quality content. Creating engaging and visually appealing posts can increase your chances of receiving more likes, leading to increased engagement and sales.

4. Enhance your Credibility.

When you purchase Instagram likes, you easily boost your online page credibility. When there are many likes on your page, it shows your potential clients that your business is well-known and trustworthy. It makes it easy for your platform users to engage with others and your content and follow your account. In addition, having many online likes is another way to encourage your existing followers to interact amongst themselves and share content, further boosting your engagement rates.

5. Insights into Your Audience.

Social media business account comes with various analytics tools that provide valuable insights into your audience. By scrutinizing the number of likes, comments, views and shares on your posts, you can understand which type of content resonates with your audience. This can help you tailor your content to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience, ultimately leading to increased engagement and sales.

6. Boost your sales.

The ultimate goal of opening any business is to make sales. Therefore, they find different ways they can boost sales. Buying instagram likes is a great way to create engagement rates, and you can boost your sales with better credibility. The more people who see your business page, the more likely they will visit your website, check your services or products, and purchase. In addition, they will recommend others. When you buy likes, you boost your chances of increasing your sales and making your business successful. It is a special strategy to increase your revenue.

By combining other efforts with online likes, you can create a winning formula for success in the business world.


Looking To Study Business? Here’s An Overview Of NKU Programs

Northern Kentucky University

Northern Kentucky University

NKU’s online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Management program is a great way to start a career in business. As you begin the review process for this program, there are several questions that you should know before you apply. This article will provide an overview of the program’s qualifications, coursework, and review process.

You’ll learn how to find the best course and what to expect during your studies.

Associate Degrees

Northern Kentucky University (NKU) has become an essential player in the region’s educational landscape, offering more than 15,000 students a variety of associate and bachelor’s degrees, graduate certificates, and diplomas. The University is located in Highland Heights, a quiet suburb of Cincinnati. It is the largest public college in the state and has more than 552 full-time faculty members.

NKU has more than 70 bachelor’s and graduate degree programs, including one Juris Doctor. In addition to offering diverse academic and co-curricular programs, NKU is known for its focus on education and leadership. Students can pursue undergraduate studies in Business Administration, Education, Information Technology, Liberal Studies, and Public Safety. Additionally, the University offers a wide range of graduate degrees, including a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.

NKU programs have also made a splash in the online world. The school has one master’s program and four bachelor’s degrees online. However, the University does not offer an online liberal studies associate degree.

Associate of Applied Science degrees is specialized degrees that prepare students to enter specific fields or careers. These degrees generally focus on science, mathematics, or vocational skills. Those who earn an AS can transfer to a Bachelor’s degree in their chosen field.

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Management online

If you want to earn your bachelor’s degree, you may consider enrolling in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Management online at Northern Kentucky University (NKU). This program includes classes that focus on business management principles. You’ll also take courses focusing on global supply chain management and organizational leadership.

A graduate degree from NKU can help you pursue a career in various industries, including government, nonprofit, and corporate. Students can also join various student organizations, including Greek life, to meet like-minded individuals.

As an online MBA student, you can attend classes from anywhere. The school’s Institute for Student Research and Creative Activity encourages students to conduct research and engage in creative activities. It also assists students in obtaining scholarships.

NKU’s College of Business offers an affordable online program that helps students prepare for a successful career. You can complete the MBA in just five years. The program also has several concentrations, including Finance, Leadership, and Innovation through Competitive Intelligence.

You’ll need to fill out an application and submit a $40 application fee. You’ll need to have an active high-speed Internet connection. During your first semester, you’ll also need to take Introduction to Business to ensure a firm understanding of the coursework.

Review process

The ABET accreditation system has selected Northern Kentucky University as one of only two data science programs to earn accreditation. NKU’s data science program is the brainchild of Dr. Kevin Kirby, who started shaping the program in 2011. The program was displayed at last year’s Big Data Conference, where students were busy creating artificial intelligence techniques to help analyze social media posts.

Another impressive feat is NKU’s involvement in the WeLead CS initiative, which expands early college career pathways. In addition to its primary university partner, the University is working to engage K-12 students in the field.

NKU’s data science program is part of a cluster of degree programs experiencing a renaissance. Enrollment is up 18 percent from a year ago.

The University has a small student campus in Highland Heights. It’s also actively involved in several international teacher exchange programs. One of the most impressive aspects of the institution is its staff, which boasts nearly 2,000 teachers in the highest category.

The University’s website boasts a comprehensive LSAT range of 151-157. Moreover, the college has a median GPA of 3.39. Nevertheless, the college’s Visual Communication Design program is perhaps the best graphic design program in the state.


8 Tips On Building Your Network


by James Nelson, author of “The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing: Game-Changing Strategies to Outperform the Market

When I started in real estate, I hardly knew anyone in the industry. During those early years, I talked to everyone from property owners to superintendents, leasing agents, and contractors. I went on to cofound organizations that foster connections, oversee funds with a long list of investors and a capitalization of over $350 million, and speak at industry events. Today, 25 years in, I’m still ready and willing to reach out a hand to anyone who’s interested in real estate.

Making that first step in networking is crucial, as it will dictate your path forward. Through my connections, I’ve found incredible deals, formed lasting partnerships that delivered long-term results, and led teams to levels of success that wouldn’t have been possible to achieve as an individual.

The secret to building your network is to incorporate it into your business plan. Follow these steps to meet others in your industry. Then take advantage of the doors that open to new opportunities along the way.

1. Start with Your School Network.

I found my first job through the Career Service Center at my alma mater, Colgate. Later I helped to cofound the Colgate Real Estate Council, a professional network which enables alumni, students, parents, faculty, and staff to form relationships with others in the real estate industry.

Check what your school offers and show up at events that align with your interests. Reach out to former students who have built a strong career. Alumni are generally pleased to help someone from their alma mater.

2. Be Ready to Give.

My good friend Jeff Meshel is a master at making connections, with more than 5,000 in his network. He pens about his approach in his book One Phone Call Away. The best way to start? Jeff suggests reaching out, striking up a conversation, and asking, “How can I help you?” If you’re generous with your time and expertise, others will remember. They’ll be more likely to extend a hand and return the favor later.

3. Participate in Alliances.

I helped cofound Real Estate Services Alliance (RESA), a New York-based organization with that includes top-level professionals. These members participate in various aspects of the industry, from marketing to architecture, lending, and more. Owners and investors who need real estate services can use the listings to find qualified sources for their needs.

Look for industry-related organizations in your area to join. If you can’t find one, consider creating an alliance of your own. Start small with others you know. Build traction by bringing on professionals with a strong reputation in their niche.

4. Create Win-Win Opportunities.

Many professionals offer a free consultation to anyone interested in their services. When you’re getting started, take advantage of these sessions to ask questions and learn about the business. You might be able to make a connection that leads to a relationship. Later, you may find an opportunity that offers rewards for you both.

5. Seek Long-Term Partners.

Bruce Ratner, a legendary developer and the catalyst behind some of New York City’s largest commercial and residential projects, is quick to note that his success came from working with others. Before getting into real estate, Bruce was in a different field. In my book and podcast, The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing, he shares that he came across a real estate expert while building his network. The two formed a partnership that spanned more than 30 years and delivered ongoing returns from their investments.

6. Make it a Process.

When I began in real estate, I didn’t turn away from anyone. I kept my eyes and ears open for opportunities and hit the ground to learn about the neighborhoods I was working. Today, I find the same thrill when I’m out and about. A great network will grow with you. View it as a lifelong resource that will continue to work in your favor.

7. Have Fun Along the Way.

Chances are, you started in your industry because it held a certain appeal for you. Find others who share your enthusiasm and interests. Together you can build a team that works toward a goal. When you hit that marker, take the time to step back and recognize everyone’s efforts. Celebrate the wins, and then work toward the next ones.

8. Get Online.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media channels provide solid ways to make long-distance connections. Follow those who have had done well and regularly share their strategies. As you develop your own track record, post those achievements. Start building your brand online to spread the word and encourage others to find you there.

James Nelson

Highly acclaimed investment sales broker James Nelson is Principal and Head of Avison Young’s Tri-State Investment Sales group in New York City. During his 25-year career, Nelson has sold more than 500 properties and loans totaling over $5 billion. Nelson is also a serial real estate investor and has launched two real estate funds with total capitalizations of over $350 million. He is author of “The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing: Game-Changing Strategies to Outperform the Market“.


8 Things To Look For In A Personal Injury Attorney


Serious injuries can permanently alter your life, and they’re more common than you might think. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), in 2020, the U.S. experienced 200,955 preventable deaths, 55.4 million injuries, and $1.158 trillion in injury costs.

Suffice it to say, you never know when you might become a part of a personal injury statistic. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get the compensation you deserve. 

If you find yourself seriously injured at the hands or negligence of someone else, a personal injury lawyer can help. They can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, maximize your settlement, and defend your case in court.

However, not every personal injury lawyer is the same. Some are better than others. So it’s important that you choose wisely when considering what personal injury attorney to hire.

To that end, here are some traits and skills you should look for:

1. Specialized knowledge.

This may sound obvious but look for a lawyer whose practice focuses on personal injury. Some law firms handle a variety of case types, of which personal injury is just one.

However, a law firm that specializes in personal injury (or even a specific type of injury) will have more specialized knowledge to handle your case. 

2. Extensive experience.

On a similar note, look for a personal injury lawyer that has extensive experience. The more experience that they have under their belt, the more likely it is that they’ve handled a case similar to yours in the past. 

So ask potential personal injury lawyer prospects when they became a lawyer and how long they have been in the business.

3. Proven track record.

It’s also important that a personal injury lawyer has a strong track record of success. After all, just because they have a lot of experience doesn’t necessarily mean they always win their cases.

So ask the attorney about their success rate. Do they consistently win high settlements for their clients or do they tend to settle for low ones? Do a little research to find out.

4. Strong trial and negotiation skills.

A personal injury lawyer should have strong trial and negotiation skills. This is important for making insurance claims and for fighting your case in court if it goes to trial.

Your personal injury lawyer should know how to make a strong case that will convince the judge and/or jury to side with you.

5. Good communication skills.

Being a good personal injury lawyer isn’t just about negotiating well or performing well in court. It’s also about being friendly and communicating clearly with clients.

Your personal injury lawyer should walk you through the entire legal process, explain complicated laws in simple terms, answer any questions, and always have your best interest at heart. 

6. A reasonable price and payment model.

Most lawyers work on a contingency-fee basis. That means you only owe them if you win your case. The personal injury lawyer then takes a percentage of whatever your settlement is (usually somewhere between 25% and 40%). The riskier your case is for them, the higher the percentage fee they will charge.

Be aware of how the personal injury lawyer’s pricing and payment model are structured to ensure it fits your budget and expectations, and don’t forget to check whether they offer free initial consultations. Most lawyers do, but it’s best to verify.

7. Basic familiarity with medical concepts.

A personal injury lawyer should also have a basic familiarity with medical concepts such as injury prognosis, diagnostic criteria, and estimated medical costs. That way, they can better assess your personal injury case and refer you to the right medical professionals if necessary.

Having a good medical network and knowledge allows personal injury lawyers to help their clients navigate a case from start to finish.

8. Integrity.

Lastly, a personal injury lawyer should have a reputation for being honest. That means they will give you their honest assessment of the case and not sugarcoat anything. They’ll clearly explain the pros and cons of different courses of action and won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to.

You want a personal injury lawyer that will be sincere with you, someone you can trust to put your best interest first.

At the end of the day, finding the right personal injury lawyer can take some time. Do your homework until you find the one that will be most dedicated to your case.


How To Artificially Magnify Your Impact In The Market

marketing charts meeting

marketing charts meeting

by Mikel Lindsaar, CEO and founder of StoreConnect

Every start-up and every small business owner knows a thing or two about a lack of resources.

Whether it is time, money, people, or a combination of all three, there is a smart way for start-ups and small business owners to magnify their market impact.

And the answer is in automation and artificial intelligence.

The problem is that much of the so-called technology pushed down the throats of unsuspecting small business owners becomes more trouble than it is worth.

Small business owners end up having to find more time and money to pay people to get their various software solutions to talk to each other, or keep data up to date.

When you have systems that don’t talk to each other, you run into problems and barriers as a small business. You can’t find the data, and when you do, it is out of date. This leads to you not being able to stay close to your customer and treat them well and add value. These are the only ways small businesses can compete with big businesses.

If we want to outcompete the industry giants with their deep pockets and seemingly never-ending sources of funding, then we have to be smart, act smart, and use smart.

This problem of supporting small to medium business has been on my mind for many years.

The problem with AI, or more accurately these days, Machine Learning, is that people believe it is going to fix all their problems, but miss the point that a machine is only as good as the data you feed into it.

And it can’t think for itself.

The old maxim is still true that garbage in gives you garbage out, so for a small business owner, the real trick is getting the right data.

The only way to get the right data is to have a single platform where all customer, product, purchase and company content can be centralized. In this way, small business owners can finally use the power of automation and machine learning normally only available to large enterprises with deep pockets.

A small business owner or start-up can unlock the power of an integrated E-Commerce 3.0 system where all the data is their own, and there is up-to-the-minute intelligence on their customers, markets, supply, finances and other important information.

Imagine a past customer visiting your online store. When they log in, the products and prices they see are customized to their needs. If they call you, your team can instantly access the status of their orders or invoices. It all just works for you and your customer. Everyone is delighted because we all know the frustrations and upset that can occur when things don’t go right and when information isn’t at hand.


By providing a seamless, friendly and accurate experience, the small business owner and start-up can build a community of raving fans that are loyal and have a high lifetime value. The nirvana of any small business is the sticky customer.

This is at the core of any great valuation and helps not only with profits but also with attracting smart investors. Your company will be valued higher than your competition because you have it well organized and your customers stay with you.

In this way, you can choose your market position and compete strongly, whilst maintaining great margins because you are not wasting time and money on accessing the power of AI and automation.

And that is how to artificially magnify your market impact.


Mikel Lindsaar

Mikel Lindsaar, CEO and founder of StoreConnect, is an experienced technology entrepreneur whose mission is to infuse small and medium-sized businesses with the power to be successful in eCommerce 3.0 with a complete, powerful, configurable eCommerce and CRM solution.



How To Make An Outstanding Sales Pitch 


By: ScreenSight

Do you have an amazing idea you can’t wait to share, or are you a salesperson looking to improve your sales pitch? You’re not alone! Crafting a convincing and effective sales pitch can be essential to sales success. Sales pitches are an integral part of any business, and they can make or break a deal. In a world where competition is fierce, you need to capture the attention of potential clients and persuade them to take action. 

In this article, we will explore seven tips to help you make an outstanding sales pitch. While it might seem daunting at first, these following tips can actually help you become an expert at wooing your audience!

Tip #1: Know Your Audience.

man speaking to audience

You’ve got to understand your audience’s needs and background information in order to effectively create a sales pitch. Doing some research on demographic and psychographic information can help you assess their needs and better tailor your messaging. Additionally, focus on the customer’s individual situation and avoid generalizations. The more personalized you can make your pitch based on your research, the more successful it will be!

Take the time to research your audience’s needs and background, so that they will understand how your product or service can meet what they’re looking for. This information will help you create a pitch that truly resonates with them. For instance, if you’re selling to a particular industry, do some research on the key challenges that companies in that industry face. This will give you a better understanding of their pain points and help you create a pitch that speaks directly to those challenges.

Tip #2: Focus on Benefits.

meeting in progress

Good sales pitches must focus on conveying the benefits of what you are offering — not simply the features. Show customers how they can save time, money, or energy by using your product or service, as well as emphasize the value you have over your competitors. It is also important to identify the problem that needs to be solved, and then clearly explain how your solution works. When delivering a sales pitch, tell a story that illustrates how the product solves the problem, and back it up with facts and statistics. By emphasizing the benefits and how they can actually help the customer, you can ensure that your sales pitch is more powerful and believable.

Tip #3: Be Prepared.

meeting with charts

Ready to take the plunge and deliver your sales pitch? Don’t forget to practice! Research your product or service, familiarize yourself with the customer’s needs, and anticipate any questions or objections they may have, then practice your pitch until it is smooth and confident. To really perfect it, get some friendly feedback from an audience or record yourself and watch the replay. For an added boost, create a written outline of what you plan to say. With this blueprint in hand, you can be sure that your pitch will have an intriguing opening, planned questions, and specific examples and stories to support your claims. Put in the time and effort to practice and prepare and you’ll be ready to deliver a persuasive pitch that will knock your customer’s socks off!

Tip #4: Use Visual Aids.

black man presenting

No matter the format of your pitch – in person, on the phone, or otherwise – visuals can be a powerful tool to help you make a lasting impression. Visuals don’t just grab attention; they can help your audience visualize themselves using your product. A PowerPoint presentation or video proposal is often a great way to present your main points in an effective manner. ScreenSight is one such visual tool that brings the power of asynchronous video messages so you can distill and demonstrate your points to prospects efficiently and seamlessly.

When putting together your video proposal or your slides, remember the six-by-six rule – no more than six bullet points per frame and no more than six words per bullet point. Handouts, posters, or other visual aids can also be used, so long as they don’t distract from the rest of your presentation. Make sure to keep a good balance between text and visuals so that your pitch is easy to take in and understand! Capitalize on the power of visual memory as much as you can.

Tip #5: Speak Clearly and Confidently.

panel speaker

If you want to make a successful pitch, you need to have confidence. Your voice, body language, and enthusiasm can all send a strong message of assurance and conviction. You need to be heard and understood, so it’s important to speak clearly and at an appropriate pace. Don’t rush your words – speaking too quickly can make it seem like you’re nervous. Eye contact is especially important in bilingual audiences, as it can help them to understand the message and the points of emphasis. To ensure that your words are received in the right way, be conscious of any language that may be misinterpreted as hostile or offensive. Your tone and cadence also matter – get them right and you’ll create a persuasive message that your audience won’t forget.

Tip #6: Listen and Ask Questions.

black woman presenting

Nothing makes a pitch better than being interactive and engaging with your audience. As a speaker, you should make and hold eye contact with your listeners to create understanding and keep their focus. Don’t forget to stay on point and keep your agenda in mind! To add to the interactive aspect of the conversation, don’t hesitate to ask questions – both rhetorical and direct. This will show your audience that you’re listening and open to their feedback. Ultimately, think of your pitch as a conversation: having a relaxed, natural, and free-flowing dialogue between you and your listeners is the best way to ensure the success of your pitch.

Tip #7: Follow Up.

typing on laptop

Lastly, don’t forget to follow up! This can be just as important as any other part of your pitch. A thank you note post-pitch is a great way to start building a relationship, and additional follow-ups are a chance to identify any needs your prospects may have and provide them with more information. Plus, you can use follow-ups to gain insights into what you or your product/service could have done better had your prospect not proceeded with the sale. So don’t overlook the power of follow-ups – they not only boost your chances of making more sales, but can make you a better salesperson too!

Closing Thoughts: The Perfect Sales Pitch.

Creating the perfect sales pitch is no easy feat. It takes practice, preparation and creativity to ensure your message resonates with your audience. The good news is, we’ve got your back! We hope these tips help get you started. So what are you waiting for? Get practicing, and you’ll be sure to master the perfect sales pitch in no time.

Good luck!


How To Choose A Moving Company In 7 Simple Steps

moving company

moving company

Moving can be very exciting, exciting, at the same time, one of the most challenging moments in a person’s life. And one of the biggest challenges in organizing it is finding reputable movers to do the hard work. Unfortunately, fraud and unethical business practices are far from uncommon in this field.

Therefore, knowing to look for great moving services in Houston will help you better prepare for your move and minimize the stress and hassle.

How to Choose a Moving Company

Determine your needs. Before you begin your search for a moving company, determine your needs. What services do you need? How much furniture and belongings are you going to move? How far away are you going to move? The answers to these questions will help you choose the company that best suits your needs.

7 Simple Steps:

  1. Look for recommendations. Ask your friends, co-workers, and neighbors if they have recommendations for moving services. If you don’t know anyone who can give you recommendations, you can use the internet to find reviews and ratings of mover companies in your area.
  2. Check for license and insurance. Make sure the company has a valid license and insurance. This will protect you from potential problems if something goes wrong during the move.
  3. Prepare a contract. If you find a company that is right for you, prepare a contract. Make sure the contract contains all the details of your move, including dates, times, costs, and payment terms.
  4. Prepare your belongings for the move. Before the moving company arrives, make sure all of your belongings are packed and ready to move. This will help speed up the moving process and protect your belongings from damage.
  5. Check the physical address. To make sure the company is legitimate, check to see if it has a physical address. Consider a site visit and equipment inspection. It is better to deal with a local company. That way, you won’t be scammed, as you might be if you were doing business with Internet scammers.
  6. Reviews. Visit the company’s website and read what its customers are saying. You can also find similar information on Google, as well as on various specialized forums.
  7. Experience. Choosing a reputable transportation company is all about research, and part of that research includes finding out how long the company has been in the market. Experience makes a huge difference in this case, and a long successful track record is very important in deciding to whom you want to entrust your belongings.

Ask for An Estimate for The Cost of The Move

Get at least 3 estimates from different moving companies and compare prices. Beware of unusually low costs, as they may reflect poor quality service or the moving company may try to charge you extra after the move. A reputable moving company with a good reputation will not give you an estimate over the phone or online, because this can only be done after visiting the property.


Reputable movers will not ask for large advances or cash payments. If they do, however, look for another carrier. Payment should be made after delivery with a bank card to protect against fraudulent activity. If you pay in advance, you have no control over when you see your items again.


What Are The Challenges Of 3D Printing Services?



While 3D printing is not a new concept, it has only just started to see widespread use. 3D printing brings benefits and risks to organisations, customers, and manufacturers. The difficulties of 3D printing will be discussed in this piece.

3d printing services has enormous promise, from its capacity to change the industry to its potential to equalize access to things. However, it has its problems that require fixing, just like any other cutting-edge technology.

Uniformity Issues Due to a Lack of Standardisation

The limitation of equipment standardisation and the accompanying risk of producing subpar prints is one of the most significant issues with 3D printing. There is high-end machinery that cost millions of dollars to acquire. In contrast, others create goods that are substandard to those generated by conventional manufacturing due to the low price of 3D printing.

Without industry-wide standards, many businesses are wary about whether or not 3D-printed versions of their goods or components will be competitive with those made using traditional techniques. As they value safety above everything else, they avoid using 3D printing technology.

Supplies for 3D Printers

Common materials that can be printed using a 3D printer include polymers, metals, composites, ceramics, and glass. Multi-material processing equipment, which can handle polymers and ceramics, does exist, although it is often reserved for more sophisticated uses.

In addition, the variety of materials available with less advanced 3D printers may be restricted. Although some players in the 3D printing market use an open material system, others only provide their proprietary materials.

Similarly, it is difficult to decide what materials to use for 3D printing since not all can be used in production. One reason is that the temperature requirements of additive manufacturing are too high for various metals and polymers.

Choosing the right material is challenging due to the need to balance the desired characteristics and those offered by the available options. Different materials are used for prototype and manufacturing, increasing the difficulty level.

The Role of Post-Production in the 3D Printing Market

Post-processing, or cleaning, is required for most 3D printed components to get rid of the support material. The necessary surface finish can only be attained by polishing the surfaces of the elements.

Various post-production techniques are available. Several types of manual finishing include water jetting, sanding, chemical washing and rinsing, and hand polishing. No solution does not increase budget and time requirements.

Durability Issues with Products

The ability to print large quantities of replacement parts on demand helps prolong product warranties and is much more eco-friendly. However, many businesses depend on a plan built on limited items and product rotation.

3D printing presents a challenge since it delays the need to replace things, forcing businesses to find other ways to thrive that does not depend on the ongoing production of new products. In addition, users may print their replacement components thanks to 3D printing, which is bad for businesses.


Individuals would be able to start printing their product components. The situation becomes much more problematic when we consider that even small enterprises might soon be printing full products or individual components in apparent breach of established corporations’ intellectual property rights.

Companies have taken a beating from foreign knockoffs. If people and small enterprises can now make their copies, disseminate designs, and replicate items, sales might take a serious blow. The industrial sector will have to make adjustments, including the licensing and online distribution of digital assets.

In Summary

Although 3D printing presents many unique possibilities and problems, its promise is unquestionable. The widespread availability and decreasing cost of 3D printing promise to usher in a new era of incredible technological advancements. It’s exciting to think about where this cutting-edge technology may go.


How To Dress for Dinner: The Perfect Outfit For Any Occasion


Dressing for dinner can be a tricky affair; however, it doesn’t have to be! With the right tips and tricks, you can put together the perfect outfit no matter what kind of dinner you’re attending.

Formal Vs. Casual Dinner Attire.

Formal dinners require more effort when it comes to clothing. Generally, men should wear a suit with a collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Shirts for men come in a variety of styles and colours, so choose one that compliments your skin type and body shape.

Women can wear something elegant such as an evening gown or cocktail dress. Both genders should accessorise with jewellery and other items that match the outfit.

Casual dinners are much more relaxed when it comes to attire. Men can wear khakis or jeans with a polo shirt. Women can opt for dresses or skirts with blouses and sandals or low heels. The key to success is finding the perfect balance between being comfortable yet stylish at the same time.

Shoes And Accessories.

When choosing footwear for dinner, consider the occasion and dress code as well as your personal style. If you’re going to a formal event, opt for dressy heels or loafers – these will usually work with any look. But if it’s a more casual get-together, try something like stylish sneakers or boots; these will look great with jeans and a blazer or even a mini dress.

Accessories are another great way to complete your look and make your outfit stand out from the crowd. Think about adding jewellery such as statement earrings or necklaces for extra sparkle, or picking up an eye-catching belt or scarf to tie everything together. When accessorising, aim for subtlety rather than overdoing it – less is often more in this case!

Tips For Making Your Outfit Stand Out.

When it comes to making your dinner outfit stand out, you’ll want to focus on the details. A great way to do this is by accessorising with something unique and eye-catching. Pick one or two pieces that complement each other and are special enough to make an impact without being too over the top.

For example, if you’re wearing a simple white dress shirt, how about adding a pair of cufflinks or a pocket square for some subtle flair?

Outfit Ideas for Different Occasions.

It’s important to note that the same outfit won’t work for every occasion. Formal attire such as a suit or cocktail dress is usually best for events like weddings and business dinners. For a more casual dinner with friends or family, you can opt for jeans and a nice blouse or sweater. If you’re going out to an upscale restaurant, try something like slacks and a nice blouse or shirt with heels or dress shoes.

For outdoor dinners during warmer months, lighter clothing like sundresses, skirts and shorts may be appropriate. For colder weather, think about layering your outfit with sweaters, jackets and scarves.

When it comes to dressing for dinner, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The perfect outfit depends on the occasion and requires careful thought and consideration. With a bit of creativity, it’s possible to put together an ensemble that will not only flatter your figure but also make you stand out from the crowd.


Common Ecommerce Myths You Should Ignore


Ecommerce has grown rapidly in recent years, but there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about how successful it can be. From tales of overnight success to the idea that you need a big budget to make it work, it can be difficult for people to know what to believe.

In this article, we are going to look at five common ecommerce myths and explain why you should ignore them.

Interested in learning more? Then let’s get started!

Your Customers Will Come Automatically.

It’s easy to assume that once your store goes live, customers will flock to it automatically – but this isn’t always true. Most businesses underestimate how much time and effort goes into finding customers and convincing them to purchase from their stores.

Without proper strategies in place, your store won’t be able to bring in consistent revenue over time – no matter how great its products may be.

It takes time to build up a great reputation, and it’s certainly not something that happens in just several days. You’ll need to figure out the best way to get your products to your customers, such as with this 3PL fulfillment Los Angeles.

You Need a Big Budget.

One of the most pervasive myths is that you need a huge budget to get started with ecommerce. While some businesses do have a large loan for their online stores, this isn’t true for everyone.

With the right strategies, you can get your store up and running with little or no money down. There are plenty of affordable options when it comes to hosting, designing, and marketing your store – all you have to do is find them.

You Don’t Need to Invest in SEO

Search engine optimization or (SEO) is an important tool for any ecommerce business. It helps customers find your store more easily, which leads to more sales.

Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that SEO doesn’t matter or that they don’t need to invest in it because they already have organic traffic coming from other sources. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s essential if you want your store to succeed in the long run.

You Can Make Money Overnight

Another common misconception is that ecommerce businesses make money overnight – or at least within a few weeks of launching their stores. The reality is much different; while some stores may see quick success, it usually takes several months before an online store starts bringing in consistent revenue.

It’s critical to remember that building an ecommerce business is not easy. It requires time and dedication in order to then make a great income.

Your Store Has To Offer Something Unique

Some people think that their store has to offer something unique if they want it to stand out from the competition – but this isn’t necessarily true. Sure, it has benefits – but what really matters is how well your products meet customer needs and how well you market them!

If you can create a great product offering coupled with effective marketing tactics then even without something unique your store can still reach its goals. It’s all about doing the right research.

Final Words

There are many misconceptions about starting an ecommerce business, and while you need to address them, you shouldn’t let all of them overwhelm you. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to success!


7 Simple Ways Startups Can Increase Visibility And Expand Their Reach


As a startup, increasing visibility and expanding reach is crucial to success. With so many businesses competing for attention, it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. However, with the right strategies and techniques, startups can increase their visibility and reach their target audience.

In this post, we’ll explore 7 simple ways startups can increase visibility and expand their reach.

1. Use Social Media.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to increase visibility and reach for your startup. By creating profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can connect with potential customers and share information about your business. You can also use social media to run targeted ads and promotions, increasing visibility and driving traffic to your website.

To make the most of social media, it’s important to develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals. You should aim to create engaging, informative content that resonates with your target audience. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, and more. You can also use social media to run contests, share user-generated content, and interact with your followers. You can also make your content more likely to be shared by adding share buttons like a Facebook share button to your website’s pages.

2. Use Content Marketing.

Content marketing is another powerful tool for increasing visibility and expanding reach. By creating valuable content that educates and entertains your target audience, you can build brand awareness and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. You can create blog posts, videos, infographics, and other types of content, and share them on your website and social media channels. This will help drive traffic to your website and increase your visibility in search engines.

When creating content, it’s important to keep your target audience in mind. What are their pain points, interests, and questions? How can you provide value and solve their problems? By creating content that speaks directly to your audience, you can build trust and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

3. Partner with Influencers.

Partnering with influencers is a great way to expand your reach and gain credibility. Influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media and are seen as experts in their niche. By working with influencers, you can tap into their audience and gain exposure for your business. This can help you build brand awareness and reach new customers.

When partnering with influencers, it’s important to choose individuals who align with your brand values and target audience. You should also develop a clear plan for how you will work together, including compensation, content creation, and promotion. By developing a strong relationship with influencers, you can tap into their reach and build a loyal customer base.

4. Attend Industry Events.

Industry events are a great way to network and connect with potential customers and partners. By attending conferences, trade shows, and other events in your industry, you can learn about new trends and connect with other professionals. You can also use these events to showcase your products and services and gain exposure for your business.

When attending events, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind. Are you looking to generate leads, build partnerships, or gain industry knowledge? You should also prepare marketing materials, such as business cards and flyers, and develop a clear elevator pitch to introduce your business.

5. Offer Free Samples or Trials.

Offering free samples or trials is a great way to get your products or services in the hands of potential customers. By offering a free trial or sample, you can generate interest and build credibility. You can also use this opportunity to collect feedback and testimonials, which can help you improve your offerings and attract new customers.

When offering free samples or trials, it’s important to develop a clear plan for how you will follow up with potential customers. How will you collect feedback? How will you convert trial users into paying customers? By developing a strong follow-up strategy, you can make the most of your free sample or trial offer and turn it into a powerful marketing tool.

6. Provide Excellent Customer Service.

Providing excellent customer service is essential for startups looking to increase visibility and expand their reach. By providing personalized, attentive service, you can build trust and loyalty with your customers. This will not only lead to repeat business but also positive word-of-mouth recommendations and referrals.

To provide excellent customer service, it’s important to be accessible and responsive to your customers. You should offer multiple channels of communication, such as email, phone, and live chat, and respond to inquiries in a timely manner. You should also be proactive in addressing customer concerns and resolving issues, demonstrating that you care about their satisfaction.

7. Build an Email List.

Building an email list is another effective way to increase visibility and reach for your startup. By collecting email addresses from website visitors and customers, you can keep them informed about new products, promotions, and other important updates. Email marketing is also a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase sales.

When building an email list, it’s important to offer something of value in exchange for contact information. This could include a free e-book, a discount code, or access to exclusive content. You should also be transparent about how you will use the information and offer a clear opt-out option for subscribers who no longer wish to receive your emails.

In conclusion, startups looking to increase visibility and expand their reach can benefit from a range of strategies, including social media, content marketing, influencer partnerships, industry events, free samples or trials, excellent customer service, and email marketing. By developing a clear plan and executing on these strategies, startups can connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and establish themselves as leaders in their industry.


Five Ways IT Services Can Benefit Dentists


IT Services Can Help You Protect Your Data

When talking about IT services for dentists, one thing that may come to mind is protecting your data. If you are a dentist, then you have your own practice’s internal data and plenty of data about your customers, as well. It is important to make sure that you protect both kinds of data properly. You can do this by choosing an excellent IT service provider and setting up data security for your business.

In addition to protecting the data from unauthorized access, it can also help protect it from other problems like software failure. Many top IT service providers back up your data so that it is not lost if something happens to your computer system. This can prove invaluable and gives you additional peace of mind when it comes to your data.

IT Services Can Help You Keep Track of Patient Data

It is also critical that you keep track of patient data properly so that you can provide the right dental treatment for each patient. To that end, many IT services provide you with software solutions that allow you to easily access a patient’s previous dental data. It is ideal to access this information digitally rather than keeping it in paper records. Paper records can be easily lost or destroyed and are less secure. These software solutions help you stay on top of all the relevant patient data that you have.

IT Services Can Help You Evaluate Marketing Campaigns

Another thing that you have to do to make your dental practice successful is to promote it effectively online. However, it is not always easy to tell if an online marketing campaign was a success or not. When you get digital marketing services as part of IT services, you can track how well your campaign did in terms of bringing traffic to your website. This helps you evaluate the campaign and move forward from there. You can then run more effective campaigns as you focus on what worked in the campaign and eliminate what did not work.

IT Services Can Make Appointment Scheduling More Convenient

One more benefit of IT services for dentists is that you can make it much more convenient for patients to schedule appointments on your website. You can set up a simple appointment form that patients fill out and submit on your website. As a result, they can easily make appointments without much hassle. This will improve customer satisfaction and give you a digital record of all appointments for your own convenience.

IT Services Can Help You With Any Technical Issues

Of course, it is possible that you may encounter technical issues with your website. However, if you go with a top IT services provider, they can help you resolve these issues. You won’t have to try to do it on your own. Because of this, you can get the problem resolved quickly and effectively and get back to focusing on your dental practice. This also ensures that customers who encounter technical issues with your website can get them resolved quickly via the IT services provider you use.


Key Aspects Of A Successful Educational App



Educational institutions of all sizes and functions have invested money into applications designed to help students learn effectively. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, applications have become more important in the educational field.

In this article, we run through some of the most important aspects that are shared by good educational apps. 

Good User Experience  

User Experience – or UX – in web design refers to how a user interacts with a website and the emotions and perceptions they have during and after their visit. A good UX design ensures that the website is easy to use, efficient and provides a positive experience for the user. UX is especially important in the creation of a successful educational application. Users need to be able to engage with the content provided by the app easily, and they need to be able to reinforce their learning successfully. Most educational apps are designed with specific user types in mind, and it is crucial that the UX of the app is tailored to their specific needs, age range and interests. Poorly designed educational apps can lead to frustration and disengagement, ultimately leading to decreased usage and a negative impact on learning outcomes. 

Simple Navigation

The best educational apps – such as those designed by Concept4 – feature extremely simple navigational pathways. Simple navigation is important for educational apps for several reasons. A simple navigational design makes it easier for students to access the content they need, allowing them to quickly find the information they are looking for. This can reduce the time it takes to complete tasks and improve the overall user experience. Simple navigation can help reduce cognitive load on the user, allowing them to focus on learning and retaining information. If navigation is complex or confusing, it can lead to frustration and a negative experience for the user.

Dynamic Database

Good educational apps cannot be static. They have to have constantly updating and evolving sets of educational data in order to be useful for long periods of time. Most educational apps are regularly updated with new lessons, games, help features and a great deal more. An app that does not update may as well be a pamphlet in real terms. Most experts suggest updating educational apps at least once a month. Updates can contain important changes that ensure the ongoing security of the app creators, clients and users. Insecure educational apps can lead to massive embarrassment for school and university convenors.

Live Seminars

The rise of video conferencing technology in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has enabled students of all ages to become familiar with the concept of a remote seminar. Seminars are key learning opportunities – they allow students to both learn and interact with the information they have learned in a reciprocal setting. Many educational apps include video conferencing functions that allow students to take part in seminars without leaving the app. 

Social Features

People learn best when they learn socially in many cases. Good educational apps regularly feature zones where students can discuss and build upon their education.


The Impact Of Divorce On Office Culture And The Bottom Line


by Nanci A. Smith, Esq., author of “Untangling Your Marriage: A Guide to Collaborative Divorce

We tend to think that divorce is a strictly personal issue. Yet, if your employees are facing divorce or other significant life changes, your company will face some challenges, as well. The main reason is related to a general decrease in employee productivity – and that casts a wide net both in terms of financial costs and team obligations.

The Financial Burden of Divorce

You may be surprised to learn that relationship-related stress — especially divorce — can cause companies $300 billion a year. It is estimated that at least six months prior to announcing a divorce and at least one year after a divorce, an employee’s productivity drops by 40%. It will gradually increase each year after, but it’s not until six years after a divorce that an employee’s productivity is back to par. This is a significant financial loss for employers.

The Divorce Cascade

While someone on the team is dealing with their divorce, everyone around them in the office or on the team is affected. If their colleague is distracted and having a hard time staying focused on the job, or needs random time off to deal with their lawyer or court, which is a common side-effect of divorce, other team members must pick up the slack. The productivity of the divorcing employee’s co-workers is said to drop by 4%, while that of their supervisor drops by 2.5%.

According to financial analyst Rosemary Frank, over the course of several years, the divorce of a single employee making $60,000 a year costs $85,934 in lost productivity. This includes absenteeism, presenteeism (being on the clock but otherwise checked out), and other factors.

The Company’s Role

There is a way to help reduce the impact of divorce by educating employees about non-adversarial divorce processes, such as Collaborative Divorce, a voluntary, out-of-court settlement process that is less stressful than an adversarial divorce. The human resources team can be instrumental in sharing this model with employees contemplating divorce.

Many companies already have strategies to deal with a variety of employee-related personal issues that impact productivity. Family leave policies (for childbirth, a death in the family, the need to care for a sick child or parent) or for health issues, such as medical treatments or addressing a long-term illness. Although an estimated 10% of the workforce goes through a divorce every year, most companies have no resources for helping these employees and likely don’t know where to start.

How HR Can Help

The role of HR is to balance employee well-being, workplace culture, and profitability. When an employee’s divorce is going to cost the company money and impact morale, having a plan to help can be beneficial.

Let HR know when an employee is contemplating or in the middle of a divorce. Talk with the employee if you’ve noticed a drop in their productivity. Ask what the company can do to help them get back on track. Before you suggest a course of action, take time to listen. They may already have something in mind, such as taking time off to deal with the issue, or they may not have a clue, and sharing information about different ways to divorce, could help them move forward with less stress.

Keeping up with the modern trends in non-adversarial divorce options, such as mediation and Collaborative Divorce, will assure the employee that the company understands that this is a major life transition and HR can be a source of reliable information.

Real Life Assistance

Consider adding a Collaborative Divorce consultation or representation as part of your employee assistance plan. This can assuage the anxiety an employee is bound to feel when facing divorce. A simple consultation with a Collaborative Divorce attorney can offer the direction a confused or anxious employee needs before things get more adversarial and tense.

If you have an employee assistance plan that includes psychological counseling, be sure the employee knows about it. Employees are more productive when they are not stressed about their divorce process. A survey of workers who recently went through divorce or separation reported that 42% felt their employers could have provided more mental health support.

Since Collaborative Divorce doesn’t involve the court or the court schedule, an employee who chooses this option can have more control over their schedule, allowing them to plan divorce meetings around work duties and important business deadlines. In a traditional, adversarial court-based divorce process, employees may have little say and may need to reschedule business meetings or presentations around court hearings and attorney consultations that take place during normal business hours. If possible, your company should offer flexible work schedules to accommodate these necessary interruptions.

An employee’s marital status affects a wide range of practical issues: health insurance, retirement and pension plans, life and disability insurance. If their health insurance has been covered by their spouse’s plan, they may need to apply for health insurance through your company. Divorce is a qualifying life event that allows an employee to apply outside of the usual enrollment period. On the other hand, if the employee’s spouse is on the company plan, informing them about continuing coverage under COBRA, and the cost, will be welcome information.

Does your company have a leave policy? Allowing a team member to use their paid personal leave is a way to show support through this difficult time. Some companies also allow employees to take unpaid leave, if necessary.

Entering Into Collaborate Divorce

A contentious fight over how to split up assets or decide on custody of a child – which is common with most traditional divorces – is stressful and expensive for everyone. That’s why some companies are informing employees about alternatives like Collaborative Divorce.

Collaborative Divorce is a modern, interdisciplinary approach to divorce. It involves specially trained attorneys, financial experts, and mental health professionals who work together, which allows both parties to safely work through their marital issues and resolve their divorce in a civil, dignified manner. Collaborate Divorce is an out-of-court process designed to result in an uncontested divorce which is filed with the court. No one threatens to go to court, and no one goes to court to fight about children, property or support. The only time that court is involved, is at the end of the process, when the final settlement documents are filed by the attorneys. The actual divorce order may come in the mail!

Collaborative Divorce can help an employee get through the process more quickly and with a minimum of stress. It’s a win-win for everyone; the divorcing employee can get on with their life sooner, and by helping an employee avoid the contentiousness of family court litigation, the company supports its team members through difficult times, while maintaining productivity.


Nanci A. Smith

Nanci A. Smith, Esq., is an attorney licensed to practice in Vermont and New York. She is chair of the Collaborative Divorce section of the Vermont Bar Association, a leader in her collaborative divorce practice group, and a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Smith is the author of “Untangling Your Marriage: A Guide to Collaborative Divorce“.


Navigating Complexities Of The C-Suite: Executive Coaching For Top Leaders

executive coaching

executive coaching

The C-suite is a complex place. For leaders, navigating the maze of politics, personalities, and expectations that come with being in such a position can be difficult. Executive coaching is a great way to gain some perspective on how things work at your company’s highest level.

Here are some reasons why executive coaching can help you develop as an executive:

What Is Executive Coaching?

Executive coaching is a professional relationship between an executive and a coach. Executive coaching aims to help leaders identify and achieve their goals by providing feedback, guidance, and support. 

Executive coaches are trained professionals who have completed graduate degrees in psychology or counseling. They’ve also had hundreds of hours of training that help them understand how organizations operate so they can work effectively with top executives.

In addition to providing feedback on performance issues, executive coaches may advise on areas such as career planning or personal development initiatives like leadership training programs or mentoring relationships within the company.

Executive coaching services have proven beneficial in multiple circumstances. They have always helped executives develop leadership skills that ultimately benefit the company. Hence, many people are already leveraging professional coaching services. According to data from IBISWorld, the global executive coaching market has reached a whopping $15.2 billion in 2023.

Benefits of the Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals, develop new skills, and improve your performance. It’s also an effective way to deal with stress, conflict, and change.

In addition to helping you develop leadership qualities, executive coaching can help you deal with people management issues by providing tools for managing yourself in challenging situations. This will increase productivity and reduce absenteeism among staff members who are struggling because they feel overwhelmed or stressed out by their work environment.

While there are many benefits, one of the biggest ones is developing skills that help engage employees. According to the Leadership Coaching Report 2021 by Sounding Board, 67% of the surveyed respondents identified employee engagement as the most significant benefit of leadership coaching and training.

How Executive Coaching Can Help Tackle C-Suite Complexities

The role of an executive coach can help you navigate these complexities, whether you’re just starting or have been in the game for years.

  • Executive coaching is a great way to address the complexities of the c-suite because it helps you learn new skills and become more effective in your role. For example, suppose there’s something about your company culture that makes it difficult for other executives to collaborate.

In that case, an executive coach will work with you on building relationships within your company, so everyone feels supported by their peers. This ultimately leads to better decision-making overall.

  • Coaching can also help build clarity around what kind of leader someone wants in their career path. Is this person interested in leading teams? Or perhaps they’d instead focus on individual growth?

An experienced executive coach will help determine which path makes sense based on each person’s passions and motivations. No matter where someone wants their career trajectory headed next year or five years down the line, there should always be something valuable gained from working together.

Can Executive Coaching Take You to the Next Level?

Considering executive coaching, it’s essential to know that the benefits of coaching are numerous. Coaching can help you remove barriers, make better decisions, and be more effective, efficient, and productive in your job.

In general terms:

  • Coaching helps you see things differently. It gives you new perspectives on yourself and others around you. This allows individuals to take a step back from their day-to-day activities to look at the big picture instead of getting bogged down by details or distractions that may prevent them from achieving success in their field.
  • Coaches help clients explore new ways of doing things by asking probing questions about their values, beliefs, and attitudes toward certain situations before offering suggestions for improvement based on this evaluation process. This results in more positive outcomes over time than if left alone without guidance from someone who understands both sides well enough to know what works best and why it does so well.

Is Executive Coaching Worth It?

Executive coaching is a growing trend in the business world, but is it really worth it? The answer is yes. Executive coaching is an essential tool to help you achieve your goals. It allows you to be more confident and focused on what you need to do for your company or team to succeed.

Coaching helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on improving those areas. It also gives you the tools necessary to be more productive and successful with less stress on yourself or your team members.

So why do people get executive coaching? Well, there are a few reasons:

  • Some individuals find it helpful because they don’t have anyone else who can give them feedback on how they’re doing.
  • Some people just need an outside perspective on their work.
  • Some want help with specific issues like communication or time management.
  • Some individuals feel like their job requires them to constantly learn new things and want someone who can help keep them on track with learning those things.
  • Some people just want someone else to tell them whether or not they’re doing as well as they think.

The investment in executive coaching is far less than the value you gain. According to the data, executive coaching has offered a 600% ROI for many Fortune 500 companies. The reason behind this huge ROI is that coaching directly impacts business growth and revenue.

American Express surveyed over 200 small businesses in the USA to find the impact of coaching. The results showed that around 92% of small businesses agreed that having mentors can directly impact business growth and survival in the long term. Since most companies start making money in the long term, survival becomes vital.


The executive coaching industry is growing at a rapid pace. The demand for high-level executives who can navigate the complexities of the C-suite is on the rise, and organizations are eager to invest in coaching services to help them achieve their goals.

Hopefully, this article will help you understand the importance of hiring executive coaches. You can research whether you want an executive coach or not. And once you have decided, many coaches will help you with your requirements.


Why Nonprofits Need Digital Marketing Now


by Kevin XuCEO of MEBO International

There are more people using the internet today than ever before. In America alone, 31% of surveyed adults in early 2021 said they were online “almost constantly” — a jump from 21% in 2015. With 5.03 billion people using the internet around the world, it’s safe to say that now is the time to prioritize digital marketing strategies.

With so many people and businesses online, it makes sense that digital marketing has skyrocketed. Successful marketing is all about location, after all, so why not go where the customers are? Brands know that a well-timed email blast, advertisement, or targeted social media ad will go a long way in attracting the right audience. And with that huge audience at stake, nonprofit organizations can’t afford to put digital marketing on the back burner.

What are the challenges of digital marketing?

The biggest challenge in any digital space is finding and connecting with the right audience. In fact, business experts note that not knowing your audience is among the top marketing mistakes to avoid. Consider Huggies’ failed television ad campaign, “The Dad Test,” in which a commercial portrayed dads as silly and incompetent. Mocking fatherhood in this way alienated a big part of their customer base, including single fathers and same-sex couples. Misunderstanding their customers and their values ultimately backfired on the brand, big time.

The last thing a nonprofit wants is to put out a message that misses the mark — or worse, one that pushes potential donors away. When leaders know their audience well, an effective digital marketing campaign can strike the right cord with consumers.

What are the benefits of digital marketing?

Marketing in digital spaces means reaching a wider audience in a shorter amount of time. A nonprofit organization that needs to reach the public after a natural disaster to extend help isn’t going to want to rely on a flyer in a mailbox. Quick accessibility is a huge part of what makes digital marketing so valuable to nonprofits who need to spread the word about their services.

This type of marketing is also inherently creative. Digital spaces can handle more than simple images and text — in fact, the more creative, the better. Sound, video, and other multimedia elements make people want to stop and click. And for nonprofits who use marketing to showcase their mission statement, a video clip goes a long way over a block of text. The creative element of digital marketing is ultimately a huge benefit when it comes to reaching audiences.

For nonprofits wanting to reach new members (and keep established ones), digital marketing makes outreach easier than ever. A steady stream of volunteers is often vital for nonprofits. And while an annual newsletter asking for help only goes so far, monthly emails emphasizing volunteer opportunities keep members engaged. Digital marketing methods like these are a key part of boosting audience engagement.

Moreover, digital marketing is a worthwhile investment, and one that’s far more cost-effective than other marketing approaches. Nonprofits that ignore an internet audience are missing out on potential big gains.

How can nonprofit leaders optimize marketing efforts?

Digital marketing is an essential part of building connections and engagement — and ultimately attracting new funding. With so many people using the internet every day, investing in digital marketing isn’t just a smart move; it’s also a necessary one. Here are a few ways to make the most of your efforts:

1. Seek out learning opportunities.

If leaders are new to digital marketing, start with learning the basics. Explore digital marketing conferences where attendees learn how to implement digital marketing strategies and build necessary skill sets. Explore other successful nonprofit digital marketing campaigns to see what works and seems accessible. These steps will set leaders up for moving forward with a digital marketing campaign that works for their organization.

2. Use SEO and SEM to improve visibility.

Everyone wants their organization to benefit from internet search results. Search engine optimization and search engine marketing are key steps in that process. Both organic and paid search results are valuable for the connections they build between nonprofits and internet users. Leaders can also consider programs like Google’s Ad Grants, which provides grants to nonprofits for advertising purposes.

3. Don’t be afraid to promote to supporters.

What’s the use of a strong digital marketing campaign if audiences don’t see it? The key to successful promotion is knowing where to promote. Nonprofit leaders should know where their supporters are on the internet, and then target their marketing to supporters within those spaces. If supporters are highly likely to engage with email marketing, for example, that’s a good place to invest time and energy.

4. Segment audiences to create connections.

It’s important for nonprofits to create personal connections with supporters. This is where segmenting audiences comes in. This means dividing supporters into groups, based on their history with the nonprofit — those who attend events, those who volunteer frequently, those who are frequent donors, and so on. The benefit? Leaders can create marketing campaigns targeted directly to those groups. Audiences will be more likely to engage when a message speaks to their interests.


Kevin Xu is the CEO of MEBO International, a California- and Beijing-based intellectual property management company specializing in applied health systems. He also leads Skingenix, which specializes in skin organ regeneration and the research and development of botanical drug products. Kevin is co-founder of the Human Heritage Project.


What Extras Can You Add To Your Restaurant To Make It More Popular?


If you own a restaurant or bar, you’ll want to ensure you’re doing all you can to find new customers and keep old ones coming back. Although there are a number of different things you can do, something that you can always be thinking about and refining is the little extras you add in to make customers feel valued, comfortable, and as though they want to keep coming back to you time and time again.

Much of the time, these small additions won’t cost much, and perhaps not anything at all, but they can certainly go a long way in making your restaurant more popular. Read on and you’ll see just a few ideas about what you can do.

Outdoor Seating

Outdoor seating is always an advantage if you own a restaurant, especially during the summer months. You’ll need to check the zoning laws in your area, and it might be that you’ll need special permission to set this up, but if you can do it, it’s definitely worthwhile.

When you add outdoor seating to your restaurant or bar, you’ll obviously give yourself the potential to serve more customers, thus boosting your income. Not only that, but people enjoy eating and drinking outside, so this will potentially set your establishment apart from the others in the area. Plus, people enjoying their meal outdoors where others can see them is a great form of marketing.


There are very few people who don’t like music in some form in their lives. Even if they wouldn’t choose to listen to music over a podcast or watching a TV show, if they’re in an environment where music is playing, it can make them feel much happier and more comfortable. For those who would choose to listen to music anyway, it’s something that will improve the atmosphere and make them enjoy their experience with you even more.

When it comes to background music for bars, there are some important things to consider. To begin with, you’ll need to investigate whether you need a license and what music you can play with that license. You’ll also need to think about the style of music; if you have a fine dining restaurant, pop music might not work well, but classical music would set the tone perfectly.

A Greeter

When people eat out they want to feel special and they want to be taken care of. Going out to eat is a treat for most people, so they want to be treated well and enjoy the experience that they can’t get at home making their own food.

One way to ensure this happens is to employ a greeter for your restaurant or bar. Being greeted with a smile and a salutation will instantly make your customers feel great and give them a good impression of your establishment. This is a small thing in practice, but it can mean a lot, and although this will cost you money to hire someone, it may well bring in more customers than you would have had without it.


The Meritocracy Myth: Seven Ways Merit-Based Organizations Perpetuate Privilege (And Oppress Everyone Else)


by Amri B. Johnson, CEO of Inclusion Wins and author of “Reconstructing Inclusion: Making DEI Accessible, Actionable, and Sustainable

Many organizations pride themselves on being meritocracies. This isn’t surprising; who wouldn’t want to reward employees based on talent, effort, and impact? But the idea of merit-based reward isn’t just flawed, it’s a myth. From a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) perspective, meritocracies not only harm those employees who have long been excluded from your culture and success, they harm your entire organization.

We love to talk about performance-based systems because we want to believe that this is the fairest way to compensate employees. While in theory, a person who has honed insights and skills should be granted opportunities to engage in their work at higher levels and be rewarded for doing so, meritocratic-based systems have a dark side that often fosters inequity.

It’s clear that no organization wants to hurt their most vulnerable employees — in fact, many are fervent advocates of DEI today. But embracing meritocracy does just that. Building true inclusion means finding a better way to reward and recognize everyone, not just top performers who are often “on top” in large part due to their privilege and powerful networks.

Read on for some reasons why the meritocracy myth is flawed and damaging.

A meritocracy operates on the assumption that opportunities are fair. (They aren’t.)

For many, the playing field itself is imbalanced from the beginning. Unequal opportunities too often lead to grossly unequal outcomes. Further, the people of greater privilege who rise to the top believe their ongoing reaping of rewards is because they “deserve” it. They are further convinced that their merit is superior to others who have accumulated fewer extrinsic rewards.

People lacking in power and privilege are more likely to struggle in a meritocracy.

Less advantaged people can and do succeed in merit-based systems, but it often takes longer for them to encounter those who create the space for their merit to shine. For everyone who rises to the top, there are thousands of people with great potential who don’t have the fortune of mentors who recognize them. Too many cannot get a foot in the door, not for lack of capability, but for lack of social capital, access, and exposure to networks that can shine light on a path forward.

Surprisingly, meritocracies increase bias.

In 2010, research by MIT professor Emilio Castilla discovered “the paradox of meritocracy,” in that merit-based values had a counterintuitive effect in organizations. It showed that study participants primed for meritocratic values rewarded male employees a 12 percent higher bonus than females. This shows that when an organization emphasizes meritocracy, it could lull individuals into a false belief that their decisions are unbiased because, theoretically, meritocracies are inherently fair.

“Different” and “best” are a false dichotomy.

During the past 50 years, many organizations have been simultaneously working toward establishing meritocracy and committing to increased representation of underrepresented groups. The conflict here is obvious. Leaders often say, “We just want the best candidate,” but in this regard, people are dealing with a false dichotomy: best versus different. If the best candidate happens to be different from the predominant archetype, decision-makers may assume they aren’t the best — simply because they’re not in alignment with the narrative of a meritorious value system.

Meritocracies are still impacted by “who you know.”

Very often, the people who advance fastest or are invited to be part of the most popular projects have had parents, grandparents, and a broad network whom they have been mentored and coached by for years. Yes, these people are usually smart. But they aren’t smarter. They are simply more exposed.

Often the ‘best of the best’ candidates in organizations have had greater opportunities than their less fortunate counterparts. That’s because organizations have long evaluated talent by pedigree and network. This does a disservice to employees or would-be employees who are evaluated based on what is often exclusive criteria—full of requirements mirrored by those who created and are disproportionally advantaged by them.

Meritocracies often identify and then remove “weak links” (to the detriment of the organization).

We’ve all heard that “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” But in organizations, the success of the organization depends on the strength of every link. And yet, when people get low ratings in organizations, they often become targets for dismissal. Instead of being strengthened, the weakest link is eliminated. This is a flawed process that leaves people less than empowered, and often victim to a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure, that eventually wreaks havoc on the entire organizational system.

Eventually, the people on top burn out. That’s bad for business.

One unintentional effect of promoting the “best of the best” is that those people get burned out. Yes, they perform well for a certain amount of time, but when their virtues are weighed down by organizational pressure sans adequate complimentary skills from their colleagues who don’t have the highest performance ratings, they go from the “cream of the crop” to sediment on the bottom.

With meritocracy so deeply hardwired into our culture, it will take significant effort to resist the paradigm. That doesn’t mean we can’t find a better way, or that it’s not worth the effort to do so.

So called ‘top performers’ are not the only people who deserve to thrive at work. When people are supported, they are nearly always capable of becoming their best. If you give your employees — all of them — the tools to develop their gifts and talents, they will pay you back with unprecedented confidence, commitment, and great results. That’s a big win for everyone.


Amri B. Johnson

Amri B. Johnson is the author of “Reconstructing Inclusion: Making DEI Accessible, Actionable, and Sustainable“. He is a social capitalist, epidemiologist, entrepreneur, and inclusion strategist. As CEO/founder of Inclusion Wins, Amri and a virtual collective of partners converge organizational purpose to create global impact with a lens of inclusion.


Four Design Trends Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know In 2023


by Caitlin Collins, Head of Communications & Brand Marketing at 99designs by Vista

If you’re an entrepreneur launching a brand in 2023, taking inspiration from trending designs is a great place to start. Not only to ensure that your business branding is looking up to date, but also because design trends are often a reflection of wider societal shifts – and it’s safe to say the last few years have brought us many of these.

These changes and challenges have a huge impact on consumer sentiment, and tapping into visual trends is an effective way to communicate that you understand this and are willing to meet customers where their needs and tastes are currently at.

Whether it’s a new business or product you’re taking to market, or refreshing an existing brand, here’s four graphic design trends you can tap into to meet and exceed customers expectations in 2023.

1. Mysticism.

No longer confined to the back pages of magazines, astrology and mysticism are having a moment in 2023. It feels unsurprising in a world still very much in flux that many people (particularly younger generations) are feeling a sense of uncertainty and lack of control, leading them to look to higher powers for guidance and escapism from current events.

This trend leans heavily on esoteric symbolism, including zodiac signs, stars, moons, sacred geometry, tarot cards and all-seeing eyes. Delicate line work paired with soft, muted colors create gentle and calming brand design that consumers can find comfort in.

While horoscopes and spirituality might not be your thing personally, there’s power in these mystical and mythological aesthetics in 2023.  Perfect for social media campaigns, or limited edition product packaging, this is a great trend to personalize your branding to your customers and show that you ‘get’ them and their experiences.

Image credit: by brandstrategy on 99designs by Vista

2. Retro line art.

You may already be familiar with this design trend as it has been growing rapidly in popularity over the last few months. But in 2023, expect to see cheerful and playful retro line art popping up everywhere.

The power of these marker pen-style illustrations lies in their nostalgic feel. Cheeky, rubber hose characters paired with bubble fonts and oval and starburst sticker motifs remind many of us of vintage magazine ads and comics.

Humor is a time-old coping mechanism to challenging times and these humorous and quirky designs are perfect for lighthearted projects such as a limited edition merch or product range to offer your customers some much-needed comic relief. Additionally, bringing that charm and charisma front and center of your branding can really strengthen your brand’s personality.

Merch design by Anastasia S. on 99designs by Vista

3. Folk Botanical.

Nature always crops up on our design trends lists in one form or other – and for good reason. Getting out into nature offers us escapism and calming, grounding experiences. Given the trials of the last few years, now is the perfect time to infuse this into your branding if you’re seeking to offer the same sense of reprieve to your customers.

In 2023, nature is being expressed through the doodles, rough textures and unexpected coloring of the folk botanical trend. These designs reject the precision of digital vector art and reinterpret natural themes into more unexpected and playful illustrated patterns, giving  digital art work a hand-drawn and hand-made look and feel, rather than appearing too polished.

As this style works well as full bleed pattern illustrations, it is the perfect choice for packaging design and great for positioning your brand as down to earth and welcoming.

Design by Kamilla Oblakova on 99designs by Vista

4. Mixed dimension.

If you have an existing brand that you love but want to add something fresh to in 2023, mixed dimension is the perfect trend for you. Rather than completely overhauling your visual brand, this style enables you to take existing assets and apply an illustrated layer to bring them to life.

Perfect for limited edition products or marketing and social media campaigns, simply add swashes of color to lifestyle photography to infuse some personality, or animate doodles and patterns on product photography to call out new or important features.

Leveraging creative trends is a great way to reinvigorate your brand but it’s vital to maintain consistency with your existing design work to ensure customers continue to recognize and trust you. Working with your current color palette will help you stay closely aligned with your visual brand, while still bringing a little joy and fun with this trend-forward spin.

Image credit: Crif Dogs, New York

While design trends can serve as great inspiration when you’re at the start of your branding journey, they aren’t meant to be prescriptive: the last thing we need is more rules! Whether you choose to go all in one style, or leverage certain elements, applying them thoughtfully and in consideration of your overarching brand personality and mission is the best way to ensure you stay true to who you are as a business, whilst getting the most value out of keeping up with the visual times.


Caitlin Collins is Head of Communications and Brand Marketing at 99designs by Vista, the global creative platform that makes it easy for small businesses to work with professional freelance designers and bring their brands to life. Having worked with startups and scale-ups from all around the world, she is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small businesses shape and share their stories. 


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