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The Difference Between Toxic Positivity And Negativity And How They Impact Individuals, Teams, And Organizations


by Joshua Berry, founder of Econic

You’re not coming at this from the right angle. Just think more positively. Keep that thought to yourself.

We’ve all heard statements like these at some point in our lives, and they seem even more prevalent in the world of business. While business leaders want to promote positivity, is there a point where it can turn toxic? Or, what about a business environment that lacks positivity altogether and focuses only on the negative in any situation?

Toxic Positivity and Negativity: What Are The Differences?

Toxic positivity is expecting an optimistic and overly positive outlook no matter what the situation is. Have you ever felt guilty for feeling an emotion such as sadness, frustration, or anxiety? Perhaps you decided these feelings aren’t acceptable, and in an attempt to “get rid of them,” you pushed them down and tried masking them by telling yourself that “there’s no need to feel this way… just be positive.” This is a classic example of toxic positivity which can manifest internally or be expressed externally by others. This appropriately-named way of thinking is poisonous to humans, in large part because it invalidates and dismisses a person’s genuine feelings.

Negativity can be just as toxic, but it works differently with its effect on people. Instead of relying on positivity as a bandaid for sticky emotions as toxic positivity does, negativity expects and encourages unpleasant emotions – no matter the situation. This attitude dwells on negative emotions offering little to no room for creating solutions. There’s no silver lining, glass half full, or upside to any situation or experience.

Both toxic positivity and negativity create barriers and often damaging consequences when it comes to their presence within a business ecosystem that’s made up of individuals, teams, and organizations. When we are perpetually negative or expressing toxic positivity, we close the door on empathy, awareness, and authenticity – 3 crucial functions of business leadership.


Toxic positivity and negativity slam the door shut when it comes to any genuine connection with others. Empathy is the energy that propels the prosperity of any business ecosystem. Without it, the ecosystem would soon crumble as individuals can never feel safe in a place that doesn’t connect with them by either invalidating their feelings or not holding the emotional space to understand them.

A healthy team requires raw, organic materials – we can think of these natural elements as the thoughts and feelings of others. In order to keep the business ecosystem thriving, you must not fear sticking your hands into the dirt that surrounds each part of it. This means accepting all emotions that arise and addressing any negativity in the workplace.


We have tunnel vision when we’re engrossed in negativity or toxic positivity. Instead of seeing things as they are, we experience our business ecosystem with close-mindedness and a lack of awareness. Without this awareness, we cease to exist in reality and limit ourselves to the confines of a small and fixed inner world that we incorrectly deem as truth. We then project this distorted view of reality to those around us by dismissing others’ feelings, thoughts, and perspectives. If their actions don’t align with our idea of how things should be done, we shut them down.

The lack of awareness that coincides with toxic positivity and negativity makes it nearly impossible for the business ecosystem to survive – let alone, flourish. How can we protect and enhance an ecosystem when we can’t see all the moving parts?


Authenticity requires us to acknowledge and accept all of our emotions, negative and positive. When we’re working from negativity or toxic positivity, we aren’t being our truest selves as we aren’t genuine with our perspectives, feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This lack of acceptance can lead to individuals losing touch with their inner selves causing a disconnect with reality, a lack of clarity, ingenuine relationships, loss of individuality, and feelings of unfulfillment.

Inauthenticity as a byproduct of negativity or toxic positivity makes it nearly impossible for a healthy work environment, as individuals aren’t meant to suppress their true selves by putting on this facade comprised of ingenuine feelings.

Final Thoughts

Toxic positivity and negativity are threats to any business ecosystem. They leave no room for empathy, awareness, or authenticity which are paramount to leading a team to success. Once you better understand how toxic positivity and negativity can impact your business, there’s no doubt that you’re closer to a more prosperous and healthier environment for you, your team, and your organization.


Joshua Berry is the founder of Econic, a consulting firm and Certified B-Corp focused on innovation, leadership, and the future of work. A world-class facilitator and speaker, Joshua has sparked change at organizations like John Deere, US Bank, P&G, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Ameritas, and Teach for America. Joshua’s new book, “Dare to Be Naive: Unleash Ripples of Impact in Life and Business”, debuts in Spring/Summer 2023.


Is This The End Of The Entrepreneurial Boom? How To Survive A Rocky Economy


by James Harold Webb, author of “Redneck Resilience: A Country Boy’s Journey To Prosperity

Entrepreneurship has boomed during the pandemic and continued its big surge in 2022. But obstacles have emerged, such as high interest rates, inflation, fears of recession, labor shortages, and cooling venture capital – all significant challenges new small business owners will face in 2023.

One key to entrepreneurial success is knowing how to weather economic uncertainty and upheaval, and having a strategic roadmap to navigate those potholes has never been more important.

The pandemic allowed many people to pursue their dream of starting a business, due largely to millions being laid off early on, and to rock-bottom interest rates that made money cheap and widely available. But the economic environment that helped spark that entrepreneurial spirit has been adversely affected by high interest rates, high inflation, declining savings, and other factors. Startups are vulnerable, and entrepreneurs who are relatively new to the game will have to learn fast, plan carefully, adjust accordingly, and surround themselves with good, dependable people.

Here are some tips to help new entrepreneurs survive challenging economic conditions:

Do a financial forecast.

A lack of capital is a main reason start-up businesses fail. Before making the leap, he suggests doing a realistic and conservative financial pro forma – a financial statement that uses projections or presumptions to try to predict revenues and expenses. This can help you understand your true financial needs.

In simplest terms, if your pro forma shows you breaking even in nine months, I would not start the business unless I knew I had access to capital to cover those projected nine months and many more.

Hope for the upside, but plan for the downside.

Even under normal conditions, about half of new businesses fail in the first five years. Webb says considering the concept of failing and what path you would choose next is of critical importance.

Take your leap and put a ton of your energy into the success of the business, but always have a contingency plan for when things go wrong. That plan should include the ability to raise more capital and the ability to change courses or product lines.

Build relationships.

Start-up owners have plenty on their plate. Responsibilities can be overwhelming and lead to inefficiency if they try to do too much themselves. That’s why it’s vital to build relationships:

With vendors. Developing true relationships with your vendors is of utmost importance. They can be there for you in the tough times and actually provide guidance and direction based on their own experiences with other customers.

With employees. Success or failure will hinge in part on who the new business owner hires in the early stages of the company. And knowing when to fire is just as important as who to hire. Holding onto an underperforming employee too long can drag down the business. Set appropriate expectations and provide the necessary training and support to ensure mutual success. If you’ve provided the necessary support and they still can’t get the job done, make the change.

With competitors. While this concept may sound counterintuitive, meeting with competitors occasionally is a way to help each other with general business challenges without giving away any secrets. Competitors provide a unique relationship concept. Just imagine that once-every-few-months beer with your competitor, or a phone call to check in once in a while to swap stories and discuss mutual issues. The old saying, ‘Keep your friends close but your enemies closer’ could not be more true here, but I believe it can be a genuine and productive relationship.

This current economic cycle is a difficult one and even more difficult to predict. There is no way to predict the future, but using these concepts will help you navigate the ebbs and flows of business and further increase your chance for success.


James Harold Webb is author of “Redneck Resilience: A Country Boy’s Journey To Prosperity“. His career in radiology saw him rise from a technologist to becoming a leader in the industry as the entrepreneur of several companies. After over 40 years in the medical field, Webb focused on the fitness sector, owning and overseeing the management of 33 Orangetheory Fitness® franchises throughout North Texas.


Are These Five Toxic Workplace Behaviors Driving Away Your Talent?


by Michael E. Frisina, PhD, co-author of “Leading With Your Upper Brain: How to Create the Behaviors That Unlock Performance Excellence

It’s a tough time to navigate the labor market. Organizations are still desperately seeking candidates. The Great Resignation rolls on, as the “quiet quitting” trend underscores people’s shifting attitudes about work. Meanwhile the looming threat of recession has some employers wondering if it’s time to slow hiring efforts. But — here’s the real question — are we so focused on recruiting that we’re ignoring the environment we’re asking people to join?

However the future plays out, building (and keeping) the best possible team is urgent if you’re to remain competitive — and that means ferreting out any bad apples whose toxic behaviors could be spoiling your culture.

Certain behaviors call for a zero-tolerance policy. Allowing them to go unchecked will either drive your best people away or it will disengage them and squash their ability to deploy their full range of talent.

The “bad apples” who exhibit these toxic behaviors can be leaders or coworkers. Either way, when they’re allowed to run rampant, they create a culture that perpetually activates people’s “lower brain” — the part that governs fear and survival behaviors. When teams get trapped in lower-brain thinking, performance suffers greatly.

We want people tapped into their upper brain, which controls critical reasoning, judgment, and creativity. It makes no sense to go all out to hire the best talent, only to plunge them into a cauldron of stress and dysfunction that disengages them, cripples them, and sets them on a course for burnout.

Here are the top five toxic behaviors that squelch people’s ability to do their best work:

1. Narcissism.

Narcissists lack empathy, have a strong desire to break rules and defy the status quo, and are likely to engage in manipulation to advance themselves at the expense of others. “Life is all about me and don’t you ever forget it” is the narcissist’s motto.

2. Micromanagement.

Toxic people are highly independent to the point of exclusion. They lack the desire to work within the legitimate boundaries of a team, and constantly meddle in the work responsibilities of other people. They have a hard time letting go and trusting their team members to perform their work. The employee experience under such suffocating micromanagement can be downright demoralizing.

3. Setting unrealistic expectations.

Effective leaders establish high standards and stretch goals. They are always coaching and encouraging their team members on the journey to continuous performance improvement. Toxic bosses set up their team members to fail with unachievable goals and then shame and blame them. Working in this kind of toxic culture creates a wave of negative emotions, leaving employees feeling disengaged and hopeless.

4. Rudeness.

In meetings, toxic bosses and coworkers may interrupt their team members who present a perspective or idea that does not align with their own. Toxic bosses and coworkers may deliberately shut others down when they feel threatened by differing points of view. Toxic people will spread gossip; they disrupt communication among team members and show contempt for others through a lack of basic courtesies.

5. Behavior incompetence.

Toxic people display fundamental incompetence in basic interpersonal relationship skills. This behavior incompetence often stems from arrogance and overconfidence in their level of technical skill, talent, and intellect.

Of course, a truly “bad apple” must be thrown out. But in many cases, toxic behaviors can be unlearned — and the damage done by them can be reversed.

Leaders must be able to identify toxic members of the organization and deal with them. We must also be introspective enough to recognize whether we, as leaders, are creating or have created a toxic environment that hinders team unity and harmony.

What’s really great is that we can rebuild damaged relationships by literally rewiring the brain to replace bad memories with caring experiences. Trust can be built where it does not exist, increased where it is scarce, and regained where it was lost. So, too, can toxic organizations be rewired to become high-performing, nurturing ones.


Michael E. Frisina

Michael E. Frisina, PhD, has authored more than 50 papers and published articles on leadership and organizational effective­ness. He is a contributing author to the Borden Institute’s highly acclaimed textbook series on military medicine. He is a visiting scholar at the Hastings Center in New York, a visiting fellow in medical humanities at the Medical College of Pennsylvania, and a John C. Maxwell Top 100 Transformational Leader.


Exploring The Benefits Of Earning A Master’s In Cyberpsychology Online

online learning

online learning

If you consider getting your master’s degree in cyberpsychology online, you may be curious about how the program will benefit you.

The following article will provide you with some information about the program and the benefits it can offer.

Career prospects after earning a master’s in cyberpsychology

After you earn a master’s in cyberpsychology online, you have various career options. These include working in education, business, or the academic sector. You can also pursue your doctoral studies. The field of cyberpsychology has become increasingly important in recent years. Cyberpsychologists can provide insight into human-computer interaction, including developing marketing strategies and user experience designs. They can also offer insights into behavioral research. Students are allowed to develop vital professional skills crucial to a career in psychology. Courses are designed to teach students how to apply their newfound knowledge to various real-world scenarios. For example, in their studies, students may choose to undertake a module devoted to the psychology of cyberbullying. This module will allow them to gain a first-hand perspective on this topic and a deeper understanding of its implications. During this module, students will also have the opportunity to undertake a work-based learning project. This will help them to gain a wide range of skills, including core employability skills such as problem-solving, communication, and collaboration.

Cyberpsychology is an interdisciplinary field of a study

Cyberpsychology is an interdisciplinary field of a study investigating technology’s psychological effects. It is particularly interested in how new social media and virtual reality can affect humans. Although “cyberpsychology” is still relatively new, studying these subjects is gaining traction. As technology advances, this field of research will continue to grow and eventually become a recognized area of study. Cyberpsychology is a growing multi-disciplinary field that draws on several theoretical and research methodologies. It concerns the psychological consequences of technology and how the Internet can be used for healthcare, security, and more. Some psychologists use online tools to help desensitize individuals or study how they act in a virtual environment. Others are looking at how social networks change our society or how people interact in real time. The field is also expanding into telehealth and cyberbullying. Many technology companies offer products that reflect some of the latest in cyberpsychology.

Typical jobs for cyberpsychology graduates

Several exciting job options are available if you’re looking to make a career in cyberpsychology. These opportunities can range from working in the academic sector to conducting research. You can even get involved in developing new technologies, such as apps, web design, and virtual reality. As technology continues to change, there is an increasing need for psychologists to provide insight into its potential. In particular, psychologists are called upon to understand how it affects human behavior and how it can be used to help people in various situations. For example, technology can help individuals with common psychological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder. However, the use of technology may also exacerbate some mental health concerns. This is where psychologists can guide to help people to overcome these issues. Technology also allows individuals with social phobias to interact with others in a virtual world. This can reduce the cultural stigma associated with these disorders.


How John Accardi Grew CRAVEBOX Through The Pandemic

John Accardi entrepreneur

John Accardi entrepreneur

CRAVEBOX was founded in 2014 by John Accardi. He started it in his apartment in Washington DC, and over the years it grew into larger and larger warehouses. CRAVEBOX’s home is now in a 60,000 sqft warehouse in North Wales, PA. John says, “I never expected CRAVEBOX to grow to this size, we have an incredible staff, space, and products. It’s been a fun, challenging journey and I’m excited for the future.”

CRAVEBOX experienced a growth spurt at the start of the pandemic because people were forced to purchase products online instead of in physical stores. Accardi leased more warehouse space and hired more staff to keep up with demand. But after the initial shock of the pandemic faded, sales plateaued, and new difficulties arose. Accardi says, “COVID brought increased sales, but it brought many challenges as well like a troubled supply chain, labor shortages, inflation, decreased profit margins, increased competition especially on Amazon, increased interest rates, declining stock market, and recession fears,”

John worked through these challenges by keeping operations simple, cutting costs, staying financially strong, and improving CRAVEBOX’s current offerings. John says, “There were so many pressures shrinking the bottom line. For example, our cost of goods were increasing at a 20% annual rate, interest rates were up, shipping costs and labor costs also shot up significantly. It became a priority for us to cut costs, and pay down all debt so we didn’t carry the risk and cost of servicing debt in a higher interest rate environment. CRAVEBOX is in a very strong financial position and that will help us survive through the toughest times.” Accardi emphasized that difficult business environments often bring opportunity. “There is a certain pain and fear that comes along with these circumstances, but I always remind myself that all my competitors are going through the same difficulties. If I can adapt and survive more effectively, there will be market share to capture as competitors inevitably struggle to continue operating,” says John.

CRAVEBOX is also recently offering new varieties. They’re expanding their holiday product lines – Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. John is also developing new year-round CRAVEBOX products which he thinks will grow sales. Accardi says, “We’re creating new product varieties without complicating the supply chain. This is a low-risk way to try growing sales. I’m excited to continue testing new products to see what sells.” CRAVEBOX is poised to continue dominating Amazon, selling on cravebow.com, and is now also growing on Walmart.


Do Small Businesses Need A Company Office? Here’s 5 Reasons Why They Probably Don’t


Have you recently started your own business? Perhaps it is a startup, just learning to stand on its own. If so, then you might be wondering whether your small business needs a company office – if your business has just been established, then you probably don’t need one at the moment.


Well, here are 5 reasons why a company office is probably not ideal for your business at this time:

1. Remote working has become the norm.

Remote working has no doubt become the norm for many businesses, and we don’t doubt that this might be the case for yours as well. Reports have shown that remote working can improve the wellbeing of workers, especially when it comes to work-life balance. Particularly, one report in 2022 found that 78% of workers who worked from home in some capacity reported that their work-life balance improved as a result of remote working.

If your new and small business consists of fully remote workers, then there is no need to invest in a company office when your workers can work from home productively and happily.

2. Expensive.

Renting an office for the long-term can be expensive, especially with maintenance costs, energy bills, furniture costs etc. If your entire company only consists of less than 10 people, an office only adds to overhead costs that could become a hindrance to new and small businesses. Especially if you are trying to adopt a hybrid working model, a rented office on a long-term lease can potentially be a disadvantage when your workers can simply work remotely.

3. Hot desks and coworking spaces are more popular.

You have probably heard of hot desks, right? Instead of renting a full-blown office for your small business, it may be wise to stick to a workspace canary wharf, for instance, or simply hot desks. These can be rented on flexible terms with no long-term commitment required, allowing you to use a dedicated office space for whenever your team needs to meet physically without having to rent an entire office.

4. Inconvenient if team members are spread out.

If your workers are located across the country, then it might be inconvenient for them to have to relocate or commute just to go into the office. If this wasn’t mentioned when they were offered the job, then it can potentially cause internal problems between the workers and the organisation. In turn, it can become time consuming trying to find an ideal office location that could satisfy all of your workers.

5. Unnecessary in the early stages.

If you have just founded your business with only a few employees onboard, then a company office may not be your greatest priority at the moment. There’s nothing wrong with allowing your employees to work remotely, doing meetings virtually etc., for the time being as your business begins to walk on its own two feet.

Once your business starts to grow at an exponential rate, then it might be time to consider renting a company office as part of your scaling process. In the meantime, you can focus on empowering your online business to thrive in the comfort of your own home.


Learning To Have Healthcare Management Certification


Healthcare management is the administration of any healthcare facility, including clinics and hospitals. The healthcare manager’s job typically entails supervising the institution’s day-to-day operations, ensuring that all functions stay within their budget, communicating with medical personnel and ensuring that they have everything they need to provide quality healthcare, resolving various unexpected issues, evaluating personnel performance, and other management-related tasks.

Suppose you wish to work in the healthcare business but have yet to gain experience. In that case, you may need help wondering what to learn about taking up healthcare management certification. The good news is that there are free online courses that you can take on various medical fields including healthcare management.

Career opportunities for healthcare managers

After completing your healthcare management certification, you will be prepared for various career opportunities. From assisting physicians with day-to-day operations to managing an entire hospital, you can use your skills to improve patients’ lives.

A Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Management can prepare you for various entry-level healthcare jobs. You can also pursue a master’s degree and eventually become a home healthcare administrator, medical and health services manager, or practice manager. You will learn how to manage patient care, staff, budget, and policies during your education.

As the healthcare industry grows, more jobs will be created for qualified professionals.

In addition to working in hospitals, clinics, and physician’s offices, healthcare managers are also responsible for collaborating with other organizations to improve health and provide better patient care. For example, they may be tasked with coordinating the efforts of outside agencies or writing reports and evaluations on funding and policies.

Qualifications for a healthcare management certification

Healthcare management certification programs are designed to enhance professional skills and prepare students for positions in the healthcare industry. Certificates usually include a focused series of courses that lead to employment. Most certifications are completed in less than a year, depending on the program type. Obtaining a certificate can help you stand out in this highly competitive field.

There are many different types of certifications in the healthcare management field. Some programs are for those already working in the industry, while others are more specialized. The kind of certification you select will depend on your interests and needs. It may also have special requirements.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) accreditation requires a bachelor’s degree. Candidates must also have five years of experience in healthcare. Re-certification is required every two years. To recertify, candidates must take a certification exam and meet the re-certification requirements. This designation demonstrates knowledge of all critical areas of healthcare information.

Free online healthcare management courses

If you are interested in a career in health care management, then a free online course may be the perfect solution. It can help you gain the necessary knowledge to start your career in this field or to expand your skills and add more knowledge to your current job.

There are many online courses and resources available to help you achieve your goals. These can cover human medicine, pharmacy tech online schools, and healthcare management. You can even take on a specialty in a specific topic, such as project management.

Healthcare is an evolving industry, and the need for managers and administrators is growing. It is especially true in the context of technology and modern medicine. Therefore, a career in this field requires a master’s degree or other advanced training.

Online classes provide flexible schedules and the ability to work at a time that works best for you. For example, some courses are offered in an evening format, while others can be completed on the weekend. The flexibility of these courses can be a significant advantage for busy professionals.


Is The Four-Day Work Week Here To Stay In The US?

young woman in office

young woman in office

by Izzy Galicia, President and CEO of Incito Consulting Group

As businesses across the United States continue to navigate the post-pandemic world, many are exploring new ways of working to improve productivity, employee well-being, and satisfaction. One idea that has gained traction in recent years is the four-day workweek. While some companies have already implemented it with positive results, others are still on the fence about making the switch.

What are the benefits?

First and foremost, a four-day workweek can significantly improve employee well-being and work-life balance. With an extra day off, employees have more time to pursue personal interests, spend time with family and friends, or simply rest and recharge. This can lead to reduced stress, increased job satisfaction, and lower rates of burnout and turnover.

Additionally, a shorter workweek can boost productivity and creativity. With fewer hours in the office, employees may feel more focused and motivated to complete their tasks efficiently, which can lead to higher quality work and more innovative ideas.

From a business perspective, a four-day workweek can also help attract and retain top talent. In a competitive job market, offering a more flexible schedule can be a powerful recruitment tool. Furthermore, happier and more engaged employees are more likely to go above and beyond for their company, leading to increased profitability and growth.

What’s the downside?

Of course, there are potential drawbacks to implementing a four-day workweek, though these drawbacks are mostly associated with managers and leaders than employees. For example, employers may be concerned about salaries if workers are working fewer days. But if employees are completing their tasks and reaching their benchmarks, this concern should be a non-issue.

Another potential drawback to the four-day workweek could come from employers who don’t understand how to prioritize and then delegate tasks, which places unnecessary strains on their employees. Once employers understand the overarching objective (improve the bottom line), then every decision needs to be made to further that objective.

This, however, means increasing employee retention. Once the objective is clear, setting benchmarks is easy and can then be provided to employees to make sure they understand what needs to get done.

How will it impact production?

The impact of a four-day workweek on production will depend on a variety of factors, such as the industry, the nature of the work, and the company culture. Nevertheless, studies have shown that a shorter workweek can actually lead to increased productivity.

For example, in a study conducted by Microsoft Japan, a four-day workweek led to a 40% increase in productivity. Employees reported feeling more focused and motivated during their shorter workweek, leading to higher quality work and fewer distractions. Similarly, another study from the Society for Human Resource Management found that companies that offered a compressed workweek saw an average productivity increase of 20%.

Of course, it’s important to note that these results may not be universal. Every company will need to evaluate whether a four-day workweek is feasible and effective for their specific situation.

Will salaries be impacted?

The impact of the four-day workweek on salaries will depend on the company and industry. Some companies may choose to maintain salaries while reducing work hours, while others may choose to adjust salaries accordingly. Additionally, some industries may see a shift towards performance-based pay, where employees are compensated based on their output rather than the number of hours worked.

Ultimately, the impact on salaries will depend on the company’s goals and priorities. If the company sees the four-day workweek as a way to increase employee satisfaction and retention, it may choose to maintain salaries while reducing work hours. However, if the company sees the four-day workweek as a way to increase productivity and output, it may choose to adjust salaries accordingly.

What is interesting is that the four-day workweek isn’t viewed as the “next big thing” in manufacturing. Many manufacturing companies were already implementing four-day workweeks before the pandemic as part of a strategy to deploy an overall lean business enterprise. In fact, analysis has shown that hiring efforts have improved exponentially when designing a flexible work environment that meets the needs of today’s innovative, creative, and inspired workforce.  As such, remote work, hybrid work, the right to disconnect, unlimited paid time off, and now, modified 4-day workweeks are here to stay.


Izzy Galicia, President and CEO of Incito Consulting Group, has 25 years of expertise in driving Lean and Six Sigma enterprise transformation for a wide range of Fortune 100 and 500 businesses and industries across the globe.



Why Yanni Hufnagel, Lemon Perfect’s Founder And CEO, Calls His Fruit-Infused 5-Calorie Water, “Magic In A Bottle”


Enhanced water beverage Lemon Perfect has just 5 calories and zero sugar and is certified organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. In addition, Lemon Perfect’s bottles are aimed at environmental protection. They’re made from recycled polyethylene terephthalate, or rPET, a plastic sourced from previously recycled plastic bottles. The company is also certified Plastic Neutral.

From the Lemon Perfect Company’s headquarters in Atlanta, Yanni Hufnagel, founder and CEO, says, “The bedrock of the brand from day one has been the idea of great flavor that’s also good for you. There’s nothing in the category with our flavor profile, the freshness of our flavor profile, our nutritional deck, and zero sugar.”

Hufnagel calls the beverage “magic in a bottle.” When he set out to produce healthy, fruit-infused water in 2017, Hufnagel wanted to create delicious, low-calorie water infused with lemons. He felt this beverage could disrupt a market dominated by high-calorie, high-sugar options.

“With water, organic lemons, and an unbelievable sweetener and flavor system, we got there,” he says. “It’s a deliciously refreshing product with zero sugar. We truly believe that when someone drinks a Lemon Perfect, they’re making a decision that’s better for them. How cool is that?” 

Yanni Hufnagel, Founder and CEO of Lemon Perfect, Created Flavored Water with Lemonade’s Sunny Taste

Lemon Perfect’s flavor revives memories of picnicking in the park, a cold bottle of lemonade sitting in the basket amid potato salad, napkins, and croissants. This is by design: Founder Yanni Hufnagel worked with a boutique beverage producer who translated the flavor notes of lemonade into Lemon Perfect’s award-winning formulation. He wanted Lemon Perfect to “deliver the joy of flavor in every sip.”

To process Lemon Perfect, a bottler extracts the juice from half an organic lemon for each bottle through cold pressing. Via this technique, a bottler controls a hydraulic press that extracts the maximum amount of nutrient-rich pulp and juice from fresh organic lemons. Since cold processing doesn’t involve heat or oxygen exposure, the method preserves the highest nutrient levels of lemons’ antioxidants, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Further, the company also processes Lemon Perfect beverages via flash pasteurization, or HTST, an eco-friendly technique that best maintains freshness without preservatives.

Luck and the right timing are two variables that affect every entrepreneurial endeavor. The launch of Lemon Perfect in 2017 was luckily timed in tandem with consumers’ thirst for low-calorie, keto-friendly, convenient beverage options.

Since its debut, Lemon Perfect’s flavors have multiplied to eight, all infused with organic fruit. The original SKU — with lemonade-like flavor — is called Original Lemon. Additions to the lineup include Strawberry Passion Fruit, Dragon Fruit Mango, Pineapple Coconut, Kiwi Star Fruit, Blueberry Açaí, Peach Raspberry, and the newest flavor, Watermelon.

How Yanni Hufnagel Developed a Delectable Beverage Without Refined Sugar or Artificial Flavors

Before taking the enhanced water market by storm, Yanni Hufnagel coached basketball at top universities for 10 years. Surrounded by health-conscious basketball players, he noticed they quenched their thirsts with flavored waters, which inspired him to push back against high-calorie, high-sugar options with his breakthrough beverage.

Like the athletes he coached, Hufnagel embraced a healthy lifestyle. Every morning, he sipped water blended with the juice of a squeezed organic lemon as part of his ketogenic diet. But he felt his basic, tart recipe wouldn’t carry mainstream national appeal.

“I knew from the beginning we were going to try to win everywhere, from Beverly Hills [California] to Baton Rouge [Louisiana], from a taste perspective,” he says. “I wanted to create something that had a big total addressable market.”

When Yanni Hufnagel worked with his California-based beverage producer, his goal was to focus on taste and nutrition to create a zero-sugar and low-calorie formula from organic flavors and plant-based sweeteners. He wanted the drink to impact the health of the American consumer.

Hufnagel and his beverage development team wanted to steer clear of any artificial ingredients while using natural sweeteners. As Lemon Perfect’s main competitors arrived on the scene using synthetic versions of the natural sweeteners erythritol and stevia leaf extract, Lemon Perfect boasted the real thing. All the infused waters in the Lemon Perfect line are sweetened with a combination of healthy, plant-based sweeteners — stevia and erythritol — that are certified organic and non-GMO.

Both natural sweeteners have been used in thousands of food and beverage products. Organic stevia extract is a zero-calorie sweetener extracted from the leaves of the stevia plant. In South America, native peoples have used stevia for hundreds of years. People in Japan and Paraguay have used stevia for decades.

Erythritol is an all-natural, non-nutritive sweetener made from non-GMO corn. It can also be found in fruits like grapefruits, pears, and watermelons.

Not to be outdone by anyone, Lemon Perfect is certified vegan by Vegan Action, gluten-free by The Gluten Intolerance Group, and kosher by OU Kosher.

Yanni Hufnagel Aims High as Lemon Perfect Seeks to Disrupt the Multibillion-Dollar Enhanced Water Category

In many interviews, Yanni Hufnagel has compared sending Lemon Perfect into a competitive market without a beverage distributor’s backing to “trying to win the street fight without a weapon.”

When configuring his business plan for The Lemon Perfect Company and the formula for the initial beverage, Hufnagel knew his competition was stiff. Forerunners Bai, Hint, and vitaminwater ruled the functional water category — but Hufnagel felt there was room for a competitor in this growing category. According to food and beverage market researcher Fortune Business Insights, analysts expect the global functional water market to grow from $13.80 billion in 2021 to $22.97 billion in 2028.

In interviews, Hufnagel has told many journalists he “had no idea what [he] was doing” when he set out to create a multifaceted health beverage. That doesn’t seem 100% accurate; he crossed every T and dotted every I, from taste to sustainability. He knew exactly what he wanted. It was just a matter of figuring it out.

[Image by freepik.com]


Going For The Brass Ring: Advice On Navigating A Satisfying Business Career


by Christopher H. Volk, author of “The Value Equation: A Business Guide To Creating Wealth For Entrepreneurs, Investors And Leaders

I am among the millions of successful American business executives who have had satisfying careers. I led three companies that performed well. Our companies created staff opportunities, provided valued customer solutions, delivered community investments and served as valued clients for our many vendors and capital providers. That is how most successful companies operate, forging virtuous cycles of performance.

Passion Is Not A Prerequisite

Wondering about getting into business and maybe even starting a company of your own?  You may think a prerequisite is that you first need to be passionate about the business you select. That would be wrong.

I spent the better part of my career directing real estate investments into properties leased to businesses on a long-term basis. Had you asked me about my passions when graduating from college or at the start of my career, the career path I ultimately found would have been nowhere on the list. Nor was I even that passionate as I started my first job in the real estate net lease arena.

Self Discovery

Guiding any successful business career begins with self-discovery. The very first question you need to ask yourself is whether you aspire to leadership. If you do, this single decision will have implications for your career path. I began my career in commercial banking and decided early on that I wanted to eventually position myself to accept leadership roles high within the organization. That decision led me to invest in added education, earning an MBA in evening classes. That decision also led me to direct my career into credit analysis and commercial lending, which were both tried and true steppingstones to banking leadership.

Why Size Matters

As my career progressed, I found that I had a second question about myself that I needed to answer. Am I more comfortable working in a small company or a large company?  Larger companies have implicit advantages. Career paths may be numerous, leadership positions may be numerous and there may be welcome opportunities to occasionally relocate domestically or even internationally. Navigating to leadership involves skill. But navigating to large company leadership involves a higher degree of interpersonal skills, together with a tolerance for bureaucracy tending to accompany larger organizations.

I made a personal decision that I would be more likely to rise to senior leadership within a smaller business. All organizations require political navigation skills, but smaller organizations tend to be more tolerant of the politically less agile. I was apt to speak my mind and readily share opinions. I also preferred nimbleness to bureaucracy. Such characteristics can work well in smaller companies, where there are fewer places to hide and where individual contributions are more visible. I found that I preferred the higher visibility which provided me with a greater sense of self-satisfaction.

Within larger companies, the power of individual contributions is not always evident. I had seen large companies shutter divisions and lay off personnel who were unaware their contributions were perceived to have little strategic value. I came to the conclusion that job security was enhanced by both being very good at what you do and by knowing and seeing your organizational impact.

Aptitude to Excellence

Internships and early careers are important to one added aspect of self-discovery: What do you have aptitudes for? All of us have multiple aptitudes. For instance, we might find that we are comparatively good at math, science, writing, computer or interpersonal skills, just to name a few. I personally found I had relatively decent math skills, together with fairly strong writing, computer and logic skills. I put these talents to use early on in learning to read and interpret corporate financial statements and model corporate financial performance.

Finding one’s aptitudes is harder than it sounds. For one thing, assessing what your skills are also entails knowing areas where your skills fall short. Simply acknowledging personal weaknesses can be hard. The best business leaders tend to have high levels of self-awareness, surrounding themselves with others having complementary skill sets that offset their own shortcomings. I was grateful to have fellow leaders with high organizational, operational detail, documentation detail and administrative skills that far surpassed my own. And, given my own tendency to be less political, I was happy to listen to their opinions and debate freely.

For an aptitude to become a skill requires commitment and work. In my leadership aspirations, I focused aptitude cultivation in areas I thought would become valuable. I improved my business modeling, analytical, sales, presentation and leadership skills. Author Malcom Gladwell famously defined the difference between mere aptitude and excellence to encompass 10,000 hours of invested time. Without question, I met that mark.

And Then Passion Finds You

Something interesting happens when leadership aspirations lead you to commit 10,000 or more hours to become good at something. You start to become a resource for others. You start to become a problem solver. This is where the best jobs lie.

If you can become a problem solver, you’re more likely to have higher job satisfaction. The simple act of solving problems fulfills a universal human desire to be able to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Importantly, problem solving ability can improve job satisfaction through greater daily task diversity. It follows that problem solvers are the group from which leadership is harvested.

We tend to share many common passions. Making a positive difference in the lives of others is often at the top of the list, especially when our impact is acknowledged.  Passions we tend to share include goal attainment, job diversity, winning, personal growth and seeing our own organizational impact, among others. For entrepreneurs, common passions also include personal independence and self-reliance.

A major reward for travelling the long road between aptitude and excellence is the increased likelihood of passion fulfillment and job satisfaction. Then, as we are emotionally rewarded for our work, we start to reciprocate our passions. Job satisfaction and passion fulfilment cause us to become passionate about our work in another virtuous cycle.

I find that people who ask those at the start of their careers to follow their passions generally have it exactly backwards. After a period of self-discovery, aptitude identification and committing to personal improvement, universal passions are rewarded, job satisfaction improves and our career passions find us.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca (~50AD)

The Roman stoic philosopher Seneca had it right. Having gone through self-assessment and determined you would like to eventually be in corporate leadership offers no guaranty of success. Nor does walking the road from aptitude to excellence. But the outcome of doing neither is highly certain. Preparation is essential.

A long-time mentor, serial entrepreneur and business partner of mine put it this way: “You make your own luck.” He started and ran a number of businesses before coming across a singular business opportunity that would ultimately land him in the richest .1% of Americans. Importantly, he enjoyed his journey.

To get a “shot at the brass ring” denotes meaningful monetary or career achievements. I would add life and career satisfaction to that list. The saying is derived from late 19th and early 20th century carousels, where riders would hope the timing of the elevation of their moving horses would allow them to successfully reach for a dangling brass ring exchangeable for a prize. There was a modest bit of luck involved, but preparation, timing and effort were crucial. And sometimes, you just had to change horses. This is an apt career metaphor.

You Make Things Happen

To honor Seneca, I have a complementary observation: “You either make things happen or things will happen to you.” The pursuit of a successful business career requires active engagement, starting with self-awareness and the journey from aptitude to excellence.  Career success also requires navigation. There was more than one moment in my career where I found it necessary to counter the trajectory suggested by my employer. To get the brass ring requires that you work hard to reach for it. It will not simply hit you on the head. On the other hand, it will be forever elusive unless you come prepared.


Christopher H. Volk, author of “The Value Equation: A Business Guide To Creating Wealth For Entrepreneurs, Investors And Leaders“, has been instrumental in leading and publicly listing three successful companies, two of which he co-founded. The most recent is STORE Capital (NYSE: “STOR”) where he served as founding chief executive officer and then as executive chairman. Volk is a regional winner of EYs’ Entrepreneur of the Year award.


What Are The Digital Marketing Trends In 2023?

SEO online marketing

SEO online marketing

For 2023 and beyond, many businesses are already planning their digital marketing strategies. Here are some of the biggest trends in digital marketing that can help grow your success. Smart businesses look for the latest trends to incorporate to maximize their results and impact.

Metaverse 1

Digital marketers are buzzing about the metaverse. Metaverses are a broad term used to describe immersive virtual experiences that take place online, usually with others. A number of big brands have announced metaverse experiences, including Starbucks, Nike, and many others. The metaverse is generating a lot of excitement, but many businesses don’t have concrete use cases (or returns on investment) yet.

“You need to immerse yourself in the metaverse and experiment. Look for opportunities for your business to participate in and keep your eyes open for others in your industry. Don’t worry about going all in yet, because most businesses are still in the experimental phase of the metaverse.” says Gerald Crosthwaite, Managing Director of TechTarget.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

“One of the quietest trends in digital marketing over the past few years has been AI integration into almost every digital marketing channel. Social media posts, search results, and advertisements are influenced by algorithms. AI is making marketing smarter, connecting consumers to the right messages and products.” says Robin, Chief Marketing Officer of KodeKloud.

Analyze how AI is changing the core aspects of your digital marketing channels, understand how the algorithms are impacting your results, and optimize your content strategy accordingly.

The customer experience

“Most algorithms and AI optimize for a good user experience in digital marketing. During the past year, search engine optimization (SEO) updates have focused on providing the most helpful content to users. By focusing more on your customers’ experiences, you can beat the algorithms and delight them.”

“You can future-proof your digital marketing by focusing on the user and optimizing their experience. All algorithms are based on improving the user experience, so this will protect you against future algorithm updates.” says Vaibhav Kakkar, CEO & Founder of Digital Web Solutions.

Videos of a short length

“It is undeniable that TikTok and Instagram Reels are taking over social media feeds and consumers’ attention.For businesses to stay relevant, they must appear in the channels and formats where their customers are. It’s good news that short video formats are becoming more available in social media management tools and schedulers, so businesses will have an easier time planning and posting next year.” says Julie Betts, CEO of FlabUp.

Watch Reels and TikTox to learn more about the format, content and appeal. Next, post short videos for your business and experiment with them. You can test and learn your way to success by using these powerful platforms that are earning so much attention and time.

Messages that are simple and clear

“Short-form video takes over and attention spans are dropping, which means businesses must communicate in short, quick soundbites to capture mobile users’ attention.”

Make your marketing and brand priorities sound-bite-able in short sentences or quick ideas. Try copying popular short video formats and shortening your message.” says Steven Boys, CEO of Tunnel Drive.

The influencers

“Increasingly, businesses find opportunities to break through the noise with organic-seeming content using influencers. As the advertising landscape becomes increasingly cluttered, businesses need to find new ways to reach their target audiences. For years, influencer marketing has been on the rise, and this trend will only continue as influencers build up larger and larger audiences that marketers can tap into.” says Sofia Hamberg, Content Director of Flightradar UK.

See how your competitors or other industries are leveraging influencers.

Advocacy on behalf of employees

A business’s employee advocacy program aims to get employees talking and sharing on behalf of the company. A person’s personal profile and assets are often more effective at reaching a larger audience more authentically than a company’s accounts and assets. A significant opportunity exists in harnessing this power—especially in business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

The next step is to evaluate your employees’ potential to contribute to marketing efforts and build a plan to engage them. An engagement plan includes training, tools, and resources to motivate and excite employees to speak up for the company.

The Power of LinkedIn in B2B

“In the past few years, LinkedIn has shown record growth and engagement. In two years, it is expected to account for 25% of B2B advertising. A growing number of businesses are using LinkedIn for growth. However, few take advantage of this opportunity. I believe LinkedIn will continue to grow and the opportunity will only grow. You can disproportionately benefit by jumping in early.” says Alex Federo, Co-Owner of FTW Concrete Contractors.

Build LinkedIn into your plans strategically. Optimize your content. Grow your audience, and look for new features and opportunities to accelerate your growth.


What To Consider When Wanting To Launch Your Startup Business


Deciding to launch a startup is always somewhat nerve-wracking, since you can never know in advance if the venture will be successful – especially in times like these, in which experts are predicting a so-called “slowcession” for the economy. But even though it may seem like a tough time to launch a business, you shouldn’t stop yourself from giving it a shot.

In the article down below, you’ll find tips for what to consider when you’re about to start your own business.

Which Values Are Important to You?

First off, knowing your core values is alpha and omega for finding your business’ identity. They’re very closely tied to your target audience, of course, and you’ll have to consider thoroughly whether the two are a match – and if they’re not, you might be going for the wrong demographic or need to reevaluate your values.

A value like sustainability is a great example: While it’s becoming more and more ordinary for all kinds of people to appreciate the effort, it’s especially important to big parts of the younger generations that you take the environment into consideration when running your business. So, even if working to become more sustainable can seem like a big undertaking, it can be a valuable tool for appealing to your target audience – and if you follow expert advice such as these tips, getting started shouldn’t be too difficult. But with that being said, it’s important to remember that not every young person agrees with the majority – and if your audience are very traditional and elderly, sustainability might not be the value for you to brand yourself on either.

Some other core values to consider as a new startup are teamwork, integrity and a decent business culture. Values are important to consider, since they help build the framework for your business as well as show the world what your startup is all about. Teamwork will help your business work well as a team, which will further help your business evolve.

Have You Given Work Safety Enough Thought?

Far too few newly launched startups put work safety and security at the top of their list of priorities. This is a mistake, though, since valuing cybersecurity and the safety of your employees will help you ensure your business’ longevity and avoid unfortunate incidents.

A new, innovative business gets a lot of attention, and people will surely want to know what the secret is to your success. There are many ways to protect your startup’s data, such as having an automatic backup and two-factor authentication – which is a two-step password combination process to ensure that you and your employees are safe and protected. People from the outside will usually not be able to crack such a password system, making your business safer.

However, you also want to take steps to ensure the psychological safety of your employees. Starting your business with potential customers in mind alone won’t get you far. To help you reach your full potential, making sure that your employees feel safe enough to speak up and take risks will make a world of difference. The safer your employees feel to share their input, the better you’ll work together as a team – setting your startup up for success right from the get-go.


[Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay]


Envisioning Your Future As An Entrepreneur


by Chris Fontanella, founder of Encore Professionals Group, and author of “Jump Start Your Career: Ten Tips to Get You Going” and “Tune-Up Your Career: Tips & Cautions for Peak Performance in the Workplace

The people who have the best vocations are the ones who take complete ownership by grabbing the steering wheel of their career vehicle with both hands and deciding where they are taking their life of employment. And the best way you can take total control is by becoming an entrepreneur. It’s a fine-sounding notion, I know, but as you probably have guessed, a road not easily traveled.

Having started two companies, I have firsthand experience.

Count the Cost (and It’s Not About Money).

Entrepreneurship is career ownership at the highest level. Since it’s your company, you cannot “own it” any more than that. It’s a potentially exhilarating, life-altering, self-gratifying experience. That said, the story of every businessperson who decides to strike out on their own involves challenges, struggles, obstacles, and difficulties that must be worked through, overcome, solved, and sometimes ignored.

Any time you commit yourself to a grand undertaking, sacrifices are part of the deal. There’s no way around it. You either ante up or sit it out while others play their hand. Which is why you must count the cost before undertaking such an audacious venture.

The demands of starting a business are many and varied, but the one cost that is inescapable is time! Being your own boss requires discipline with one of life’s gifts. The days of squandering precious moments, minutes and hours are over, at least until the business is humming along. But even then, it demands constant vigilance.

Dedication to building a business leaves little time for whatever everyone else gets to do. The more time you relinquish, the less time you have for family, friends, and fun and games.

The Common Denominators

Here is what almost every entrepreneur has in common:

  • They are willing to start from scratch
  • They understand that the bottom is as good a place as any to start
  • They appreciate that beginning stages are humble and humbling
  • They realize failure will pockmark their efforts
  • They accept that a second job is sometimes needed to help keep the dream alive
  • They have learned that the road to success is not a direct route
  • They value determination over degrees
  • And, a better life motivates them to break out of their existing environment (they want more than they already have)

An entrepreneur is a regular person who has decided to “go for it.” They have weighed the pros and cons, pluses and minuses, the good and bad, and still believe it’s worth going for. Determined entrepreneurs have no magic formulas to ensure success. What they have is guts to try, guts to pull out all the stops and go all out, guts to put their heart and soul into something. And they are willing to start somewhere and then work their asses off to get wherever there is.

Build a Better Mousetrap…

Hoping the world will beat a path to your door.

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. But maybe it’s right for you. Are you busting at the seams to set out on your own, to undertake your own business venture? Do you feel you can offer a service better than someone else or better than another company? Do you often ask yourself, why am I doing all this to make them money when I can be making the money for myself? Or maybe you have an idea for a better mousetrap. If you feel your current job is keeping you from what you were intended to do, you may be a future entrepreneur.

Go Boldly, Stay Strong

The entrepreneurial path requires fortitude.

1. Starting small is never wrong, but thinking small always is.

Do not despise the days of small beginnings. Grand enterprises take time to develop. It is not uncommon for start-ups to appear insignificant at first. Countless business successes have sprung from humble beginnings.

Accept failure as part of the process. Before Joe Torre, one of MLB’s respected managers, achieved a win percentage of .605 with the New York Yankees, he eked out an overall .498 win percentage with three different teams. Those teams—the New York Mets, the Atlanta Braves, and the St. Louis Cardinals—fired him. As you experience the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, keep in mind this Theodore Roosevelt quote: “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” (Italics mine)

2. Wait for the right moment: Successful entrepreneurs are eager, not impetuous.

While there are successful “movers and shakers” who fire before they aim, having a plan is the smart move forward. Think through your moves. Save some seed money for your new venture before quitting your job. And certainly, consult with friends and family before taking your first step down that path, which will demand much of you.

3. Regard intuition as your friend.

Oftentimes your gut will guide you in the direction you need to go. Igor Sikorsky called intuition “an extremely primitive…faculty of higher order.” He believed Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were successful because their intuition allowed them to envision the future, and then they worked their tails off to make their visions reality.

Stay True to Yourself

Entrepreneurship affords you complete control over your career destiny. It is a road less traveled, but one worth traveling if you determine it is the best way to remain true to who you are and spend your working days as you’ve always wanted.


Chris Fontanella new

Chris Fontanella is founder of Encore Professionals Group, a professional services firm specializing in the identification and placement of accounting and finance candidates in temporary and full-time positions. He is author of “Jump Start Your Career: Ten Tips to Get You Going“, and “Tune-Up Your Career: Tips & Cautions for Peak Performance in the Workplace“. 


Evaluating NetSuite Implementation Partners: Questions To Ask Before You Hire


by Rutuja Katkar

A NetSuite implementation partner is a third-party service provider specializing in helping businesses implement the NetSuite Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. These partners work closely with companies to understand their unique requirements and customize the NetSuite solution accordingly. They bring expertise in NetSuite’s technical capabilities and implementation methodologies, ensuring a successful and efficient implementation process. Additionally, NetSuite implementation partners provide ongoing support and maintenance services to help businesses maximize the benefits of their NetSuite investment.

Choosing the right NetSuite implementation partner is critical for the success of your ERP implementation project. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Expertise and experience: NetSuite implementation partners bring years of experience and expertise in implementing software in various industries. They understand the software’s functionalities, best practices, and potential challenges, which can significantly reduce the risk of errors and delays during the implementation process.
  2. Technical capabilities: NetSuite implementation partners deeply understand the technical capabilities of NetSuite and its add-ons. They can help you customize the software to your business needs, integrate it with your existing systems, and optimize it for performance.
  3. Project management approach: NetSuite implementation partners have a well-defined implementation methodology that can help manage project timelines, budgets, and scope. They can communicate clearly and report throughout the project, ensuring you stay informed about the implementation’s progress.
  4. Support and maintenance: NetSuite implementation partners provide ongoing support and maintenance services after implementation. It can include training, troubleshooting, and system updates to ensure the software continues to meet your business needs.

Choosing the right NetSuite implementation partner can help ensure a successful implementation that meets your business requirements, stays within budget and timeline, and delivers the expected ROI.

Questions to Ask Before You Hire a NetSuite Implementation Partner

Before hiring a NetSuite implementation partner, you must ask questions to ensure that your chosen partner fits your business needs.

Here are some questions to ask:

  1. What is your experience with NetSuite implementation?
  2. Can you provide examples of past successful deployments?
  3. Do you have experience working with businesses in our industry?
  4. What is your team’s expertise in NetSuite?
  5. Are your consultants certified in NetSuite?
  6. How many years of experience does your team have in implementing NetSuite?
  7. How do you communicate and collaborate with clients during the implementation process?
  8. What is your approach to keeping clients informed about project progress?
  9. How do you handle any issues or challenges that arise during the implementation?
  10. How do you ensure the implementation project is delivered on time and within budget?
  11. What is your approach to project management?
  12. Can you provide a detailed timeline and budget for our project?
  13. What is your approach to data migration?
  14. How do you ensure that data is migrated accurately and securely?
  15. Can you provide examples of successful data migrations?
  16. How do you handle customization requests?
  17. What is your approach to customizing NetSuite for our business needs?
  18. How do you ensure that customizations do not negatively impact system performance or reliability?
  19. What training and support do you provide after the implementation?
  20. What is your approach to user training?
  21. How do you provide ongoing support after the implementation is complete?

If you ask these questions, you can make sure your NetSuite Implementation partner that you select has the knowledge, experience, and method to make your business successful.

Key considerations and challenges faced while NetSuite ERP Implementation and how NetSuite implementation partner can help

NetSuite ERP implementation can be a complex and challenging process for businesses. Here are some key considerations and challenges that companies face during the implementation process, along with how a NetSuite implementation partner can help:

  1. Data Migration: Data migration involves transferring data from a legacy system to NetSuite. It can be challenging as the data needs to be cleaned and validated before it is migrated. A NetSuite implementation partner can help by providing data migration tools and expertise to ensure data is migrated accurately and securely.
  2. Customization: NetSuite is a highly customizable system, and businesses may need to customize it to meet their specific needs. It can be challenging as customizations can impact system performance and reliability. A NetSuite implementation partner can help by providing expertise in customizing NetSuite and ensuring that customizations do not negatively impact system performance or reliability.
  3. Training and Support: After the implementation, businesses must train their users to use NetSuite and provide ongoing support. It can be challenging as users may resist change or need help with the new system. A NetSuite implementation partner can help by providing user training and ongoing support to ensure that users are comfortable with the new system and can use it effectively.
  4. Project Management and Delivery: NetSuite implementation can be a complex project that requires careful planning and management to ensure it is delivered on time and within budget. A NetSuite implementation partner can help by providing project management tools and expertise to ensure the project is delivered on time and within budget.
  5. Communication and Collaboration: NetSuite implementation requires close communication and collaboration between the implementation partner and the business. It can be challenging as both parties must work together to ensure the project’s success. A NetSuite implementation partner can help by providing clear communication channels and collaboration tools to ensure that both parties are on the same page throughout the implementation process.

By working with a NetSuite implementation partner, businesses can ensure that the implementation process is successful and that they can fully leverage the power of NetSuite ERP to improve their business processes and operations.


Rutuja Katkar

Rutuja Katkar is a highly motivated marketing professional with a passion for exploring different aspects of the field. She has a strong interest in reading and researching new strategies to keep up with the ever-evolving marketing landscape. She’s constantly on the lookout for creative and innovative solutions that exceed expectations.


4 Top Tips For Building The Best Business Headquarters

office building front

office building front

If you’re thinking about building a new headquarters for your business, you might want to consider creating a plan for the exciting execution of your company, and potential improvements along the way.

The right business location can make all the difference, so check out these four tips for designing a a business headquarters worthy of recognition.

1. Be Clever With Your Space.

Space is incredibly important for storage solutions, not to mention ensuring that your staff have adequate space for working.

You might want to invest in smart storage solutions that can be hidden to maximise space to give your office a clean and neutral look. Companies like Furniture @ Work can help you find the best storage solutions to suit your business without any hassle. With free delivery to the UK, you’re certain to find a great deal.

2. Use Folding Screens.

In an open plan office space, folding screens can be a saving grace for a quick meeting or discussion, or to grant some quick privacy. Screens can also help to reduce noise levels across an open plan office space, which will increase productivity for employees and prevent distraction.

Whether you opt for floor-to-ceiling screens, or for deskside screens for privacy, you’ll want to consider investing in some high quality fixtures to ensure their longevity.

Companies like Accu are invested in providing the highest quality fixtures and fittings like assembly hardware, nuts, washers and spacers for your business.

This way you never have to worry about the integrity of your furnishings, and you can feel assured that they will function many years into the future.

3. Make it Bright and Airy.

No one wants to feel like they’re working in a box, so making your office space bright and airy will help with your employees’ wellbeing and productivity.

Install large windows that can be opened (even on a restrictor) which will bring some sunlight into the office space. If you paint the walls a light neutral colour, this will keep the room from feeling dark and oppressive.

You may also want to install decorations with relevance to the company like encouraging quotes. You may also want to place some plants around the office, as they can be helpful for circulating fresh air to maximise concentration.

Garden centres like Dobbies have a wide range of plants to choose from that will liven up your office space with some colour and character.

4. Have a Relaxation Space for Staff.

It’s important that staff can have a relaxing area to spend their breaks, eat their lunch and socialise in working hours. This will help to build good relationships in the team and encourage good morale during stressful times.

You can fill your break space with comfortable furniture, attractive art, noticeboards containing relevant information, and a table to eat at, which will contribute to the homely atmosphere.

If you want to cover your walls in bright posters, you can find a wide variety on websites like Poster Store for fast and affordable delivery.

Do you have any ideas for building the best business headquarters? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


What You Can Do With A Master’s Degree In Accountancy

do your own taxes

do your own taxes

Accounting is an essential function for businesses of all sizes, and with the ever-increasing demand for qualified accountants, a master’s degree in accountancy can lead to many career opportunities. A master’s degree in accountancy provides students with advanced knowledge and skills in financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and taxation, making them well-equipped to tackle various accounting-related roles. With a master’s degree, individuals can pursue a range of career paths in diverse industries, including public accounting firms, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and corporate businesses.

In this article, we explore some of the most common career options for individuals with a master’s degree in accountancy and the average salaries associated with each role based on data from reputable sources.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

A Master’s Degree in Accountancy is an excellent preparation for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. CPAs are highly respected and sought-after professionals who help individuals and businesses with tax planning, accounting, and auditing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that the median salary for a CPA in the United States is $73,560 per year.

Management Accountant

As management accountants, individuals are responsible for analyzing financial data and creating reports to help organizations make strategic decisions. They may also be involved in budgeting, forecasting, and cost analysis. Having an MAcc degree can provide individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this role. MAcc programs typically cover advanced topics in accounting, such as financial statement analysis, auditing, and taxation. Additionally, these programs often include coursework in business strategy and management, which can be valuable for individuals in management accountant positions. According to PayScale, the average salary for a management accountant with a MAcc degree is $68,000 per year in the US.

Financial Analyst

A financial analyst helps businesses and individuals make investment decisions by analyzing financial data and market trends. A master’s degree in accountancy provides students with the analytical skills needed to succeed in this field. According to the BLS, the median salary for a financial analyst in the United States is $83,660 per year.

Forensic Accountant

Forensic accountants use their accounting knowledge to investigate financial crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. A master’s degree in accountancy with a focus on forensic accounting is an excellent preparation for this career. According to PayScale, the median salary for a forensic accountant in the United States is $71,647 per year.

Tax Consultant

A tax consultant helps individuals and businesses with tax planning, compliance, and reporting. According to PayScale, the median salary for a tax consultant in the United States is $59,000 per year.

Internal Auditor

An internal auditor ensures that a business or organization is compliant with laws, regulations, and internal policies. According to PayScale, the median salary for an internal auditor in the United States is $62,555 per year.

Budget Analyst

A budget analyst helps organizations develop and manage their financial plans. This includes forecasting revenue and expenses, analyzing financial data, and making recommendations for improvement. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for a budget analyst in the United States is $78,970 per year.


A controller oversees an organization’s financial operations and accounting department. They are responsible for financial reporting, compliance, and ensuring that the organization’s financial goals are met. According to PayScale, the median salary for a controller in the United States is $90,000 per year.

Financial Advisor

A financial advisor helps individuals and businesses manage their investments and finances. They provide guidance on financial planning, investment strategies, and retirement planning. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for a financial advisor in the United States is $89,160 per year.

Risk Manager

A risk manager is responsible for identifying and managing risks that could affect an organization’s financial performance. They work to minimize the impact of potential risks and develop strategies to prevent them from occurring in the future. According to PayScale, the median salary for a risk manager in the United States is $92,241 per year.

Corporate Accountant

A corporate accountant manages a company’s financial records, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll. They also prepare financial statements and reports for the company’s management team. According to PayScale, the median salary for a corporate accountant in the United States is $62,000 per year.

Financial Manager

A financial manager oversees the financial operations of an organization, including budgeting, forecasting, and financial reporting. They work closely with other managers and executives to ensure that the organization meets its financial goals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for a financial manager in the United States is $134,180 per year.

Investment Banker

An investment banker helps companies raise capital through public offerings, private placements, and other financial transactions. They also provide financial advice to clients and assist with mergers and acquisitions. According to Glassdoor, the median salary for an investment banker in the United States is $98,580 per year.

Financial Reporting Analyst

A financial reporting analyst prepares financial reports for a company’s management team and stakeholders. They analyze financial data to identify trends and make recommendations for improvement. According to PayScale, the median salary for a financial reporting analyst in the United States is $71,000 per year.

International Accountant

An international accountant works with companies that have operations in multiple countries, ensuring compliance with international accounting standards and tax laws. They also provide advice and guidance on cross-border financial transactions and currency exchange. According to PayScale, the median salary for an international accountant in the United States is $71,406 per year.

Financial Writer

A financial writer creates content for websites, blogs, and other publications related to finance and investing. They use their knowledge of financial markets and products to write articles that educate and inform readers. According to Glassdoor, the median salary for a financial writer in the United States is $62,000 per year.


Obtaining a master’s degree in accountancy can lead to a multitude of career opportunities in various industries. Graduates possess the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to excel in roles such as financial analyst, tax accountant, forensic accountant, internal auditor, and many more. Additionally, the demand for accountants continues to grow, making this an excellent career choice for those who enjoy working with numbers, solving complex problems, and contributing to the success of organizations.

With the average salaries for these roles ranging from $57,000 to over $100,000 per year, a master’s degree in accountancy is a sound investment that can pay dividends for years to come.


Top Five Professional Development Tips For Educators


If you are an educator, you know that learning is a never-ending journey. As the world changes and new technologies take over, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in your field. That is why professional development is so important.

Whether you are a new teacher just starting out or an experienced professional looking to enhance your skills, there is always room for improvement. If you do not know how and where to get started, read the following tips to work on your professional development:

1. Pursue Advanced Degrees Or Certifications.

Pursuing advanced degrees or certifications is an excellent way for educators to deepen their knowledge and enhance their teaching skills. It can lead to improved teaching strategies, better student outcomes, and increased job satisfaction. Depending on your intended career path, you may opt for a specific program.

For example, if you are a K-12 teacher interested in specializing in a specific content area or working with special needs students, you might consider obtaining a specialized certification. It may include a Master of Science in Special Education or a certification in Gifted Education.

Likewise, if you want to pursue a leadership role within your school or district, earning an administrative degree such as a Master’s in Educational Leadership or a certification in School Administration might be best.

That said, many educators simply lack time to upgrade their education. In that case, enrolling in one of the well-recognized online graduate degree programs is your best bet. They will enable you to continue your studies while giving you enough time and energy to continue your teaching career simultaneously.

2. Prioritize Self-Evaluation.

By engaging in self-evaluation, educators can identify their areas of strength and weakness. In other words, it will help you better understand where you excel and where you need to improve. Using these insights, you can create a professional development plan that focuses on addressing the identified weak links.

Keeping a journal is a great way to stay on top of self-evaluation. It is a helpful tool for tracking your thoughts, observations, and reflections on your teaching practice. By jotting down notes throughout the day or week, you can gain a better understanding of your teaching style and areas where you excel or struggle.

Setting goals also play a pivotal role in the self-evaluation process. When devising goals, be sure to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. For example, if you want to improve your classroom management skills, a SMART goal could be: “By the end of the semester, I will implement three new strategies to improve student behavior and decrease disruptions during class.”

3. Join Professional Associations.

Becoming a member of a professional association could prove to be extremely useful for educators. One of the key benefits is access to a network of colleagues and professionals in their field. Professional associations often host conferences, workshops, and other events where educators can connect with colleagues. It can provide them with valuable support, guidance, and mentorship along the way.

Professional associations also provide members with valuable resources, such as research papers, journals, and online databases. That way, educators may stay abreast of the latest developments in their field. These resources are instrumental in helping educators boost their pedagogical approach and improve their teaching outcomes.

4. Seek Mentorship.

When it comes to professional development, one of the most valuable resources is mentorship. Essentially, this means finding a more experienced colleague or educational professional who can help you navigate your career.

Mentorship can take many forms, from regular check-ins and conversations to more structured coaching sessions or formal training programs. The key is finding someone who can help you identify areas for improvement, set goals, and work towards achieving them.

Mentorship is a two-way street. Hence, you not only benefit from the experience and knowledge of your mentor but also bring your own unique perspective and ideas to the table. It results in a more collaborative and dynamic learning experience for everyone involved.

It bears worth mentioning that finding the right mentor is about more than just finding someone with a lot of experience or knowledge. It is about finding someone who understands your goals and challenges and shares your values and philosophy.

So, how can you go about finding the perfect mentor? Well, to begin with, social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can be great places to connect with other educators and find potential mentors. Look for educators who are active on social media and share your interests and values.

Apart from that, you may also reach out to educators you admire. Do not be afraid to cold email or message educators you respect. Explain your goals and ask if they would be willing to meet with you or provide guidance in any capacity. In most cases, they will show their willingness to help you.

5. Be Innovative.

As a teacher, it could be easy to get caught up in the routine of daily life and forget to try new stuff in the classroom. However, being innovative is a fun and exciting way to explore new ideas and techniques that can take your teaching to the next level.

One way to do that is to try a new teaching strategy or implement new educational technology. Before jumping in, research and understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of the approach. Look for examples of other teachers who have successfully used the strategy or technology and observe their methods in action. This can help you gain confidence and prepare for any challenges that may arise.

Remember, being innovative does not have to be intimidating or overwhelming. By starting small and working your way up to bigger experiments, you will become more comfortable trying new things in the classroom. In all likelihood, you may even stumble upon something that becomes a favorite among your students.


As an educator, your work is never done. You will have to constantly strive for improvement. As a result, you will not only improve your skills and knowledge but also create better learning environments for your students. We encourage you to follow the tips covered in this blog and embrace the journey of professional development.


Is Meritocracy Undermining Your Employees (And Sabotaging Your Goals)?


by Amri B. Johnson, CEO of Inclusion Wins and author of “Reconstructing Inclusion: Making DEI Accessible, Actionable, and Sustainable

On the surface, meritocracies seem beneficial to organizations. In reality, they hurt your most vulnerable employees. Everyone has merit; everyone deserves dignity. Rather than run your organization based on merit, try anchoring on people — on the boundless potential of one another. This will unleash the potential of all your employees — not just a select few.

Systems based on meritocracy won’t help everyone make the meaningful contributions they are capable of. But when leaders empower everyone to thrive — not just “top performers” — all employees can deliver their best work.

So what should organizations do to get the outcomes they desire? Here are some tips to help you deconstruct the myth of meritocracy and make your organization fairer and more inclusive to all.

Start by asking important questions about meritocratic-oriented systems.

When you’re separating the ideal (meritocracy) from the reality of how it’s been practiced, it’s important to reconsider the notion of how it has served the people in your organization. For example: Has the ideal of meritocracy helped people thrive? If yes, who has it helped (more or less)? Where does it serve or hinder our mission? Does our current perception of it help us create a generative culture? If yes, what is the evidence of this outcome?

Look for meritocratic ideals everywhere (and root them out).

You might discover these ideals masking themselves in people’s preferences, organizational traditions, or what is expedient. In these cases, question whether decisions made from systems designed for meritocracy are clear, consistent, and caring. If they are not, inequity is likely in process or being reinforced in the organizational mind.

Believe in the potential of your employees — all of them.

As DEI pioneer Michael Hyter observed, nearly all employees are capable of high-level performance. Just because your employees haven’t reached the pinnacle yet does not mean that they won’t or can’t. Likewise, if you see an instance that your reports or peers drop in performance, don’t conclude that they have reached some imaginary ceiling that cannot be broken through. Consider in all cases that if they aren’t able to make a breakthrough in performance alone, that they can with the right help from their management and peers.

Likewise, be sure not to overload the “cream of the crop” with the lion’s share of the work. Spread the responsibility around, allowing all employees to share the load and have ownership over important projects. Of course you can help by figuring out everyone’s skills and putting people to work in areas where they shine. You will end up with far less burnout from your most productive workers while others have a chance to rise to the occasion and improve their performance.

Clearly define performance standards for employees.

Coach them to move toward these standards. Coaching should come from superiors, managers, and peers. Great teams get better together. Developing organizational capacity for people to be helpful coaches with one another will provide hefty returns.

Eliminate PIPs.

When an employee is ranked as a low performer, they are often subjected to a performance improvement process (PIP), which lays out everything that employee must do in alignment with the manager’s desires. PIPs are usually not about performance improvement, but rather a justification to move a person out while appearing impartial.

Instead of this punitive process, take a deliberate and formal approach, coaching the employee to develop and experience real growth. Check in formally and informally often. In your informal conversations, identify whom the employee could learn from and how they could refine specific skills. Find out how the employee is feeling and help them identify what they might do differently or whom they might engage with and learn from. For formal conversations, summarize their work, explore their engagement on projects, and discuss next steps.

Pay attention to whom you often promote.

If you are a person of influence and power in your organization, be aware of pushing your preferences if you tend to insist on candidates with similar backgrounds and pedigrees. By doing this, notice how you are undermining the very equity you are trying to create. What can you do differently?

Build an Inclusion System.

Meritocracies are exclusive by nature — they promote people who very often already have a leg up on everyone else because of who they are (and who they know). But an Inclusion System, Johnson’s framework that outlines the conditions critical to inclusion’s becoming normative, is there for the sole purpose of helping all stakeholders thrive and contribute their best to a generative culture and the organizational mission. It will empower everyone to perform at their best and have an opportunity to engage like never before.

At best, meritocracy is incomplete, and, at worst, it is dehumanizing. It benefits only some — those at the top. A human-centric approach is the clear path to transformation. When you support and believe in the potential of all employees, the gains become far more equitable, and people are finally able to show up as their best selves and give you their best work.


Amri B. Johnson

Amri B. Johnson is the author of “Reconstructing Inclusion: Making DEI Accessible, Actionable, and Sustainable“. He is a social capitalist, epidemiologist, entrepreneur, and inclusion strategist. As CEO/founder of Inclusion Wins, Amri and a virtual collective of partners converge organizational purpose to create global impact with a lens of inclusion.


Entrepreneur Home Loans: The Best Financing Solution For Self-Employed Home Buyers


If you are an entrepreneur and run your own business — or are a gig worker or independent contractor — you’ve probably found that it is a bit more challenging to qualify for mortgage financing than it was when you had a steady paycheck or W-2 income.

While self-employed mortgage borrowers can apply for all the same loans that “traditionally” employed borrowers can, buying a home as an entrepreneur comes with a host of unique challenges. The most common of these include:

  • The need to close before you have two years of tax returns
  • Aggressive tax deductions that reduce your income and prevent you from qualifying for traditional loans
  • The need for a jumbo loan amount with minimal money down (to keep money invested in your business)
  • Being able to compete and close quickly in a tough housing market

These challenges are compounded by the fact that different mortgage programs and lenders have their own criteria when it comes to documenting self-employed income.

Luckily, there are alternative solutions available to you. If you are a self-employed business owner and are having trouble qualifying for traditional home financing, an Entrepreneur Home Loan might be the solution you are looking for.

What Is an Entrepreneur Home Loan?

Entrepreneur Home Loans were created to overcome the roadblocks self-employed home buyers face when applying for traditional mortgages. These programs allow entrepreneurs to secure home financing with fewer restrictions than conventional loans when it comes to documenting income and assets.

There are two main types of Entrepreneur Home Loans:

1. Alt-Doc Programs.

Alt-doc loan programs allow self-employed borrowers to qualify for home financing using either their bank statements (personal or business) or business Profit-and-Loss statements. For bank statement programs, 12-24 of statements are required to prove income. For P&L programs, two years of P&L statements verified by an accountant are required.

These programs are generally used by business owners who have been in business for at least two years but have not filed their second-year taxes yet, or those whose tax returns do not show enough income to qualify for a traditional mortgage.

2. Asset Qualifier Programs.

Asset qualifier loans (also called ‘asset depletion loans’) allow self-employed borrowers to qualify using their liquid assets instead of income.

These types of loans are perfect for self-employed borrowers who do not have the stated income required to qualify, or who have not been in business for two years.

Finding the Right Mortgage Lender

As you can see, there are plenty of options available to self-employed entrepreneurs who are not able to qualify with traditional mortgage financing.

However, the challenge then becomes finding a mortgage lender who offers each of these programs and can help you decide which solution is the best for you and your financial goals.

NEO Home Loans has a variety of Entrepreneur Home Loans available for self-employed home buyers. Whether you are looking to qualify with your tax returns, stated income, bank statements, or asset documentation, we’re confident we have the perfect loan program that will fit your needs and allow you to qualify for your next home with the lowest possible cost.

Features of our Entrepreneur Home Loans include:

  • Alt-doc, bank statement, and asset qualifier loans available
  • 90% financing up to $1M
  • Credit scores as low as 680
  • 2-unit properties allowed
  • Second homes allowed
  • Investment properties allowed
  • Gift funds acceptable
  • Cash-out refinance and purchase loans available
  • Programs available to J1 Visa holders

How to Get Started

Whether you’re purchasing your first home or refinancing your current one, an Entrepreneur Home Loans is a great option to help you qualify for mortgage financing.

Our mission at NEO Home Loans is to help entrepreneurs navigate the landmines that come with buying a home. We have helped many self-employed home buyers select and qualify for the mortgage program best suited to reach their financial goals.

If you are self-employed and have had trouble qualifying for a traditional mortgage program, visit https://www.homeswithneo.com/entrepreneur-home-loans/ to schedule a consultation with a mortgage advisor and learn more about our Entrepreneur Home Loans. They will answer all your questions and educate you on the available programs so you can be happy with a mortgage solution that works for you!


Calling To Attention Our Calls-to-Action: Why CTAs Are More Important Than The Number Of Followers On Social Media


by Valeh Nazemoff, founder of Engage 2 Engage and author of “Energize Your Marketing Momentum

Many businesses are making a HUGE mistake when it comes to social media marketing.

They focus on the number of followers.

More followers means a wider reach, and that’s better for business, right?

Growing followers is a helpful metric, but only to a point. To see the best results from social media marketing, you need to focus on your call-to-actions (CTAs), not just on followers.

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of CTA in social media and how to make the most of your efforts.

Social Media is Essential for Marketing Momentum

As we break down in “Energize Your Marketing Momentum“, social media is a vital tool for marketing momentum. It’s one of the best platforms you can use to connect with your audience at every stage of the buyer journey. You can leverage social media in the awareness stage to introduce yourself to new potential leads, but you can also use it to nurture long-term relationships with existing customers.

But how can you determine if your social media marketing strategy is successful or not? A lot of brands consider the number of followers they have, and how much they are growing their follower base. The reason why a lot of companies focus on followers is that they see social media as a tool primarily for the awareness stage. It’s true, social media can help you get your brand in front of new prospects, so growing your audience can help.

But what happens after they follow you?

The benefit of social media doesn’t end with the awareness stage and new followers. In reality, you can (and should) post content that targets users in different stages. Some content is geared toward the awareness stage, but other content should be for the consideration, decision, and advocate stages.

When creating content for various stages, getting followers is not always the goal. It’s great if you can get new viewers to follow your account, so you can use the upcoming content to move them through the buyer journey. But after someone is already following you, there are more important ways to ensure value.

Call-to-Actions are Key

What should you focus on, if not followers?

Instead of focusing on only generating followers, brands must prioritize their social media calls-to-action (CTA).


That’s how you can best use social media to drive the desired action. Note, the desired action is not always a purchase. If you’re sharing a post about a free checklist to appeal to those in the consideration stage, then your CTA would direct them to download the checklist.

Including CTAs on every social post helps encourage users to complete the preferred action. Depending on the stage the content targets, the actions could include:

  • Visiting your website
  • Clicking on a landing page
  • Downloading something
  • Booking a call
  • Leaving a comment
  • Sending you a message
  • Sharing the post
  • Completing a form

The goal of the CTA is to help propel the target prospect throughout their buyer journey. Therefore, the CTA should align with what you want prospects or customers to do in that stage. Think about what the next action step would be if you had connected via email or phone instead. Then, turn that next step into a valuable CTA.

Adding a CTA to your social content is a meaningful (and straightforward) way to drive prospects to the next step. Telling people what you would like them to do is the easiest way to increase the likelihood that they complete the action.

CTA Tips for Social Media

Generally speaking, social media posts are short and punchy. You don’t want to add a long, drawn-out CTA that will lose your audience. Instead, you need effective CTAs that drive your desired actions.

Here are some helpful CTA tips to keep in mind for social media content:

  • Use action words
  • Tie the CTA to the content (it should be relevant to your post)
  • Make the action as simple to complete as possible
  • Test different CTAs/words to see what resonates with your audience
  • Mix it up. Don’t use the exact CTA every time
  • Make sure the CTA is clear
  • Be concise

Streamline Marketing Momentum with Automation and Delegation

Followers are not the most important thing for your social media strategy. While you want to grow a valuable audience, you ultimately want to use social channels to drive the desired results.

When it comes to social media CTAs (and the rest of your marketing momentum activities), automation and delegation are extremely valuable. Crafting compelling CTAs, creating social content, posting content, and engaging your audience all require time and expertise.

Trying to do all of this yourself is a recipe for disaster. It eats away at the time you can spend on core business activities and can drain the resources of your team as well. Handling all of the steps of marketing momentum, including social media and CTAs, can be a huge challenge for these reasons. By delegating to an external digital marketing expert company, you can free up internal resources while still driving your marketing momentum.

Improve your social media marketing efforts today by focusing on CTAs. Leverage automation and delegation to streamline the process and boost productivity.


Valeh Nazemoff

Valeh Nazemoff is an accomplished speaker, bestselling author, coach, and the founder of Engage 2 Engage, a digital marketing services company. Her books, Energize Your Marketing Momentum (2023), Supercharge Workforce Communication (2019), The Dance of the Business Mind (2017), and The Four Intelligences of the Business Mind (2014) aim to help businesses create order from chaos.


4 Tools Your Webflow Powered Startup Needs


Starting a business is something that can be very rewarding over time, and many people these days decide to try their hand at starting a business venture. Of course, there is a lot you have to do in order to get your venture up and running, and this includes ensuring you have a strong digital presence with a great website. For many startups, an efficient and affordable solution when it comes to website creation is to use Webflow, which offers a host of features to enable easy and efficient website creation.

As a startup business, it is important to consider what else your Webflow powered startup needs, as there are lots of digital tools and solutions that can help you in a variety of ways. From improving security and saving you time to boosting convenience and aiding effective resource management. In this article, we will look at a few of the digital tools that you can use as a Webflow powered startup.

Some of the Tools You Can Turn To

There are lots of tools that you can turn to as a startup business with a Webflow site. Some of the key ones that can aid your business are:

1. Passwordless Authentication.

If you want to eliminate the hassle and worry of creating, managing, and remembering multiple passwords, one tool to consider is a passwordless authentication tool. Solutions such as Vault Vision can help to make life easier, saves you time and hassle, and helps to increase security. You no longer have to worry about juggling passwords, and the worry of your passwords being compromised is eliminated.

2. Workflow Automation.

With the right workflow automation tools, you can automate anything you would normally do through more time-consuming methods. For instance, Parabola enables you to build flows that can automate whatever you would normally do in a spreadsheet, and this includes reports and other tasks. This can save you time and resources as a startup business.

3. Communication Tools.

It is vital that you have the right communication tools in place as a Webflow powered startup, and among the options that you can consider is Smartarget WhatsApp Contact Us! This enables you to not only communicate with your customers via the very popular WhatsApp platform but also send promotions and information via the platform as well.

4. Marketing and Publishing Tools.

Another important tool to consider as a startup is something that can help when it comes to marketing and publishing, as this can help to aid the growth of your startup. Tools such as Audienceful are ideal for things such as email marketing, content marketing, and building an audience.

Choose the Ideal Tools

In order to benefit from the plethora of tools available these days, you need to consider your business requirements and think about the types of tools that will most benefit you. Remember to look at the benefits of different tools, such as the ability to save you time and money, being able to increase security, and help you to better impress your customers.


The Importance Of Giving Back To The Community


by Eric Watkins, president at Abstrakt Marketing Group

Running a business is hard. As a business owner, you’re responsible for creating strategies, meeting quotas, managing finances, and countless other stressful and time-consuming obligations. Unsurprisingly, getting involved in the local community often falls to the bottom of the priority list.

But have you ever considered how your business could benefit in the long term from investing in your community? Dedicating your time, energy, and resources can benefit your business more than you might think.

Why Is It Important to Give Back?

No matter the size, every business is a valuable part of the community in which it operates. Your contributions matter and they reveal more about your values than any bench sign or billboard ever could.

Giving your staff opportunities to volunteer and give back communicates to everyone that your company doesn’t just care about increasing profits. This message goes a long way, which is why 47% of U.S. companies already offer some kind of volunteer program for employees. When giving back becomes a priority, you boost staff morale, increase retention, and promote team building outside of the office. Hello, good rapport!

Creating a strong business culture of community participation is also important. Not convinced? It’s free — yes, free! — positive publicity. As a good business owner, you strive to have a positive impact on your customers’ lives. Giving back to the community, whether through monetary donations or volunteering your time, will optimize your public image.

Community investments also lead to fantastic networking opportunities. Volunteering makes you an active part of the community, not just a passive constituent of it. You might even come face-to-face with your customers. This all helps build strong relationships with other businesses and increases engagement with customers. You never know when these connections will help you down the road or lead to client referrals.

Community helps community. When you invest in your local organizations and municipality, your business will reap the rewards.

Where Should You Begin?

Now that you know the benefits of giving back, you might be eager to put a plan into action. Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • Create a charity matching program. To encourage your employees to donate to causes they care about, consider matching their charitable contributions up to a certain dollar amount.
  • Offer charitable leave time. Give all employees a set amount of leave time to volunteer in their communities. To promote participation, you could enter employees who record their volunteer hours into quarterly drawings.
  • Make a company holiday dedicated to giving back. Organize a day where everyone in the company spends working hours at a nonprofit instead of the office. Your staff will feel fulfilled and refreshed coming back to work.
  • Donate to a local organization or nonprofit. Financial support can go a long way for local organizations. Find a local cause that aligns with your business’s values or mission.
  • Support a local sports team.If you donate to a local sports team, its participants will likely display your logo or business their equipment, field, or court. This promotion builds credibility with local customers.
  • Sponsor a local race. Communities love a 5K, and there is probably an annual race in your area in need of a new sponsor. You could donate money directly or encourage your employees to volunteer or participate.

Use these ideas as inspiration for other volunteering opportunities. Ask your staff about the organizations they already know and support. Whether by writing a check or giving time, businesses that volunteer focus on what’s most important: helping their communities. Leaders who recognize this stand to build better businesses, stronger communities, and more meaningful legacies.


Eric Watkins is president at Abstrakt Marketing Group, a business growth company that provides lead generation solutions. He also brings his ten years of sales and marketing experience to co-host The Grow Show Podcast, which makes it easier for entrepreneurs and leaders to grow their businesses. In 2018, he earned Workforce Magazine’s Game Changer award, and in 2022 he was honored as one of St. Louis’s 100 Titans.


Five Points of Innovation – How USANA Leaders Innovate For Success


There’s an old adage that you need 10 years to become an overnight success.

That’s because it takes time to focus your energies, stockpile experiences, and utilize a lifetime of knowledge to create success. USANA Health Sciences was not an overnight success, but because of strong leadership, forward thinking, and a commitment to excellence over 30 years, the company has become the apex science and nutrition supplementation producer in the world.

Their success is the result of innovation — both in the laboratory and boardroom. USANA sets trends by embracing the advantages of forward thinking, distinguishing between brainstorms vs. brain trusts, striving to be a high-performing company, focusing on the customer experience, and investing in their staff and culture. Leaders throughout the organization develop processes and products that are replicable and impactful for USANA’s Associates.

USANA shows how appreciation for the past can dictate the future by working in the moment to compound success. Their 30-year tradition of examining their consumers’ needs and exceeding their expectations has created a legacy company that is often imitated but never matched.

The Advantages of Forward Thinking

Success is a mindset. And USANA has established this mindset by having vibrant leaders at all levels. Led by President and CEO Jim Brown, USANA has created a culture of success through embracing the advantages of forward thinking.

Forward thinking is the ability to look at the “big picture” and break it into digestible, actionable sections. It’s equal parts synthesizing, problem-solving, and bold thinking. While USANA provides world-class products and opportunities for its Associates and Preferred Customers, it actually does even more.

USANA employs over 1,600 employees and serves customers in 24 markets, which makes them part of hundreds of thousands of lives. To meet and exceed these people’s needs, USANA looks at the business, science, and cultural landscape to help them make decisions that benefit people both today and in the future.

To anticipate the changing market, USANA views problems as opportunities. In-house scientists develop products to help support long-term health. They’re not solving the problems of the past — they’re envisioning a world where health and success are intertwined. They work to solve problems that have yet to be defined, because the forward-thinking mindset aims to set up guardrails for the future.

Brainstorm vs Brain Trust

Ideas can come from anyone at any level. And to be successful, everyone must play a role in defining the future. USANA’s leaders know how to distinguish between brainstorms and brain trusts.

Brainstorms are open forum discussions where any and all ideas are good. There is no such thing as a bad idea, but to be productive, there needs to be ground rules. Brainstorms need the following to be successful:

  • Project objective.
  • Defined timelines.
  • Assigned transcriber.
  • Respectful discussion.

Start with a goal. For example, USANA wants to maximize their Associate experience at their next convention. To facilitate the best experience, the project manager will call for a brainstorm to pitch ideas. Participants will gather for an hour, and an individual will write down all ideas without judgement. Participants pitch ideas to make the next USANA convention a success. With 15 minutes left, the brainstorm stops and the brain trust begins.

Brain trust is where the group reviews each idea and determines if it is an actionable item. The best ones are indicated and put aside and the others are discarded without fear of egos being bruised.

Success happens when people come together with a common goal and respect for each other’s experiences and perspectives as they work toward solutions.

The Will to Perform

It’s not enough to want to be successful. USANA’s leaders strive to lead high-performing teams with clear goals that tie directly to the organization’s priorities. Individuals understand how their work fits into the organization mission, responsibilities are clearly defined, communication is clear and respectful, deadlines are honored, there is a community of trust, and all participants partake in a community culture of continuous learning.

Managers at USANA understand the benefits of trusting their teams to excel at all levels. Ultimately, their chief responsibility is to support and encourage employees as innovation and success are the by-products of a cohesive organization.

Garnering Support and Maintaining Buy-In

Buy-in is more than selling ideas. It’s encouraging staff to participate in building processes, products, and procedures. USANA highlights the importance of goals and how all staff can be part of the success. To marshal support and maintain buy-in to company expectations, leaders must communicate common goals and outline the benefits of everyone’s roles.

Successful companies inspire people to do their very best, and USANA’s success is predicated upon supporting each staff member. Because when you work in a space that appreciates ideas, people, and achievement, there is no limit to what one can accomplish.

A Focus on the Customer Experience

The single most important measure of success is an ability to remain laser focused on the customer experience. Companies that lose focus on corporate goals are destined for the ash heap of history — you cannot find success at any level if you take your customers for granted. While competition is rampant, USANA distinguishes itself from others by providing an incredible experience with superior customer loyalty.

And it’s not just when things go perfectly. From the conception of the supplements to delivery of each vitamin, USANA is committed to making sure each customer feels valued and appreciated.

USANA is more than a pill company. They know their key to success and share it beyond themselves to help their customers and Associates find their own success in life and business.

Experience the difference and see for yourself what separates USANA from the rest. Visit USANA Health Sciences and discover how you can be part of USANA.


Seven Ways To Prepare For A Role In Educational Leadership


Picture this: you’re standing at the helm of a school, your fingers laced behind your back as you survey the bustling hallways and lively classrooms. As the institution’s leader, you’re responsible for ensuring that every student receives the best possible education and that every teacher has the support and resources they need to excel. It’s a challenging role but one that can be immensely rewarding for those with a passion for making a difference in the field of education. If you’re considering a career in educational leadership, you may wonder how best to prepare for the role, face numerous challenges, and make tough decisions.

This article will explore key ways to develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to succeed as an educational leader. So, take a deep breath, roll up your sleeves, and learn how to head towards this path:

1. Pursue Advance Education.

Educational leaders must have a thorough understanding of the education system, its challenges, and its opportunities. Higher education, such as a master’s degree or doctorate, can help you gain the necessary knowledge and skills for a leadership role.

According to an NCES report, over 70% of school principals have a master’s degree or higher. Similarly, over 80% of school superintendents have a master’s degree or higher.

Higher education can provide a strong theoretical foundation in educational leadership and help you develop critical skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving.

To pursue a role in educational leadership, you may enroll in one of the higher education masters programs online, majoring in educational leadership. These programs are entirely online and allow students to learn about the unique challenges higher education institutions face in the 21st century.

Moreover, you will develop organizational leadership, strategic planning, and student affairs skills, which will prepare you for different leadership roles.

2. Gain Relevant Experience.

One of the most crucial ways to prepare for a role in educational leadership is to gain relevant experience. It can be achieved by working in various positions within the education industry, such as teaching, administration, or research. By gaining experience, you will develop a deep understanding of the education industry, its challenges, and its opportunities.

According to a report by NCES, over 50% of school principals had worked as a teacher. Similarly, over 25% of school superintendents had experience working as a principal.

It’s important to note that experience in the education industry is one of many types of relevant experience that can prepare you for a leadership role. Experience in other fields, such as management or business, can also provide valuable skills that can be applied to educational leadership.

3. Build a Strong Network.

Building a strong network can be an excellent way to prepare for a role in educational leadership. Building a network of professionals in the education industry can provide valuable insights and opportunities for professional development. You can network with professionals from the education industry by attending conferences, seminars, and other industry-related events.

Networking can also help you stay informed about the latest trends, policies, and practices in the education industry, which is essential for pursuing a role in educational leadership.

4. Develop Leadership Skills.

Leadership is an essential skill for anyone working as a leader in education. According to a National School Boards Association study, 92% of school board members believe effective leadership is critical to student success.

These skills can be developed through training, attending workshops, or mentorship programs. Effective educational leaders must possess various leadership skills, such as communication, strategic thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills.

5. Stay Updated.

Aspiring leaders must stay informed about the latest trends, policies, and practices in the education industry. You can stay informed by reading industry-related publications, attending workshops, conferences, and seminars, and networking with other professionals.

According to the report “Characteristics of Public School Districts in the United States” by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), over 90% of school superintendents reported that keeping up with new developments in education was essential to their job.

Staying informed can help you make informed decisions, anticipate challenges, and take advantage of opportunities in the education industry. It can also help you stay current with changes in regulations and policies, which can impact educational institutions.

6. Take Risks.

In K-12 education, it is effortless to fall into a routine of relying on proven methods and never venturing beyond those successes. Some educators have been teaching the same lessons for two decades, but is this approach truly benefiting their students? Regrettably, the answer is no. With education advancing in diverse directions, inaction hinders students’ overall potential. Hence embracing risk-taking is the key to breaking away from this stagnancy. However, it all starts with the organization’s leadership. If leaders and administrators aspire to observe positive outcomes from their teachers, they must actively promote, support, and demonstrate risk-taking at their institution.

7. Strengthen Communication Skills.

It is imperative to possess strong communication skills, both in written and verbal formats, to excel in an educational leadership position. Effective communication is crucial in determining the school’s performance and reputation. Therefore, taking time to assess your communication strategy is essential, ensuring that your message is clear and consistent. Additionally, maintaining professionalism and integrity in all communication methods is paramount. Sharpening your communication skills will benefit you and the institution you lead.


The future of education is counting on you! As we reach the end of our journey exploring ways to prepare for a role in educational leadership, we hope you’re feeling inspired and empowered to take the next steps toward realizing your career goals. Whether you’re a teacher looking to transition to administration or a student studying to become an educational leader, the road ahead may be challenging. Still, it’s filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and impact. By developing the key skills, knowledge, and mindset critical to effective leadership and staying attuned to the changing landscape of education, you can position yourself for success in this exciting and rewarding field. So, keep your eyes on the prize, stay curious, and never stop learning.

[Photo by Mikhail Nilov]


How Can Startups Manage And Promote Employee Wellbeing?


by Kate Pritchard, Head of Consulting at People Insight

The demands, complexities and challenges involved in running a startup can seem overwhelming. It’s a job that requires you to be on your toes at all times while balancing a lot of plates. You are undoubtedly competing with established businesses in a crowded market, and while you may feel passionate about the unique services you can offer, you still have a lot to prove while managing cash flow, finding the right talent, scaling the business and managing risks (including diversifying the business model, developing contingency plans and monitoring market trends and changes). 

All this to say, as the owner of a startup, you have a lot of responsibility and not much in the way of spare time. Knowing this, employee wellbeing schemes may not be top of your priority list – but is there a financial reason you should prioritise them? Is employee wellbeing actually something that could provide real ROI while offering unique value?

Why is Employee Wellbeing Important?

You may appreciate and respect your colleagues, but you also have to be conscious of the bottom line. You need to know the business value of every process, which leads us to the question – when it comes down to it, why is employee wellbeing important? In what ways can it give your company an edge? 

A study shared in the Harvard Business Review debunks the idea that employee wellbeing programmes are simply ‘a nice extra’, by demonstrating that a comprehensive, well-run employee wellbeing programme can offer a six-to-one return on investment.

But how exactly can such programmes provide an ROI? Here are just a few reasons that employee wellbeing is important for both the individual employee and the organisation as a whole:

1. Improved Employee Health.

Employee wellbeing programs can help employees improve their physical, mental, financial, and emotional health. By offering resources such as gym memberships, healthy meals and counseling services, employees can take care of themselves and maintain their health and wellbeing. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity. It can also result in fewer sick days and unexplained leave. 

2. Increased Productivity and Engagement.

When employees are healthy and happy, they are more productive and engaged in their work. Studies have shown that employees who participate in wellbeing programs are less likely to miss work and have higher job satisfaction than those who don’t. This can result in increased productivity, better work performance, and a more positive work environment.

3. Improved Retention and Recruitment.

Employee wellbeing programs can also improve retention and recruitment. Employees are more likely to stay with an organisation that values their health and wellbeing, and job seekers may be attracted to organisations that offer comprehensive wellbeing programs. This can lead to a more stable and engaged workforce.

4. Improved Corporate Image.

Organisations that prioritize employee wellbeing can improve their corporate image and reputation. This can be especially important for companies that operate in industries with a focus on sustainability, social responsibility, or health and wellbeing. By promoting employee wellbeing, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to their employees’ wellbeing and attract customers who share the same values.

8 Ways Startups Can Promote Employee Wellbeing

So how can startups begin to look after employee wellbeing? Here are top tips to incorporate it from day one.

1. Develop a wellbeing Program.

Startups can develop a wellbeing program that includes initiatives to promote employee health and wellbeing. The program should include activities such as regular health check-ups, exercise classes and healthy eating options. The wellbeing program can also provide resources for employees to improve their mental health, such as access to counseling services.

2. Carry Out Employee Surveys.

Regular employee wellbeing surveys demonstrate to your workforce that wellbeing is a priority – it’s not simply something you are paying lip service to. What’s more, appropriately tailored wellbeing surveys ask the right questions to get to the heart of how employees are feeling, how recognised and valued they feel, how motivated they are, while providing you with real data to record and track. Delivered regularly, employee wellbeing surveys can give you snapshots over time to see how your measures are performing, how your employees are doing and where you can stand to improve.

3. Encourage Physical Activity.

Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health. Startups can encourage physical activity by providing employees with gym memberships or discounts to local fitness centers. Additionally, startups can organise group fitness classes, such as yoga or pilates, to promote physical activity among employees. Such group activities can be carried out at low cost, but reap great rewards in the long run, while creating opportunity for real team bonding.

4. Offer Healthy Snacks and Meals.

The food that employees consume can have a significant impact on their health and wellbeing. Startups can offer healthy snacks and meals in the workplace to encourage employees to make healthier food choices. Healthy snacks could include fruits, nuts, and oat bars, while healthy meal options could include salads and sandwiches.

5. Create a Positive Work Environment.

The work environment plays a significant role in employee wellbeing. Startups can create a positive work environment by fostering a culture of open communication, recognition and collaboration. The work environment should also be comfortable and well-lit to prevent physical strain on employees.

6. Encourage Work-Life Balance.

Startups can encourage work-life balance by offering flexible work hours and allowing employees to work from home. By offering flexible work arrangements, startups can reduce employee stress and promote mental health. Additionally, startups can encourage employees to take time off when needed to avoid burnout.

7. Provide Mental Health Support.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Startups can provide mental health support to employees by offering access to counseling services and creating a supportive work environment. Employees should feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns with their managers and coworkers without fear of stigma.

8. Lead by Example.

Finally, startups can promote employee wellbeing by leading by example. Managers and leaders should prioritise their own health and wellbeing and encourage their employees to do the same. When employees see their managers making healthy choices, they are more likely to follow suit.

Just as no two organisations are the same, no two businesses will approach and manage wellbeing in the same way – there are many ways to address wellbeing in the workplace. Not all of them are likely to be costly. However you decide to proceed, make it clear to your employees that they are a core and fundamental part of your organisation, that you value them and their contributions and you are taking measures to cater to their wellbeing. Transparency and communication are key, and once employees are confident that they are being looked after, they are likely to remain loyal to your business for the long run.


Kate Prichard is an employee experience expert and leadership coach at People Insight with over 20 years’ experience. At People Insight, Kate works with organisations to create effective listening strategies, and to interpret and act on employee feedback in order to improve engagement levels and optimise performance.


Mobile App Development For Businesses – A Complete Guide


In today’s world, mobile technology has become an integral part of our lives. Everywhere we look, people are glued to their phones and tablets – checking emails, browsing websites, playing games, and more. This shift towards mobile has made it essential for businesses to have a presence on these devices if they want to stay competitive in the market.

Having a dedicated mobile app is one of the best ways for organizations to scale their business efficiently and reach out to potential customers. To help you get started with developing your own app, here’s a complete guide on how you can go about it!

Whether you are planning to hire an mobile app development company or overseas, or you are attempting to develop an app on your own, this article will help you understand the process and make an informed decision.

What exactly is mobile app development for business?

Mobile app development is the custom process of creating software applications that run on smartphones and tablets. These apps are designed to meet the needs of businesses by providing features such as content delivery, sales tracking, customer management, and more.

The main advantage of having a mobile app for your business is that it allows you to reach out to a broader customer base, increase visibility and generate more revenue. Compared to the conventional web, mobile apps also provide a better user experience and can be tailored to specific customers’ requirements.

With mobile app development in India, organizations can customize their app according to their requirements. The mobile app development process involves planning, designing, coding, and testing the application before it is launched in the market.

Why shift to a mobile app in 2023?

Mobile apps are the future of digital marketing. With more people accessing the internet on their phones, businesses need to be present where their customers are. An app will not only provide an easy way to reach out to potential customers but also help you stay ahead of your competitors.

Moreover, these apps can track customer analytics and help you understand how customers are engaging with your product. This data can then be used to optimize the app and improve user experience.

Mobile apps can also be used to push notifications to customers, offer discounts and promotions, run loyalty programs, etc. This will help you increase customer engagement, build brand awareness, and drive more sales.

Mobile apps provide more value to the business than a traditional website. It is fast, responsive, and interactive compared to the web. The app development process can be complex but it is worth investing in it to take your business to the next level.

In addition, companies can build a strong brand presence and loyalty by offering a smooth and user-friendly mobile app experience to their customers.

How to get started with mobile app development for business?

Whether you have an in-house team to develop a bespoke mobile app or you plan to partner with an app development company in India, these fundamental steps remains the same in both scenarios:

Defining app idea and business requirement:

Before you embark on the journey of developing your app, it is essential to understand what you are trying to achieve. You need to define a clear goal and come up with an idea that will help you fulfill that goal.

It is also important to define the business requirements for your app. This includes the app’s purpose, its target audience, key features, and other important details. It becomes crucial for businesses to focus on the target audience, as it helps them to make design and development decisions that will improve user experience.

You can do detailed competitive analysis and market research to identify the requirements. This will help you make an informed decision on what features to include in your app and how it needs to be designed to meet customer expectations.

Choosing the right technology stack:

The technology stack is a combination of programming languages, frameworks, and other tools used to develop an application. The right technology stack will be the one that meets all your business requirements and fits within the budget.

It is important to choose the right technology stack as it will affect the speed, cost, scalability, and performance of the app. If you’re planning to build a native app, then the technology stack will consist of Java (for Android) and Swift/Objective-C (for iOS).

The hybrid app development process involves using a single codebase to create apps for both platforms. In this case, the technology stack will consist of HTML5, JavaScript, and third-party frameworks such as Ionic, React Native, and Flutter.

Overall design and UX:

Design and UX are two crucial elements that can make or break your mobile app. The UI needs to be simple, intuitive, and visually appealing so that users will find it easy to use.

It is important to perform user testing during the design process so that you can identify any issues in the design before you launch it in the market. You should also focus on providing a personalized experience to the user that will help build loyalty and engagement.

The overall user experience should be smooth, intuitive, and consistent across different platforms. This will help you create a seamless experience for the customer and ensure that they keep coming back to your app.

Hiring an app development company in India:

If you don’t have an in-house team for app development, then you should consider hiring an experienced mobile app development company in India. The right partner will have the skills and expertise to develop a feature-rich and secure mobile app that meets your business needs.

They should be able to provide you with end-to-end services, from UI/UX design to development, testing, and launch. It is important to hire a company with a good track record in app development and a portfolio of successful projects.

Testing and QA:

Once you have developed your app, it is crucial to test its features and functionality before launching the product in the market. This process can be done either manually or using automated testing tools. It is important to check the app on different devices and platforms to ensure it works properly across all platforms.

Testing helps to identify any bugs or errors in the app that need to be fixed. Quality assurance is also important to ensure that the product meets quality standards and delivers a great user experience.

Future scalability and maintenance:

Once the mobile app is launched, it is important to plan for future scalability and maintenance. The app needs to be regularly updated with new features and bug fixes so that it remains up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

It is also important to plan for scalability in case your user base grows. This means that the app should be designed in such a way that it can easily accommodate additional users and features without any performance issues.

Wrapping up!

A mobile app is an important tool for businesses to engage with customers, boost sales, and increase revenue. The success of a mobile app depends on various factors such as the right technology stack, proper design and UX, and quality assurance. It is important to choose the right agency for mobile app development in India and gain a competitive edge.


Why Believing In Your Own Vision Is Paramount To Success


by Mike Fata, CEO of Fata & Associates and author of “Grow: 12 Unconventional Lessons for Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur

You think successful people don’t feel imposter syndrome? Think again.

Even with a lot of new sales coming in the door at the turn of the new millennium, we were still learning. The learning curve was especially steep when we had to ramp up production. We were increasing product batches, and, for whatever reason, the product was just okay.

Okay wasn’t good enough. Not at all.

We had to make the hard decision to stop selling that product, even to the point of taking a loss, one that had a significant financial impact on the business at the time. As a young entrepreneur, especially as someone who had emerged from childhood poverty, I was understandably nervous. It felt like a threat. I felt like I was going to drown.

But I had to uphold what the Manitoba Harvest brand was going to stand for long term, and while other elements for my vision would emerge over time, the first thing I knew was that the brand was going to stand for quality.

My vision for quality was honed by that same need to ensure that my products were healthy and contributing something positive to people, to the world. But I was also inspired by what I had read and learned about the Toyota method.

Coming back to one of my essential questions, namely, what did the world-class way to do business look like, I found out that a world-class quality culture looked like a Toyota picked up on a flight back in the ’90s, and the lesson stuck. In Toyota’s just-in-time speak, Kanban was an effective tool in support of running a production system as a whole, because every employee could mark a problem using a yellow sticky note wherever they saw a flaw. Even to this day, anyone on that production line can pull the handle and the whole production line stops. Quality assurance at Toyota means that every problem is addressed right here and now.

Seeing what was happening on our production line, I decided to bring that vision of quality to Manitoba Harvest. I wanted to make sure anyone could stop the line if there was something wrong.

But before you can stop the line, you have to get a few things right.

At Toyota, their vision of quality is literally printed on the walls. It’s printed on T-shirts, on people’s job descriptions, on their training documents. It’s so much a part of their culture that Toyota’s organizational framework is deliberately flattened. Everyone is seen as an integral part of the team. That team integrity, literally, is part of the goodwill, the brand, and the value of that business today.

So that’s what we homed in on at Manitoba Harvest, building a culture that had quality as one of its core values. Despite the added worry of the cost, we highly invested in process and quality management systems and training. We eliminated gatekeepers to change management. We became really clear with what was going to be acceptable to our customers, and what was going to be acceptable to our company values. We deputized everyone to be a quality sheriff throughout the business.

Hemp health was a lifestyle that not everyone was aware of at the time, and especially the idea of promoting health all day long. That was brand-new. That was Manitoba Harvest’s ethos. But barely anyone outside of the alternative-health community was following a vegetarian or plant-based diet when we were ramping up. Focusing on quality, however, we soon learned that the majority of the team felt proud that they were working in a business that was making the world a healthier place by offering hemp products to all. We were also beginning to see all of the positive feedback from consumers and testimonials about our socially and environmentally responsible business.

That’s when the quality mark we were aiming for began to feel real.

In fact, we soon discovered that the number one reason people wanted to work at Manitoba Harvest was the same as my own reason: personal and professional growth. The number two reason was that they could be proud of the work they were doing—so much so that they’d tell their family and friends about that pride.

With a shared vision, none of us hesitated in living the brand because it was meaningful for all of us.

Over time, I developed a deeper, richer version of my vision.

So if you’re looking to found your own business, your own vision has to be paramount.

  • Remember that you’re never an imposter in your own game. What you’re passionate about really matters.
  • You can Kanban your way through your own business issues. Put a sticky note on sticky problems, and then call on those friendships, ask more questions, and make changes as you go.
  • A vision can naturally evolve out of the community and friendships you’ve already established and allows everyone’s passionate ideas to infuse your future success.
  • You don’t have to replicate old business ideas and models to be successful. Instead, you need to find the founder-product-market fit that works for you.


*Excerpted from “Grow: 12 Unconventional Lessons for Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur” by Mike Fata (Page Two Books)


Mike FataMike Fata is the CEO of Fata & Associates and author of “Grow: 12 Unconventional Lessons for Becoming an Unstoppable Entrepreneur“. He is co-Founder of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods and hosts the Founder to Mentor podcast. As a 9-figure entrepreneur, certified holistic health coach, and growth coach, he motivates and inspires people to discover their authentic business passions and live their best life every day.


Maximizing Your Potential: How To Match Your Personality Traits With The Right Career



When it comes to deciding on a suitable line of work, one’s personality qualities play an essential part in determining the level of success and happiness that one experiences in their work. Every individual has a one-of-a-kind set of abilities and characteristics that make them more suited to certain vocations than others.

You may choose the ideal career for yourself if you are able to recognize the characteristics that make up your personality and have an awareness of the competencies that are necessary for various professions.

Discovering Your Job

The following is a list of common personality qualities, along with the types of employment that are a good fit for each trait:

Extroversion: Individuals who are extroverted and enjoy the company of others are often well-suited for careers that entail interacting with others in some kind. Some examples of this include sales, providing excellent service to customers, and working in public relations.

Conscientiousness: Being organized, taking responsibility, and paying close attention to detail are all characteristics that define this personality feature. Careers that involve attention to detail, such as accounting, engineering, and project management, are excellent options for those who are conscientious and want to make a difference in the world.

Agreeableness: Kindness, empathy, and the capacity to collaborate well with others are hallmarks of pleasant people, who are also noted for their high level of agreeability. They often do very well in jobs that involve collaboration from their coworkers, such as social work, teaching, and counseling.

Openness: This quality is related to imaginative and creative thinking as well as a healthy dose of natural curiosity. Careers that provide opportunities for discovery and creativity, such as writing, design, and research, are ideal for those who are willing to have an open mind.

Neuroticism: Individuals who are high in neuroticism are more likely to suffer from anxiety, sensitivity, and stress than other people. They could perform well in professions like law, accountancy, or computer programming that need a high degree of precision and attention to detail, such as those two things.

Assertiveness: Individuals that are aggressive and confident may be well-suited for leadership responsibilities, such as management, becoming an entrepreneur, or executive positions. These jobs may be found in many different organizations.

Empathy: Individuals who are good at empathizing with other people and have a high degree of emotional intelligence are likely to do well in jobs that demand contact with other individuals, such as those in the helping professions (such as social work, counseling, or healthcare).

Risk-taking: Individuals who are not afraid to put themselves in potentially precarious situations could be well suited for employment in the financial sector, in the world of investment, or in the world of entrepreneurship, all of which involve taking risks in the hopes of achieving financial rewards.

Perfectionism: This attribute is distinguished by a high degree of attention to detail and a strong desire for things to be carried out in the most effective manner possible. Professions that involve precision and correctness, such as editing, quality control, or engineering, may be a good match for those who have a tendency toward perfectionism. [Citation needed]

Adaptability: Those who are flexible and able to adjust well to new situations may be well-suited for careers in the technological sector, which is characterized by frequent advancements and modifications, or in the creative arts sector, which is characterized by the persistent investigation of new and original concepts.

Getting a job that’s a good fit for your personality requires you to first determine what those attributes are. You may acquire a better knowledge of your strengths and shortcomings by taking personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Test Personality or the Big Five Personality Test, for example.

Secondly, do research on a variety of occupations and job descriptions to identify the fields and positions that are most suited to your individual characteristics. Make use of job search engines and websites to locate listings for jobs that are a good fit for your set of qualifications and areas of interest. Go out to those in your network who are already established in the disciplines of study that interest you the most and inquire about the guidance and viewpoints they can provide.

While looking for work, you should modify both your CV and your cover letter so that they show the aspects of your personality that are most relevant to the position you are seeking and how those aspects connect with the needs of the job. During job interviews, you should be prepared to speak about the characteristics of your personality and to present instances of how you have displayed these characteristics in positions that you have had in the past.

It is important to keep in mind that choosing the ideal job does not just include finding one in which your personality qualities align with the requirements of the position. It is also important to pick a firm whose beliefs and aims are compatible with your own, as well as the culture of the organization. Spend some time doing research on different firms and talking to people who already work there in order to get a feel for the culture of the company and determine whether or not it would be a good match for you.

Getting Approached By An Employer

From a different point of view, certain companies may expressly hunt for applicants that exhibit particular personality qualities that are well-suited for a particular position. This is especially true for occupations that demand certain soft skills or involve interacting with people, such as positions in customer service or team management, which both require interaction with other individuals.

Employers can identify candidates with the right personality traits through a variety of methods, such as using personality assessments during the hiring process or conducting behavioral interviews to assess a candidate’s past experiences and how they handled certain situations. Another option for employers is to create a job description that specifically calls for candidates with the right personality traits.

Yet, it is essential to keep in mind that when searching for a position, employers will often search for a mix of both technical talents and soft skills in potential candidates. Although technical skills relate to the exact information and abilities necessary to do a job, soft skills refer to the interpersonal skills and personal traits that allow an individual to interact well with others.

Therefore, it is important to have the technical skills and experience necessary to perform the job to the best of one’s ability in addition to having certain personality traits, which can certainly make a candidate more appealing to certain employers. However, it is also important to possess certain personality traits in order to make a successful application.

Specialized Jobs

There are certain occupations that are very uncommon or highly specialized, and these positions could demand a particularly particular set of personality traits or attributes. Consider the following, by way of illustration:

Air Traffic Controller: This position involves great attention to detail and situational awareness, along with outstanding communication skills, the capacity to manage high levels of stress and pressure, and a strong ability to handle high levels of stress and pressure.

Astronaut: Astronauts are required to have a high degree of intellect and technical knowledge, a high level of physical fitness, outstanding problem-solving abilities, and the ability to work effectively in a team environment.

FBI Agent: A high degree of honesty, the ability to think critically, and the capacity to perform effectively under pressure are all prerequisites for this position. In addition to having strong communication abilities, FBI agents are expected to be able to remain level-headed in the face of very emotional circumstances.

Professional Athlete: Athletes that compete at a professional level are often expected to exhibit high levels of competitiveness, as well as discipline and a strong work ethic. They may also be required to have outstanding physical ability and the capacity to deal with the stress and strain that comes with competing.

Diplomat: Diplomats need to be able to communicate effectively, be adept negotiators, and have a high degree of emotional intelligence. They should also be able to adjust to people from a variety of cultural backgrounds and negotiate difficult political circumstances.

These are only a few examples, and there may be more occupations that fall into the unusual or specialized category that call for a particularly particular set of personality traits or attributes. It is crucial to investigate and understand the criteria of any career that you are interested in pursuing, and to assess whether or not your personality characteristics and talents are a suitable fit for the position you are applying for.

In conclusion, the aspects of an individual’s personality that play a role in the search for the perfect employment play a significant role in the process. It is possible for you to increase the amount of joy you get from your job and achieve success in your profession by first developing an awareness of the elements that make up your personality and then looking for occupations that are a suitable match for those characteristics.


5 Habits Every Business Owner Needs To Have


As a business owner, you have many things on your plate, from managing a team of people to ensuring you stay within budget. When it comes to entrepreneurship, everyone has a slightly different approach. While there’s no single key to success, you can find solid advice to help you grow your business while also becoming a better leader.

Whether you’ve been a business owner for months or years, growing and adapting is critical. You never want to become stuck in a rut, and you want to stay current with best practices and trends in your field. 

While you’ll likely spend time researching hard skills or doing market research, it’s important not to underestimate some other habits. From emotional intelligence to communication skills, here are some habits and behaviors that all business owners need to have.

1. A Willingness To Ask For Help.

While asking for help might not be the first habit you’d expect on this list, it’s an essential one. No matter how experienced you are in your industry or how successful you are, no one can succeed alone. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and knowing when you need assistance is vital. Reaching out for help and learning to collaborate with others will serve you well in business and other areas of life.

2. A Love Of Learning.

Whether you’re a property manager or a retail store owner, a hunger for knowledge will also take you far. To start, you’ll want to develop passion and curiosity about the field you’re in. From researching products to understanding competitors, the more knowledge you have, the better.

But, beyond learning things related to your industry, excitement for knowledge will make you a more engaged and intelligent individual. In turn, this will make you a better leader and business person.

3. A Streak Of Compassion.

When you’re a business owner, you do have times when you need to be firm. You’ll likely have to make difficult decisions about budgets, hiring, customers, and more. You can’t always be emotional in your role, but this doesn’t mean emotion and sensitivity don’t have a place. 

In today’s workplace, employees want to be seen as complete individuals with lives outside of their jobs. Even customers are savvier than ever and are conscious about the businesses they support.

Showing compassion and allowing your humanity to shine through as a business owner will pay off. While being cutthroat may have had its place in the past, it’s no longer a great look. 

4. An Eye For Delegation.

Whether you’re running an e-commerce craft store or a marketing company, you’ll need to delegate tasks to other people on your team. As your business grows, you’ll need to do this more and more. But, delegation is also a learned skill. 

You’ll need to hone your eye for when to delegate and when certain things are best performed by you. You’ll also learn how to find the right people to delegate to as you build a network of people you trust and understand their skill sets. 

5. An Acceptance Of Failure.

Finally, a great entrepreneur understands that failure is part of the process. While you may fear failing, don’t let this get in your way. Understand that you will make mistakes. Learn from these failures and be vulnerable about their role in shaping your successes.

Learning these habits and cultivating them in your role as a business owner can bring many rewards. What practices would you advise other entrepreneurs to learn? 


5 Hacks For Great Video Meetings


by Tamara Sanderson, co-author of “Remote Works: Managing for Freedom, Flexibility, and Focus

I’m not sure I should be admitting this publicly, but given that I’m human, here it goes:

Before I learned the ways of asynchronous communication — communication that doesn’t happen in real time — I’d often sit in on Zoom meetings where I had no speaking role. As I half-listened, I’d mentally disappear into my email inbox, furiously responding with the goal of reaching “inbox zero” by the end of the workday. Once the emails were cleared, I’d sometimes shop online.

OK, it’s out there. It’s my truth. This, obviously, is not a best practice.

Thankfully, I know I’m not alone. According to behavioral psychologist Dr. Susan Weinschenk, humans weren’t designed for 60-minute Zoom calls.

According to her research, humans can only focus for 7 to 10 minutes at most. We then need a short break before we’re able to start over with another focus session. Likewise, the mind naturally wanders 30% of the time, and sometimes up to 70% during routine tasks, like driving on an uncrowded highway.

Rather than fight against our human biology, why not work with it?

When to Get on a Video Call — and When to Skip It

To work with your human hardwiring, follow the ABCs of remote communication: “Async Before Calls.” It’s more effective to spend 7 to 10 minutes writing a brief or a status update in Asana than it is to join a Zoom call and wait for the precise moment when something related to your job takes the hot seat.

That being said, there are still times when synchronous, real-time calls win out. For example, Steph Yiu, the chief customer officer at WordPress VIP and one of the experts we interviewed for our book, Remote Works, likes to schedule synchronous video calls for building momentum and celebrating.

As Yiu explains:

When you really want to celebrate or get visibility, you’ve got to take it to the weekly team call. … Let’s say you want to celebrate a customer story, or a new feature launch, or something that the team doesn’t think about day-to-day. That needs to be synchronous. People feel excitement around the squishy, untouchable feeling of things.

Furthermore, product leader Ali Brandt prefers to use synchronous calls and Zoom meetings for brainstorming, iterating, and clarifying. In Brandt’s own words:

“And then there’s the brainstorming, the iteration, the stuff where you don’t have clarity on, like, what are we actually going to be doing. There’s value in having a conversation because if you tried to do that over Slack, it would be 50 messages, and you wouldn’t get anywhere. It’s really thinking about what needs to be synchronous versus asynchronous.”

5 Hacks for Great Video Meetings

So, despite Zoom fatigue, sometimes video meetings are the best option. Here are a few hacks inspired by Vinh Giang, motivational speaker and magician, that we recommend to make your remote meetings memorable. (And prevent people like me from being distracted by their inboxes.)

    1. Switch up your speed. Vary the rate of your speech to maintain interest and signal importance. Slow down for the important bits and speed up for the parts you can gloss over.
    2. Emphasize melody and tone. You can incorporate melody into your meetings by repeating important phrases and varying your intonations. Similarly, tone is how we express emotion audibly. Your tone should match your message. 
    3. Pause. A pause can be so … powerful. It can be used as a verbal punctuation mark or a moment for everyone to reflect on your statement.
    4. Be conscious of your eye contact and body language. Eye contact and hand gestures are the foundations of nonverbal communication. However, they look different on video calls. You’ll want to look directly at the camera at shoulder height to mimic eye contact and quickly glance at the other attendees to check for understanding.
    5. Create interactions. How can you get attendees involved in the meeting? Design moments for interaction — whether that’s a simple open-ended question or features like polls, breakout rooms, or the whiteboard.

To start building awareness of these hacks, take notes during virtual meetings on not only the content but also the presentation style. What works? What could be improved? How can you incorporate this the next time you’re leading a meeting?

Remember, this is a skill that’s new to us. Not long ago, real-time video calls with people around the world took place in fictional sci-fi novels and Star Trek reruns. It’s time to play with the medium and experiment with new ways to deliver information, incorporating speed, melody, tone, pauses, eye contact, body language, and interactions.


Tamara Sanderson

Tamara (Tam) Sanderson is the co-founder of Remote Works, an organizational design and consulting firm with a mission to liberate teams from the nine-to-five and teach them how to do their best work anytime, anywhere. Her new book with co-author Ali Greene, “Remote Works: Managing for Freedom, Flexibility, and Focus“, is the ultimate playbook for managing remote teams. Learn more at remoteworksbook.com.


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