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Year Of The Builder: Why (And How) To Restore Your Company’s Builder Spirit In 2024


by Dan Adams, founder of The AIM Institute and author of “Business Builders: How to Become an Admired & Trusted Corporate Leader

For many companies, 2023 was a doozy. Navigating a shaky economy, rampant inflation, labor shortages, and soaring interest rates has taken its toll. If your company is struggling and you’re not sure how to turn things around in 2024, I have a suggestion: Set a New Year’s resolution to restore your Builder spirit.

Every company was founded by a Builder. Yet too many end up putting a different type of leader — a Decorator or Remodeler or even a Realtor — in charge later. From that point on, whether they know it or not, there’s a long spiral into mediocrity, irrelevance, or even nonexistence.

Yikes. Could the root of your problem be you’ve got the wrong leader at the helm? That’s a good possibility. My company did some research that yielded two key findings:

1. Only one-third to one-half of companies are still led by Builders. The rest have leaders who are fixated on issues other than growth — say, presenting favorable financial performance to investors, or improving operational efficiency, or pursuing external alliances. (These non-Builder types Decorators, Remodelers, and Realtors, respectively.)

2. Companies helmed by senior leaders I classify as Builders consistently experience faster revenue growth than those headed up by other types of leaders.

The C-suite must have a hefty dose of “Builder spirit” — a passion for driving organic growth by delivering differentiated value to customers, a focus on innovation, and an insistence on thinking in years rather than quarters — to stay competitive in a fierce marketplace. Lose that spark and you’re prone to big leadership errors that squelch your own growth.

How can you tell if your company has lost the “Builder spirit” that no doubt burned hot in the belly of its founder? My book explains more, of course, but a few red flags are:

  • Revenue growth is sluggish.
  • There’s lots of talk about maximizing shareholder wealth (Adams calls this a “false goal”).
  • Customer-facing innovation is downplayed (or even neglected).
  • There are lots of cost-cutting measures like spending freezes and mass lay-offs.
  • In general, employees seem uninspired, disengaged, and unhappy in general, with the best and brightest future Builders jumping ship.

If any of this sounds (dismayingly) familiar, don’t worry: You can restore the Builder spirit, get back on track, and start ramping up growth. Here’s a three-step plan of attack to take starting in 2024.

STEP 1: Start putting Builders in charge.

When you leave a Decorator in charge — someone fixated on making the company look better to investors — you’re failing to inspire employees, and you’re chasing away future Builders. But don’t fire those who aren’t Builders. You need their help to improve operational efficiency, make acquisitions, or look good on Wall Street. You need them, but in supporting roles.

How do you know if someone is a Builder? They should have market-facing innovation in their DNA, a desire to build skills and capabilities, a passion to make things better, a duty to leave the business stronger than they found it, and frankly, they won’t be satisfied doing much else.

(If you want to get real about your own mindset and/or that of other leaders in your company, visit https://www.areyouabusinessbuilder.com/ for a quick and easy assessment.)

You can’t afford to hesitate with changes at the senior leadership level, but you can take more time with middle management. Give them a chance to show what they can do. Establish new measures of success, starting with their ‘duty’ to leave their business stronger than they found it. Ask them for evidence showing they’re strengthening their business’s long-term growth capabilities and their plan to do more of this.

STEP 2: Create a growth capabilities roadmap.

Building the long-term capabilities to become a growth powerhouse doesn’t take place in a single year. Nor does it make sense to bounce from one initiative to another in a haphazard fashion. You need a roadmap that is intelligently formed, embraced by the full leadership team, and communicated clearly and often to all employees.

Start by developing a list of capabilities your company needs for strong organic growth driven by market-facing innovation. For example: customer interviewing skills, competitive insights, R&D capabilities, new product launch, talent management, and culture of innovation (to name a few).

Conduct an employee survey measuring your business’s current capabilities. Then, for each capability, ask them to rate its importance and satisfaction. Prioritize improving capabilities with high importance scores and low satisfaction scores. Next, create a plan to boost those capabilities most likely to impact your growth. Publish your results for all employees to see and make it clear that your goal is to understand and meet customer needs better than others.

STEP 3: Attract new investors who get the benefit of long-term thinking.

If yours is a publicly traded company, you need patient investors who, like you, are focused on the longer term. If quarterly earnings take a dip while you stay focused on the future, these investors will understand. In fact, they don’t want you making poor decisions that damage long-term growth.

When you meet with investors, try to assess if they’re truly in this for the long haul with you.

Too many company leaders make the excuse, ‘We’d like to focus on the future, but investors won’t let us’. That argument doesn’t hold up. In Amazon’s early years, Jeff Bezos led it through seven years without showing a profit. Far from penalizing Amazon, Wall Street cheered it on. Its leader had communicated a vision of growth, and this is what you must do.

One more thing: Carefully time when you start courting long-term investors. Do it too soon, and it might seem like you’ve got a story without substance. Do it too late, and your stock will be punished when you make the right decisions judged by the wrong investors.

I suggest communicating elements of your Growth Capabilities Roadmap when you can do so buoyed by early successes. Examples of market-facing innovation that led to positive financial results will be well received. I’ve seen billion-dollar businesses completely reinvent themselves this way. It’s not easy, and it takes several years. But as a leader, you won’t be on your own. You’ll have many very motivated employees coming alongside to join you.

Now that sounds like a 2024 to look forward to!


Dan Adams

Dan Adams is the founder of The AIM Institute and author of “Business Builders: How to Become an Admired & Trusted Corporate Leader“. He is a chemical engineer with a listing in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Dan has trained tens of thousands of B2B professionals globally in the front end of innovation and works with senior executives on driving profitable, sustainable growth.


Where To Start With Getting Your Business Valued


Business valuation can be an important process to carry out in a wide range of scenarios. Even if you’re not thinking of selling, it can be important when it comes to seeking investment, applying for a loan, or even assessing your business’s health more generally.

While business valuation will depend to a certain extent on what kind of organisation it is, there are some general steps you should go through – here’s where to get started.

Get your accounts in order

No matter why you’re carrying out the valuation, to start things off you need to make sure your accounts and financial documentation are in order. This is particularly important if you’re planning on selling the business; as part of their due diligence, potential buyers will need to come in and investigate the legitimacy of your valuation. If you don’t have an accountant already, now’s likely the time to get one.

Think about appropriate valuation methods

There are numerous different factors that can go into valuing a company, and different methods will be appropriate in different circumstances. Depending on your business, you might want to focus more on market position, assets, or annual income, but all of these will be relevant to a certain degree. 

You’ll want to have a clear overview of annual turnover, expenses, and projected growth over the coming years. This growth will likely factor into your valuation, and it’s important that you have clear, reliable data to back yourself up with.

Speak with a business broker

In addition to consulting with experts in business valuation, you’ll likely want to reach out to a business broker. Business brokers such as Dexterity Partners have extensive experience when it comes to selling businesses. 

As a result, if they have experience in your niche, they’ll likely be able to advise you on how realistic your valuation is. They’ll also be able to advise you on relevant information, such as optimal market conditions to sell your business in and potentially relevant regulatory issues.

Develop your business plan

When selling your business, if you want to maximise your return on investment you shouldn’t just be selling the existing assets. You should also work on developing a comprehensive business plan, to provide to the potential buyer. Think of this as a kind of set of instructions that you’re providing with the product you’re selling – the buyer can either use those instructions, or discard them and develop the business as they see fit. Either way, it’ll likely help to add value to your business.

A lot can hinge on getting your business valuation right. If you’re trying to sell, getting it too low can result in you not seeing an appropriate return on your investment, while getting it too high can scare off potential investors. You need to take a balanced view throughout, something that can be difficult to achieve without an external perspective. As a result, it can be incredibly beneficial to reach out for assistance from third parties, such as valuation experts and business brokers, to achieve a certain level of objectivity.


3 Reasons Bitcoin Has Gained Huge Popularity


Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology to let people transfer money online without going through a bank or payment processor. The network also makes these transactions faster and cheaper than traditional methods.

Its value has risen and fallen like a growth stock, but it remains one of the most popular cryptocurrencies. This is because of the following reasons:

1. It is a deflationary currency.

Bitcoin is a deflationary currency, which means that it has an intrinsic value that increases over time. This is largely because the number of bitcoins that can be mined is limited and the rewards for mining bitcoins decrease over time. 

Moreover, Bitcoin has a halving process that cuts the number of new bitcoins released into the market every four years. Whether you’re an investor or a curious newcomer, the ‘Bitcoin ATM near me‘ search simplifies the process, allowing you to engage with the digital economy in a tangible and accessible way.

Deflation is a good thing because it reduces the amount of money needed to buy goods and services. It also encourages consumers to spend more and save less. This is why central banks try to keep monetary inflation below 2%. However, if there is too much deflation, it can cause problems like unemployment and slow economic growth.

2. It is a revolutionary technology.

Unlike credit cards and traditional online payment methods, which depend on third-party intermediaries to verify and record transactions, Bitcoin uses a technology called blockchain to process payments. It has created the potential for a new financial system that is more open, efficient, and innovative.

Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity because they can be transferred globally quickly and cheaply, without the need for a central authority. Moreover, they are secure and irreversible. For example, in the case of Bitcoin, users can withdraw and deposit money into their digital wallets any time they want. Dissidents in authoritarian countries have raised funds in cryptocurrencies to avoid government restrictions.

3. It is a form of investment.

Bitcoin is a form of investment, and it is becoming increasingly popular among investors. Its price fluctuates frequently, and it can generate substantial returns if correctly analyzed and invested in. However, it can also lose value very quickly. This is why it is important to speak with a financial or investment professional before investing in Bitcoin.

Investors can purchase bitcoin on cryptocurrency exchanges using fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar. The currency is backed by the blockchain, a ledger of transaction data secured with cryptography and powered by Bitcoin miners’ collective computing power. Unlike other investments, the blockchain is decentralized and independent of any central authority. This makes it difficult to control or regulate.

Another unique aspect of Bitcoin is its limited supply. There will only be 21 million BTC in existence, which creates scarcity and may drive its value over time. Its decentralized nature also means that it is less vulnerable to political or social instability. 

Moreover, all transactions are peer-to-peer and can be conducted without a third party, such as a bank or payment processor. This enables people to transfer money around the world faster and more cheaply than traditional methods. In addition, it can be used to bypass censorship and geo-restrictions. In addition, bitcoin is popular with those looking to make illicit transactions, as it is not subject to the same governmental regulations as other forms of currency.


How A Company Should Start And Grow In Today’s Economic Climate


by Christopher Hathaway, founder of Dimension Admissions 

Every business starts with an idea and an offer. The idea has to do with need — identifying an area of life where there is room for improvement. In our case, the profoundly competitive landscape of college admissions has left ambitious applicants and their families unduly anxious, scrambling for how to decipher the cryptic admission riddle posed by highly selective schools. How does a candidate, even one who is highly qualified, gain access? The answer — differentiation — is the foundation of our business model.

But an idea only gets an entrepreneur as far as the starting gate, if that. The build-out is make-or-break, and it needs to be done efficiently and intentionally. In most cases, as with a growing human, business development happens in stages. Spurts are intermixed with periods of relative dormancy, occasional awkwardness or insecurity, and often, surprising discoveries. Growth occurs within, but also around the skeleton that holds everything together. The spine is the business’s vision — inclusive of its long-term objective as it relates to fulfilling the need the business is defined to meet — and its ethos.

At Dimension (formerly Advantage Ivy Tutoring), our ethos is centered on our desire to transform the admissions experience for our clients — not just to help them gain access to top schools, but to ease the psychological, emotional, and spiritual burden by focusing the effort inward, on personal growth and development. We realized that our service needed to be process-oriented, rather than product-oriented, which engendered one of our early challenges: how to convince clients that they would achieve their desired ends by focusing exclusively on the means. The barometer of our clients’ success, and thus our own, shifted to be about certain intrinsic qualities: skills development, sense of direction, self-awareness, self-confidence, and other, unquantifiable metrics, in addition to our admit rate. Results became a byproduct of our belief in the individual, and our endeavor to prepare them to thrive once they reach campus. Still, we never fooled ourselves into thinking tangible results don’t matter to our clients — or to us. We just relied on a more wholesome, holistic process to obtain them, and in our first four years, our process-oriented focus led us to beat the current median acceptance rate for top 10 schools by a factor of eleven. We had our start.

With an idea, vision, and ethos in mind, the real work of business development begins. This is when business owners realize an overwhelming reality: growth needs to happen in a coordinated manner in every direction all at once, often before any money is coming through the door. With this latter point in mind, business owners need to determine their capacity for risk (i.e. taking on debt) in light of their access to funds and their need for control over operations. By shopping out their idea to venture capital firms, for instance, business owners can mitigate their personal risk while benefitting from a team of experienced professionals, but at the same time, they stand to lose some of control (and future profit). Booting around to different banks in search of loans has its own set of problems, while crowdsourcing from family or friends can be a highly motivating and equally high-pressured situation, as the specter of failure has a ripple effect. Either way, most new businesses exist for at least a period of time in the red, with a net deficit. On the plus side, these expenditures can be a tax benefit against all the future revenue the business stands to make. On the negative side, it’s a deeply uncomfortable position rife with uncertainty — one key aspect of new business development that separates the entrepreneurial wheat from the chaff.

No matter what, it seems that there are never enough people to do all the work that needs to be done. So, business owners need to hire a team. Choosing the right people to work with — individuals excited about the idea, who share the founder’s vision and the business’s ethos, and who are simultaneously willing to risk joining an unestablished organization with potential — is not an easy task.

In our case, in order to minimize up-front expenses, we completed our first major expansion—the addition of nine blue-chip advisors representing a range of industries and highly-selective schools — on a freelance basis. We have distributed work among them based on their individual capacity, and the need for their expertise, and we only paid them when we were also being paid. This expansion was essential to our mission, as these outstanding advisors have offered our clients invaluable insight into school selection and paths to particular industries. Clients thereby gleaned information that helped maximize extracurricular engagement, arguably the most important differentiating factor amongst high-achieving students. This structure built around freelancers has allowed us to dramatically enhance our client experience, while retaining available resources for allocation to other areas, particularly marketing.

Outside of early teasers about a product or service’s potential, the marketing process can’t begin in earnest until the aforementioned pieces of the biz-dev puzzle are more or less in place. In the modern era of social media and rampant reviewing, providing clients with an inferior product or service is one of the quickest ways to tank an otherwise successful business. At the same time, it’s better to have too many clients than too few — another knife edge for the aspiring entrepreneur to navigate. This means that thinking about how the business is likely to grow, and thus how to get word out, is essential. In some cases, word-of-mouth (or banking on something going viral) will be enough. In others, business owners might have to learn more about SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) and a number of other internet search engine algorithm-related acronyms than they ever thought they would, or ever wanted to. Still, having a strong sense of the business’s target demographic, and determining how best to reach them—social media influencers or billboards or, more likely, some multi-pronged attack — can spell the difference between aimlessly throwing around (and losing) money, and seeing a meaningful spike in client inquiries.

Overall, entrepreneurship can feel like publicly juggling flaming torches, when you don’t know how to juggle: the materials are unwieldy, the process is uncertain, the risk is real. But growing a business is never dull, and the gratification of every minor success softens the growing pains that attend the myriad obstacles and consequent frustrations a budding entrepreneur is sure to endure. So, if you’ve got the idea, fashion a vision and ethos around it, then light the torches.

And learn to juggle.


Christopher Hathaway

After eight years as an independent school teacher, administrator, admissions file reader, and alumni interviewer for Yale University, Christopher Hathaway founded Dimension Admissions (formerly Advantage Ivy Tutoring) in 2019. Hathaway’s writing has been featured in CRAFT, The Hong Kong Review, and LEON Literary Review.


How A Well-Designed Resume Template Can Boost Your Job Search Success



If you’re applying to creative industries, consider incorporating design elements that highlight your brand. This will set you apart from other applicants and show employers your creativity.

A bold header immediately draws hiring managers’ attention and makes your name stand out for them to remember. Consistent colour use helps make each section distinct.


Using colour to make your resume stand out can help keep hiring managers from skimming over your information or ignoring it altogether. Colour can communicate a mood or tone that reflects your personality or the industry you are seeking employment, and it can also convey a specific message about your qualifications.

For example, red can signify passion and danger while pink can be associated with innocence and joy. Whether you use colour to draw attention to a section of your resume or as an accent to highlight important information, such as in this infographic resume design, can communicate your personality while making it more appealing to read.

Likewise, black can be an effective colour choice as it’s easy to read on both computers and paper and can emphasize key information.


Using an eye-catching font can grab recruiters’ attention, and it’s a good idea to use bold or italic text to emphasize important sections. However, you should avoid overusing these formatting options, which can create visual clutter and distract from the text’s message.

Colour and lines can also be effective resume design elements. They can be particularly powerful when they show progression over time, as demonstrated by the green line in this chart.

If a more creative look isn’t appropriate for your industry, try adding a personal touch to your resume with an accent colour or a small portrait. This will make it easier for hiring managers to identify your application in the pile.


While it’s important to customize your resume for each job application, preparing a resume template that communicates your style and professionalism is a smart idea. This can include a consistent colour scheme, borders and shading, tasteful pops of colour and other elements.

Including a grid structure in your resume can help keep it organized and visually appealing. As with the other design elements, make sure your use of grids is purposeful and not just a visual filler.

A clean layout with plenty of white space makes it easy for recruiters to read your resume quickly and get a sense of your experience. A grid also makes it easier for them to skim and find key information like your contact info, which is a must-have for most jobs.

Visual Appeal

Adding a visual hierarchy to your resume can make it more easily digestible. For example, if you’ve worked for several impressive companies with recognizable logos, you might consider making those companies larger to emphasize their importance. Similarly, if you graduated with honours from a prestigious school, you might want to bold the school’s name to make it stand out.

Using different fonts to create a unique style also helps you stand out from the crowd. However, it’s important to avoid neon or overly bright colours as these can be distracting and may cause eye strain for the reader.


CRM For Galleries: Nurturing Collector Relationships

art gallery

art gallery

The art market, known for its exclusivity and personalization, demands a unique approach to maintaining client relationships. In this niche sector, personal connections are the cornerstone of success. The introduction of CRM for art galleries has revolutionized these interactions, enabling galleries to foster deeper, more meaningful relationships with collectors.

This technology is not just a tool; it’s a conduit through which galleries understand and cater to the intricate preferences of their clientele. By leveraging CRM, galleries can maintain the personal touch that is so critical in the art world, while efficiently managing client information and interactions.

Understanding CRM and Its Benefits for Galleries

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. For art galleries, CRM systems organize and analyze data on clients and their interactions with the gallery. This includes tracking communication, purchases, and preferences. A robust art gallery software system facilitates better understanding and managing relationships over time, ensuring that every interaction with the client is informed and personalized. CRM’s ability to consolidate client information into a single, accessible database is a game-changer for gallery operations.

CRM systems, designed to meet the specific needs of art galleries, offer a range of features that enhance gallery operations:

  1. Contact Management: CRM systems enable galleries to effectively manage and organize client information, ensuring that every interaction is personalized and informed.
  2. Sales Tracking: These systems allow for detailed tracking of sales transactions, providing insights into client purchasing patterns and preferences.
  3. Inventory Management: Implementing art gallery management software assists galleries in maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date inventory of their artworks.
  4. Streamlined Administrative Tasks: With CRM, administrative tasks are significantly streamlined, freeing up time for galleries to focus on more critical areas like client engagement and strategic planning.
  5. Data-Driven Management: The integration of CRM represents a shift towards more efficient, data-driven management practices, enabling galleries to make informed decisions based on accurate and timely information.

These CRM features collectively contribute to more efficient gallery operations, paving the way for enhanced client relationships and strategic business growth.

The ability to personalize collector experiences is a significant advantage of using CRM in art galleries. By analyzing client data, galleries can tailor their communications, recommendations, and exhibitions to match the specific interests and preferences of each collector. This level of personalization, facilitated by the art gallery management system, enhances the collector’s experience, making them feel valued and understood. Personalized experiences not only deepen the collector-gallery relationship but also increase the likelihood of sales and long-term loyalty.

CRM systems offer a multitude of benefits to art galleries. They streamline operations, enhance client relationships, and provide valuable insights into client preferences and behaviors. By adopting the best art gallery software, galleries can efficiently manage client data, tailor experiences, and ultimately, increase sales and customer satisfaction. Additionally, CRM helps in effectively managing the gallery’s inventory through art gallery inventory software, ensuring that artworks are tracked and cataloged systematically. CRM is an invaluable tool for modern galleries, driving efficiency, personalization, and success in the competitive art market.

Key CRM Features for Galleries

Effective Contact Management

One of the key features of a CRM system in art galleries is effective contact management. This aspect of the art gallery database management system involves maintaining detailed records of each client, including their contact information, preferences, and past interactions. This information is crucial for personalizing future interactions and ensuring that each collector feels uniquely valued. Galleries can use this data to tailor their communication, whether it’s for inviting collectors to exclusive events or informing them about new arrivals that match their interests. Effective contact management results in more meaningful and impactful interactions, fostering stronger relationships with clients.

Sales Tracking

Sales tracking is another integral feature of CRM systems in art galleries. This component allows galleries to monitor and analyze past purchases of collectors, providing insights into their buying patterns and preferences. Such tracking enables galleries to anticipate the needs and interests of their clients, making it easier to recommend relevant artworks. By utilizing art gallery CRM, sales tracking becomes a powerful tool for galleries, not only in understanding their clientele’s preferences but also in identifying opportunities for future sales, ultimately enhancing the gallery’s financial performance.

Inventory Management

Inventory management, facilitated by art gallery inventory software, is essential for the smooth operation of an art gallery. This CRM feature helps in maintaining an up-to-date catalog of artworks, including details about each piece’s provenance, condition, and current location. Effective inventory management ensures that galleries can quickly access information about their artworks, making it easier to respond to client inquiries and manage their collections efficiently. This feature is particularly beneficial when dealing with large volumes of artwork, ensuring that every piece is accounted for and readily accessible.

Client Interaction Histories

Maintaining a history of client interactions is crucial for building and maintaining trust. CRM systems enable galleries to record every interaction with clients, whether it’s a casual conversation, a formal meeting, or a sale transaction. These records provide a comprehensive view of the client’s relationship with the gallery, allowing for more informed and considerate future interactions. By using art gallery management software, galleries can ensure that no detail is overlooked, building a foundation of trust and mutual respect with their clients.

Utilizing CRM for Marketing and Sales Strategies

CRM systems are invaluable in identifying potential leads and understanding collector preferences. By analyzing client data, art gallery management systems can pinpoint potential buyers who might be interested in specific types of art or upcoming exhibitions. This insight allows galleries to proactively engage with these leads, offering them personalized information and recommendations. Identifying collector preferences is not just about making immediate sales; it’s about cultivating long-term relationships that are beneficial for both the gallery and the collector.

In the art world, targeted marketing strategies are crucial, and CRM systems are key to their development:

  • Role of CRM Systems: CRM systems enable galleries to leverage client data for crafting targeted marketing strategies.
  • Customized Marketing Campaigns: Galleries can use this data to create personalized marketing efforts, such as:
    • Personalized emails tailored to individual collector preferences.
    • Exclusive event invitations for specific collector groups.
    • Previews of new collections for interested clients.
  • Effectiveness of Art Gallery Software: With art gallery software, marketing efforts are fine-tuned to the unique interests and preferences of each collector.
  • Impactful Communication: These tailored strategies ensure that communication is not just a broad approach but a series of carefully crafted messages that effectively resonate with targeted collectors.

Such strategic use of CRM systems in marketing results in more impactful and meaningful engagement with collectors, enhancing the effectiveness of promotional efforts.

CRM systems enable galleries to analyze collector data to predict future art trends. This involves examining purchase histories, inquiries, and collector feedback to identify patterns and preferences. Such analysis, powered by best art gallery software, provides insights into which artists, styles, or genres are gaining popularity, allowing galleries to stay ahead of the curve. By understanding and anticipating art trends, galleries can make strategic decisions about which artists to represent and which artworks to acquire, ensuring their collections remain relevant and appealing.

Utilizing CRM data to inform strategies for exhibitions and art fairs is a strategic approach for galleries. This data provides insights into which artworks are likely to attract the most attention, which collectors should be invited to specific events, and how to design the overall layout of the exhibition. In preparing for art fairs, art gallery database management systems can help identify which pieces will likely resonate with the fair’s audience, ensuring that the gallery presents a compelling and targeted selection. Effective use of CRM in these scenarios enhances the gallery’s chances of success at exhibitions and art fairs, by ensuring they are catering to the preferences of their target audience.

Overcoming Challenges in CRM Implementation

Addressing Data Migration Issues

One of the initial challenges in implementing a new CRM system is data migration. Transferring existing client information and sales records into a new art gallery management system can be a complex and time-consuming process. It’s essential for galleries to plan this transition carefully, ensuring data accuracy and integrity. This may involve cleaning up existing data, standardizing data formats, and training staff on data entry procedures. Successfully overcoming these migration challenges lays the foundation for a smooth and efficient CRM system operation.

CRM Training for Gallery Staff

Effective utilization of a CRM system requires proper training for gallery staff. It’s crucial that all team members understand how to use the art gallery software, from inputting data to extracting actionable insights. Training should cover not only the technical aspects of the software but also its strategic application in managing client relationships and driving sales. Ongoing training and support ensure that the staff can fully leverage the system’s capabilities, maximizing its benefits for the gallery.

Ensuring Data Privacy

In the age of data privacy concerns, ensuring the security of client information within CRM systems is paramount. Art gallery inventory software and CRM systems must comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR. Galleries need to establish strict data security protocols, including access controls, encryption, and regular security audits. Protecting client data not only fulfills legal obligations but also builds trust with collectors, reinforcing the gallery’s reputation as a professional and responsible entity.

Overcoming Resistance and Streamlining Adoption

Introducing a new CRM system often encounters resistance from staff accustomed to traditional methods of client management. To streamline adoption, it’s important to demonstrate the tangible benefits of the art gallery management system and involve staff in the selection and implementation process. Addressing concerns, providing adequate training, and showing how CRM can simplify tasks and enhance performance can help in overcoming resistance and ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.

In the long term, the impact of CRM on gallery-collector relationships will be profound. By leveraging the power of art gallery management software, galleries can maintain a more intimate and informed relationship with their collectors. This deepened relationship will not only enhance client loyalty but also contribute to a more vibrant and dynamic art market. Galleries that embrace and effectively utilize CRM will find themselves at an advantage, able to adapt quickly to market changes and collector needs. The future of CRM in the art world is not just about technology; it’s about fostering a culture of connectivity, understanding, and mutual appreciation between galleries and collectors.


America’s Childcare Dilemma: How Two Startups Are Changing The Game

work from home

work from home

by Ron Levin, managing partner with Alumni Ventures, and author of “Higher Purpose Venture Capital

For thousands of years, the home — the family farm — was the center of wealth production. Children were born and raised on the farm where their parents worked, often alongside members of their extended family and other members of the community. If a child was too young to lend a hand and needed care, her mother could take her to the fields or leave her with a trusted auntie or grandma.

The Industrial Revolution changed that. Beginning in the early 19th century, adults worked outside the home in factories. This wasn’t much of a problem because, as soon as they were able, the children were put to work in factories and mines, too. Especially in textile mills, children were hired along with their parents and were paid only a few dollars a week.

In the 20th century, this began to change. In 1938, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, prohibiting child labor. Society, businesses, and the courts began to view children as a special class of person and recognize that parents — especially mothers entering the workforce — needed government support for childcare.

In the 1960s and 1970s, direct federal support for childcare was limited to low-income families. Indirect support came through tax incentives for employer-sponsored childcare and reducing personal income taxes for families with childcare costs.

In the 1980s, the Reagan administration shifted the balance of federal childcare funding, cutting support for low-income families while increasing benefits for middle- and high-income families. Voluntary and for-profit childcare became a booming industry, much of which was beyond the reach of the families who needed it most.

Today, the American childcare system remains divided along these same class lines.

Can this for-profit industry solve its own problems? Two childcare companies are proving that disrupting childcare is not only possible but also an opportunity worth investing in.


Kinside operates a dual-sided childcare platform designed to connect working parents with current openings at daycares and preschools nationwide.

As a young mom, Kinside CEO Shadiah Sigala saw families’ acute need for childcare access. “The U.S. is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t guarantee childcare access to all,” Sigala shared. “I thought that there had to be a better way of solving the issue for parents and employers while also offering a seamless platform for childcare providers to serve their families.”

Kinside helps parents identify the most appropriate childcare provider based on parents’ individual preferences, proximity, price, and availability. They negotiate rates and enrollment fees with providers to help bring down childcare costs and offer the service to employers to foster family-friendly workplaces.

On the business side, Kinside gives childcare providers the chance to fill open slots in a timely manner, a boon for independent childcare providers and national childcare chains. The platform also offers a seamless backend integration, including payments and customer relationship management (CRM).

The results? To date, Kinside has enrolled over 13,000 childcare providers and thousands of employers across the country. More importantly, they’re helping parents save between 20% to 30% in childcare costs, which is a big deal considering the average annual spend on childcare is about $20,000 per child.


Mirza is a fintech platform helping working parents and employers by providing family and financial planning resources. Mirza’s tools integrate money management, forgivable childcare loans, employers’ policies for parental leave, fertility options, and modern parenting advice, all in one place.

As Siran Cao, one of Mirza’s mission-driven founders, explains:

I’m a first-generation immigrant from China. My mother was forced to give up her career once we moved to the U.S. After my father left, I saw firsthand both the long-term financial impact on the family of trying to get by on limited income and the toll of the trade-offs on my mother’s identity. 

I now see this issue as a caregiver myself and how common this experience is; Mel [Faxton] and I set out to eliminate that trade-off between paid work and caregiving.

Mirza is unique in that it allows employers to provide no-interest, forgivable childcare loans to employees with terms that are tied to employee goals—a win-win for everyone.

Mirza is launching with a major retailer and piloting with organizations that range from manufacturers to school systems. In the future, the company plans to expand to help families with costs for after-school care, camps, elder care, and more.

Looking Forward

Childcare, particularly full-day care, confounds parents across the socioeconomic spectrum. How did our country get into this position, where kids can go to school during the day beginning at age five, but for the first five years of life, parents are left to their own devices to figure everything out?

Early-stage companies like Kinside and Mirza are working hard to disrupt this vexing issue. We’ll need more groundbreaking innovation in this space as long as the government, with its inaction, continues to fail working families in this regard. 


ron levin

Ron Levin is a socially conscious venture capitalist, entrepreneur, and amplifier of inspiring enterprises. He’s a managing partner with Alumni Ventures, the most active VC firm in the U.S., and has been an angel investor and advisor to over a dozen startups. His new book, “Higher Purpose Venture Capital“, profiles 50 venture-backed startups that are solving the world’s biggest problems. Learn more at HigherPurposeVC.com.


How To Raise Venture Capital: A Step-By-Step Guide


The world of startups can be exciting with tons of ideas that seem like the next big thing. The challenge for most budding entrepreneurs, however, comes in the form of finding ways to fuel those ideas into visible growth, which demands more than just passion and dedication. You need to get the funds that will see your ideas come to fruition, which is why raising venture capital is crucial.

This article offers insights on how to raise venture capital.

What Is Venture Capital

Venture capital is one of the most effective financing options for startups. As a form of private equity and financing that allows investors to offer funding to startups and small businesses believed to have potential for long-term growth. In most cases, venture capital comes from well-off investors, banks, and other financial institutions. Please note that venture capital doesn’t always have to be in terms of money. It could come in the form of managerial or technical expertise.

The point here is that venture capital is a form of financing or support offered to startups and small businesses. It can be in the form of monetary funding, technological expertise, or managerial expertise. Businesses can get venture capitalist support at any stage of their evolution although it often comes as early and seed round funding. This will require a strong pitch, which is why you may need to work with an experienced pitch deck design company.

How to Raise Venture Capital

In most cases, early-stage startups are unable to access loans and capital markets, increasing their reliance on venture capital as a source of funding. In exchange for the funds, entrepreneurs often have to offer a percentage of the business ownership and in some cases, a seat on the board. Venture capital funding is nuanced in ways that other forms of business funding are not. The variances touch on areas like funding structures and the level of input from investors.

Here are a few success tips for entrepreneurs looking to raise venture capital funding.

Ensure Your Readiness for Venture Capital

Investors offer startups numerous benefits including funding, specialist skills, networks, and deals for monitoring and evaluation. The benefits can influence your sustainable growth and success in many ways, often overriding the associated costs. However, the competition for investors is often strong, and those looking for opportunities need to be ready to showcase their potential. It is important to attract the right investor whose vision aligns with the goals and strategies of your brand.

As part of your venture capital readiness, make sure to develop a clear business plan. Your business plan should include an executive summary, an analysis of your target market and industry, the value proposition, and your revenue model. You also need to carry out thorough market research and build a strong team for the realization of your goals. Investors will also want to know whether you have established legal and regulatory compliance. What you will be doing is showing that your business is ready and commercially viable for funding.

Build a Strong Pitch

Once you have ensured readiness and established parameters that will make investors interested in your brand, you need to work on how you will plead your case. Regardless of your preferred funding source, it is important to be able to communicate your business idea and the marketing potential. Investors will want to know whether you are the right person to execute the business idea.

One of the strongest elements of a good pitch is the elevator part. This is where you summarize your business idea into a concise and compelling position. You should approach it as if you have been given only one minute to explain your startup to an investor. Your pitch will also need a good business plan, where you outline your vision and target market. You also need to highlight the abilities of your team as well as your financial projections. In an ideal situation, your pitch defends your business idea and should not last more than 45 minutes.

When you are ready to pitch your startup make sure your keynote is short and clear. Showcase traction and demonstrate demand for your service or product. As you pitch, emphasize your team’s skills and experience and address the risks you are likely to encounter. Be coachable and show the desire to improve your competency and skills.

Network to Find Investors

For the right investors to identify and be interested in your brand, you need to be visible. You need to network and connect with potential investors. This may mean joining startup incubators attending industry events, and using online platforms that allow you to meet potential funders. It also helps to do your research and approach investors who can turn your dream into a successful venture.

The good news is that networking with investors does not have to be a daunting experience, as long as you learn from other people’s mistakes. For instance, you should avoid thinking too narrowly by focusing on who is the direct fit for your company at the moment. Something may appear to make sense now but maybe bad for your brand in the long term. As you network, strive to develop relationships that will bear fruits in the long term.

A Parting Point

Attracting venture investment requires planning, building your brand image, and working on your business plan. Get the word out that you have an idea about investing. Research and network for potential investors, building relationships that can turn into funding options and mentorships for the long term. Most importantly, make sure your business is venture capital-ready before you start pitching to investors.


Best Free PDF To Word Converters

typing on laptop

typing on laptop

Various formats for documents exist, including PDF, Word, document files, formatted text, and plain text. Of these, Word and PDF are some of the most popular in the business world and academia. PDF files are popular because they can be accessed across different devices and operating systems without losing formatting. However, from time to time, you may feel the need to convert your PDF files to Word, especially if you want to edit the text directly within the file. Since most people are already comfortable and unfamiliar with Microsoft Word, converting documents from PDF to Word makes sense. Other than allowing you to edit the document, you may also need to convert files from PDF to Word if you cannot access a reliable PDF reader.

Here are some of the good PDF to Word converters free that even professional typing service providers can vouch for.

Adobe Acrobat for the Best Overall PDF Tool

In our view, the best PDF to doc converter is Adobe. One of the most notable things about top PDF to Word converters like Adobe is that they aren’t limited to one file type. Adobe, for instance, allows users to convert PDFs to MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and back again to PDF. Those looking to make the most of their PDF files should consider Acrobat DC it allows them to create PDF files from scratch, edit within the platform, and collaborate through Document Cloud. Users can also convert the files they need to just about any format. Furthermore, adobe can be used on any mobile device or desktop.

Adobe allows users to easily turn PDFs into editable Word files. All you need to do is drag and drop your PDF file into a dedicated toolbox, then download a converted file. The tool also allows you to convert PDF to Word fast and the resulting document will be in the expected format. Those using the PDF to Word conversion tool can also edit the documents in MS Word for free, right from Acrobat. Furthermore, adobe allows users to download or share the files the files they create and work online from anywhere.

WPS PDF to Word Converter for Speedy Conversions

A convert PDF to Word best program in terms of speed is WPS. This is another amazing conversion tool available for free online. If you are looking for a speedy tool that will convert your files into Word documents within seconds, then this is the tool for you. WPS is a premiere software that allows people to convert PDF documents into Word, with a variety of options and advanced settings. Users can even go further to create new text-based content in the documents, making adjustments before converting the files back to PDF format.

You can insert comments anywhere on the file and have a friend or colleague review the information and sign the document. This makes sharing information effective and is particularly ideal when collaborating on projects.

A notable advantage of using the WPS conversion tool is that it allows a 7-day trial period, during which you can use the platform without any charges. This allows users to explore the features that interest them before deciding to enter a paid arrangement. The user interface is also simple and functional, making it beginner-friendly and ideal when you want a program convert PDF to Word free and fast. The tool is also usable across multiple platforms, including Windows and Mac. The only problem with this platform is that there is a limit to the number of pages you can convert for free.

PDF Candy for the Simplest User Interface

PDF Candy is one of the best PDF to Word online converters on the market, allowing users to benefit from a clean and simplified interface. The interface makes navigation more fluid and allows users to convert files with just a click. A user can begin converting files immediately when they get on the PDF Candy page.

Many people struggle with different PDF-to-Word conversion tools because they come with numerous options. You don’t need to worry about this with PDF Candy as the process is quite simple. After landing on the homepage of this convert PDF to Word free app, you can dive directly into the conversion process. There are numerous formats you can choose from and the tool will immediately start the conversion process. The tool also allows users to convert multiple file types back to PDF.

One of the most desirable things about using PDF candy is that it is completely online. This means that users don’t need to download files other than the one processed after the conversion is complete. You also don’t need to stress about installation hassles or updates. Furthermore, PDF Candy comes with one of the most user-friendly UIs you can find, with a clean and functional homepage. There is a grid-like menu that organizes all the tools available for easy access.

Additional Tips for Choosing the Best Tools

It is important to note that the best PDF to Word conversion tool will depend on your needs and budget. Most free tools have their advantages and limitations. So, while modern browsers allow you to read PDF documents, they seldom go beyond highlighting and saving. You will need to look for a reliable, fast, and simple conversion tool, especially if you have multiple files. Choose a PDF to doc best converter that will not compromise image quality and one that supports bulk conversions. For sensitive documents, choose a platform that allows you to convert and edit documents offline.

The Bottom Line

This article summarizes some of the strengths and weaknesses of the top free conversion tools you can find in the market. Understand that most PDF editors like Adobe allow you to convert PDF files to Word. That said, you can still find amazing converters dedicated solely to document conversion across multiple platforms and formats. Some of the free converters are browser-based, meaning that you won’t need to download, install or update the tools.


How To Literally Visualize Business Success By Tapping Into The Power Of Vision Boards 


by Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith, founder of The Film Festival Doctor

As a CEO running a global business, I talk frequently to my team members about the importance of a vision board. Many years ago, a vision board was perceived as being a fun creative project, but they are actually much more than that. Vision boards can actually be a big help to your mental health and business success.

Visualization is a very useful tool to enhance your life, career, and wellbeing. Using visualization can not only enhance your motivation to achieve whatever work goals that you have set, but also increase your belief in your ability to achieve them.  Research has shown over the years that art engagement has been found to ease work related anxiety, depression and stress and still get the results you desire.

Moreover, creating a vision board will not only be beneficial in terms of project goal setting but also offers an opportunity to unwind and take a step away from whatever stressors you’re currently facing in and out of the workplace. The power of a vision board is twofold which is why I encourage my staff to create their own vision boards outside of the office.

In a nutshell, a vision board is a tool that can help you manifest your goals and desires more swiftly. It is a visualization tool comprising a board (of any sort) that you use to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams. Vision boards provide you with a daily visual reminder of these dreams and goals. The reason vision boards work so well is because you can see them every day as soon as you get into the office — or all the time, if you work from home.

It’s very important that the images you place on your vision board reflect your goals and dreams and they must always be images that you are drawn to and that you would want to look at every day. Photos, quotes, sayings, affirmations, images of places you want to go, reminders of events, dream clients, places and people, postcards from friends – in other words, just about anything that will inspire you.

It is also very important to get into a routine of looking at your vision board several times a day. I look at my vision board every morning and night which keeps me motivated and inspires me to stay in alignment with my business dreams and goals and getting results for my clients. It is also important for you to encourage your staff and team members to adapt to this way of thinking too – both in and out of the office.

Vision boards work both in an office setting and when working remotely.

During the pandemic, my team was spending a lot of time at home and not with me in the office. I encouraged them to create vision boards that were specific to each (in my brand’s case; film) project that we were working on. This helped them to visualize more clearly their goals and what they wanted to achieve for each client. It also inspired them to find creative solutions to the challenges that we were facing with each project and with working as a hybrid and remote team during that time.

I encouraged my team to create a collage of images that they were drawn to and wanted to look at every day. Looking at pictures related to what they wanted to achieve, creatively helped them to find the solutions and ideas that they wanted to cultivate more easily, which resulted in exceptional results for our clients and also helped ease their stress and anxiety levels.


Rebekah Louisa Smith

Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith is an award-winning film festival strategist and founder of The Film Festival Doctor. She is the author of “Born to Do It: Becoming the Leader of a Business Niche Using Powerful Spiritual Techniques” and several e-books, including “Film Festivals & Looking After Your Mental Health”.



Streamline Your Workflow: How AI Helps Businesses Create Efficient SOPs


by Trent Dyrsmid, founder of Flowster.app

In the fast-paced world of business, efficiency is the name of the game. Companies constantly seek ways to streamline operations, reduce errors, and enhance productivity. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) have long been a cornerstone of business efficiency, providing clear guidelines for every task and process. However, creating and maintaining SOPs can be a time-consuming and challenging task.

Fortunately, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way businesses create and manage SOPs, ushering in an era of unprecedented efficiency and streamlining.

The Challenges of Traditional SOP Creation

Traditionally, SOP creation has been a manual process, often requiring teams of experts to document complex procedures and workflows. This approach is often prone to errors, inconsistencies, and difficulties in keeping SOPs up-to-date with evolving business practices. As a result, many companies struggle to maintain the level of SOP quality and consistency needed to optimize operations and ensure compliance.

AI-Powered SOP Creation: A Game-Changer for Business Efficiency

AI-powered SOP creation tools are transforming the way businesses develop and manage their SOPs. These tools leverage the power of machine learning and natural language processing to automate the SOP creation process, extracting key information from existing documentation, industry standards, and best practices. This automation not only streamlines the SOP creation process but also ensures accuracy, consistency, and adherence to industry standards.

Benefits of AI-Generated SOPs: Accuracy, Consistency, and Adaptability

AI-generated SOPs offer a host of benefits over traditional, manually created SOPs. These benefits include:

  • Accuracy: AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify and eliminate errors, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of SOPs.
  • Consistency: AI-powered tools can generate consistent SOPs across departments and teams, ensuring that everyone is following the same standards and procedures.
  • Adaptability: AI-driven SOPs can be easily updated as business processes evolve, ensuring that SOPs remain relevant and effective.

Harnessing AI for Continuous SOP Improvement

AI’s capabilities extend beyond the creation of SOPs. AI can continuously monitor and analyze SOP compliance, identifying potential deviations and areas for improvement. Additionally, AI can provide real-time data insights into process performance, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions that further optimize their workflows.

AI-Enhanced SOPs Empowering Employees and Driving Business Success

AI-enhanced SOPs empower employees by providing them with clear, concise, and up-to-date instructions for every task. This clarity reduces errors, improves productivity, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement. As a result, businesses equipped with AI-powered SOPs are better positioned to adapt to changing market conditions, seize new opportunities, and achieve their strategic goals.


The integration of AI into SOP creation and management is a game-changer for businesses seeking to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and achieve their full potential. AI-powered tools automate the SOP creation process, ensure accuracy and consistency, and provide continuous insights for process improvement. By embracing AI-enhanced SOPs, businesses can empower their employees, optimize their workflows, and drive sustainable growth and success.

If you are interested in learning more about how AI can help businesses create more efficient SOPs, check out this blog post: How to Use AI to Easily Create and Maintain SOPs for Your Business.


Trent Dyrsmid

Trent Dyrsmid is a serial entrepreneur, the founder of Flowster.app, and a complete nerd when it comes to creating scalable business processes. Prior to starting Flowster, Trent was the host of the long-running Bright Ideas podcast, where he spent over a decade interviewing successful founders. Trent is also the founder of a digital agency that ranked #254 and #622 on the Inc. 5000 in 2019 and 2020.



Developing A Mobile App For Your Business Doesn’t Need To Be A Major Hassle


Creating a mobile app for your business brings a myriad of advantages, helping enhance customer engagement, accessibility, and brand visibility. A mobile app serves as a direct channel to connect with customers, allows your business to leverage push notifications, and bolsters strong customer relationships.

With a mobile app, your business can access more data-driven insights that enable you to personalize experiences and messaging, customize product and service offerings, and maintain a competitive edge over your rivals.

But the stakes are high when it comes to mobile business apps. It’s easy to produce a poor-quality app, but you’d end up losing more than you gain. The mobile app market is packed to the gills, so if your app is glitch-ridden, difficult to use, or confusing, customers will quickly abandon it for an easier alternative.

Once they’ve discovered that your app offers a poor user experience, there’s a risk that they’ll assume the same is true of your website, service channels, and even core product.

Building an app that offers optimal performance and intuitive user experiences can be much harder and time-consuming. Many businesses aren’t sure they want to invest in the stress and headaches of mobile app development. But with the right tips and tactics, you can enjoy the benefits of an effective business mobile app, without tearing your hair out in the process.

1. Define Clear Objectives and Features.

It’s important to outline the specific goals you want to achieve with your app, whether that’s gathering user data, strengthening customer loyalty, or streamlining customer tasks.

Once you know your goals, identify the key features that align with these objectives. Prioritize features based on their importance and feasibility, and avoid getting distracted by nice-to-have add-ons.

Otherwise, there’s a risk that you’ll end up with an abundance of features that your users don’t need, and that can be even more damaging than not having enough features. Instead of finding the functionalities that help them complete their desired actions, users feel overwhelmed by the options, experience “analysis paralysis,” and flee to your competitor’s simpler offering.

2. Choose the Right Development Approach.

Having set your goals and chosen the features that will bring the most value to your users, the next step is to consider what development approach you’ll use: native, hybrid, or web-based app.

Hybrid apps use a single codebase, making them quicker to develop and more cost-effective, but they tend to deliver lower performance and native user experience. Web-based apps are even more straightforward to set up and maintain, but they usually lack features and performance that hybrid and native apps can deliver.

Native apps bring optimal performance and superior user experience, because they use platform-specific functionalities. They are also usually more expensive and time-consuming to produce, because they need separate codebases for each platform, which puts many companies off native apps.

3. Use Your Website as Your App Foundation.

When you build a business mobile app, there’s no need to start from scratch. Your business website probably already contains most, if not all, of the information you need for your app.

The functionalities that visitors use on your website are the same ones you’ll need for your app, and customers will want to complete the same actions that they do on your site through your app.

Moving from website to app is a lot simpler and less stressful than sitting down to plan a mobile app ex nihilo. It can also be far more affordable. Now that you know what you need, and you have the necessary data, it’s a relatively easy task to turn your website features into a user-friendly, high-performance app.

4. Establish Cross-Functional Team Collaboration.

When you turn the process of building a mobile app into a cross-departmental concern, you’ll help cut hassle and improve your end product at the same time. Encourage collaboration between many teams, including design, marketing, and development, to ensure that everyone’s expertise and input are aligned with the overarching objectives of the app.

It’s important to break down silos between departments and foster an environment where cross-functional teams actively engage in discussions and decision-making processes. Everything from user interface design to feature development and marketing strategies should be aligned across the product.

When employees from diverse disciplines share insights, it stimulates innovation and produces a better app that resonates with users and meets business objectives.

5. Begin with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Beginning with a minimum viable product (MVP) helps ensure that your final product is more relevant to user needs. It’s tempting to aim for the moon of your ideal business app, with all the bells and whistles that could potentially improve user experience. But it’s more practical to focus on launching an MVP that holds only the most essential features.

This allows you to expedite the release process, and brings more strategic value. Once your MVP app is on the market, you can collect user feedback and gauge user responses and behavior patterns firsthand.

This feedback loop is crucial for helping you and your developers to understand user preferences, pain points, and needs, facilitating iterative improvements and adjustments based on real user experiences.

6. Adopt an Agile Development Methodology.

If you don’t already use agile methodologies, now is the time to start. Agile working practices involve breaking down the entire app development project into smaller, manageable tasks or iterations known as sprints. This makes it easier to track progress, identify challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Each sprint focuses on specific deliverables for your app, and ends with a period of review, where teams gather insights from stakeholders, users, or testing results.

This helps build user experience into the core of the app, and allows teams to swiftly respond to changes in requirements, technology, or market trends.

7. Embrace Constant Iteration.

The corollary to beginning with an MVP and focusing hard on the essential features is the need to implement constant iteration/constant development (CI/CD) practices. This involves continuously gathering and analyzing feedback on every step of the build, test, and deployment processes.

Once you gain feedback, you implement it into your next updates or adaptations to make sure that the app functionality and design is as effective and enjoyable as possible for your users.

With CI/CD, you can begin with a minimal, bare-bones product, and then continually improve it and add to it so that it’s perfectly aligned with user needs without wasting time and effort on unnecessary features and functionalities.

Build a Business Mobile App Without the Stress

Inevitably, building a whole new business app is going to take some work. But the right approaches and tools can help you achieve your goals without significant headaches or friction. There’s no longer any need to hesitate over unlocking the benefits of a mobile app, just because you’re worried about the work involved.


Securing Your Sales Job: 5 Tips For Acing The Interview

hiring handshake

hiring handshake

by Paul Bramson, CEO of The Paul Bramson Companies

Securing a sales job in today’s competitive market requires more than a polished resume — it demands finesse, confidence, and a strategic approach to interviews. Landing that coveted sales role involves not only presenting your qualifications, but also showcasing your enthusiasm, sales prowess and talents, and understanding of the industry landscape.

In the realm of sales, acing the interview involves demonstrating your abilities, as well as your understanding of and commitment to the company’s mission and values. To stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression, applicants must equip themselves with a set of invaluable tactics tailored for success in the sales job interview process.

1. Research the company, industry & interviewer.

Before your interview, it’s essential to thoroughly research the company and its products or services. Understand the industry it operates in, its mission, values, and target audience to demonstrate your genuine interest in the company and showcase your enthusiasm for the role.

It will serve you well to know more about the interviewer so you can tailor your responses to their background, interests, and communication style to make your answers more relatable and engaging. Research can uncover common interests or experiences, which can be used to build rapport during the interview. Finding shared hobbies or affiliations can create a sense of connection.

During the interview, strategically weave your insights into the conversation by sharing how the company’s objectives resonate with your aspirations or discussing how their recent accomplishments have gotten you excited. Highlighting your knowledge of industry trends brings out your commitment to staying ahead of the curve, showcasing you as an invaluable asset from the outset.

2. Showcase your sales skills.

Be prepared to discuss your prior sales experience and achievements during the interview. Utilize specific examples to highlight your ability to meet or exceed sales targets, build client relationships, and close deals. Whenever possible, provide quantifiable results, such as revenue growth or the success of your sales campaigns.

Furthermore, spotlight your adaptability — the cornerstone of successful salesmanship. Emphasize your capacity to tailor your sales approach to diverse customers and situations. Showcasing how you adjust your communication style to suit varying client needs reflects your versatility, which is a prized trait in the dynamic sales landscape. 

In the interview, your aim isn’t just to talk about sales, but also to showcase your sales acumen confidently. Use this platform as a stage to exhibit your expertise, leaving no doubt that you’re the standout sales champion they’ve been seeking. Ultimately, it’s not just about what you’ve achieved, but how you narrate your journey — an engaging tale of sales success that lingers long after the interview concludes.

3. Master the art of communication.

Effective communication is integral for success in sales. During the interview, demonstrate your communication skills by being articulate, confident, and engaging. Actively listen to the interviewer’s questions so you can respond with concise, relevant answers, and emphasize your adaptability in tailoring your communication style to different customers and situations.

Beyond the verbal exchange, however, creating a personal connection is paramount. Establish rapport with the interviewer by maintaining eye contact, displaying authentic interest, and emanating enthusiasm. Remember, it’s not just about selling a product — it’s also about presenting yourself as the perfect fit for the team.

4. Ask thoughtful, unconventional questions.

Always prepare a list of insightful and unconventional questions to ask the interviewer, which demonstrates your keen interest in the role, while helping you gather crucial information about the company’s expectations, sales processes, and team dynamics. The unconventional aspect sets you apart from other candidates. 

These questions can elicit more authentic responses because they catch interviewers off guard. Ask about the company’s target market, sales strategies, and how they measure success in the role.

Your questions are a chance to exhibit your enthusiasm and preparation. Pose inquiries that illustrate your prior research about the company and its industry, underlining your proactive approach and genuine interest in the role. Additionally, show curiosity and listening by asking clarifying questions based on what the interviewers talk about.

5. Professional etiquette.

Finally, it’s essential to dress professionally, arrive on time, and follow up with a thank-you email after the interview. Tailoring your correspondence to the specific sales position and company will undoubtedly leave a positive impression and enhance your chances of securing the job.

Make a conscious effort to dress appropriately, aligning your attire with the company’s culture and industry standards. If you’re unsure, do some stealth research in advance to be sure it hits the mark. Remember, the first impression you make counts significantly, so opt for a professional look that exudes confidence and respect.

Aim to arrive early, allowing extra time for any unforeseen delays. Being punctual showcases your reliability and gives you a moment to compose yourself before the interview begins.

With preparation, persistence, and passion, potential candidates can ace the interview process and step into the sales domain, ready to navigate its ever-evolving landscape. The drive to continually hone one’s skills and evolve alongside industry demands ultimately sets apart true sales superstars. Approaching the interview as more than just a conversation, but as an opportunity to compellingly convey your commitment, is the winning mindset for sales interview success.


Paul Bramson

Paul Bramson has been described as a powerhouse on keynote stages and in training arenas. He is distinguished as being one of the most effective speakers, trainers, and executive coaches in the world today. With over 25 years of experience, he is considered a global authority and thought leader in the areas of sales, leadership, and communication.



Embarking On Entrepreneurship: Navigating Uncharted Waters For First-Time Pioneers


by Danish Ahmed, founder of startuptools.ai

Entrepreneurship is not a glamorous cakewalk, contrary to the perception on social media. The path to success is less about private jets and fancy cars and more about resilience and unwavering conviction in your idea.

As you set sail into uncharted waters, we will outline how to combine strategic wisdom with real-world lessons from a fellow entrepreneur’s experiences.

Defining Your Direction

In the entrepreneurial world, waiting for the perfect moment is a mirage. The journey is about continuous adaptation and daily actionable steps towards your goals. The founder’s mantra is, “What can I do today to make us better than yesterday?” It’s about understanding that imperfections in the initial product iterations are stepping stones to refinement.

A well-defined strategy acts as your beacon of light in the vast expanse of entrepreneurship. After all, a recent report from CB Insights states that 42% of startups fail due to a lack of market need. Not conducting research as part of your strategy to find out this information would be disastrous.

A strategy is more than just a simple roadmap; it is a guiding light that illuminates the path toward your aspirations. Picture it as the magnetic force that attracts resources and aligns decision-making. Even for solo entrepreneurs, a clear strategy can be the wind in their sails, propelling them toward success.

Having a clear, testable direction for your startup is also crucial in avoiding distractions and misinterpreting signals. A key element of this clarity is identifying a specific audience for whom you are building and addressing their pain points or unmet needs. When developing PLAYMessenger, the first messaging app designed for kids, I conducted extensive market research and user interviews to precisely define our target audience and understand the challenges we were addressing. This focused approach enabled us to swiftly test and validate our hypotheses, ultimately leading to the rapid formation of a niche following.

So how do you know if your strategy is sufficient to set sail? Subject it to four critical tests. Is it well-defined, providing a clear direction for your enterprise? Can it generate sufficient profits and sustainable growth? Is it adaptable enough to weather uncertainties and changing landscapes? Finally, is it truly sustainable over the long term?

Sailing the Seas of Growth

Navigating entrepreneurial waters requires a keen understanding of your growth goals. Are they too conservative or overly ambitious? Much like steering a ship, finding the right pace is crucial. If you take a huge spin of the wheel and grow too fast, you risk capsizing; grow too slow, and you may be overtaken by competitors (captured by pirates). Assessing the market’s size, potential economies of scale, and your venture’s unique position will guide you in setting the optimal growth rate.

Selecting the appropriate market is instrumental in identifying growth opportunities. This ties back to the earlier example, emphasizing that focusing on the right market enables a deep dive into its nuances rather than a broad, scattered approach. This strategic concentration opens avenues for partnerships within the chosen vertical, filling crucial gaps.

In the case of PLAYMessenger, we strategically partnered with other apps and industry organizations to propel our growth. This involved licensing children’s characters and collaborating with children’s privacy organizations, schools, and parent groups. By aligning with these entities, we strengthened our position and validated our market niche. Attempting to create a messenger platform appealing to everyone would have made it challenging to capture and validate our market effectively.

Strengthening Your Organizational Vessel

Your entrepreneurial vessel needs a robust infrastructure to weather the storms of growth. As you grow, being too strict may stifle creativity, while inadequate controls could equally lead to complete chaos.

The culture of a startup also plays a pivotal role in its success and is often overlooked during formation. This oversight is significant, given that the early team essentially shapes and dictates the company’s culture. Therefore, hiring individuals with a mindful consideration of the desired culture becomes paramount, as they directly influence early decisions and approaches.

Critical questions arise at this point: Is your startup inclined to work tirelessly through nights and weekends, or does it prioritize a balance between quality and features? What standards govern your business — the “move fast and break things” mantra or a more thoughtful and deliberate approach? There is not just one correct answer to these questions that will define the culture to attract both early employees and customers. It’s the culture that sets the tone for the entire journey, influencing the mindset and expectations of everyone involved in the startup.

Evolving Your Role

The journey from a novice entrepreneur to a business leader is a transformational one. Founders must evolve their roles from hands-on tasks to designing organizational structures and systems. This evolution is a key factor in building a self-sustaining organization. Consider the shift from performing tasks to teaching others, prescribing desired results, and eventually managing the overall context of work.

While your startup journey may begin with improvisation and luck, it’s the conscious decisions, strategic planning, and continuous questioning of goals, strategies, and capabilities that will guide you toward the coveted shores of long-term success. So, hoist your entrepreneurial sails, plot your course, and navigate these unknown waters with confidence and purpose.


Danish Ahmed

Danish Ahmed is founder of startuptools.ai. He is a seasoned entrepreneur and product management professional with over 14 years of experience leading product development in AdTech developing products in mobile, web, and hardware. He has spent the last three years at Nativo leading the charge driving the direction for our media and insights products.



5 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Buying Health Insurance

health insurance

health insurance

Health insurance is critical for everyone as medical living costs continue to rise. It is an investment that protects you against unexpected medical needs and maintains financial stability. In terms of financial stability, a health insurance plan prevents you from using your savings and income to pay medical bills. Therefore, you can manage your finances. With new diseases emerging every day, it becomes essential to safeguard yourself and guarantee that you can quickly pay for medical expenses.

Unfortunately, people make mistakes because of a lack of understanding of health insurance policies. Ultimately, they choose ineffective plans that do not serve the intended purpose. Therefore, knowing the common mistakes people make when buying health insurance is crucial so you can avoid them and choose the best plan.

Not Doing Sufficient Research

Many people rush to buy insurance without doing their due diligence. It is crucial to understand what health insurance entails and the terms and conditions of every policy. People also forget to compare different policies and choose the one presented without research.

It is crucial to research before choosing a health insurance plan. For example, a person with a family should take a different policy from an individual. Also, if your grandparents are in the house, you should take senior health insurance. It is crucial to evaluate the medical expenses you may have in the future and buy the appropriate Pure Cover plan to cover your needs. Consult professionals for the best insurance plan. You need a policy covering all your health needs and preventing unnecessary financial burdens.

Lying about Medical History

Some people hide or lie about their medical history when buying a health insurance plan for fear of rejection or higher premiums. Hiding your medical history or habits like smoking or drinking alcohol can cost your claim in the future. That means your claim could be rejected for failure to disclose your medical details.

There needs to be trust between an individual and the insurance company. The company trusts that you will give the correct information. Similarly, you trust that it will compensate you for a medical issue requiring money. Therefore, never hide your medical history to get lower premiums or approval.

Not Choosing Enough Coverage

It is crucial to research about different health insurance plans and their costs. Sometimes, people choose inadequate coverage to save money. The unfortunate thing about restricted or insufficient coverage is that you are often left to pay out of pocket. Some premiums are higher depending on the coverage you want. However, this is not the only thing to consider when purchasing health insurance. It is essential to look at your needs and know the amount of coverage you need.

While at it, consider things like medical history, future medical expenses, family size, and hospital expenses before deciding. Getting sufficient Pure Cover is crucial to ensure you will not need to pay out of pocket in case of medical emergencies. It helps maintain financial stability. So, how do you define enough coverage? If you go for health check-ups, choosing a policy that will cover them is essential. Some plans offer annual preventive health check-ups so policyholders can live healthy lives. It is also necessary to check if the policy covers hospitalization costs just in case one of the beneficiaries is admitted.

Failure to Read the Fine Print

Insurance companies explain what they include and exclude in a policy. However, you are responsible for understanding the policy well. Often, insurance buyers are satisfied with the explanation given by the company. They pay more attention to the inclusions and forget to check the exclusions. This means they do not understand what the policy does not cover, which could disqualify them from making a claim.

So, ensure you read the fine print to comprehend the policy before buying. It will help prevent unpleasant surprises during a settlement. You will be given 15 days to go over the details before buying.

Buying Insurance to Save on Taxes

Buying health insurance comes with tax benefits. Even though it reduces your taxable income, it should not be the basis of buying. Buy health insurance purposely to cover any health issues and prevent the burden of substantial medical costs. If you focus on the tax benefit, you will likely buy a policy with insufficient coverage. So, purchase insurance that meets your family’s health needs in a medical emergency. The premiums paid by individuals are subject to tax deductions. Therefore, it is advisable to understand the tax benefits enjoyed in a specific policy but not look at them only in terms of the benefits.

Key Takeaways

Purchasing a health insurance plan is critical to ensure you can manage unpredicted medical costs. With the high living costs and medical expenses, comprehensive coverage is vital. You get covered in various areas, which helps maintain financial stability. So, ensure your well-being and your family by buying health insurance.


What Advertisers Need To Know About CTV Marketing In 2024


by Nuno Andrade, chief innovation officer of Media Culture

Looking ahead to 2024’s media landscape, there’s no denying the industry has been in the process of a transformative shift with both viewership and advertising. Marketers need to adjust accordingly, as streaming platforms continue to outweigh traditional TV in viewership numbers. What we’ve seen this year, especially, demonstrates streaming is also becoming the new frontier for ad-supported content.

Connected TV (CTV) has remained at the forefront for television consumption, providing content directly through internet connections on large-screen televisions versus Over-The-Top (OTT) content, which can be accessed through connecting to devices such as a gaming console or desktop. Many of the major streaming services increased pricing options for ad-free watching within the past year but are still seeing viewers accepting the lower-tiered pricing plans that include ads, making it a prime opportunity for marketers to invest in CTV advertising.

Here are a few key things to understand and properly advertise with CTV heading into 2024:

CTV Audience Expansion and Advertising Revenue on the Rise

The last several years have marked a pivotal shift in viewership patterns. Streaming surpassed cable for highest viewership for the first time in July 2022, and this monumental trend shows no signs of slowing. CTV captivates a younger and broader demographic, delivering personalized, on-demand content – with the average CTV viewer being a significant 16 years younger than their Linear TV counterpart.

This user base is set to expand rapidly over the next few years, aligning with a newfound potential for advertising revenue. By 2027, it’s projected that CTV ad expenditure will constitute 42% of the total CTV/Linear ad spend, a considerable increase from 29% in 2023.

The modern streaming landscape boasts a wide assortment of platforms for users, each with distinct business models and audiences. From subscription/ad-supported video on demand (SVOD/AVOD) platforms like Netflix and Max to free ad-supported streaming tv (FAST) options such as The Roku Channel and live streaming entities like YouTube TV, the breadth of offerings ensures content for every viewer’s preference and creates valuable opportunities for advertisers.

The Evolution of Streaming and CTV

When YouTube was launched in 2005 as a video-sharing platform, few could have predicted the rapid progression of streaming in the ensuing years. Notable players like Netflix and Hulu, who were both established in 2007, have stood their ground in the so-called “streaming wars”, whereas some, like Quibi and CNN+, have faded completely or undergone newsbreaking rebrands like Max after the Discovery and WarnerMedia merger earlier this year.

Beyond influencing media consumption, streaming has revolutionized the entire industry. Entertainment powerhouses such as Disney, Warner Bros. and Paramount have had to restructure their strategies in an attempt to rival digital-first entities like Netflix, Apple and Amazon. Even further, the launch of ad-free and ad-supported streaming plans have created even more room for competition among services as consumers evaluate which platforms they’ll decide to keep as prices increase and ads become more frequent while streaming.

Navigating the Future of Advertising

In an age where CTV is reshaping media consumption, advertisers must evolve in tandem. Precise audience targeting, enriched viewer engagement, and data-driven insights are not just strategies — they are necessity. As CTV’s influence continues to surge, the brands that fully embrace its potential will lead the vanguard in the advertising revolution.


Nuno Andrade, chief innovation officer at Media Culture, is a digital media industry veteran whose experience spans more than 15 years. As Chief Innovation Officer at Media Culture, Nuno specializes in bridging linear and digital media efforts within the agency while being responsible for the formulation of internal and client strategy. 


Cultivating A Generational Legacy Mindset: The Secret To Entrepreneurial Prosperity


by Mike C. Young, author of “The Farmer’s Code: How Legacies are Built”

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey often entails striving for quick success and innovation. Yet, in this pursuit, traditional ways of thinking are frequently dismissed or undervalued.

An entrepreneur’s mentality must extend beyond mere financial ambitions, incorporating personal development, fostering emotional intelligence, having compassion for others, and creating lasting legacies through their businesses. This approach is not just beneficial but crucial for entrepreneurs aiming to achieve sustained triumphs that echo across various generations.

Personal Growth: The Foundation of Entrepreneurial Success

A perspective grounded in multigenerational legacy begins with undertaking an introspective path towards individual advancement. Business owners who demonstrate dedication to personal growth usually construct enterprises that are not only prosperous but also exhibit long-term tenacity. This progress encompasses multiple elements such as intellectual capability, emotional understanding, and ethical considerations — it involves maturing both professionally and personally via continuous learning while being receptive to novel ideas and viewpoints.

Nurturing adaptability together with robust character is fundamental to business success.

Empathy: A Key Ingredient for Relationship Success

Strong relationships essentially depend on empathy — a vital link binding individuals together. It signifies the capacity to comprehend another person’s feelings – an integral part of establishing trustworthiness while encouraging communication thereby forging deeper connections. Empathy enables people to temporarily transcend their belief system so they can genuinely grasp someone else’s emotions, thoughts & experiences authentically which provides a supportive environment where everyone feels appreciated & fully understood. In conflict situations the significance of empathy cannot be understated — it encourages those involved to take an empathetic stance when dealing with disagreements by seeking solutions rather than turning them into confrontations.

With a compassionate mindset, entrepreneurs will create more encompassing adaptable business plans that foster deep relationships with employees while truly recognizing customer needs.

Impacting Lives Through Business

Entrepreneurs possessing a legacy-oriented outlook perceive their companies as essential tools for positive societal changes. They recognize the powerful role they play in influencing lives and setting community norms, which motivates them to establish not only profitable but also socially accountable and ethically upright businesses. These individuals often prioritize tackling real-world challenges, promoting local communities, advocating sustainability, and aligning business goals with social aspirations so that their impacts extend far beyond purely economic advantages.

Creating Legacy: More than just Monetary Success

A unique attribute associated with this mindset is the emphasis on legacy. Business owners on this journey are driven by an aspiration to generate enduring impact — something that transcends their lifetime. This isn’t simply about financial victory, but it’s more about forging entities reflecting specific principles that inspire future entrepreneur generations and aid in shaping industry progression.

Constructing lasting legacies necessitates continual efforts over time to show profound devotion toward vision values.

Tackling Obstacles and Striking the Right Balance

The implementation of a legacy-focused, multigenerational strategy presents unique hurdles that demand sustained dedication. This approach often clashes with short-term gain, thereby balancing immediate commercial successes against wider societal benefits. A legacy-centric perspective compels strategic contemplation, bravery, and the audacity to make nonconformist choices.


The concept of generational legacy entrepreneurship is an innovative strategy that transcends mere commercial achievement. It encapsulates individual growth, compassionate relationships and a wider societal influence within the premise of entrepreneurial spirit. This philosophy isn’t merely about constructing a venture; it’s concerned with fashioning a significant, lasting legacy that guides future generations and revolutionizes industries. By adopting this methodology, entrepreneurs can attain an uncommon fusion of personal satisfaction, profound relational bonds and community participation. The path may be filled with obstacles and necessitate a fine equilibrium between immediate returns and extended goals.

Nevertheless, it’s this very dedication to leaving something behind beyond the present realm that signifies the epitome of entrepreneurial brilliance and prosperity. As such, entrepreneurs don’t simply make their mark in their chosen fields; they interweave their principles and foresight into society’s framework itself — crafting an enduring imprint that survives them yet continues to motivate others long after they’re gone.


Mike C Young

Mike C. Young, author of “The Farmer’s Code: How Legacies are Built” is the leader of his family’s fourth-generation family business that has its roots in agriculture and real estate. Mike and his family have built and successfully exited several companies within the agricultural sector. Mike is an accredited iEQ9 Enneagram practitioner, which he uses as a tool in mentoring and coaching emerging leaders so that he can help empower them to live and leave their own legacy.


Scaling Strategies For Venture Growth

business meeting charts

business meeting charts

by Diana Kander

Although growth and scale sound similar, they have different meanings in business. When a business sees higher revenue as it adds resources, it’s called growth. For instance, bringing in new technology or investing more capital can boost your revenue. On the other hand, scaling implies that your revenue is growing much faster than the rate at which you add resources and cover expenses.

Here are the four strategies to achieve sustainable growth for your venture.

1. Foundational Pillars for Sustainable Growth.

Knowing the next steps makes scaling efficient and easier, regardless of your business size. The key elements for sustainable growth include the right strategy, team, and processes. It’s unwise to expect overnight success when aiming for sustainable growth because successful scaling requires a long-term strategy that takes time to build and implement.

2. Building a Robust Infrastructure for Expansion.

Initially, build a talented and dedicated team to support your scaling infrastructure. Hire skilled individuals and offer them training and development opportunities, like a business book and skills training. Nurture innovation, collaboration, and a sense of ownership in your company culture, encouraging open communication and feedback. This ensures that everyone on your team is working toward the same goal. Determine individual goals alongside company goals to better track everyone’s contributions.

Additionally, focus on strengthening your operations and systems. As you scale, you can automate and optimize processes and systems to improve your workflow. Opt for the latest technology and tools to standardize and automate marketing, sales, customer service, accounting, and reporting tasks. Moreover, optimize processes and systems to reduce errors and improve efficiency and quality.

As you grow, and if the team isn’t ready to match the pace, build strategic partnerships to divide your workload and maintain quality. Moreover, monitor your financial stability by monitoring revenue, gross profit margin, cash flow, and other financial metrics.

3. Navigating Growth with Strategic Initiatives.

Scaling a business requires expanding market reach and developing new customers. Create a solid customer acquisition strategy consisting of various tactics to test what works best. Conduct market research to find consumer data and optimize your marketing and sales strategies.

Infuse innovation into your products and invest in product development to ensure your products meet the needs and expectations of your target market. Additionally, use data-driven insights for decision-making, like surveys, interviews, and feedback. And remember, marketing conditions are constantly changing, so you need to stay updated to adapt to the changing market trends. Always try and test new strategies to cope with market conditions.

4. Managing Challenges and Opportunities of Scaling.

Scaling your business comes with challenges. You lose the game if you scale too fast or prioritize short-term goals over long-term ones. Since achieving sustainable growth takes time, you must stay focused on your goal with a growth mindset. When you scale too fast, your products and operations fail to match the pace. You might generate lower profit compared to operation costs when scaling too fast.

Before accelerating the scaling:

  • Check whether your team and processes are ready for growth.
  • Train or improve your team and automate the processes before transitioning to the enterprise level.
  • Ensure you and your team embrace a continuous learning attitude and a growth mindset, which helps a company grow maturely.

Scaling your business requires the right environment, resources, and processes to sustain growth. Hence, ensure all fundamentals are implemented before scaling. However, a lack of agility, focus, and dedication can also hinder your growth, so keep them in check. These scaling strategies will ensure a smooth transition to the next level and help you reach sustainable growth.


Diana Kander is a New York Times bestselling author of a business book and innovation coach. She draws on her experience as a founder, investor, and academic to serve as a consultant and professional speaker for clients and audiences across the country. Diana is also a Senior Fellow at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, the largest non-profit in the world dedicated to entrepreneurship and education.


[Interview] Charlie Gilkey, Author-Expert On Productivity And Teamwork

Charlie Gilkey

Charlie Gilkey

Chances are you spend 80 percent of your workdays with the same four to eight people. And regardless of what your company’s org chart says, those people are your true team.

So if you want to better your work life, begin by bettering your team — and how you work together. Or what author-expert Charlie Gilkey calls your “team habits.”

Before becoming a start-up entrepreneur, Gilkey served as a joint force logistics officer in the U.S. Army while also working on his Ph.D. in philosophy. Today, in addition to writing books and delivering keynotes, he heads his national coaching and training company — Productive Flourishing — which specializes in the areas of leadership, productivity, and teamwork.

Gilkey recently sat down with Young Upstarts to discuss his latest book and the power of team habits in the new workplace.

Your latest book is “Team Habits: How Small Changes Lead to Extraordinary Results“. Who did you write the book for — and why now?

I wrote “Team Habits” for people who want their work team to be more agile, cohesive, and productive. That includes everyone from corporate leaders, managers, and individual contributors to entrepreneurs and small-business owners. My goal was to provide a counterpoint to the feelings of disengagement and disempowerment that people express about their ability to work better together. Too many, however, think it’s not their job to improve their situation when, in reality, the joy of teaming is what individuals can do when they come together and create something that none of them could do alone.

And why now? That’s easy. The chaos and challenges of the last few years, precipitated by the pandemic, have exposed the myriad cracks in how the world approaches work and collaboration. So the question is, since we already need to build a new normal, why not build it back better? That is especially true as teams navigate new dynamics around remote or hybrid work, artificial intelligence, generational shifts, and more.

What do you mean by “team habits”?

Team habits are the recurring behaviors and routines that dictate how a team operates on a day-to-day basis. Think of them as the building blocks of a team’s culture, including how the team communicates, makes decisions, conducts meetings, and creates a sense of belonging. Also, just like personal habits, team habits typically occur on autopilot. Yet they also have at least three unique aspects:

First, team habits are unspoken agreements between members. And when those agreements are on autopilot, each habit is reinforced, over and over again, every time it’s practiced.

Second, team habits are contagious. What one team member does, others often will follow suit, simply because someone else was doing it.

Third, team habits are a social activity. That means changing any habit, whatever it may be, has social — and emotional — aspects. No one, not even the team leader, can create change without affecting everyone else on the team.

Those three aspects explain how (and why) teams, as well as organizations as a whole, get stuck in bad team habits. Team habits are at once slippery and sticky.

Your book spells out eight categories of team habits, with many different small and simple habits in each category. Share one of those categories and one of its team habits.

A pivotal category in “Team Habits” is decision-making. And within that category is the specific habit of understanding and applying the three levels of decision-making in order to discern who in a team can make which decisions and when. Level 1 represents decisions that team members can make independently. Level 2 represents decisions that require informing people, such as someone in management or someone else in the team, when a decision has been made. Level 3 represents decisions that need prior approval by management.

Ideally, about 80 percent of decisions would fall inside Level 1, which not only empowers team members to act within their scope, but also escapes endless (and counterproductive) decision loops. It’s also a great way for an organization to build or bolster its leadership pipeline. 

In terms of teamwork, why do small improvements win the day, especially in a “go big or go home” business world? 

The preference in the business world for bold, grand changes is understandable; they are big and exciting, and seem to seduce people with the idea of significant transformation. But research tells a different story about the effectiveness of such changes. For example, McKinsey & Company reports that roughly 70 percent of corporate change programs fail to achieve their goals.

Generally, such disappointments are due to the complexities of implementing large-scale change programs, the inherent resistance they collide with, or the dearth of high-level leaders available (and perhaps able) to champion top-down initiatives.

In contrast, my focus on making small, incremental, and achievable changes is driven by its proven manageability and an increasingly high rate of success. Moreover, making small improvements is less intimidating to people, easier to integrate into their daily routines, and allows for continuous adjustments and improvement. It’s also more sustainable because it evolves with a team’s changing needs and role.

You say that most teams want to address their “people” problems when in reality they have “habit” problems. That seems paradoxical since teams are made up of people.

The perceived paradox there is resolved when people realize that teams aren’t merely collections of people; teams are made up of people plus their team habits plus the larger culture or work environment in which they actually perform their roles.

Consider how many times individuals enter and exit a team while the team’s performance and behaviors virtually stay the same. Changing people is, and always will be, a tall order — an unreasonable and difficult demand. Changing team habits, on the other hand, is exceedingly easier and simpler. What’s more, focusing on team habits depersonalizes the challenge. People don’t want to be changed; they are, however, open to changing how they do things.  

You started your business 15 years ago and lead a thriving team today. What team-habit category — even now — can still trip you up?

Admittedly, the category of goal-setting and prioritization can still throw me for a loop. Part of that comes from assuming that my teammates will be as effective as I am when they don’t have the decades of context and experience that I have. It also comes from not properly accounting for how much time I realistically have — or don’t have.


Visualising Success: Crafting Engaging Standard Operating Procedures


by Penny Hopkinson, founder of Manual Writers International® and author of “Manual Magic: Create the Operations Manual Your Franchisees Need to Succeed

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) capture organisational knowledge for all repeatable core processes. Well-written SOPs capture the unique strengths and values of your company’s culture. They empower your employees to operate at peak performance and become active contributors.

So, your objective is to ensure that your employees get a reliable result the first time, every time. To quote Aristotle: ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ SOPs are meant to be followed precisely as written every time the task is performed to maintain consistency, efficiency, and quality.

By making procedures easy to access and refine, your SOPs will continuously evolve with the input of your talented team.

Crafting SOPs Your Team Will Use

As an entrepreneur, you may resist documenting your processes. Formal SOPs sound stifling. Traditional top-down manuals are notorious for being dense and disengaging – more overlooked rulebooks than practical resources.

Yet effective SOPs are crucial as you scale. Clear, consistent operational procedures allow you to maintain quality, ensure compliance, and train new employees. So, bring your systems to life with relevant, collaborative SOPs that turn policies into living documents your business can thrive on.

Identify ‘process wizards’ with invaluable knowledge and proven techniques for complex tasks. Have them document their methods to categorise institutional wisdom. You get authentic guidance in team members’ words, not top-down prescriptions. This is particularly relevant to young millennials and Gen Z, who prefer to learn from their peers and value collaboration.

When producing SOPs you must:

Understand the process: Begin by thoroughly understanding the process for which the operational procedure is being written. This will involve talking to subject matter experts, observing the method in action, or reviewing existing documentation.

Define the objective: Clearly state the procedure’s objective, specifying the desired outcome and any key goals or targets. This will help guide the overall structure and content of the operation.

Identify the target audience: Determine who must follow the operational procedure, such as a manager, designated team member or external contractor. This will influence the level of detail and complexity.

Visualise the process: Learn how to use the power of visualisation. It’s a powerful way to write good content for knowledge sharing.

To do this, first, write for the reader, not for yourself. Then visualise everything with your mind’s eye and try to put yourself in the expert’s place. This means learning to create vivid mental pictures and involving all five senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste – when developing your imagination.

Break down the process: Break the process down into a series of sequential steps, ensuring each step is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Imagine a storyboard for creating a How-To video.

Use clear formatting: Format the operational procedure using numbered or bulleted lists, headings, and subheadings to make it easy for readers to follow.

Include visual aids: Use a series of ‘how-to’ videos, diagrams, flowcharts or images to illustrate complex concepts or steps, making the procedure more accessible and engaging for the target audience.

Detail roles and responsibilities: Specify the roles and responsibilities of individuals involved in each process step, including any compulsory approvals, collaboration, or communication.

Instructional voice and language: Write clear, step-by-step instructions to guide the reader through a process or task. Use simple, direct speech and, when possible, use an active voice, bullet points and numbered lists. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms wherever possible.

Correct language use is essential in all mandatory procedures – i.e., ‘You must comply with [a specific law] and all regulatory requirements.’

Address potential challenges: Identify any everyday challenges or obstacles that may arise during the process and give guidance on overcoming or mitigating them.

Reference related documents: Include references to any related documents, forms, or resources that users may need to complete the procedure, such as templates, checklists, or policy documents.

Establish a review process: Implement a process for regularly reviewing and updating the operational procedure to ensure it remains accurate, relevant, and effective.

Test and refine: Before finalising the operational procedure, invite individuals from the target audience to test the document to ensure it’s clear, accurate and easy to follow. Gather feedback and make any necessary revisions to improve clarity and effectiveness.

Proofread and edit: Carefully proofread and edit the operational procedure to ensure it’s free of errors, inconsistencies, or ambiguities. This will help ensure the document is professional and easy to understand.

Align SOPs to Business Goals

Ensure procedures actively advance – not hinder – strategic objectives. For example, if rapid repetition is critical, avoid bureaucratic sign-offs.

Explain how following each procedure contributes to success metrics like efficiency, quality, cost containment, or sales targets. This fosters buy-in by demonstrating SOP relevance.

Optimise Format for Utility

Avoid dense paragraphs spanning multiple pages. Use scannable headings, bullet points, images, charts, and videos to engage readers. Hyperlink keywords to definitions for quick reference.

  • Arrange content logically.
  • Group related topics and order steps chronologically.
  • Include a searchable table of contents and index.

Make SOPs Interactive

Transform static SOPs into living documents via cloud collaboration tools like Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) or Office 365.

  • Store procedures on password-protected shared drives.
  • Invite team members to suggest process tweaks, contribute new best practices and clarify processes through discussion.

Promote Continuous Improvement

Enable staff to flag outdated sections for review if regulations change. Require teams to append lessons learned from projects, such as tips for avoiding pitfalls.

  • Designate SOP stewards accountable for keeping content current.
  • Schedule bi-annual working sessions to update procedures based on recent operational innovations.

Simplify Access

Store SOPs on easily searchable online portals accessible across devices such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Explore options to the traditional Operations Manual, like a knowledge-sharing centre accessed via a portal or a dedicated knowledge-sharing platform.

  • Introduce new staff to the portal during onboarding.
  • Send regular refresher emails linking to relevant SOPs for current initiatives.

Reinforce with Training and Recognition

Complement SOP resources with training like classes, workshops, job shadowing, and microlearning videos. This drives correct application, not just reading.

  • Publicly recognise those who create procedures or share expertise.
  • Find creative ways to reward SOP usage through points or badges on online portals.


The reality is SOPs can be something other than stuffy documents that employees avoid. With thoughtful design, interactive formats, and grassroots involvement from staff, you can cultivate lively SOPs that provide invaluable institutional wisdom right when your teams need it. Rather than gathering dust on shelves, they will become fundamental tools referenced daily across your business.


Penny Hopkinson

Penny Hopkinson is founder of Manual Writers International®, which she launched in 1986 to bring a fresh perspective to producing operations manuals. She joined the British Franchise Association in 1989 as an affiliate professional advisor, and in 2011 was appointed to a Companion position. She is the author of “Manual Magic: Create the Operations Manual Your Franchisees Need to Succeed“.


Embracing Change: The New Paradigm of Corporate Responsibility In Turbulent Times


by Martin Rust, owner of Martin Rust Strategic Advisory Services

We live in an era that is both characterized by rapid societal shifts and one in which we’re caught in the perpetual current of global conflicts. The corporate world finds itself at a never-ending crossroads, forced to navigate these sometimes uncharted territories.

This is my speciality. I have spent my career analyzing these shifts and conflicts, for the purposes of advising people on how to manage day-to-day operations in their businesses during chaotic times, and on how to proactively and constructively deal with the crises that will invariably arise.

I’m a corporate consultant to Fortune 100 companies. Since the Twin Towers were brought down in 2001, in the tumultuous times that followed I have served as a governance director and political adviser in many post-conflict zones (Jordan, Ukraine, Iraq, just to name a few). This has given me a unique perspective on geopolitics and conflicts, and on how to traverse such unprecedented events.

In my 25-year career, I’ve witnessed a remarkable transformation in the way businesses and governments perceive and enact their roles within society. This isn’t merely a superficial change in strategy; it represents a profound re-evaluation of what it means to be a successful, responsible enterprise in the 21st century.

Beyond Profit: The Expanding Scope of Corporate Accountability

Reflecting on the historical role of businesses, it is possible to trace a significant evolution. As an illustration, take the iconic Bay and Eaton’s stores in Canada, whose focus was primarily on product reliability and customer satisfaction. They epitomized an era where the primary corporate obligation was to the product and the consumer.

Today, however, the narrative has shifted dramatically in the corporate world. The modern corporation is now a participant, willingly or not, in a broader societal dialogue encompassing issues ranging from sustainability to social justice.

This new corporate landscape demands more than just quality products and services. It requires companies to align their values and operations with the evolving moral compass of society, as business leaders increasingly understand. Consumers, staff members, vendors and stakeholders want to know how organizations are proving they’re environmentally conscious, grounded in ethics and socially responsible. There is a newfound emphasis on building a brand identity that resonates not just with the companies’ goods and services, but with what they are at their core – or perhaps more correctly, what they aspire to be. We can call this their mission.

This expanded role, however, creates significant challenges, especially when political discussions become intertwined with corporate life. Such discussions, while reflective of a healthy, engaged workforce, can often lead to polarizing debates that risk overshadowing the company’s primary objectives.

My role as a corporate adviser is to steer these conversations in a way that respects individual viewpoints, while also ensuring they do not derail the overarching mission. The idea is to preserve and protect the team dynamic, which will keep everyone pulling in the same direction even if they are not necessarily on the same page with respect to every issue all the time.

In my experience, the key lies in fostering a culture where diverse opinions are heard but are always contextualized within the framework of the corporations’ values and objectives. It’s about creating an environment where employees feel valued and understood, yet still remain united in their commitment to the company’s mission. What is being described here is a balancing act, one that avoids the pitfalls that can derail a company that hasn’t learned how to harmonize its values with those of its workers.

Crisis Management and Mission Alignment: A Leader’s Guide

In times of crisis, whether brought on by global pandemics, geopolitical conflicts or societal upheaval, the true mettle of a company will be tested. Here, the clarity and strength of a company’s mission becomes paramount.

Companies must respond to such crises in ways that are measured, thoughtful, and, above all, aligned with their mission. This might mean making difficult decisions, taking bold stances on contentious issues, or re-evaluating their strategies to adapt to the changing landscape. It is in these moments that the true essence of leadership is revealed – the ability to maintain course in the face of adversity, guided by a clear vision and unwavering commitment to the company’s foundational values (which of course must be understood and articulated, if they are to have a real impact).

A successful leader will understand the nature of the challenge, and accept the responsibility to inspire everyone to rise to the occasion, not just once but each time a new iteration of the basic challenge presents itself.

Leading with Purpose in Politically Charged Times

In our current climate of heightened political awareness and activism, the role of corporate leadership becomes even more nuanced and sensitive. My counsel to my clients is to remain steadfastly focused on the company’s mission. While political discussions are a natural and necessary part of our societal fabric, they should not overshadow a company’s primary objective as a corporate entity.

This requires a delicate balance – respecting and acknowledging the diverse political views of the workforce, while ensuring that these views do not impinge on the company’s goals and operations. It calls for leadership that is empathetic yet decisive, open-minded yet focused, and, above all, driven by a purpose that transcends the immediate political fray.

The Path Forward for Purpose-Driven Enterprises

As we navigate this new corporate landscape, it is clear that the old paradigms of business are no longer sufficient. We are part of a larger societal ecosystem, and our responsibilities extend beyond shareholders and profit margins. This is a time for purpose-driven leadership – leadership that understands the delicate interplay between corporate objectives and societal expectations, and that is capable of guiding businesses through this complex maze.

In embracing this change, we are not just redefining our businesses; we are participating in a larger movement toward a more conscious, responsible and sustainable future. This is the new reality for enterprises, a reality where success is measured not just in financial terms, but in terms of our contribution to the world we inhabit. As leaders, we have the opportunity – and the responsibility – to embrace this change and lead our organizations into a new era, where corporate responsibility and societal engagement are recognized as essential and fundamental.


Martin Rust

Martin Rust, owner of Martin Rust Strategic Advisory Services, is a consultant, working with governmental agencies in Canada and Fortune 100 companies. His practical approach to delivering outcomes leans on over two decades of experience gathering intelligence, analyzing data points, and objectively determining the best path forward. He is known for problem-solving, negotiation skills, conflict resolution, and powerful messaging development.


How To Fact-Find For Entrepreneurial Success 


by Min Basadur, Michael Goldsby and Rob Mathews, authors of “Design-Centered Entrepreneurship, Second Edition

Customers expect more from companies today, which requires entrepreneurs to uncover people’s real problems and design elegant solutions to those problems. This approach requires integrating knowledge across many disciplines, collaborating with diverse groups of people, and managing projects to completion.

Economic security is no longer dependent on merely working hard, but in creating new value for customers, and the best way to create new value is to connect in relevant and impactful ways with customers.

After working with many students and businesses, we’ve found anyone with the right attitudes and skills for applying an effective process can create innovative products and services. An even better finding is these attitudes, skills, and processes can be learned and applied in any setting. You just have to be patient in learning how to create products and services customers will love.

Entrepreneurial activity is first and foremost about creative problem-solving. No matter how great your technology or idea, if it doesn’t solve an important problem for enough people, you have little chance for success.

Taking a deep dive into fact finding will move entrepreneurs from assumptions about the markets, customers, and competitors to informed decisions and strategic actions.

Before developing an innovation idea to bring to market, pursue these seven strategies for fact finding:

1. Search for divergently relevant facts.

A metaphor for this critical strategy is the Saturn rocket that launched Apollo missions to the moon during the 1960s. Shortly after the rocket left the ground, its first stage dropped off. The second stage took over to lift the rocket higher before falling off in turn. The third stage then propelled the landing craft on a course to its final destination. Becoming aware of a new opportunity or problem is like the first rocket stage. It’s enough to get the entrepreneur started, but it’s only the beginning. The problem as they first perceive it may not represent the problem as it’s later perceived. Searching for facts about the new opportunity or problem is the second rocket stage, which then leads to further relevant facts in the third stage. By being open to as many potentially relevant facts as possible, entrepreneurs will improve, expand, and enrich their final perception of the opportunity.

2. Investigate several viewpoints.

Each of us sees “the facts” in a situation through our own biases, filters, and acquired knowledge. Collaborative problem-solving brings together a variety of viewpoints, which uncovers additional facts and broadens the view of a problem. Additionally, considering the potential customer’s point of view by learning how they spend their time, what they value, their product preferences and more will better inform decisions.

3. Beware of unconscious assumptions.

The mindset used when gathering facts is critical. Approaching problems with an openness to new information will challenge preconceived perspective on it. Zen master Shunryu Suzuki observed, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are few.” Entrepreneurs should begin the search for facts as novices. By doing so, they can uncover the language, issues, critical success factors, and constraints inherent in a problem.

4. Avoid a negative attitude toward “problems.”

If you automatically consider a problem a negative thing, then not only does your attitude lower your motivation to tackle it, but it also confines your fact finding. You start looking for only negative facts. Without a complete picture of the facts — negative and positive — your subsequent problem definition will be off the mark.

5. Share information.

Entrepreneurs often avoid asking questions or volunteering information for fear of their ideas being stolen. But guarding ideas in an overprotective way comes across like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings (“my precious!”). No one will help a person who appears greedy. Instead, ideas shared in collaborative sessions will change into entirely new ideas when new facts are gathered.

6. State what you think.

In collaborative problem-solving sessions, an important rule is that there are no bad ideas during fact finding. Offering information and ideas only to fit what you think the rest of the group wants to hear robs the session of your unique viewpoint. Many people second-guess themselves and believe that, if no one else sees the problem as they do, they must be wrong. The person who sees things differently from others is sometimes the one who sees them most clearly.

7. Look for the truth, not just ways to boost your ego.

The attitude of everyone in a fact-finding session should be that the purpose of the exercise is to uncover as many facts about a problem as possible. All ideas are welcome. Therefore, the entrepreneur must not take it personally if people offer differing perspectives that disrupt their current idea. In fact, they should welcome it. The agreed upon goal of any fact-finding session should be to uncover information that can lead to better problem definition and superior solutions later.

The agreed upon goal of the fact-finding strategies is to uncover information that will lead to better problem definition and superior solutions in the long run. The greatest discoveries occur when someone seeks answers others aren’t willing to pursue.


Min Basadur is Professor Emeritus of Innovation at McMaster University, Canada, and founder of Basadur Applied Creativity. Michael Goldsby is Stoops Distinguished Professor of  Entrepreneurship and Chief Entrepreneurship Officer at Ball State University. Rob Mathews is Executive Director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute at Ball University. Their new book, “Design-Centered Entrepreneurship, Second Edition” (Routledge, 2022), provides a research-driven, step-by-step approach to creative problem-solving. Learn more at https://elprofile.com/


My Black Belt Journey: A Tale Of Resilience, Mastery And Life Lessons

brazilian jiujitsu

roy dean

by Roy Dean, author of “The Martial Apprentice” and “Becoming The Black Belt”

I am at that stage in my life where I’m looking back quite a bit, reflecting on what I have accomplished both personally and professionally, contemplating both the highs and the lows of the journey, and still trying to learn from each. In relation to this theme, I am about to rerelease my two books, The Martial Apprentice and Becoming The Black Belt.

I wrote both books when I was younger. I recently looked through each of them again, and realized how much I’ve grown since I wrote them. Consequently I decided to expand on and re-edit both books, to more accurately reflect on where I am today with respect to the art of Jiu Jitsu, my training and role in teaching the art.

Life is about allowing yourself to evolve, which is a constant theme in Jujutsu (also spelled Jiu Jitsu and Jujitsu). Most of us who have been practicing any martial art for many years see it as far more than “just” being physically fit. It’s about dynamic problem solving, adapting to evolving circumstances, and the embodied confidence that comes from resolving conflicts constructively and intelligently–both on and off the mat.

In The Martial Apprentice, I looked back on my earlier years in martial arts, focusing on my role as a devotee of Jujutsu and the foundational experiences that shaped my understanding of martial arts training and instruction. I talk about my initial encounters with various martial arts forms, my mentors who generously gave of their time to help me advance, and the key moments that influenced my development as a martial artist. This book delves into the categories of martial artists, the importance of mentorship, the questioning innocence of youth, and the growth that can only come from immersing oneself deeply in a field of study.  My goal with The Martial Apprentice was to apply my skills as a storyteller, to introduce readers to my lived experiences on the power of fully dedicated martial arts training.

In the second edition, I provide all of this but refracted through a more critical lens, one shaped and polished by experience and maturity.

Becoming the Black Belt is a memoir that delves into my modern journey in martial arts, specifically focusing on my experiences in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), and launching a renowned academy to teach the art. It’s an introspective look at my path to earning a  BJJ black belt, a significant life goal in martial arts that to this day remains one of my greatest accomplishments.

My book covers the physical, mental and spiritual challenges I’ve faced and the hard fought lessons I’ve learned along the way. I provide insights into the yearslong dedication and discipline that borders on obsession in high-level martial arts training. My narrative is interspersed with personal anecdotes, while also including philosophical reflections and practical advice for students and teachers of the art alike. My hope is that this package will make my book a compelling read for those likely curious about martial arts and for the dedicated mat soldiers.

Achieving My Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

In martial arts, you enter a world where humility and pain are not mere occurrences, but necessary teachers, and for me, the entrée through this world has been a powerful anchor in the world of resilience.

When I say resilience, I’m referring to a desensitization that allows one to handle the rough and tumble, and arm oneself without arms. It’s the ability to stay on mission with whatever you have on hand while ignoring unnecessary opinions and drama. Because of this, I’m a fundamentally different person as a result of my decision to go “all in” on BJJ. The art toughens you while informing you of the right circumstances to blend instead of opposing the forces of the world. Sometimes you push, sometimes you block, sometimes you pull. It depends on the situation but Jujitsu gives you every option.

One point of focus in Becoming the Black Belt was the legendary black belt exam under my teacher Roy Harris. Mr. Harris is unique in his structured approach to ranking criteria requiring myriad skills to be demonstrated under pressure. That was a grueling test of technique, strategy, endurance and fortitude. But most of all, he wants to see your heart, and that can only be shown after you’re exhausted.

Mr. Harris, who is known as “Boa” for his highly pressured constrictor-like mastery of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, was not just an instructor but also a mentor, someone who shepherded me through the complexities of this art, while subtly passing along direct life lessons and his objectives on community, longevity and leadership.

During the black belt exam, as he exerted his rib breaking pressure, pinning me down and trapping me on the mat, it became clear this was more than a test of physical ability. It was a crucible for demonstrating character and will when things are stacked against you and you may want to give up, but you cannot. That is simply not an option. Passing this test showed me that I had another gear and tapped into a deep well of potential. His mentorship was crucial for bringing to that gate of maturity and responsibility.

From Curious Teenager to Black Belt Professor: Linear But Not Always a Straight Line

My venture into martial arts began in Japan, as a teenage exchange student. I was encouraged to train a Japanese art after school and I chose Judo–perhaps the most popular form of Jujutsu in the world. Training in this art would alter my life trajectory in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Those early lessons in resilience and consistency have propelled me to my current position as a practitioner and a teacher of this powerful and sophisticated martial art.

Training under Julio Toribio for Japanese Jujutsu, and Roy Harris for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, changed my life profoundly, as each man served as a technical resource, teaching model and mentor into the world of manhood.  Jiu Jitsu became more than a martial art to me; it is a philosophy, a way of life that transcends the confines of physical combat and a measuring stick of awareness in life. As Miyomoto Musashi says, “If you know the way broadly, you will see it in everything.”

Of course I’ve learned how to leverage minimal strength against overwhelming force. Equally important is the mental agility that comes with training and the open mindedness to accept creative solutions when the familiar solutions are blocked. This keeps you in the realm of practicality rather than well-intentioned, but ineffective idealism.

The journey up to and beyond black belt has been more than an achievement in martial skill or a collection of ranks. It has been a transformative process, shaping my character, crafting my skills, and teaching me the value of resilience over time.

If you’ve been considering incorporating Jiu Jitsu into your life, I can assure you there’s never been a better time to begin. Life is unpredictable but the art shows you how to surf the waves of adversity into an exhilarating adventure of physicality, friendship and community. I am so grateful for my own journey and cannot imagine my life without this perennial human technology.


roy dean 4

Roy Dean is a 4th-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He is your guide through the maze of your own potential, a visionary who’s constructed a global tribe through his affiliate network, and a luminary featured in Yahoo Finance and LA Weekly, shedding light on the transformative influence of Jiu Jitsu in leadership and personal evolution. Follow Roy’s journey on his YouTube channel.



Uncorking The Benefits: How Corporate Wine Parties Foster Employee Well-Being And Camaraderie


by Stephanie Franklin, founder and CEO of Fly Wines

In the ever-evolving world of corporate dynamics, nurturing strong relationships among colleagues has become an essential ingredient for success. Corporate wine parties, often considered a pleasurable deviation from the norm, are proving to be a valuable tool for enhancing employee well-being and fostering camaraderie in the workplace.

Breaking the Ice and Building Bonds

In many corporate settings, employees are accustomed to maintaining a level of professionalism that sometimes borders on formality. While this is essential for a structured work environment, it can occasionally lead to an invisible barrier between coworkers. Enter the corporate wine party: a delightful and informal setting that breaks through these barriers and offers employees the chance to connect with one another on a more personal level.

Sipping on a glass of wine or enjoying a beer in a relaxed atmosphere can serve as a powerful icebreaker. It allows colleagues to let their guard down, sharing stories, experiences, and even a laugh or two. These interactions extend beyond the confines of work-related matters, encouraging trust and promoting authentic relationships. In this comfortable environment, employees have the opportunity to see their colleagues as individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests, ultimately contributing to a richer and more inclusive workplace culture.

A Boost to Employee Well-Being

One of the most significant advantages of corporate wine parties is the enhancement of employee well-being. These events offer employees a chance to unwind and let off steam, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels. In doing so, they contribute to happier, healthier, and more motivated employees.

An essential aspect of employee well-being is feeling a sense of belonging within the organization. Corporate wine parties create a space where employees can forge connections that go beyond their professional roles. This sense of community and camaraderie is vital for mental and emotional well-being. It allows employees to decompress and recharge, ultimately leading to increased job satisfaction and a more positive outlook on their work.

Team Building Through Wine Tasting

One of the most popular forms of corporate wine parties involves wine tasting sessions. These events take team building to the next level. While traditional team-building activities can sometimes feel forced, wine tasting offers a genuinely enjoyable way for colleagues to interact and bond.

Wine tasting provides a shared experience that employees can engage in, from novices to connoisseurs. It creates a sense of unity as participants discuss the aromas, flavors, and characteristics of various wines. These sessions offer a fun and educational way for employees to connect and discover new aspects of their colleagues’ personalities. 

Workplace Happiness and Productivity

Happier employees are often more engaged and productive. Corporate wine parties contribute to increased workplace happiness by providing a break from the daily grind. Employees have the chance to relax, enjoy good company, and build relationships, all of which contribute to higher morale and job satisfaction.

As a result, a positive workplace culture is cultivated, leading to more motivated employees who are willing to collaborate and support one another in their work. The benefits of a joyful workplace ripple through the organization, influencing employee retention, performance, and overall job satisfaction.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent

In today’s competitive job market, organizations that prioritize employee well-being and positive workplace experiences are more likely to attract and retain top talent. A strong sense of community and camaraderie within the workplace is a significant draw for job seekers. It reflects a welcoming and inclusive culture, which is highly appealing to prospective employees.

Corporate wine parties are far more than just social events. They play a vital role in promoting employee well-being and building genuine connections among colleagues. The positive effects extend to workplace happiness, productivity, and talent attraction and retention. As organizations continue to recognize the importance of nurturing relationships among their employees, corporate wine parties have emerged as a valuable tool for fostering camaraderie, improving well-being, and ultimately enhancing the work environment for all.


Stephanie Franklin

Stephanie Franklin, CEO of Fly Wines, enjoys connecting with other wine aficionados and sharing my knowledge and insights on the latest trends and opportunities in the wine industry. With over 15 years of experience in business development and sales, she looks to foster a culture of excellence and collaboration among her team and partners, ensuring that every bottle of Fly Wines wine reflects their commitment to quality and craftsmanship.



Pressure Off. How Can I Stop Creditor Pressure From Closing My Company? 

distressed upset man

distressed upset man

Creditor pressure is one of the worst aspects of dealing with company debt, amplifying an already stressful situation. So, what can you do to draw a line under the debts and alleviate the creditor pressure on your company?  

Why are my creditors pressuring my company? 

If your company owes money to a creditor for materials, services, part of a hire purchase agreement, etc., it should be repaid in the specified time. Failing to do so gives your creditors the right to pursue the company for repayment. 

As a director, you should always be aware of your company’s solvent position, so creditor pressure should almost be expected as part of a company being insolvent. 

Are my creditors harassing me? 

While receiving reminders to repay your company’s debts, you might think your company’s creditors are ‘harassing’ you. However, if the company owes a creditor money, they can chase that company and remind you to repay it. 

As part of that process, creditors are allowed to: 

  • Send warnings via phone, email, or post. 
  • Send debt collectors. 
  • Issue a County Court Judgment (CCJ). 

These should only come to your business-related address during working hours. 

While the above is permitted, creditors should not: 

  • Contact you outside working hours, at home, or via social media.   
  • Obtain your personal information by breaching data protection laws. 
  • Pressure you to take out more credit.  
  • Use threatening language.  
  • Imply that they can take legal action outside their powers.  

If a creditor has committed any of the actions listed above, you can complain directly to that creditor, the financial ombudsman service, or the relevant authorities. 

Can my creditors bankrupt my company? 

While it can be a director’s biggest fear, it’s important to understand the insolvency rules in your country before worrying about bankruptcy. Whether your creditors can make you bankrupt depends on where you live. In the United States, a company can file for bankruptcy if it cannot repay its creditors. 

In the United Kingdom, bankruptcy only applies to individuals and sole traders. As such, your creditors could make you personally bankrupt if you’re a sole trader and owe more than £5,000. 

County Court Judgments can negatively impact your company’s credit rating if they’re not dealt with or paid in the time specified in the terms. Once the repayment period has expired, the judgment stays on your company’s credit file for six years, making it harder to obtain credit in the future. 

That said, creditors can force a company into compulsory liquidation. If the company owes more than £750, the creditors can do this by issuing a winding-up petition. The petition is advertised in the appropriate Gazette, and the company’s bank will freeze its accounts, making trading impossible. 

Check the bankruptcy laws for the country where the company is based, and whether those rules apply to companies or if they just relate to sole traders and individuals. 

Stopping creditor pressure 

Regardless of where you live, if you realise your company is struggling with debts that it can’t repay, you should immediately take the necessary action to ensure the situation doesn’t worsen. 

In the United Kingdom, you have several options to alleviate your company’s debts. Your circumstances will have a bearing on which solution is most appropriate, and you should seek advice from a licensed insolvency practitioner to discuss your situation. 

Depending on your company’s circumstances, you might be able to repay an affordable portion of the debt. You can do so through a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA). These are formally binding repayment arrangements wherein the company repays its debt in monthly instalments at a rate tailored to its affordability. The company continues trading for the arrangement’s duration, maintaining goodwill with its customers, and the directors maintain control of the company while repaying its debts. After the arrangement concludes, the company’s remaining unsecured debt is written off. 

If the company is under serious creditor pressure and repaying on its own won’t solve its issues, it might benefit from more substantial restructuring. In this case, administration may be more appropriate. During this process, a licensed insolvency practitioner investigates the company’s finances before deciding on a rescue plan. If the company can be rescued as a going concern or there’s a chance of achieving better results than if the company were to close, administration might be a suitable solution. 

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, recovery might not be feasible, or you might want to close the company and draw a line under its debts. Creditors’ voluntary liquidation (CVL) can help by removing creditor pressure and stopping legal action against the existing limited company. Company employees can claim unpaid wages and redundancy from the government, and if the directors have acted in the company’s best interests before and during the insolvent period, they can start a new limited company afterwards if they wish to. 

If you live elsewhere, seek advice from a licensed insolvency practitioner or the appropriate professional for the country where the company is based. 


Having creditors pressuring your company to repay its debts can be stressful. While creditors are allowed to pursue the company for what it owes them, it’s important to know where the line is between creditor pressure and harassment. Bankruptcy and insolvency rules vary between countries, so check your local insolvency regulations. These will have a bearing on what creditors can do to recover what you owe, and what action you can take to alleviate the pressure and debts.


Is Your Company Headed For The Commodity Death Spiral?


by Dan Adams, founder of The AIM Institute and author of “Business Builders: How to Become an Admired & Trusted Corporate Leader

Once upon a time, your company’s founder was laser-focused on delivering superior, differentiated value to customers. Those customers had specific needs, and the company set out to fulfill them better than anyone else. But as the years passed and the business grew, that intense focus, well… drifted. Leaders got caught up in other priorities — say, tweaking productivity or quality, forming a powerhouse sales force, or acquiring other businesses.

If you allow this to continue, you’re left with me-too products. Customers start noticing your products are interchangeable with your competitors’. They demand lower prices, and you must comply. You have to cut your R&D budget to keep profits up. (Ah, the perils of near-term financial thinking!) Now, you’re in the “Commodity Death Spiral”…and you’re not sure how to reverse it.

If you can relate to this grim scenario, you’re not alone — I’ve seen it happen over and over when companies fail to make market-facing innovation their top priority.

If you aren’t constantly working to create new products that deliver more customer value than competitors’ products, you’re eventually forced to compete on price. That way lies mediocrity, irrelevance, or even nonexistence. If you want to grow and thrive long-term, you’ve got to direct the lion’s share of your resources to market-facing innovation.

My research bears this out. In a survey of 654 publicly and privately held companies, I found that on average, senior leaders allocate just 24 percent of their resources to market-facing innovation (product development). They spend another 16 percent of their resources on exploratory innovation (technology development), which serves to feed their market-facing innovation.

Here’s the kicker: More resources are devoted to these two types of innovation at companies growing faster than competition (43 percent) than companies growing slower (36 percent).

Companies that emphasize market-facing innovation tend to be headed up by Builders. In my parlance, a Builder is a leader who still thinks like a founder: driving profitable, sustainable growth by delivering differentiated value to customers, as they brush aside fads, short-term distractions, and financial gymnastics. Other types of leaders — most notably the type I call “Decorators” — focus on looking good to investors, quarter after quarter after quarter.

So why is market-facing innovation so vital to long-term success? Here are three reasons:

REASON 1: This is what exceptional companies do.

For their book, “The Three Rules”, authors Michael E. Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed analyzed data on over 25,000 companies spanning 45 years. From this, they identified 344 companies with truly exceptional performance. After extensive analysis, they were able to identify a small set of rules used at these companies, but not at lower-performing ones. These exceptional companies followed three rules.

According to Raynor and Ahmed, Rule 1 is “better before cheaper.” Their research showed the exceptional companies competed more on non-price factors like product performance, while low performers competed more on price. Rule 2 is “revenue before cost” — in a nutshell, it’s better to generate more revenue through growth than to try to cut costs. Rule 3 is “there are no other rules.” This confirms my findings: “Builders focus on innovating for their customers (better before cheaper) so they can grow faster (revenue before cost).”

REASON 2: We’re now in the Innovation Wave (so plan forward, not backward).

Recent history has brought us three “waves”: the Quality Wave, started in the 1950s (associated with Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Toyota), the Productivity Wave (which grew out of Toyota’s success and featured Lean and business product design), and the Innovation Wave — which is the stage we’re in now.

The first two waves applied to current operations, so they reached a point of diminishing returns. What do you do next if you have zero defects or a fully automated factory? You immerse yourself in the Innovation Wave, which impacts future sales and has unlimited potential. Figure this out and you reach that holy grail of business: profitable, sustainable growth.

The key is to plan forward. Many generals have been guilty of planning for the previous war. Quality and productivity improvements are fine, but they were the last century’s war. Today’s battleground is the Innovation Wave, and the key to winning is superior market-facing innovation.

REASON 3: Nothing else drives profitable, sustainable growth.

It’s a simple truth: Senior leaders have many initiatives to choose from, but only market-facing innovation can lead to profitable, sustainable growth. Consider how other popular initiatives fall short of such growth:

  • Productivity increases can improve profitability, but they don’t impact the revenue line needed for growth. A point of diminishing returns is eventually reached.
  • Quality improvements may help revenue growth, but not to the extent they did a few decades ago. Today, reliable quality is usually considered table stakes.
  • Cost reductions, when carelessly applied, can damage a business’s growth capabilities and have a negative — not neutral — effect on sustainable growth.
  • Sales training can boost revenue growth and lead to better pricing for increased profitability. But it lacks sustainability; if a business doesn’t keep delivering new value, customers will eventually buy from competitors’ well-trained salespeople.
  • Acquisitions will boost revenue and perhaps profits. But if the business doesn’t know how to grow the companies it acquires, it’s just building an unsustainable house of cards.

I’ve heard leaders say, ‘Last year we implemented productivity improvements, and this year we’re going to focus on market insight for better innovation’. Market-facing innovation shouldn’t be an initiative you turn on and off. Understanding and meeting market needs should define your company. This is what Builders do.

So let’s say you suspect your company is in the Commodity Death Spiral. Is there anything you can do to turn things around? Yes —it won’t be easy, but you’ve got to start restoring the Builder’s spirit that brought you to the party.

It’s vital to breathe new life (and pour more funding) into your market-facing innovation efforts. This is non-negotiable if you’re to differentiate your offerings and stop competing on price. But also, you need to adopt the Builder’s mindset and start thinking long-term rather than trying to placate myopic investors.

This is a journey, not an overnight fix. But like the adage goes, every journey begins with a single step, and you shouldn’t wait another day to take yours.


Dan Adams

Dan Adams is the founder of The AIM Institute and author of “Business Builders: How to Become an Admired & Trusted Corporate Leader“. He is a chemical engineer with a listing in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Dan has trained tens of thousands of B2B professionals globally in the front end of innovation and works with senior executives on driving profitable, sustainable growth.


A Cornucopia Of Data To Sift Through?


by Elizabeth Thede, director of sales at dtSearch

Let’s say you want to know whether it’s likely to rain during your afternoon outing. A simple yes/no or even a less determinate answer like a 40% probability can get you going with appropriate protection. But now let’s say instead of a straightforward weather forecast, you get terabytes of historical and present-day weather data and analysis dumped on you. Not so helpful as you are running out the door late.

Same thing with enterprise data. It’s great that your office has terabytes of records sitting on its local and remote servers, but how are you going to sift through that cornucopia to find what you need? That’s where enterprise search comes in, letting you find the needle in the haystack. (Doesn’t autumn offer a cornucopia of data analogies?)

Enterprise search provides a similar search mechanism to Internet search across your own office content. But while Internet search sends your search request to an outside company like Google, enterprise search keeps all data in-house. (Note: this article’s descriptions use dtSearch® for its discussion of functionality. If you are using a different search engine, please first verify how it works.)

Enterprise search instantly searches terabytes after first building one or more search indexes. Each index can hold up to a terabyte of data, and there are no limits on the number of indexes that enterprise search can build and simultaneously search. So is indexing a lot of work? Not for you; all you need to do is point to the folders and the like to index. Enterprise search automatically recognizes popular file types like PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, OneNote, web-based formats, email formats, etc.

Indexing aims to be foolproof. The indexer can take a PDF saved with a .DOCX file extension or a Word document saved with a .PDF file extension and handle that correctly. Indexing can further work with emails plus multilayer nested attachments, like a ZIP or RAR attachment holding a Word document that itself embeds an Excel spreadsheet. Remote data like Office 365 files or SharePoint files are fine so long as these present as part of the Windows file system. And content that may be invisible in its native application, like black text against a black background, is just ordinary text to the indexer.

Multilanguage data is also not an issue. Enterprise search supports Unicode covering hundreds of international languages, including European languages, right-to-left Hebrew and Arabic, and double-byte character Chinese, Japanese and Korean. A single file or email can have multiple different Unicode encodings, and enterprise search will track that progression. Enterprise search can even find Unicode emojis

After indexing, enterprise search lets you instantly search across the indexed data cornucopia. Or be the OFFICE SUPERHERO and extend searching, operating in an Intranet or a classic network environment, to all of your co-workers, letting everyone instantly search at once. While indexing is resource-intensive, searching is resource-light, allowing search threads to operate instantly and concurrently without interfering with each other. When data updates, enterprise search can update its indexes to reflect files that have been added, deleted or modified without affecting continuing instant concurrent search.

Enterprise search offers over 25 different full-text and metadata search types so everyone can get to the right information quickly. Enter a simple unstructured natural language query: holiday party beverage order. Or leverage precision word and phrase Boolean (and/or/not), proximity, data range, etc. search elements: “holiday party” and (beverage w/7 soda) and not (coffee w/18 tea) and date(10/31/23 to 1/31/24).

Date range search can automatically pick up different date formats like 11/15/23 and Nov 15, 2023. Concept searching can find drink for beverage. If holiday party is mistyped as holimay party, a low-level fuzzy search can still flag that. Or add metadata-specific search elements to your search request.  Advanced search options can even find stray credit card numbers that may have snuck their way into open office data.

After a search, view retrieved items with highlighted hits for convenient navigation. “Vector-space” relevancy ranking takes you right to the key files. Take a natural language beverage order query. If order is in 2 billion documents but beverage is in just a few dozen, beverage files would get a higher ranking, with densest mentions getting the highest rankings. You can also add your own customer variable term weighting, giving a higher positive or negative weight to full-text and/or metadata content or positionally to content at the top or bottom of a file. Or instantly re-sort by some unrelated criterion like file date or file location.

Drowning in a cornucopia of data no more. Now you can get out and enjoy the holidays.


Elizabeth Thede is director of sales at dtSearch. An attorney by training, Elizabeth has spent many years in the software industry. At home, she grows a lot of plants, and has a poorly behaved but very cute rescue dog. Elizabeth also writes technical articles and is a regular contributor to The Price of Business Nationally Syndicated by USA Business Radio, with current articles on the USA Daily Times and The Daily Blaze


How Can You Maintain The Reputation And Image Of Your Funeral Business?

flowers at funeral

flowers at funeral

For any funeral business, you must maintain a positive public image, which is essential to growth and stability. However, if your company has a solid reputation, public perception is an element that can be easily damaged by one negative review from a customer. Any funeral home’s public image must be managed daily to ensure continued profitability. In addition, the caregiver should always present your services as the most essential thing considered. Always remember that families need to be able to trust the care of their loved ones and be assured that they can handle everything professionally.

Below are some of the ways that some prosperity funeral businesses, such as Newrest Funerals – National Funeral Directors, use to maintain the reputation of their funeral business.

Ask For the Reviews

One of the compelling marketing tools has always been the word of mouth. However, in this era of modern technology and age, online reviews have become one of the superior methods for recommending funeral providers. For instance, any potential customer can search for funeral-related products and services and rely on online reviews to compare the rates of the different homes. To remain competitive in this industry, you, as the funeral director, need to ask for feedback and testimonials. As a business owner, do not waste any opportunity to collect constructive feedback from your customers to improve the image of your funeral home.

Celebrate Holidays and Anniversaries

The high percentage of people mourning the loss of their loved ones find it difficult to get through the anniversaries or holidays. With such, the funeral owners and managers understand the complexities of grief, and you agree to support the family members on different days. In addition, you, as the funeral home director, can also send cards or letters to previous customers on special anniversaries. Such aftercare services help the family members feel appreciated, and your continued interest in their well-being can positively change your business.

Invest In Public Relations

How can you do this as the funeral director? For instance, some large corporations can hire some departments to help them manage their brand image. It might not be the same for funeral directors, but you can still benefit from solid relationships with magazines, local newspapers, radio stations, and other media platforms. In addition, you can have some interviews with some press releases that would help you maintain a positive image in the public’s mind.

Host Community Events

Hosting the events at your funeral home is one of the great ways to engage the community and build long-lasting relationships with the local families. Community events will always help you showcase your business in a different light as more of them associate your establishment with something else and not lose their loved ones. Also, your funeral home can hold educational or fun events at their place or even partner with a hospital if possible. This can be more of giving back to society and would put your funeral business in a good light.

Have you learned that you can boost your funeral home business? Businesses such as Newrest Funerals – National Funeral Directorshave done it, and with some of the tips outlined above, they have been able to move to another level. However, as a funeral home director, don’t just be after money but the well-being of your customers.


[Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash]

Building Writing Apps: User-Friendly Features


In the quest to build a writing app with an intuitive interface, developers must prioritize the needs of the end-user — the writer. The aim is to create an environment that feels natural and enhances creativity. A user-friendly writing app should be like a comfortable workspace: everything is where you need it, distractions are minimized, and tools are at the ready, making the process of writing as seamless as thought itself.

The art of user-friendly writing app development lies in striking the right balance between functionality and simplicity. Users demand advanced features that aid their writing process without cluttering their workspace or overwhelming them with options. The challenge for developers is to pack these features into an app that remains clean, simple, and approachable for writers of all skill levels.

Creating a Clean and Intuitive Interface

A minimalistic design is key when aiming to build a writing app with an intuitive interface. It’s not just about looks; it’s about creating a distraction-free zone where writers can focus on their words. An interface that is intuitive to navigate reduces the learning curve and allows writers to dive straight into their work with confidence and ease.

Streamlining navigation is essential for an enhanced user experience. A well-designed writing app guides the user fluidly from one task to the next, with all the necessary tools just a tap away. This ease of movement within the app encourages a smoother writing process and keeps the writer in a creative flow.

The design elements of a writing app should reduce distractions and enhance focus. A cluttered interface can interrupt a writer’s train of thought, so the layout must be organized and calm. Thoughtful placement of features and tools, along with a clean visual design, helps in maintaining concentration and promoting a more productive writing session.

While a beautiful design can attract users, practical usability ensures they stay. The aesthetics of a writing app must not overshadow its functionality. Build a writing app with customizable settings that enable users to adjust the visual elements to their liking, ensuring the app is not just pleasing to the eye but also comfortable and efficient to use over long writing periods.

Customizable Settings for Personalized Writing Experience

To accommodate individual preferences and needs, a writing app should offer a range of font choices and sizes. This flexibility allows users to tailor the text display to what feels most comfortable for their eyes, which is particularly important during long writing sessions.

In addition to fonts, providing various theme options can significantly enhance reading and writing comfort. Whether a writer prefers a bright screen or a dark mode to reduce eye strain, these choices can make a significant difference in the overall writing experience.

Each writer has a unique approach to their craft, and the ability to tailor the writing environment to individual preferences is a hallmark of a great app. Build a writing app with customizable settings that remember a user’s choices, from the organization of tools to the layout of the text, creating a personalized experience that feels intuitive and supportive of their workflow.

For a truly personalized experience, a writing app must remember user settings. This consistency means that every time a writer opens the app, they’re greeted with the same familiar setup they prefer. Auto-save features in writing software play a critical role here, ensuring that all customizations are retained without the user having to redo settings at each login.

Integrating Cloud-Based Functionality for Accessibility

In today’s connected world, the ability to build writing apps with cloud functionality is essential. Writers expect to transition smoothly from their desktop to their tablet to their phone without missing a beat. Seamless synchronization across multiple devices is not just a luxury, but a necessity for the modern writer who moves between office, home, and coffee shops, expecting their work to follow them wherever they go.

Cloud-based functionality also means ensuring data availability and accessibility from anywhere. This is a game-changer for writers who travel or those who work in teams. Having their work stored in the cloud means they can access their latest draft from any location, at any time, without the need to carry around physical storage devices or worry about device-specific storage limitations.

Cloud storage is a two-fold solution for writers: it addresses space constraints and security concerns. With documents stored securely in the cloud, there’s less worry about losing important work due to device failure or theft. It also removes the need for manual backups, as cloud services often include backup solutions for writing applications, ensuring that every word is saved and protected.

The integration of the cloud in writing apps isn’t just about storage – it also opens up the realm of possibilities for collaboration. Collaborative tools for writing apps allow multiple users to work on the same document in real time, making it easier to co-author, edit, and give feedback. This is particularly beneficial for projects that involve teamwork, such as scriptwriting, academic research, or content creation for digital platforms.

Advanced Editing Tools for Quality Writing

Quality writing is more than just storytelling; it’s about presenting ideas in clear, correct language. That’s why advanced editing tools in writing apps are indispensable. By incorporating grammar and style checkers directly into the app, writers can polish their prose without leaving the writing environment. This integration provides a seamless editing experience, enhancing the quality of writing with little additional effort.

Real-time editing assistance is another leap forward in writing technology. It allows writers to receive immediate feedback, catching potential errors as they write. This dynamic form of error prevention not only improves the writing but also educates the writer on common mistakes, enhancing their skills over time.

Beyond basic error correction, some writing apps now offer advanced vocabulary suggestions and sentence enhancements. These features encourage writers to explore new ways of expressing their thoughts, enriching their language, and varying their sentence structure. It’s like having a writing coach embedded in the software, continuously guiding the writer toward stronger, more vivid prose.

Finally, the ability to customize editing tools to suit various writing styles is a testament to the sophistication of modern writing apps. Whether you’re a creative writer looking for synonyms to spice up your narrative or a business professional aiming for concise communication, these tools adapt to your needs, offering tailored suggestions that respect the writer’s intent and the genre’s conventions.

Looking ahead, the future of writing apps seems brilliantly user-centric and efficient. Developers are not just creating software; they are shaping environments where creativity can thrive without technical hurdles. The user-friendly writing app development field is constantly innovating, introducing more intuitive interfaces, smarter editing tools, and more robust backup solutions. These advancements are converging to empower writers, allowing them to focus on their craft while the app handles the minutiae of formatting, error correction, and data management.

The ultimate goal of any writing app should be to empower writers, and this is achieved through thoughtful app design. By offering features like auto-save and backup solutions for writing applications, developers give writers peace of mind, knowing their work is safe. Meanwhile, collaborative tools for writing apps bring creators together, fostering a community of shared knowledge and feedback. Every feature, from cloud storage to real-time editing assistance, is a stepping stone towards creating a space where writers can produce their best work with ease and confidence.


Rough Times For Start-Ups: Win, Survive Or Fail?


by David Oxley and Helmut Schuster, co-authors of “A CAREER CAROL: A Tale Of Professional Nightmares And How To Navigate Them

We started our book project over a breakfast of croissants and berries. We found ourselves constantly debating, and lamenting, the lack of really good, contemporary, career advice for the next wave of business leaders. We saw such extraordinary potential, and at the same time, some very modern anxieties and insecurities. One day, we just decided “if no one else is going to write about this… then we must!”

The key, we told ourselves, was to make accumulated career wisdom accessible, relatable, engaging, and practical. We are two geeks at heart, yet having successfully navigated the business world, we did exactly what many start-ups do: we followed our instincts and just did it.

Over the course of our careers, we have worked with many young leaders and entrepreneurs, giving us a wealth of experience to draw on. We intensified our engagement with young inspirational people as part of the research for A Career Carol, and we feel privileged that a number of them contributed to the book.

Along with their engaging insights into how they thought about their careers was a recurring theme of securing funding for their entrepreneurial ventures. While our research was focused on identifying the big existential crises we face as human beings during a 40-year career, there was absolutely no doubting the threats of cashflow for the entrepreneurs we talked with.  In some cases, the challenge led them to question whether running their own company was worth the stress.

The most touching and upsetting conversation occurred with a young entrepreneur we both deeply respect. He had built a company with great products and global reach. He flew to Asia to meet promising, potential investors only to suffer the classic bait and switch. He was presented with less of an investment partner and more a ‘shark’ looking to make a quick buck.

However, our advice to him was ‘don’t give up!’ Every career has more setbacks than wins. If it’s easy, it’s not worth pursuing. But how can you flourish rather than just survive in this brutal business climate?

We’ve found that the five considerations below always work:

1. Don’t give up!

Be prepared to refine and rethink your idea. Most start-ups go out of business because people give up too early or run out of cash. There is plenty of money out there. You just need to find the people who believe in you and your idea. Explore many options, use your network, listen to people you trust and keep going.

2. It’s all about the people!

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel energized after some business meetings and absolutely exhausted after others? It’s all about the attitude and energy of people. Hiring people, working with people, partnering with people is the most important thing you will ever do as an entrepreneur. Give it the time and deep thinking it deserves. Never let yourself be impressed by a CV. Take references, study the background, have them do tasks, have lunch, include the team in the process. And then ask yourself the question ‘would I be happy to work with this person until midnight to meet an important deadline?’ and ‘would this person wholeheartedly commit time to do everything to support you in meeting the deadline?’

Attitude trumps CV. You will make hiring mistakes but minimize them. If you realize it doesn’t work don’t let it drag on. Fix the issue, exit the person. But do it in a kind and respectful manner.

3. Work like crazy but don’t burn out!

We once hired a member for the HR team, a young graduate. As we normally do in any hiring process, we asked all the candidates to write a two-page paper on how they would invest $100,000 and why? The other question we always ask is, what is your superpower? Apart from writing by far the best paper, the young graduate answered the latter task: ‘I might not be the smartest, I might not be most experienced or best educated, but one thing I know, I can outwork anyone.’

And that’s exactly what happened – a good brain combined with hard work never fails, after all ‘input equals output’. This applies to the corporate world but is amplified in the world of start-ups.

4. Discipline is your trump card!

We both did lots of sports in our youth, we both competed, and we both are still competitive. Sports teaches you one thing more than anything else: the importance of discipline and the ability to be disciplined no matter what. Every successful person needs discipline. For founders it’s a must, no exception. It’s a no brainer for people aspiring to be a top football player, an actor, a dancer. Even breakout TikTok content creators work extremely hard and in a disciplined manner to increase their followership. Running a start-up requires the same discipline. And if you choose to go corporate you will need a similar attitude. If work-life balance is top of your agenda become a civil servant or do a job where you get paid hourly.

5. Pick the right co-founder!

This is probably the most important thing to consider: make sure you pick the right co-founder. You will need a sparring partner, a thought partner and a shoulder to cry on. Just think about the largest and most iconic companies, Microsoft, Alphabet, Apple, for example: they always started with just two people, a shared vision and one product.

In many ways, the key to flourishing, rather than floundering, is having a support system. The entrepreneurs we work with lean on their teams, their co-founders, their families, their friends, and very importantly, a network of professional advisors and mentors. While there may be some serendipity and certainly some good timing in all big entrepreneurial successes, one thing we know for sure… there is not one famous entrepreneur who succeeded without a very, very, good support system behind them.


schuster and oxley

Dr David Oxley started his career as a management consultant before leading major people and corporate restructuring projects for BP PLC across Europe, USA, India, and the Middle East. Dr Helmut Schuster is currently Chairman of the Board of Ivoclar Group, a world leader in aesthetic dentistry, an active entrepreneur, investor, and frequent contributor to leadership and AFS Intercultural Programs.

They are co-authors of “A CAREER CAROL: A Tale Of Professional Nightmares And How To Navigate Them“. For more information, please visit www.ACareerCarol.com.

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