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How B2B Brands Can Generate More Website Traffic


Getting businesses to visit your website is very different from encouraging the general public to visit web pages. B2B marketing has some crossover with B2C marketing, but when it comes to traffic generation, the tactics for those companies that target other businesses are significantly different. There are some clear and practical methods available for those B2B businesses that are hoping to boost the number of people that visit their website, and the effects can be highly beneficial. From improving brand awareness to making more sales, the right traffic generation can transform the future of a B2B brand.

If your website figures are holding you back, then here are the best ways to generate more traffic and boost your online visibility.

Ignore SEO.

While marketing professionals will always focus primarily on SEO boosts, it’s a good idea not to get too bogged down in it. Of course, SEO is a vital component of modern marketing for any kind of business, and the temptation is always going to be trying to second-guess search engines and adjust marketing tactics that will do nothing more than please Google.

For B2B brands, focusing only on SEO can actually hold you back from improved performance. Never forget that pleasing an algorithm can often mean that you forget your actual audience.

When it comes to content, create the website text and images that will resonate with your business audience. Consider what your prospects will be most in need of and tailor your content to match those needs. If you struggle in terms of creating the right content, then consider using content writing services like those offered by www.clickintelligence.com. This will provide you with some significant benefits. The advantage of content creation for a human audience is that it will have an inevitable positive effect on your SEO because you will be creating content that has value.

That will mean your visitors will stay on the page longer and check out more of your internal pages. This is great for SEO, but it also makes it far easier to introduce those prospects into your sales funnel.

Email Campaigns: Dos and Don’ts.

All B2B brands should be using email marketing. While emails fell out of favor for marketing purposes around 2013, they are back with a vengeance and are now considered the marketing must-have for both B2B and B2C companies. That’s because email newsletters and promotions are one of the best ways to encourage site visits. The challenge is making sure that your email campaigns are of sufficiently high quality to generate that traffic. For B2B brands, that means:

Refreshing your client list: Don’t waste time sending out emails to people that aren’t interested. Use your analytics to identify those people that either don’t open your emails or simply never respond to your CTAs. If you keep sending out emails to people that don’t want them, then your brand will start to be seen as a nuisance. Clear your client list database regularly so that only the people that want you to land in their inbox are listed.

Paying attention to ‘subject’: Your email subject is one of the most important parts of your email to get right. It needs to be both informative and catchy. The goal is to encourage people to open your email and read it. That means your subject title needs to be clickable and relevant. Don’t resort to clickbait, but when the right subject title can convince someone to click and read your latest newsletter, it makes sense that you spend some time thinking about the best title to use.

Timing: For a B2C brand, email marketing is best targeted for when people are relaxing at home. For B2B email strategies, it is best to send out your emails when prospects are still at work. This might seem obvious but far too many B2B brands continue to work with a B2C mindset when it comes to email timings. It’s a good idea to avoid sending out your emails on a Monday or Friday, as these are the periods when people are either too busy or too focused on finishing work for the weekend.

Top Tip: Send out emails ten minutes before the hour as this might catch people as they are waiting for a meeting to start or for their own clients to call them back. Timing it right and you can dramatically improve your chances of getting read.

Clear and dynamic Call to Action: The end goal of your email campaign is to get people onto your website and into your sales funnel. If you are using a call to action (CTA) that is confusing and generally weak, then chances are that they will be ineffective. Have one CTA per email and ensure that it is easily understood and actionable.

The B2B and Social Media.

It’s very common to see B2B brands limit their use of social media. This is largely due to the misconception that social media is only beneficial for B2C business models. The fact is that social media marketing for B2B models is both low-cost and highly effective when it comes to traffic generation. Social media gives you the opportunity to connect with your sales leads and prospects and engage with them.

Additionally, social platforms not only boost brand awareness, but they also improve your ability to provide consistent customer service. When trust is such a vital component of B2B management, using social platforms can very easily boost your brand authority and encourage engagement. When it comes to generating more website traffic via social media, remember to:

Tell Brand and Client Stories: This will not only make your B2B more connected to your clients but also boost brand loyalty and trust. Storytelling is now a vital component of content marketing and social media platforms are the ideal place to position them.

Listen: Social media is a two-way communication process. Don’t post content and walk away. Respond to discussions and comments, and avoid the hard-sell at all costs. The goal is to gently encourage people to find out more about you and your brand on your actual website. Answer questions and make sure that your audience knows that if they need more in-depth answers that your website has all of the info that they need.

For B2B brands, digital marketing is one of the best ways to help your business to grow. Make sure that you understand the importance of encouraging more traffic to your website and the role that the right content plays in guiding prospects to a purchase. The more that you focus on traffic generation, the more your SEO and your sales figures will benefit. Remember, you can have the best-looking website on the internet, but if nobody sees it, then your business will invariably suffer.