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Using Digital Coaching Tools To Improve Team Performance


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by Kirsten Moorefield, co-founder of Cloverleaf

Talent Development Leaders face ongoing tension: they’re tasked with developing employees at all levels while balancing the need to scale these efforts across the organization without ballooning costs or losing the personal touch. With stretched teams, limited time, and a constant need to prove the ROI of development programs, leaders are often left asking: how can we personalize coaching, scale it, and make sure it fits seamlessly into daily workflows?

Digital coaching tools promise to solve these challenges, but finding the right tool requires deeper exploration into how these platforms support the most important aspects of development. For example, personalization, contextualization, ROI, and scaling development without compromising the quality of coaching that each individual receives.

According to research from the Institute of Coaching, more and more organizations are using digital platforms to leverage AI and automation to provide individualized learning paths and feedback in hopes of scaling their ability to empower their leaders to practice a coaching approach to create behavioral change and stronger performance outcomes.

Additionally, some digital coaching tools like those highlighted by ClarityFlow can help make it easier for leaders to facilitate aspects of the coaching experiences. However, finding the right tool that balances these features while maintaining quality and measurable impact requires careful exploration.

And what about AI?

Is AI Just a Buzzword in Digital Coaching?

AI gets thrown around in almost every conversation about modern tech solutions. Many platforms tout the benefits of AI, but what does that actually mean for digital coaching? Is it just automating routine tasks, or does it go deeper to provide real, actionable insights that improve both individual performance and organizational outcomes?

For many digital coaching tools, AI is often used to automate broad processes — such as matching users with coaches based on generic categories like role or department — or to populate standard content tied to predefined objectives. While these functions offer some degree of efficiency, they don’t necessarily translate into personalized, context-specific learning or meaningful behavioral change.

However, AI’s real potential in coaching lies beyond these broad applications. Instead of merely automating the scheduling of conversations or delivering pre-packaged content, AI can do so much more:

Personalized Learning: AI can analyze real-time data about people and team dynamics to adjust coaching recommendations on the fly. Instead of serving up broad, predefined advice, it can respond to the nuances of the employee’s current project, mood, or collaboration patterns. This means employees receive relevant coaching insights when they need it most, not just when it’s scheduled.

Contextual Learning: AI can go beyond broad role-based triggers to offer specific, actionable coaching nudges that reflect the individual’s current situation. Imagine receiving a coaching prompt just before a meeting with a difficult teammate or after a key performance review to improve your communication or leadership skills in real time.

Micro-Tips that Fit into Busy Schedules: Think 1-2 sentence tips delivered right in the flow of work, taking seconds to consume rather than minutes or hours. Short coaching nudges make it easier for team members to understand and apply.

Scaling Without Compromising Quality: One of the main concerns for Talent Development Leaders is ensuring that scaling coaching doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. AI can help by offering scalable personalization, where every person receives meaningful development regardless of their role or department.

By using AI to connect data, contextualize learning, and offer adaptive insights throughout one’s day, coaching becomes more than just a scheduled conversation or a library of content. It becomes a continuous, evolving process that enhances the individual’s daily work experience and, ultimately, drives better organizational outcomes.

Without the right digital coaching tool, leaders risk losing out on the ability to scale personalized coaching effectively, potentially stalling employee development and hampering organizational performance outcomes.

What Do Organizations Really Need from Digital Coaching Tools?

Talent Development Leaders are constantly balancing their teams’ needs with their organization’s broader goals. However, their mission often involves more than just professional growth — it’s about ensuring every employee feels supported, valued, and empowered without overloading managers or sacrificing quality. So, what should the right digital coaching tool provide? These challenges point to three essential needs that the right digital coaching tool must meet.

1. Personalization at Scale.

Key Question: How can a tool deliver personal coaching to each team member, no matter how large the organization is?

Leaders know that to truly engage employees, coaching needs to be personal. It should be tailored to each person’s unique strengths, goals, and current challenges.

But here’s the catch: How can personalization happen at scale without becoming generic or overwhelming? Every employee deserves to feel seen. Leaders want to empower everyone, but not at the cost of their own bandwidth. The challenge is finding a tool that can deliver genuine individualized insights without burnout for the leaders themselves.

2. Contextual Learning That Drives Growth.

Key Question: Can the tool provide real-time coaching or advice that’s both actionable and relevant to the employee’s current challenges?

Research from McKinsey highlights that organizations must shift their development strategies to meet employees’ real-time needs next to long-term goals. Adapting learning paths is a key to overcoming today’s talent challenges and driving meaningful growth.

Leaders can’t wait for quarterly reviews or annual development plans to provide feedback. They feel the pressure to continuously drive growth, ensuring their teams get actionable insights when needed—not weeks or months later. Tools that deliver immediate, real-time feedback help employees apply new skills and behaviors in the moment.

The frustration? Many leaders see development stagnate between these formal reviews, as traditional coaching feels like a box-ticking exercise rather than something that can impact daily work. Digital coaching platforms have the power to transform how teams work together — if it’s done right.

3. Proving Impact and ROI.

Key Question: How can the tool show a direct link between coaching and tangible improvements in business outcomes?

Research shows that many organizations struggle to prove the value of their development programs. According to Korn Ferry, a significant percentage of talent development budgets go to waste when they fail to deliver measurable outcomes tied to business performance.

With tight budgets and high expectations from senior leadership, Talent Development Leaders are under constant pressure to prove the ROI of their coaching programs. Data-driven insights are no longer a nice-to-have—they’re essential. Leaders need tools that demonstrate clear links between coaching investments and improvements in performance, engagement, and retention.

This challenge is tied to concern that, without measurable success, leadership won’t see the value in continuing these development programs. Talent leaders want to defend their budgets with data that justifies every dollar spent.

The right digital coaching tool does more than just track completion—it demonstrates real, measurable growth that ties directly to your business’s bottom line.

How Can Digital Coaching Impact Performance?

Personalized learning in the flow of work is now crucial for building agility in organizations. Contextual coaching helps address immediate challenges so that team members can apply learning at the point of need, which drives more effective skill development and performance improvement. This insight supports the idea that coaching must be integrated into the flow of daily work rather than scheduled at arbitrary times.

Josh Bersin’s insights on the future of learning emphasize the need for tools that go beyond just content delivery and provide “in-the-moment” learning opportunities. He mentions how AI enables digital coaching platforms to deliver insights at the precise moment they are needed, reinforcing the notion that timely feedback improves employee engagement and learning retention. This supports the idea that AI-powered “nudge coaching” and nano-learning increase learning relevance in real-time work situations.

AI can play a key role in delivering personalized learning that is contextual to the employee’s current tasks and interactions. This directly ties into how digital coaching tools use AI to analyze team dynamics and offer insights that strengthen collaboration and productivity.

Harvard Business Review has researched the effectiveness ofnudgesin shaping workplace behavior. By delivering small, timely pieces of information (like coaching nudges), team members can make better decisions in critical moments. This supports the idea of micro-coaching, where digital tools provide relevant guidance at the right moment, allowing employees to apply these insights to their immediate work.

Research reinforces that context-specific coaching powered by AI is essential for real-time development. Effective coaching happens when it’s most actionable—during meetings, project reviews, or feedback moments. Tools that use AI effectively can deliver insights precisely when needed, tailored to these critical moments in an employee’s day. This ensures coaching is personalized and immediately actionable, helping employees adjust behaviors in real time.

Proving ROI through Behavioral Change With Digital Coaching

Digital coaching platforms must move beyond just tracking usage and completion rates to show evidence of real behavioral change and skill development over time. Talent Development Leaders are under pressure to justify investments in coaching and learning programs.

The challenge isn’t just getting employees to consume content but also ensuring they apply what they’ve learned in a way that drives meaningful business results. Unfortunately, many traditional metrics, such as completion rates or basic engagement data, don’t offer a clear link between coaching and improvements in competencies or performance.

The Struggle with Measuring ROI:

Leaders often face skepticism from upper management when trying to prove the value of learning and development programs. ROI is too often misunderstood as a purely monetary return, but the real value of learning lies in the development of competencies that lead to better business outcomes. According to insights shared on LinkedIn by L&D experts, ROI in learning should be about competency development, not purely financial metrics. The difficulty lies in measuring how learned competencies are applied and how they impact performance, engagement, or retention across the organization.

How Digital Coaching Tools Can Help Determine Proof Of Impact:

The right tools do more than just track engagement—they provide measurable data on behavioral change. Platforms that focus on tracking improvements in specific skills over time help connect coaching investments to real business outcomes. For instance, tools that provide subtle nudges that team members can apply immediately, reinforcing new behaviors during daily tasks. These micro-interventions help employees retain up to 90% of what they’ve learned, which is much more effective than waiting for scheduled sessions.

Tools that measure growth in competencies such as communication, teamwork, and collaboration give Talent Development Leaders a clear picture of how coaching improves individual and team performance. Leaders who prioritize competency-based development tools expand new ways to defend their budgets by linking coaching directly to employee performance and team dynamics improvements. Rather than tracking only participation or completion rates, tools that highlight specific behavioral changes over time provide the most compelling proof of ROI.

Leaders may want to consider platforms beyond surface-level engagement metrics when evaluating digital coaching tools. The most effective tools provide insights into how coaching is changing behavior and driving business outcomes. By investing in tools that prioritize competency development and track the application of learned skills, Talent Development Leaders can confidently prove the ROI of their initiatives through improved performance, retention, and team dynamics.

Using Technology To Scale Coaching Without Sacrificing Personalization

Scaling coaching across an entire organization presents a unique challenge for Talent Development Leaders. With limited resources and a diverse range of employees—from entry-level staff to senior leadership—there’s a risk of losing the personal touch that makes coaching meaningful. The dilemma often faced by leaders is: how can we provide personalized coaching to everyone, without blowing up the budget or sacrificing quality?

Organizations need to provide effective coaching to everyone, not just top performers. Yet, with the increasing demands of growing workforces, it’s easy for digital coaching to become diluted with generic advice that fails to resonate with individual needs. The reality is that every employee has unique strengths, challenges, and goals, which makes one-size-fits-all approaches ineffective.

How Digital Coaching Tools Can Help

1. Automate Coaching At Scale.

Automated coaching solutions use data from assessments and team dynamics to offer real-time, tailored coaching moments. It’s responsive to individual needs while allowing organizations to scale their coaching efforts efficiently, ensuring no one is left behind. Instead of overwhelming leaders with individualized coaching tasks, Some digital coaching platforms can automate these processes, providing context-specific insights tailored to every employee’s role and challenges, regardless of the size of the team.

2. Centralize Assessments and Insights.

In many companies, different teams use different assessments, which can create siloed experiences and inconsistent coaching across the organization. Digital coaching tools that consolidate various assessments into one platform provide a more unified experience for employees. This also allows the organization to maintain the personal touch while delivering coaching at scale. These platforms “create a shared experience of growth” by providing personalized insights to both managers and employees based on the same set of data. This unified approach eliminates silos and encourages cross-team collaboration.

3. Empower Self-Sufficient Learning.

Digital coaching solutions can empower employees to take ownership of their development. By delivering real-time, personalized insights directly, individuals can self-serve their coaching needs without waiting for a manager or formal coaching session. This reduces the burden on managers and HR leaders and enables employees to proactively seek development opportunities, making the coaching process more efficient rather than relying on time-consuming one-on-one interactions.

Scalability and personalization don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Leaders can scale coaching across the organization by choosing a platform that centralizes tools, cuts costs, and enables shared learning while maintaining the personal connection that makes coaching so effective. With the right tools, everyone in the organization can receive tailored coaching without overextending the organization’s resources.

How to Choose the Right Digital Coaching Tool for Your Organization

Selecting the right digital coaching platform goes beyond just picking a tool that does it all. It’s about matching the platform’s strengths to your organization’s specific needs.

Here’s a breakdown to help you choose the right solution:

1. Match Your Needs to the Solution.

Key Question: What aspect of development needs the most attention? A tailored approach to your organization’s unique needs will help you filter options.

The first step is to clearly define your coaching objectives:

Is your priority leadership development, or do you need a solution that scales across all employees? If you’re looking to enable a culture of continuous learning that impacts everyone, a platform that delivers personalized coaching to employees at every level is key. Alternatively, if leadership development is your main goal, look for tools tailored to high-potential individuals or executive coaching.

Do you need real-time learning or more structured coaching sessions? As discussed earlier, real-time, context-specific learning is crucial to adapting behaviors on the go. Platforms that provide in-the-moment advice will help employees apply insights immediately, especially during meetings, team projects, or feedback sessions.

2. Consider Integration with Workflow.

Key Question: How seamlessly will this tool integrate into our team’s current tech stack to ensure coaching happens within the flow of daily work?

Integration is vital for ensuring smooth adoption and sustained use. Ask yourself:

Does the tool fit into the platforms your team is already using? Seamless integration means the coaching insights don’t disrupt the workflow but enhance it. As mentioned, tools that embed coaching into daily work drive higher engagement and adoption across teams.

Is the tool user-friendly and adaptable to different work environments? Adoption of a tool that is too cumbersome or difficult to integrate into existing platforms can reduce the effectiveness of even the best coaching tool.

3. Look for Proven Impact.

Key Question: Does the platform offer more than just participation metrics? Look for insights into how coaching is improving performance, retention, and engagement across your team.

ROI is always top-of-mind for Talent Development Leaders. It’s not enough for a tool to show engagement or completion rates—you need to track real behavior change and performance improvements:

Can the tool provide data-driven insights into long-term behavior change? As mentioned earlier, tracking how coaching impacts communication, teamwork, and collaboration will help you link development efforts directly to business outcomes. Platforms that measure growth in these competencies can give you tangible evidence to prove the value of your investment.

Does the platform allow for continuous improvement? Tools that offer feedback loops or allow you to see the direct effects of coaching on employee performance will help you make adjustments and optimize the coaching process over time.

By addressing these specific questions, teams can feel more confident in selecting a coaching tool that scales and drives real impact, integrates smoothly, and delivers measurable value over time.

Empowering Your Team with the Right Tool

Talent Development Leaders need more than just coaching tools—they need solutions that give them confidence that their teams are receiving the development necessary to succeed. The right digital coaching platform isn’t just about delivering insights; it’s about enabling real-time learning that scales effortlessly while still providing personalized support to every employee.

Choosing a coaching tool can feel overwhelming, with the vast array of options and features available, but this decision is an opportunity to transform team performance and foster a culture of continuous learning. By selecting a platform that integrates into daily workflows, delivers real-time feedback, and tracks measurable behavior changes, leaders can ensure that their teams aren’t just going through the motions but are growing in meaningful ways that impact the entire organization.

The landscape of people development is shifting, and the future lies in scalable, real-time coaching that’s personalized to individual needs. Digital coaching tools allow organizations to deliver continuous learning that adjusts to each employee’s strengths and challenges, transforming coaching from a high-cost, limited-access experience into a resource available to everyone.


Kristen Moorefield

Kirsten Moorefield is the co-founder & CSO of Cloverleaf — a B2B SaaS platform that provides Automated Coaching™ to tens of thousands of teams in the biggest brands across the globe – where she oversees all things Product and Brand. She often speaks on the power of diversity of thought and psychologically safe cultures, from her TEDx talk to her podcast “People are Complicated,” her LinkedIn Lives with Talent, Learning and Development Leaders, and her upcoming book “Thrive: A Manifesto for a New Era of Collaboration.”