Home Others Starting Over Again: How To Deal With Administrative License Revocation

Starting Over Again: How To Deal With Administrative License Revocation


Getting in trouble with the law because of a careless driving michigan incident is never a good thing. It does not only give stress, but it can also be a traumatic experience. It can cost you a lot of money, and it could ruin your reputation. Additionally, it can cause hassles in your life especially if it affects your daily routine.

One of the hardest things you can encounter perhaps is Administrative License Revocation. ALR causes the automatic suspension of your Driver’s License and which may eventually lead you to lose your driving privileges.

The Basics for ALR

ALR is strictly implemented especially for some states such as Michigan. However, they do not sanction it to anyone who breaks the law. It is a sanction given to those who encounter the worst scenarios.

Blood Alcohol Content

If you were flagged down for possible Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), they would check your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). If you take the field test and the result is higher than the legal limit in Michigan which is 0.08, you will lose your driving privileges. The duration is from ninety days to two years, depending on the result of your BAC test.

Field Sobriety Test

On the other hand, if you have an altercation with police officers due to field sobriety test refusal, your license may be suspended. These tests include blood, urine, and breath tests. By doing so, they may suspend your license from ninety days to two years. The best way to go once you refuse the field sobriety tests is to consult a DWI lawyer immediately to avoid criminal or civil consequences.

What Can You Do?

One thing you need to know is that ALR is not anywhere a criminal punishment. It is not a conviction either, so there is no need for you to go to court because of that. You will go to court though for your DWI charges. However, if you do not want to wait for the suspension to get done then here are some things you can do.

Hire an Attorney

Your best chance of having the ALR lifted is by hiring an expert lawyer to help you get through the situation. Ask him for advice and allow him to get you through the proceedings. He has extensive knowledge of such cases, and he knows how to deal with the people in court.

Request an ALR Appeal Hearing

You have the right to appeal and contest the ALR given to you. You and your lawyer may ask for an administrative hearing regarding your punishment. You are only given 15 days after your DWI arrest to request an ALR hearing. If you do not, then you face suspension of your driving privileges. It is good to note though that you have forty days after your DWI arrest before the suspension of your license takes place.

Attend the ALR Administrative Hearing 

Once you have filed for an appeal, wait for the schedule of your hearing. But since it is not a criminal charge, it will not take place in court. An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) will handle it. It is best to attend your hearings with your lawyer at all times, so your best interests are protected.


Panic is the most common reaction among people who get arrested for any charge. It is human nature, but it is also avoidable. Once you’re out of jail, try to breathe and relax. Think about all the right things in your life and how the worst things could have been. It may be a big deal but do not let it take over your daily life as it could make matters worse for you.

Overcome Shock and Denial

Whether you get to spend time in jail or not, the first few hours will often make you feel shocked and in denial. These feelings will not just go away in a matter of hours though; they could last for days and even weeks. But as days will pass by, it will go away if you try to help yourself. Do not think about it all the time. Try to let it rest and keep you busy.

Accept Pain and Guilt

The next emotion you will feel is pain and guilt. You can feel pain because of what toll it is causing in your life and the embarrassment it subjected you to. You may also feel guilty for not being careful in drinking and driving afterward. There could be many guilt feelings you may have, but the best thing to do is to try moving forward. Just know that stressing yourself over what happened will not change anything in the past.

Manage Anger and Depression

Anger and depression are familiar especially when you need to go to court. Remember, not all judges have the same attitude, and you cannot control how they handle things. They may make you angry but keep your emotions contained. Do not let your feelings be the reason for an unexcused outburst. And when you feel depressed especially when things are not going well, try to seek help from someone close to you. You may also opt for counseling if you prefer that way.

Turn Upwards Not Down

After dealing with all the roller coaster of emotions mentioned above, it is time to take your life back. Do not let the experience pull you down. Yes, take things one step at a time and deal with it but do not make it take over. If you indeed learned from that experience then change your life for the better so it won’t happen again.

A lot of good people end up in jail. Many decent ones end up making mistakes and getting arrested. If you are one of them, do not let the negative feelings consume you. No one is perfect; everybody makes mistakes at one point or another. And yes, it could be embarrassing at times, but it is part of life.

You just have to toughen up, deal with it and get it over. Getting arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is one of the most common reasons why many people end up spending the night in jail. For most, they are model citizens, and it’s their first time. It is they who are often affected when they think of the consequences. The process of getting out of a DWI charge could be confusing and stressful, but with the help of a criminal defense attorney, you can get through it. However, the charge alone is not stressful; it comes with the emotional aftershock which is often hard to deal with. Above are some things you can do to make dealing with your emotional stress easier.