Home Others 3 In-Demand Industries That Will Always Be Needed

3 In-Demand Industries That Will Always Be Needed


Finding your way into an evergreen industry is a sure way to success.

So, if you’re looking at starting up your own business, and are certain you can stay competitive in a highly sought-after field, then see those profits roll in.

It can be tough for small businesses. However increasingly, consumers are looking to local businesses to meet their needs. In fact, at start of January, as many as 47% of those surveyed said that they go out of their way to buy from local businesses… and this was before the pandemic, when local became one of the only choices people had.

Since then, consumers are realising the sustainable benefits of what was a necessity, and the move towards small, local businesses is continuing to grow.

If you’re looking to launch your small business into an in-demand industry, then here are three of our favourite evergreen fields.

1. Locksmiths.

There is an underappreciated art to being a locksmith. It’s a skill that needs to be learned and an industry that will always be in need.

If you set your business sights on key cutting and changing locks, you’ll enter an industry that hasn’t just been around for a very long time, but one that’s also going to be around for years to come.

From people who’ve locked themselves out, to those who’ve moved house and want the added piece of mind that comes with a new set of door locks, you’ll have a wealth of customers in need of your company.

2. Stairlift Installers and Removers.

Old age is an inevitable part of life, and the day may come when you find that managing the stairs is no longer possible.

Of course, you could always move to a bungalow, but why should you leave the home you love?

The answer to this: stairlifts.

Now, while starting your own stairlift business might not sound like a particularly thrilling venture, they are a practical product that will always be needed.

Of course, if you fit them, and remove them you’re onto a winner.

Removing a stairlift is not a task that should be undertaken by a homeowner unless they want to ruin their stairs. And, companies, such as We Buy Any Stairlift, understand this complex process. If you’re looking to find an evergreen industry to sink your teeth into, then stairlift fitting and removal could be the way to go.

3. Electricians.

Electrical problems and house rewiring are just some of the many tasks that electricians deal with daily… and no amount of YouTube tutorials can compete with the work of a professional.

Of course, it takes training to become an electrician, but if you’re ready to commit then this could be the career path for you – they’re always going to be in demand.

When you’re qualified, you’ll be able to start up your own business. Plus, services such as Checkatrade allow you to build up a reputation for yourself with something as simple of word of mouth.

Has your small business made a splash in an evergreen industry? Share your story in the comments!