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How Should I Deal With Being Bullied At Work?


While you might associate bullying with the school yard, it can also happen in the workplace. If you are being bullied at work, it can be an incredibly difficult and distressing experience.

It’s important to know that your employer is responsible for providing a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. If you feel that you are being bullied at work, you should speak to your manager or HR department.

It’s also essential for the employer to be aware that when an employee is experiencing bullying at work, they could decide to make a claim for compensation. This makes it essential to have robust procedures in place and for action to be taken whenever there is suspicion of bullying or an employee reaches out for help.

Actions to Stop Bullying In The Workplace

If you’re being bullied at work, it’s important to take action to protect yourself and put a stop to the bullying. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Confront the bully.

Talk to the person who is bullying you. This may be difficult, but it can help let the person know how their behavior affects you. The bullying may stop if the person is willing to listen and change their behavior. Some people may not even see their behavior as bullying until they realize its impact.

2. Keep a record.

Make a note of all the incidents of bullying. This can help you document what is happening and show behavior patterns. This can then be sued to show your Supervisor or to provide to your legal representative in a compensation claim.

3. Talk to a supervisor or human resources representative.

It’s important to let your employer know what is going on so they can take steps to address the problem.

4. Seek outside support.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talking to a counselor or therapist can be helpful. There are also many support groups available for people who are being bullied at work.

What Forms Can Bullying Take?

Bullying at work can take many different forms. It may be physical, verbal, emotional, or even cyberbullying. Some common examples of bullying include:

  1. Spreading rumors or gossiping about a person.
  2. Excluding someone from work activities or social events.
  3. Making demeaning or derogatory comments about a person.
  4. Yelling at or verbally abusing a person.
  5. Physical violence or threats of violence.
  6. Sending harassing or threatening emails, texts, or other messages electronically.
  7. Intentionally sabotaging a person’s work or making their job more difficult.
  8. intimidate a person by looks alone.
  9. Making someone feel humiliated or embarrassed in front of others.
  10. stalking someone either in person or online.

It’s important to remember that bullying can be subtle and may not always be obvious. If you’re feeling belittled, isolated, or threatened at work, it’s possible you’re being bullied.

Why Do People Bully Others?

There is no single answer to this question. People may bully others for various reasons, including feelings of insecurity, jealousy, or power. In some cases, bullying may be a learned behavior. Some people bully others because they themselves were bullied in the past.

What Are the Consequences of Bullying?

Bullying can have serious consequences for both the person being bullied and the person doing the bullying. These include:

Increased stress and anxiety.

When someone is being bullied at work, they may feel stressed and anxious. This can lead to problems sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and physical health problems.

Loss of job satisfaction and productivity.

Bullying can make it difficult for a person to do their job well. They may become less productive and start to dread going to work.

Increased absences from work.

If the bullying is severe, a person may start taking more sick days or vacation days. In some cases, they may even quit their job altogether.

Damage to reputation.

If someone is being bullied, their reputation may suffer as a result. People who are known for being bullied may have difficulty finding new jobs or advancing in their career.

What Are the Legal Consequences of Bullying?

In some cases, bullying may be considered harassment and may be illegal. If you’re being harassed at work, you may have grounds for a legal claim. However, it’s essential to speak with a legal professional before taking any action.

An employer who allows bullying to take place in the workplace can also be held liable. If you’ve been the victim of workplace bullying, you should file a complaint with your employer and consider if compensation is due.

How Can an Employer Prevent Bullying at Work?

There are several things an employer can do to help prevent bullying from happening at work:

  1. Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to contribute to a safe working environment
  2. Take reports of bullying seriously. Carry out a full investigation and ensure that action is taken where appropriate
  3. Provide training. What may seem like a joke to one person can feel like bullying to another. It’s important that all employees understand what can be perceived as bullying behavior.

Our Summary

Bullying in the workplace is a serious problem that can have a negative impact on both the person being bullied and the person doing the bullying. If you’re being bullied at work, you must reach out for help. There are many resources available to help you deal with the situation. With the proper support, you can get through this difficult time.