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Cybersecurity Tips For Young Startups In 2022


This world of technological developments has brought us various benefits, from being able to connect with anyone in seconds to the way we study, work or even entertain ourselves. It has even opened a world of opportunities for various new companies to introduce their products and services to the market, which is why we have seen a rise in the number of startups opening. But it has also given an opportunity for cybercriminals to develop new ways of exploiting businesses, individuals, governments, and even startups.

Nobody can stay indifferent anymore. It is time to react and protect yourself, your product, and your clients from dangers. Luckily, you can implement numerous steps to protect your company, from introducing cybersecurity tools like SEON’s identity verification tool to different methods of backing up files or by implementing additional levels or protection with multi-factor verification.

1. Accept and Identify the risks.

Some startups might believe they won’t fall victim to a cyber-attack as they are not important or big enough, but that is not true. Cybercriminals do not care about your size; they just care about making a profit. The sooner you accept the dangers, the sooner you will be able to do something about it. The first step any startup needs to take is to conduct a risk assessment. You need to know what risks you’re facing, internal and external if you want to protect yourself against it. You would investigate risks when launching a new product, starting a new business, or developing a new marketing strategy; the same principles need to apply for cybersecurity.

2. Develop your cyber security strategy.

Companies can no longer ignore the risk of cybercrime, and it is time for all of them to start reacting instead of just waiting to become victims. By developing a proper cyber security strategy, they will be able to prevent different types of online danger and protect their business and customers. You can choose from various cybersecurity tools such as antivirus programs and firewalls, ID verification, or even IP analysis to develop a cybersecurity strategy to mitigate the risks identified in previous steps.

3. Update all your devices regularly.

Cybercriminals are known to work smarter, not harder, meaning they are keen on finding easier and faster ways of exploiting businesses. One of the easiest ways to access networks and breach the data is by using security vulnerabilities in different programs the company has failed to patch up. By conducting regular updates, you will be able to patch up those vulnerabilities before cybercriminals get the chance to exploit them.

4. Educate all employees.

Your employees can unintentionally cause a cyberattack aimed at your company by falling for a phishing attack, using unsecured WiFi networks, or even by using simple and repetitive passwords. By educating them about the threats they might face, how to recognize them, and how to prevent them or react to them if they happen, you will be able to mitigate the dangers and protect your business.

The threat of cyberattacks will never go away, but if you take these four steps, you will be able to prevent them from affecting your startup.