Home Others 5 Do’s And Don’ts Of Effective Employee Recognition

5 Do’s And Don’ts Of Effective Employee Recognition


employee recognition

Team productivity is an essential component of a company’s success. While many factors drive performance, one of the most effective strategies is recognizing employees’ positive contributions. When employees realize that their work is valued, they’d be more motivated to show up and deliver quality outputs consistently.

Apart from improving performance, these recognition systems help boost employee morale. Consequently, when team members are satisfied with their jobs, they’ll be more eager to continue to do their best, collaborate, and engage with their team, boosting productivity. Indeed, effective recognition programs can transform company culture and contribute to business growth.

Elements Of An Effective Employee Recognition

Considering all these, launching employee appreciation programs should be designed correctly to encourage your teams to do their best. As a human resource (HR) professional, it’s your department’s responsibility to develop an effective system to reinforce good behavior and discourage the bad.

From being thoughtful with your rewards to not calling out poor performers, below are the do’s and don’ts of effective employee recognition:

1. Do: Offer Valuable Rewards

To encourage more employees to participate, be thoughtful with your list of rewards. Ideally, you shouldn’t offer a one-size-fits-all bonus. One prize might be valuable to one employee, but this might not be exciting to another.

For this reason, it’s better to conduct a survey or a poll where your staff members can vote for the most desirable reward. The options that get the highest votes will be prizes set for the recognition program.

Alternatively, you can set rewards based on the lifestyle preferences of the majority. For instance, if most of your employees are working moms, a digital gift card from a credible reward codes platform might excite them. With a gift card, they can directly shop and redeem rewards from their favorite brands without stepping out of their homes.

On the other hand, you can give them a free dining experience in a fancy restaurant to treat their family. Look for meaningful rewards, and you’d undoubtedly witness your workforce’s participation.

2. Do: Set Clear Criteria

Ideally, the management should identify metrics and clear criteria to gauge performance. Doing this will encourage team members to get interested in your program.

As part of the HR team, you must be transparent during the evaluation so employees can see that there’s no involved hidden agenda. Note that some team members don’t like participating in these programs since they think the management is only awarding their favorite staff members.

Upon launching your employee recognition program, discuss with the staff members particular behaviors that deem worthy of praise and habits that aren’t. Ensure that these prizes are attainable and everyone is eligible to receive them. Provide all employees the specific information and even a few tips to achieve such gifts. 

3. Do: Celebrate Publicly

Provide all of them the specific information and even a few tips to achieve such gifts. 

Launching the program in a public space allows other employees to know the recognized team members and congratulate them for their hard work. It’s a marvelous initiative in creating a company culture where everyone celebrates each other’s accomplishments.

Depending on the nature of your business, public recognition can take place physically or virtually. Suppose you’re organizing it in person; you can insert the program during company events such as team building, corporate family days, and other company-sponsored gatherings.

Ensure that everyone is present during the event to recognize employees who exemplified desirable behavior. All these efforts will help you deliver the essence of the company’s employee recognition.

4. Don’t: Criticize Underperforming Staff

The main goal of your employee recognition event is to identify employees exhibiting outstanding performance and remind them of the importance of hard work and team collaboration.

Hence, make sure not to call out staff who have poor performance or aren’t contributing much to their team. If you do, your employees might get intimidated to attend these programs or even be discouraged from improving their performance.

Instead, give constructive feedback privately. Schedule a meeting with a team member who’s struggling with their performance. Ask them about personal issues that are harming their focus and tell them how the management is willing to help.

5. Don’t: Be Reluctant To Ask For Assistance

Suppose your HR team is handling a big company; managing and organizing employee recognition alone might not be practical. Due to the many staff members, you might miss particular employees who are performing well. The expectations of the higher-ups might also put a heavy burden on your shoulders.

Considering this, learn to collaborate with the leaders of each department. For instance, you can require managers to submit a weekly performance tracker of their subordinates. Enlisting help can guarantee you smooth and effective employee recognition.

Final Thoughts

It takes a lot of time and energy to design and organize an effective employee recognition program. However, your team’s efforts will be worth it once you’re able to convey the essence of this reward system. When done right, you can maximize the benefits of your reward system while witnessing its desired effects. Take note of the guidelines above for a successful program.