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Business Measures To Help You During COVID


Lots of companies have been affected by Covid-19 and if you are one of them, there are some business measures you can take to help your company stay afloat. During difficult times, there are always ways to keep things ticking over.

Here are some of our tips you can follow to help your business cope during the pandemic.

Manage and keep track of your finances

Whether you have an accountant or you take care of your finances by yourself, managing the money that is coming in and out of your business is essential. Working out what you might have lost due to the pandemic and comparing finances to previous years can be helpful. This will enable you to see the areas that need refreshing and perhaps where to invest or budget.

If you typically spend some of your personal finances on your business, this might lead to less money for yourself. For those who are having money issues due to their business being less successful in the pandemic, you can find short term loans to borrow. These are only recommended if you can pay them back in the stated time period on the terms and conditions. A short term loan will cover you for longer than a payday loan for example, so work out exactly how much cover you need.

Make sure all staff take tests before coming to work

This will depend on the industry you’re working in but if it’s a customer facing role, your staff will need to take daily tests before serving or speaking to customers. If you are able to work from home, this is a better option but if not, tests are the answer. However, lateral flow tests aren’t always as reliable as PCR tests so this could be a problem in the future. Work out the best way to minimise Covid-19 within your business.

Put up reminds to stick to social distancing measures

If your workplace is in an open space, put up posters to remind staff and customers to spread out and not stand too close to one another. Make sure everyone is wearing masks, for example, if you work in a shop have someone at the door checking peoples masks. This small measure will help to avoid Covid-19 spreading as much as possible.

Send out encouraging messages and updates

Keep in contact with your customers and clients to make sure they know the measures you have in place and what the business is planning to do in the future. Encouraging messages will also keep your customers loyal and remember you in stressful times. If you start posting more informational content on social media, it will give customers and clients a reason to visit your profile, you will then keep a connection with them.

Now you know some ways you can help combat the spread of Covid within your business, what are you waiting for? Make sure you put these measures into practice as soon as possible if you aren’t already. The less employees that get Covid, the more productive your business will be able to be. Stay safe and look out for your staff and your customers during confusing times.