Home Thinking Aloud You Should Be Podcasting! Here’s How To Start 

You Should Be Podcasting! Here’s How To Start 


by Michelle Sorro, co-founder of The Podcast Accelerator

These days, it seems like everyone and their brother has a podcast. The selection of topics being discussed on podcasts run the gamut. If you have an interest, no matter how unique, there’s likely a podcast devoted to it.

So, is there room for someone with a new podcast idea? Absolutely! New voices are joining the conversation every day, and every new voice has something special and unique to bring to podcasting. 

How does one get started once they decide their voice needs to be heard? 

The Innumerable Benefits of Podcasting

One may wonder the value of starting a podcast, and there are innumerable answers to that question. A podcast can serve many purposes: a spotlight, a vehicle for change, an artistic expression, or an organic marketing strategy. A podcast can act as a portal for personal or professional transformation. It can also solve problems and change lives. 

Podcasts provide reach, resonance, and an incredible return on investment. If you dream of making a deep lasting impact, starting a podcast is one of the best ways to make that happen. 

Audio content is easily digestible by listeners, which explains why podcasts are so popular. People listen to podcasts while doing other tasks, like working out or driving in their car. 

Other benefits of podcasting include the ability to position yourself as an authority on your topic or in a particular industry. In addition, it’s a quick way to build an engaged community and a support base.

Getting Started.

Now that you know that the world needs your voice and the benefits to getting your voice out there, where do you start?

Kicking off a new podcast is easier today than ever before. Due to the popularity of podcasting and advancements in consumer technology, starting a podcast doesn’t cost the tens of thousands it may have a decade ago. 

You don’t have to have the entire show planned out, you just need the spark of an idea to kick off your podcast. As you progress, the show will evolve, and creation will become easier. 

Accelerating Your Idea.

Working with professionals who have blazed trails in podcasting ahead of you is crucial to achieving your goal of a successful podcast. While there are many courses out there promising to teach people how to run podcasts, my co-founder Ginni Saraswati and I have developed The Podcast Accelerator, the first and only “done-for-you” concierge podcasting course and coaching program in the world. In eight weeks, we take people from a basic idea to a full, professionally produced podcast guaranteed to be launched on all major pod apps by the end of the program. The bespoke package includes custom-made cover art, a compelling intro and outro, music that fits your vibe and personality, and master mindset coaching along the way. All the little details that combine to make a fully fleshed-out show are provided. 

The Podcast Accelerator is not a course with some puny 2% completion rate. It is an 8-week fully supported journey that ends with you reaching the podcast launch finish line alongside a community who are all bringing their vision and voice to life, together. 

When people think of starting something big, scary, and new, having people there who know the end game can be invaluable. 

Don’t Hesitate to Unleash Your Voice.

Podcasting wasn’t a dream I always had. I was a television host turned seven-figure Transformational Trainer. I’ve worked with globally known celebrities, thought leaders, and high-performance experts across a broad spectrum of industries, and even I hesitated when faced with the prospect of creating my own podcast. 

One hundred forty-five episodes later, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without my podcast journey. 

After attending Tony Robbins’ Date With Destiny seminar in 2017, I realized I was made for more. Something deep in my soul felt called to serve, contribute, and make a positive difference in this world.

Perhaps you feel that same tug, that same pull to let your voice make a difference?

My podcast Fire and Soul was my answer to the call deep in my soul. Helping others answer their call is where The Podcast Accelerator comes in. 

After launching 128 podcasters into the world with Ginni Saraswati, what we’ve learned for sure is that it doesn’t matter how accomplished someone is or what their unique background is; everyone comes up against imposter syndrome. Breaking through that hesitancy and fear to the other side can be monumentally rewarding. 

I may have hesitated to lend my voice to the podcasting community, but I don’t regret finally jumping in. With the right tools and support, you likely won’t regret it either. 

So pull a chair up to the table; there’s room for you and your story. The world is waiting to hear what you have to say!


Michelle Sorro, former TV Retail Host turned 7-figure Transformational Trainer and CEO of Michelle Sorro, Inc. She’s the founder of Live Sales Mastery, Liberated Leadership, and co-founder of the Podcast Accelerator. Michelle is the host of the Fire & Soul Podcast, a top pod in self development, and on a mission to empower millions to awaken to their infinite potential.