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14 Encouraging Ways To Develop Your Employees


When time and effort is spent developing employees, not only do they become smarter but more productive as well. They’re more confident when performing higher-level tasks, and this makes you, their boss, look like a real leader.

Moreover, developing skills can also help with retaining and recruiting the best employees and leave you to focus on other important roles as an employer. So if you’re interested in making a difference in others’ lives and becoming a better leader, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re providing you with 14 encouraging ways you can develop your employees, help them realize their potential, and watch your business grow. Let’s dive right into it, shall we?

14 Key Ways to Develop Your Employees

It’s the responsibility of each employee to strive toward their development. However, it should also be in the interest of employers to encourage and provide their employees’ development opportunities.

Not only does this benefit everyone involved, but it also helps to create a strong environment where your employees can develop their potential further. Here are 14 ways you can get started on achieving this.

1. Training for Success

Training is and should be a vital part of any growing business. It’s essential not only for new employees but existing ones as well.

Training can improve their knowledge, enhance hard and soft skills, and give them the confidence required to handle responsibility. You’ll be able to witness your employees’ remarkable performance flourish when their confidence is raised.

When employers begin to dedicate their time and resources to come up with a development plan for employees, it shows the employees that they’re valued and appreciated. This will in turn motivate them to put in more effort.

2. Encourage Self-development, Set a Good Example

Employers should strive to be leaders who are also developing themselves professionally. This will help to encourage their employees to develop themselves too.

When employees see someone in a higher position taking steps to learn and grow, it helps them to understand that individual development is a part of their workplace culture. The right amount of encouragement can work wonders for some people.

3. Providing Individual Development Plans

If you want to help your team, you must first help them to identify their professional goals. Each of their development plans should outline the challenges facing the employee, plans to resolve them, their goals, and strategies and a time frame to attain them.

This way you can not only motivate your employees, but it’ll help you to figure out whether your business goals align with theirs or not.

4. A Sense of Accomplishment

Another way to develop your employees is by setting measurable performance metrics. To do this, you first have to set specific performance objectives so that your employees have tangible goals to meet.

And as they keep meeting their targets, they’ll feel a sense of accomplishment which will push them to obtain higher levels of performance. When done right, performance appraisals can help to point out areas where they might need further training.

5. Preparing Through Simulations

Simulations are always a good idea to help train and develop employees. It’s an effective way to recreate workplace scenarios, resolve them, and apply the solution in a real-life situation.

Simulations can also help employees to handle many challenging workplace situations, for instance, handling and resolving customer complaints.

6. Giving Consistent Feedbacks

All of us can benefit from feedback no matter which area of work we’re doing. Similarly, developing employees by giving them constructive feedback about their performance and attitude can go a long way.

Don’t forget to congratulate your employees for all the hard work they do and encourage them to keep improving on areas they’re lacking in. This small but important gesture can yield better results in the future.

7. Assigning Responsibilities

It’s the sign of a good leader who has employees that can perform high-level duties from time to time. Once they get used to taking on these higher responsibilities, they then get to prepare for future leadership responsibilities and learn new skills.

Assigning duties can help delegators such as yourself to free up some time that can be spent on other important tasks. Not only does this encourage trust and communication between employer and employees, but it also gives them confidence that you trust and believe in their capabilities.

8. Engaging in Cross-training Programs

Engaging your employees in cross-training programs can shape them for future roles. By moving them temporarily to a new and different department, you’re giving them a chance to explore a new and different area of your business.

These programs can also help to stimulate the spirit of teamwork by cutting down working silos. This pushes employees to learn and appreciate the value of all the different roles and opportunities the business has to offer them.

9. Be a Coach to the Inexperienced

Assuming the role of a coach or mentor toward new and inexperienced employees can help to develop their abilities in more effective ways. When senior members work closely with young and new hires, this creates a great opportunity to become future organizational leaders.

Coaching can also push them to see things from a different perspective and encourage them to develop problem-solving skills on their own.

10. Serious About Career Progressions

Every business or organization has methods to gauge whether their employees are qualified for a promotion or not. Having career progression guidelines gives them the chance to accomplish the required qualifications such as licenses and certifications.

That’s why employees who are assured that their efforts can enable them to attain high levels of responsibility are always striving to further their career progressions.

Many times, feeling stuck in one position can demotivate employees who might think that self-development is a futile effort. This compels them to look for better opportunities elsewhere, and this needs to be avoided.

11. Investing Resources in Development

When it comes to realizing true returns, leaders like yourself must be able to invest resources in developing your employees. While there may be some ways of development that don’t require a substantial amount of investment, there are other strategies that do require budgetary support to get it started.

To make sure that the development goes as planned, employers need to set aside a sufficient amount of resources to apply to programs such as team building activities, training workshops, and incentives such as giving promotions where it’s due.

12. Power of Retention

Having a high turnover rate usually means that a company is losing investments, including costs such as employee development and other training programs.

To ensure that valuable resources aren’t being wasted, you have to first establish mechanisms that work to retain the best employees you have in your organization. This is because it costs more to replace an employee than to develop one.

Retaining employees also guarantees that you’re preserving your institutional knowledge as your business grows.

13. Expanding Horizons and Professional Networking

Expanding your employees’ professional development allows them to connect with other professionals in the industry. This can be done by introducing them to business leaders, professional associations, and mentors.

Networking can help to broaden minds and provide the ability to perceive new angles, both of which are crucial attributes when it comes to solving challenges that are constantly evolving in the workplace. It also allows teams to obtain extra information, support, and advice to help develop their careers.

Think of it in a way as creating ambassadors for your business both in your community and industry!

14. Eliminate Rigidity and Other Barriers

Finally, to make sure the development process is going smoothly, you need to eliminate rigidity in your organization’s processes and structures.

Some businesses have their teams compartmentalized, and this can result in hindering their development instead of encouraging them. By allowing them to participate in cross-functional collaboration, you’re giving them the space to learn, share, and flourish at the same time.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, we’d like to say that it isn’t easy being the head of an organization or business. You have to manage quite many things, and one of them is the well-being of your employees.

By creating a space where they can utilize their skills to the best of their ability, it helps your business to grow and create a mentally healthy environment where employees will always be motivated to develop themselves further.

Keep in mind, this will also earn you the ‘world’s best boss’ mug if you keep it up! Don’t forget to let us know if you have any ways of developing your employees down in the comments below.