Home Others 6 Mistakes To Avoid When Seeking Compensation For Work Injury

6 Mistakes To Avoid When Seeking Compensation For Work Injury


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Nobody wants to be injured at work, but unfortunately, workplace injuries are very widespread. Geting workplace injuries can be a frustrating, unpleasant, and stressful experience for any employee. It’s easy to lose your temper at the thought of not being able to work for a long time after a severe injury. After all, you may have bills to pay, a family to support, and important life events to attend to. Not only that, but you’ll also have to find a way to deal with the medical costs caused by the injury.

That means you will need to obtain workers’ compensation benefits in order to be able to focus on your recovery and do it fast. In theory, that’s much easier said than done. But in practice, it’s a whole other story. If you make a series of errors after your injury, you may not get the financial compensation you need to regain control of your life.

If you’ve been injured on-site, this guide will help you understand common mistakes and take the necessary steps to ensure that you can be properly compensated for your injuries and your financial loss. Read on.

1. Failing to Report Accident Or Illness.

Whenever you sustain an injury at work, you should make sure that the incident is reported accordingly to either the employer or the person in charge. It’s important to follow the work’s procedure following an accident on-site, no matter how minor or severe the injuries you suffered happen to be.

If your company holds an Accident Book, make sure the details and the extent of your injuries are correctly recorded. If there’s none, you could choose to send a registered letter or a personal email to your employer as soon as possible following an accident on-site.

Employers and site managers  are legally required to announce any workplace incidents, near-misses, and work-related health issues to the legislators. What’s more, if you’re in dire need of compensation from an employer who could be considered in breach of their duty to keep you safe from injury on-site, not having proper records and reports of the accident could make the compensation process more daunting.

2. Not Documenting the Accident Details.

Documenting every detail of your accident is imperative for a successful claim. As more time passes after the accident, it gets harder to recall the exact details. It’s crucial to remember the exact moment before the accident, at the time of the accident, and immediately after it occurred. If your team members or any other witness was present on-site, make sure to note down their names, contact details, and how exactly they reacted and said after the accident.

In short, it’s important to note down any action and conversation that took place before, during, and after the workplace accident. These records will be crucial for filling and receiving decent compensation.

3. Not Seeking Immediate Medical Care.

Another common mistake many employees make after an injury is not seeking the medical attention they need right after the incident happens. Neglecting their health state after the accident can hurt your chances of receiving any type of compensation since you would be suggesting that your injuries are not at all serious, they’re not impeding you from living or working; therefore, they don’t require a great deal of compensation.

On the other hand, you should follow your medical advisor’s instructions to the latter once you have obtained your diagnosis. Once again, not seeking medical treatment after the accident will seriously hinder your chances of obtaining compensation.

Pro tip: Make sure you always consult with your doctor of choice. In fact, you can get a second opinion if you’re not content with the independent medical examiner’s diagnosis.

However, if you fail to follow your medic’s treatment, your claim can be denied. There is a good chance that your employer will recommend you to an independent medical examiner (IME). In truth, the so-called independent examiner may not be that independent. These examiners may deplore your injuries to save your employer’s money, so be very careful.

4. Fearing the Consequences and Not Filling the Claim.

That’s as real as it can be. It’s a widespread misconception among many employees who are too afraid that a claim could have negative after-effects for their employment. But that’s not all true. In fact, your employer will not be able to react in any way against you if you decide to file a workplace injury claim, mainly because it is illegal.

Don’t be afraid to file your claim because of what they might say or the consequences. Receiving a decent monetary settlement after getting injured at work is your right.

5. Returning to Work Too Soon.

That’s another colossal mistake that many hold onto after a workplace accident. If you’re about to do the same, then you should be aware of how this will impact your monetary settlement.

Before returning on-site, you must achieve maximum medical recovery. Otherwise, you run the risk of re-injury and of obtaining a smaller than normal compensation. Follow your medical advisor’s instructions and don’t rush back to work. Take your time to recover.

6. Filling a Compensation Claim By Yourself.

If the insurer has denied your claim, you might want to appeal the decision as soon as possible. But doing so may not be the best idea, especially if you don’t have the knowledge of the legal environment.

Most appeals that are made without the help of a professional workers’ compensation attorney usually fail. Don’t make the same mistake. Solicit an expert personal injury attorney near you to get the help you need.

If you believe you deserve to receive appropriate compensation after being injured at the workplace, don’t let your claim deal by the wayside. Seek immediate medical and legal attention to ensure you receive the monetary settlement you deserve.