Home Advice For The Young At Heart Study Tips: How To Stay Focused On Your Return To Uni

Study Tips: How To Stay Focused On Your Return To Uni


One of the main obstacles that stand between students and their studies is procrastination.

Choosing to worry about their education later can cause even the most committed and intelligent people to indulge in activities that are not conducive to their learning.

However, by experimenting with the various methods and tactics below to aid focus, students can better understand their uni subjects in time for their exams and coursework submission dates.

Create a Study Schedule

One cause that leads students to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to studying is not knowing where and when to begin.

The solution? Begin making time to revise specific subjects in a weekly schedule

For instance, a law student could schedule one hour a day, a few days a week, to study tort law, family law, and criminal law around their lectures, seminars, and extracurricular activities.

Adjust the study schedule to find what works for you. And create it in line with;

  • What exams and coursework are due first
  • What subjects are the most difficult to understand

Make Time for Sleep

Healthy quality sleep of at least 8 hours per night will ensure a student’s focus levels and memory are in optimal condition for hitting the books.

So, if you’re prone to late nights or broken sleep, it’s time to change that by;

  • Setting a bedtime.
  • Turning off or silencing mobile phones while in bed.
  • Turning off the lights as this will help stimulate the body’s production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.
  • Don’t drink water at least an hour before bed to avoid frequent bathroom breaks throughout the night.

Mock Tests

Add mock tests to the study schedule to help you decipher what study tactics work and how much your academic knowledge has progressed.

In doing so, students can spend less time labouring over subjects they know and more time learning topics they are less confident with.

Plus, scoring increasingly well on mock tests will give uni students a boost and motivation to keep up their hard work.

Study Locations

Choose a few study locations which make you feel inspired, comfortable, and aid concentration.

The library is often a top pick due to its quietness, books on hand, power outlets for laptops, and more.

But for others, a little background liveliness in a local coffee shop is the best setting to learn.

Think about what study locations appeal to you and try them out to see what works.

Create a Study Group

Studying as part of a group can be highly beneficial for helping students maintain focus on learning a course’s material.

After all, procrastinating is far easier to fall victim to when students study alone. But surrounding oneself with motivated undergraduates can influence all students to remain committed and work through the syllabus.

Moreover, working as part of a group causes active participation and engagement, deepening each student’s understanding of a topic.

Be Prepared

For the ultimate learning session, make sure you have everything you need before your scheduled study slot begins, such as;

  • Stationary
  • Notepads
  • Books
  • Laptop and charger
  • Glasses
  • Water and snacks
  • Planner
  • Flashcards
  • Student ID
  • Library pass
  • Bus or train ticket
  • Mobile and charger
  • Earbuds
  • Cash or card
  • Comfortable clothing

Preparing everything you need before studying saves students from the frustration of traveling to their ideal study spot and forgetting the essential items they require to study.

Where university exams and coursework are concerned, attempting to ‘fake it till you make it’ won’t work.

Moreover, it takes more than just reading the appropriate books to absorb and understand information when studying.

But the tips above can make focusing, understanding, and remembering facts and theories easier to do.

Therefore, it’s worth exploring these focus-boosting options before returning to uni.