Home Others How A Mobile App Can Help Optimize Leads

How A Mobile App Can Help Optimize Leads


Mobile apps have become popular in recent years because of what they can offer to both enterprises and consumers. In 2020, for instance, there were over 200 billion apps downloaded — all of which generated more than USD$400 billion in revenue. Perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic played a role, especially in the e-commerce industry. But there have always been signs of this growth. (1)

Each application is designed to fulfil a specific purpose whenever it’s installed on tablets and smartphones. With ever-advancing innovations today, you can find a customized app for just about any product or service. There are those aimed at enhancing the transport sector, food delivery, general shopping, and others designed for payment purposes.

So how can enterprise mobile app development help generate and optimize leads? Keep reading to learn more.

What is lead optimization?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty, you’d best understand what lead optimization means. Also known as a “prospect,” a lead is basically a person or even another company that’s interested in what you’re offering as a business. This interest can be expressed in many ways — from sharing personal contacts to subscribing to the trial versions of your products. The process of attracting strangers and stimulating their interest in whatever you’re selling is called lead generation.

Generating leads is one thing, but converting them to customers — and loyal ones, for that matter — can be very challenging. As a brand, you might attract thousands of leads but fail to convert most of them to sales. That’s where lead optimization comes in; it’s all about ensuring that a good percentage of those interested in your products actually go on to buy them. Basically, lead optimization and revenue optimization go hand in hand.

Now that you understand this term, here’s how a mobile app can enhance the conversion process:

– Simplifies the buying process

As technology advances, many people are looking for ways to carry out various tasks using as little effort as possible. For instance, more consumers are shifting from traditional malls to online shopping because they save them time and money. Investing in a mobile app as a business allows you to offer your customers such convenience.

Remember, even a small hurdle during the buying process can send away potential customers. For example, take your business website. While it offers everything in one place, the idea of opening a browser and typing in your URL, especially for mobile phone users, may be too tedious in the current world pivoting toward making processes easy. With a mobile app, however, the user only has to tap to select and pay for an item. 

– Fosters in-app usability

As mentioned earlier, mobile apps simplify the buying process by providing a compact UI that only requires a few taps to accomplish a task. Another form of convenience that mobile apps bring is the ability to make purchases within the app. Most websites, apart from online stores, are designed to redirect the user to a different link whenever they want to make purchases. 

This is also the case with some apps that aren’t optimized for the average user. However, with a well-designed mobile application, everything is done in one place without the need of opening new tabs or other apps. This doesn’t only save time but gets rid of the delays associated with such processes.

You might be wondering how in-app usability optimizes leads. The idea of purchasing items or services without having to follow many unnecessary steps is what all users wish for. Therefore, when you have these features in place, most leads you attract will turn into active customers. 

reputation management

– Incorporates a user feedback section

Social proof is a very important factor when it comes to lead conversion rates. A huge percentage of potential customers make their decisions based on the feedback given by other users. For instance, on Amazon or any other online store, buyers have the opportunity to leave a review after purchasing an item. One of the main advantages of online reviews is the fact that they build the seller’s reputation, assuming that most of the comments are positive. They also give any future seller an easy time when deciding on their purchase. (2)

Fortunately, mobile apps make it simpler to collect after-sale comments and put them in one place. If you’re running an e-commerce business, for example, you can ensure that every item has genuine feedback notes just below them.

While at it, it’s not a good idea to delete any negative review. Some entrepreneurs do this just to save the face of their business, but in the long run, they’d end up ignoring consumer demands. Therefore, rather than deleting these reviews, you must be sure to use them to make any necessary improvements moving forward.

– Allows you to send push notifications

Another reason why you need a mobile app to optimize your leads is because of push notifications. If you asked any online entrepreneur about their success, they’ll tell you user engagement played a huge role. Remember, unlike the past where most businesses were based on where the business is located; today, many ventures could attract customers from all corners of the globe. As such, you’re likely to face stiff competition from all over the world in whatever field you decide to venture into. The best way to ensure that you remain at the top is to regularly engage with your customers, and push notifications do a great job at that. 

So how does an app optimize leads and generate more revenue? For one, it ensures that all inactive users are attracted back to your app. How many times have you downloaded an app and forgot to use it for even a month? Well, this happens to many users, and if there are no brand notifications from your server, such consumers won’t go beyond the installation phase. Having a mobile app designed to send alerts regularly guides any user to your products, which may also affect their decisions.

Push notifications from mobile apps also help you market any new products more effectively than traditional websites. Whenever there’s a new item in your store, you can send alerts to your customers, and they’ll have access to the information by just tapping on the notification. In the long run, you’ll end up increasing your overall sales by a significant margin. 

– Allows personalized UI

User interface and user experience are two very crucial factors when it comes to any brand marketing. Of course, these are always among the main priorities when designing a traditional business website. However, you can make everything a lot better with a customized mobile app for your business.

Unlike most websites, mobile apps allow entrepreneurs to customize their UI to meet their and their customers’ demands. Personalization has always been regarded as a feature only big companies could afford, but that has changed. With your mobile application, you can offer personalization options to the users, which will make them remember your brand more than the product you were selling.

Such a move will improve the convenience offered by the app and make it more useful to consumers. As a result, user engagement will be enhanced. You’ll also experience higher customer retention and increased brand loyalty. This means a significant percentage of those generated leads will eventually be converted into loyal customers. As you’d expect, all this will have a huge impact on your annual revenue generation.

– Makes it easier to target specific groups

One reason why some marketing strategies aren’t successful is because they target a broad market. And while they can generate many leads, the probability of these clicks turning to sales is considerably low. This could be quite frustrating for you as an entrepreneur, given the time and finances invested in the strategy.

Mobile apps, however, are mostly curated for a specific group. In fact, when you post them on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, they’re listed under relevant categories, provided you chose the right categories. At the end of the day, you’ll realize that most of those people who download your app are genuinely interested in your brand, which is another win in your marketing strategies.


Lead conversion rate is an important factor to consider when analyzing your marketing success. Converting as many leads as possible to desirable customers has a huge impact on your revenue generation as a business. Therefore, it’s imperative that you consider optimizing your leads for more sales. A mobile app can help you achieve this by ensuring that the process followed by the customers when purchasing products is simplified.

Apps also allow users to buy products and services from one place rather than being redirected to other websites, which saves on time. With a customized brand app, you can alert your customers through push notifications. This ensures that your customers are always in the know whenever there are new products rolled out, increasing your annual revenue. Considering the current changes in consumer demands and technological advancements, you’d be wise to invest in a mobile app as soon as possible.


  1. “Mobile App Usage – Statistics And Facts”, Source: https://www.statista.com/topics/1002/mobile-app-usage/
  2. 19 Ways to Effectively Increase Your Conversion Rate”, Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-increase-conversion-rate