Home Others Presentation Skills 101: How To Improve Your Communication Skills In 2021

Presentation Skills 101: How To Improve Your Communication Skills In 2021


Communication skills are essential in sharing information, making presentations, and working with people. These skills are also a regular and indispensable part of your daily work life. Communicating clearly is always a vital part of being human, no matter the profession nor industry one is engaged in. 

Enhancing your communication skills will also help you improve your performance in the workplace. Presentations can never be avoided whether you’re in school or at the office. This 2021 especially, everyone needs to learn how to present clearly and with confidence. This will be extra challenging now that everything is done remotely.

Here are some of the benefits of having excellent communication skills when presenting:  

  • Effective communication skills will enable you to convey your message to your audience properly. Whether you are communicating with your team members, your boss, or any of the employees, your communication skills will allow you to convey your message in an equally audible and understandable way.  
  • Effective communication skills can cultivate teamwork. In teamwork, communication is likewise crucial. To successfully work together as a team, there has to be open communication among all the team members. If the communication in your workplace is poor, this can lead to many problems like misunderstandings, partiality, and even hostility among the team members. 

With this, you’ll realize that when you’re good at conveying your message the proper way, you’ll also be better at presenting. If you don’t have the confidence to present in front of a crowd, even when done virtually like most meetings today, you can enroll in training programs from companies that offer them such as Bespoke Coaching to help you acquire the skills you need. But if you want to learn how to improve on your own first, here are some tips you can follow: 

Make Eye Contact With Your Audience.

One of the most effective ways of communicating is by making eye contact with the people you’re communicating with. This is also an important technique when presenting to know whether your audience is listening. 

Moreover, making eye contact allows you to check your audience’s facial expressions as well. Through this, you can evaluate the reaction of your audience. You’ll also be able to determine if they have understood your presentation or not.  

Use Visual Aids.

Communicating with people using visual aids is also helpful in presenting your ideas clearly and capturing your audience’s attention during your presentation. There are many different PowerPoint presentations, slides, and other types of visual techniques you can use.  

Bullet points are among the most effective presentation techniques because they pack a lot of information into a small space. This makes it easier for the audience to absorb the information you are trying to convey. 

A well-designed bullet point poster can pack a lot of information without looking cluttered, and it’s quite easy to create even for beginners. 

Practice Before The Presentation.

Practice makes perfect, thus, before going on stage to present, practice several times. By practicing, you will find some areas of improvement in your presentation skills. You can also take some notes of your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to correct your mistakes and keep the techniques you deem effective. Aside from this list, you can also make a list of any problems you may have encountered to enable you to address these in your speeches. 

Communicate With Your Body.

There are many ways of approaching an audience, and body language may differ among various audiences. When speaking to an audience, you’ll need to use specific body language, such as using your hands in stressing a point or introducing a new concept. It also helps when you have good posture and confident facial expressions. With these, your audience is ensured that you’ve mastered your presentation. They will also trust you enough to believe or even agree with your points in the presentation. 


Communication is an integral part of being human. This is why communication training is a good investment for individuals and businesses. With adequate training, you’ll be able to speak up confidently in front of an audience. It’s likewise essential to be prepared before speaking in public. Make sure to prepare visual aids and perhaps an outline of your speech and presentation beforehand. 

You should also make eye contact with your audience and exhibit a confident posture and facial expressions. When you’re confident, your presentation will also appear more interesting, and the audience will listen to you more intently throughout the presentation.